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Janet Catherine Berlo has written:

'The Early Years of Native American Art History'

'Native North American art'

'Quilting Lessons'

1 answer

You can find examples of authentic Native American Art at Discovery Path. You can also find unique and beautiful examples of Native American Art at Thunder Heart Drawing and Wind Spirit Teachings.

1 answer

It is the art produced by North American Indians. Each tribe has its own art, so you're not going to find one sort of art that's just called North American Indian Art.

1 answer

No, while many who are Native Americans are, in fact, North Americans, there are very many who are North Americans, but not at all of Native American descent.

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magnify glass

You can find a lot of pictures of North American totem poles in magazines, art gallery, newspapers, and Native American museums. You can also find a lot of North American totem poles on Google images since you will find a lot of them.

1 answer

Do you mean north american native or south american native?

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what can we infer about native american cultures that created the rock art

1 answer

Daniel C. Swan has written:

'Peyote religious art' -- subject(s): Hallucinogenic drugs and religious experience in art, Indian art, Indians of North America, Native American Church of North America, Peyotism, Religion, Symbolism in art

1 answer

Native American is the most common synonym for North American Indian/

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North America and eastern Asia.

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They called it as Native American Homes.

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The sassafras tree is native to eastern North America.

2 answers

North Americans are found in North American. They are people who are native to north America.

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You need to be more specific...what kind of art? Painting? Ceramics? Sculpture?

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The primary region of North America that was dominant in native art was Greenland. At the time, Nomads were one of the most dominant groups in the world.

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the Navajo is the largest native American nation in north American

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how long ago did Native Americans got in North Carolina.

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By the Beringa Land bridge

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Yes, there are 17 species of hummingbird that are native to North America.

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You can find authentic Native American flutes for sale at reputable online stores specializing in Native American crafts, at Native American cultural events and powwows, or at local Native American art galleries and shops. Be sure to verify the authenticity and craftsmanship of the flute before making a purchase.

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There are more than 450 Native American languages spoken today in North America. You will have to be more specific.

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Pictographs have been found in both North and South Ohio, left by prehistoric Native American peoples. These rock art sites often provide insights into their beliefs, daily lives, and connections to the landscape.

3 answers

The native North American Indians.

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German, Norweigan, and Native American.

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The only native North American marsupial is the Virginia opossum. It is known for its unique behavior of "playing possum" when threatened, where it feigns death to deter predators. Virginia opossums are found throughout the United States and parts of Canada.

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There are more than 700 Native american languages spoken in North America. You would need to be more specific.

1 answer

The web address of the Frisco Native American Museum is:

1 answer

There are many ancient North American cultures found in the Native Americans that were here centuries before Columbus.

1 answer

There are 0 native american in north carolina

your welkum love B.E.JAKES

2 answers

Possums are native to Australia and some of the Indonesian islands.

Opossums are native to some parts of North America, and have spread further throughout the continent. The North American opossum is originally native to the Virginia region.

1 answer

"Native Americans" is the name given to those who lived in the Western Hemisphere on the North and South American continents, before its discovery by the Europeans.

"Middle American Indian" is a more specific type of Native American whose tribes roam mainly in the middle region between North and South America.

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American Indians -- the Native population of the "New World" Are from the North and South American Continents plus the area know as Central America.

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American Indians or Native Americans were the first people to live in North America.

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It was a term often used before the hyphenated term American-Indian or the term Native American became popular. A red Indian was a North American Native.

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There are over 200 different tribes of Native Americans in North America. Each one has its own distinct language. There is no single Native American language.

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