A. Noisy Channel:
Defines theoretical maximum bit rate for Noisy Channel:
Capacity=Bandwidth X log2(1+SNR)
Noiseless Channel:
Defines theoretical maximum bit rate for Noiseless Channel:
Bit Rate=2 X Bandwidth X log2L
1 answer
Basically Noise pollution is the disturbing or excessive noise that may harm the activity or balance of human or animal life in anyway.
Speakers are not the actual issue its the sound that is passed to them electronically that causes the pollution. The bigger the speaker the more wattage it will pump out causing hearing issues to those near by and even vibration damage.
2 answers
Noisily is an adverb. Noisy is an adjective. So, the given form of noisy:
Comparative: more noisy
Superlative: most noisy
7 answers
The noun form of the adjective noisy is noisiness.
The word 'noisy' is the adjective form of the noun noise.
2 answers
No, "noisy" is an adjective. It describes a noun by indicating a state of making a lot of noise.
2 answers
The homograph for a noisy fight is "row" which can mean a noisy dispute or a line of items or objects.
1 answer
A homograph of a noisy fight would be "row," which can also mean a noisy argument or dispute.
3 answers
"Noisy" in English is rumoroso in Italian.
1 answer
The noisy crowd at the stadium cheered on their team as they scored the winning goal.
2 answers
The children next door are so noisy.
The noisy pipes were repaired by the council workmen.
Do you have to be so noisy when I am working?
2 answers
The noisy construction work next door made it difficult to concentrate on my studies.
3 answers
That is the correct spelling of "noisy" (cacophonous, loud, or boisterous).
2 answers
The area of Noisy-Rudignon is 4,160,000.0 square meters.
1 answer
Any adjective can be used as a predicate adjective, an adjective that follows a linking verb.
The noisy boy will arrive soon. (adjective)
The boy is noisy. (predicate adjective)
3 answers
Likely causes are:
1) back of pad rubbing on caliper or caliper piston.
2) glazing on either the pad or rotor
3) (much less likely) some part of the brake system may be rubbing when braking.
I would suggest disassembling the brakes, and lightly sanding the face of the pad (the part that rubs on the rotor) with some medium grit sandpaper. You don't have to sand hard, all you want to do is break up and glaze on the surface. Then get some "brake quiet", this is usually sold as an spray or in a tube. Spray that on the *back* of the pad (the part that doesn't touch the rotor). DO NOT get any on the rotor or the face of the pad as it will negatively affect braking. Re-assemble the brakes and take it for a test drive.
If the glazing is on the rotor, it will need to be replaced or resurfaced to remove it.
1 answer