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Choice. Just as work can provide structure and direction in one's life, freedom gives the ability to make decisions and pursue one's own path. Both are essential for a balanced and fulfilling existence.

5 answers

Depending on the placement of the child(ren), it's all a percentage of each parent's income. The parent who makes more will be required to provide a larger percentage of the child's support. It's calculated by the state. They have a form to calculate the amount based on each parent's income and expenses. It's a standard (not usually negotiable) calculation.

1 answer

1.PuRe oBliGAtIon 2.cOnDItIonAl oBligAtiOn 3.oBliGatIon wItH a pErIod4.aLtErnAtiVe obLIgAtiOn 5.facultatIve oBliGatIon 6.jOiNt oBliGatIon7.sOlIdAry oBliGAtiOn 8.dIvIsiBle obLigAtion 9.inDiViSiBle oBLigAtion10.oBlIGatIOn wIth a pEnaL cODe

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Obligation is extinguished by fulfilling the obligation as promised or as required.

1 answer

A conditional obligation is obligation with a condition. ex... I will support your studies in college if Mr. A dies.

2 answers

debt, obligation, duty, responsibility

debt, obligation, duty, responsibility

debt, obligation, duty, responsibility

debt, obligation, duty, responsibility

2 answers

I have an obligation to attend the meeting tomorrow.

2 answers

A conditional obligation is an obligation that is only triggered if a certain condition or event occurs. This means that the obligation to perform or fulfill the duty is dependent on the specified condition being met. If the condition is not satisfied, the obligation may not need to be fulfilled.

2 answers

A real obligation in the Philippines setting is the obligation to give. A thing must be deliver by the obligor to the obligee.

1 answer

what are the different kinds of obligation

2 answers

The term obligation means an agreement to do something or a sense of duty. For example one could be under obligation of a contract or feel a sense of obligation to look after a friend.

1 answer

A conditional obligation is a contractual event that depends on certain situations. The obligation only is in place if certain circumstances occur.

1 answer

That it was wrong and they had an obligation to change it.

3 answers

I am obliged to meet you.

I am obliged to to do something.

5 answers

Obligation is a noun, something that a person is obliged to do which arises out of a sense of duty

4 answers

Not necessarily. Morals are, by definition, more subjective than the law.

You may have a moral obligation to do something for which there is no legal punishment available at all. Maybe you have a moral obligation to give your children presents as your money may permit, but there is no legal obligation to give them more than the necessaries, even if you are filthy rich.

In other cases you may have a moral obligation that merely creates a separate and distinct legal obligation.

For example, you may have a moral obligation to perform services on a contract, but you cannot be physically forced to actually perform. The only "legal obligation" would be to pay for damages caused by your failure to perform, if any.

Therefore, even if there is a legal obligation stemming from such a moral obligation ("you gave your word"), they are not the same obligation.

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Solidary obligation can be classified as either joint or several. In a joint obligation, each debtor is liable for the entire obligation, whereas in a several obligation, each debtor is only liable for their portion of the debt.

2 answers

No. You cannot shift your obligation for support to the child.

No. You cannot shift your obligation for support to the child.

No. You cannot shift your obligation for support to the child.

No. You cannot shift your obligation for support to the child.

2 answers

Some of the main theories of political obligation include natural duty theory (belief in inherent duties to obey authority), gratitude theory (obligation based on benefits received from the state), associative obligation theory (obligation derived from shared community membership), and fairness theory (obligation based on reciprocity and fairness in social contracts).

1 answer

There is no obligation to leave a tip in a restaurant, if you received bad service.

1 answer

Contractual Obligation was created on 1996-05-10.

1 answer

An obligation is something you are bound by duty to do. It could be a legal obligation arising from a contract, in which a person has promised to do a certain thing as a part of the contract. It could be a moral or ethical obligation which could arise as a result of a promise which is not legally binding, or from a relationship.

E.g. "You said you'd visit the sick and elderly after church and you have an obligation to follow through."

"I feel that, as a friend, I have an obligation to attend her funeral."

"It's your obligation to take care of your brother's widow and children."

1 answer

Pure obligation is when one acts without any condition mandated by law. An example of pure obligation is, "I will give you this car."

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Black's Law Dictionary(8th) personal obligation. 1. An obligation performable only by the obligor, not by the obligor's heirs or representatives. 2. An obligation in which the obligor is bound to perform without encumbering his or her property for its performance.

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Duty is different from obligation because... Duty is what you need to do and Obligation are things that are "TOLD" for you to do... Duty is your daily duty... Obligation is what SOMEONE told you to do... still... if you think about it... youll still know it's different.

1 answer

An obligation is a legal bond. Obligations can be civil or natural. A natural obligation implies moral duties which can be enforced only if the obligor consents to it.

1 answer

The obligation of a cosigner is discharged by a borrower securing a loan to the satisfaction of the creditor. Paying off a loan will also discharge the obligation of a cosigner.

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obligation and duties of state, remuniciation of citizenship, deprivation of citizenship

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This is when you are under a legal obligation to do or not to do an act. i.e. obligated by law.

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'He had an obligation to repay his mortgage by the end of the following year.'

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The debtor is the party responsible for payment obligation on an account.

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His Obligation - 1915 was released on:

USA: 14 June 1915

1 answer

facultative obligation; one with only one prestation/ object of obligation but the obligor may deliver another object as a subtitute

3 answers

Roman Catholic AnswerEaster is not mentioned as a Holy Day of Obligation because Easter is always a Sunday, and all Sundays of the year are already of Obligation.

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Liability - is something covered by law. Obligation - is something you're 'expected' to do.

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Liability - is something covered by law. Obligation - is something you're 'expected' to do.

1 answer

You do not have a legal obligation unless you agreed in writing to be responsible. You may have a moral obligation depending on the circumstances but you need to rely on your own moral compass to give you the answer in that case.

You do not have a legal obligation unless you agreed in writing to be responsible. You may have a moral obligation depending on the circumstances but you need to rely on your own moral compass to give you the answer in that case.

You do not have a legal obligation unless you agreed in writing to be responsible. You may have a moral obligation depending on the circumstances but you need to rely on your own moral compass to give you the answer in that case.

You do not have a legal obligation unless you agreed in writing to be responsible. You may have a moral obligation depending on the circumstances but you need to rely on your own moral compass to give you the answer in that case.

2 answers

Yes, "obligation" is a noun. It refers to something that one is required or obligated to do, or a duty or commitment.

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an obligation under which any of two or more obligors can be held liable for the entire performance (as payment of a debt)

Solidary obligation is similar to joint and several liability in common law.

1 answer

If you mean by burka the face covering cloth and the full black body hiding bath robe no it is not an obligation on today's Muslims.

but hegab which is the hair covering cloth is an obligation.

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Unliquidated Obligation

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A Synonym for Obligation is: Pooh Face

2 answers

The legal obligation of a business to pay a debt is called an:

2 answers

Contractual Obligation - 2009 is rated/received certificates of:


1 answer

Monty Python's Contractual Obligation Album was created in 1980.

1 answer

The noun form is "obligation" (a moral, ethical, or legal requirement).

3 answers