Nikhilananda has written:
'The Upanishads' -- subject(s): Protected DAISY
'Man in search of immortality' -- subject(s): Hinduism, Future life
'The Upanishads' -- subject(s): Protected DAISY
'Vedanta-Sara (The Essence of Vedanta) of Sadananda Yogindra'
'Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna'
'Man in Search of Immortality'
'Hinduism: its meaning for the liberation of the spirit' -- subject(s): Hinduism, Yoga
'Sri Ramakrishna'
1 answer
Sri Ramakrishna told two main stories about elephants.
Story1: Probably the most famous one is the parable of the blind men feeling the elephant and attempting to describe it based on the part of the elephant (ear, trunk, leg, etc.) each felt. The point of this story is that each person--or each religion--has his or its own, necessarily limited view of God, based on incomplete knowledge.
Story2: Another elephant story he told is about the disciple of a holy man who would not move when a mad elephant came rushing at him, even though the elephant driver shouted at him to get out of the way. He narrowly avoided being killed. He then complained to his guru, saying that the guru had taught that God is in all things; therefore why should he fear God in the elephant? The guru told him he should have paid attention to God in the elephant driver telling him to get out of the way. The point is that God can manifest in many forms (He is both with form and formless); we should not limit Him according to our limited minds. It is a somewhat similar message to the first story. In both cases, the stories warn us not to rely on our own limited concept of God.
NOTE: Sri Ramakrishna also told a short elephant parable that was the occasion for telling Story #2. He said:
"Worldly people say all kinds of things about the spiritually minded. But look here. When an elephant moves along the street, any number of curs and other small animals may bark and make a noise; but the elephant doesn't even look back at them" (Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna, trans. Swami Nikhilananda). This means that a spiritual person should ignore a worldly person who ridicules him or her -- like an elephant who, because of its greatness, has no need to respond to the threats of small animals. Do not be unkind, because God dwells in all beings, but only keep company with spiritual-minded people.
1 answer
Sri Ramakrishna told two main stories about elephants.
Story1: Probably the most famous one is the parable of the blind men feeling the elephant and attempting to describe it based on the part of the elephant (ear, trunk, leg, etc.) each felt. The point of this story is that each person--or each religion--has his or its own, necessarily limited view of God, based on incomplete knowledge.
Story2: Another elephant story he told is about the disciple of a holy man who would not move when a mad elephant came rushing at him, even though the elephant driver shouted at him to get out of the way. He narrowly avoided being killed. He then complained to his guru, saying that the guru had taught that God is in all things; therefore why should he fear God in the elephant? The guru told him he should have paid attention to God in the elephant driver telling him to get out of the way. The point is that God can manifest in many forms (He is both with form and formless); we should not limit Him according to our limited minds. It is a somewhat similar message to the first story. In both cases, the stories warn us not to rely on our own limited concept of God.
NOTE: Sri Ramakrishna also told a short elephant parable that was the occasion for telling Story #2. He said:
"Worldly people say all kinds of things about the spiritually minded. But look here. When an elephant moves along the street, any number of curs and other small animals may bark and make a noise; but the elephant doesn't even look back at them" (Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna, trans. Swami Nikhilananda). This means that a spiritual person should ignore a worldly person who ridicules him or her -- like an elephant who, because of its greatness, has no need to respond to the threats of small animals. Do not be unkind, because God dwells in all beings, but only keep company with spiritual-minded people.
1 answer