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what is neurasthenia ? and what is sexual neurasthenia

1 answer

Campbell Meyers has written:

'Neurasthenia' -- subject(s): Neurasthenia, Asthenia

1 answer

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A condition of nervous debility supposed to be dependent upon impairment in the functions of the spinal cord.

1 answer

It was first recognized as a syndrome in the 1860s by Dr. George Beard, who called it neurasthenia.

1 answer

Paul Hartenberg has written:

'Treatment of neurasthenia' -- subject(s): Accessible book

1 answer

George Miller Beard has written:

'American Nervousness, Its Causes and Consequences: A Supplement to Nervous ..'

'A practical treatise on nervous exhaustion (neurasthenia)' -- subject(s): Neurasthenia

'The study of trance, muscle-reading and allied phenomena in Europe and America' -- subject(s): Trance, Telepathy, Hypnotism, Hypnosis

'Other symptoms of nervous exhaustion (neurasthenia)' -- subject(s): Neurasthenia


'The Psychology of the Salem Witchcraft Excitement of 1692, and Its Practical Application to Our ..'

'The Asylums of Europe'

'Our home physician' -- subject(s): Medicine, Popular, Popular Medicine

'A practical treatise on the medical & surgical uses of electricity' -- subject(s): Electrotherapeutics, Electrophysiology, Electrosurgery

'Hay-fever ; or, Summer catarrh: its nature and treatment'

'The new cyclopaedia of family medicine' -- subject(s): Medicine, Popular works

1 answer

you will get many diseases such as obesity, hypertension, diabetes, angiosclerosis, hepatocirrhosis, neurasthenia, endorine dyscrasia and you name it!!!!!

1 answer

Tony Lake has written:

'How to cope with your nerves' -- subject(s): Neurasthenia, Popular works, Psychology

'Defeating depression' -- subject(s): Mental Depression, Self-care, Health, Treatment

'Living with grief' -- subject(s): Grief

'Overcoming Nervous Breakdown'

'Living With Grief'

'Affairs,' -- subject(s): Adultery, Case studies

'Overcoming Your Nerves' -- subject(s): Neurasthenia

1 answer

Roger Vittoz is known for his work in the field of psychology, particularly his development of the Vittoz method, which focuses on attention and awareness training for mental well-being. He has written books on this method, such as "The Dynamic Mind" and "The Art of Living."

3 answers

Because they had neurasthenia (shell-shock) or if they were trying to stop the war a famous example is Siegfried Sassoon ho didn't have shellshock but was sent there for writing poems against the war.

1 answer

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is another name for shellshock, a mental health condition that can develop after experiencing a traumatic event. It is characterized by symptoms such as flashbacks, nightmares, and emotional distress.

2 answers

Neurasthenia is a term used in the past to describe a condition characterized by fatigue, weakness, and emotional disturbances. It is no longer recognized as a distinct medical disorder by most health professionals today.

2 answers

A few words with the suffix "-sthenia" include asthenia (a condition involving generalized weakness), dyssthenia (a disturbance in muscle function), and hyposthenia (a state of reduced strength).

2 answers

NERVE PALSY. FOR Eg. Bells Palsy means weakness of Facial Nerve leading to paralysis of facial musculature

That answer is not completely accurate. Nerve Palsy is a layman's term. The medical term is neurasthenia.

5 answers

I know William James suffered from neurasthenia. And many philosophers who read a lot (Hume, Schopehenhauer) had depression. I thinking reading a lot, and thinking a lot about history, philosophy, in a forced systematic and comprehensive way that philosophy demands (and not in a relaxing way) can bring on symptoms of neurasthenia, which is the exhaustion of the central nervous system's energy. Sedentary activity, of course, creates fatigue over the long haul too. But really, I think intensive reading of philosophy isolates people from the normal things the average person does, and gives the reader a kind of distance that makes him...strange. And being labelled 'strange' is like ostracism in the conformity based culture of the 21st century. This itself could bring on mental health repercussions.

1 answer

  1. Pellagra is a Vitamin B3 (Niacin) deficiency disease. It is caused by severe and prolonged deficiency of Vitamin B3. Symptoms are bilateral dermatitis, dementia, and diarrhea. A prolonged and severe niacin deficiency may cause depression and neurasthenia (weakening of muscles).

A deficiency in Vitamin B3 can cause depression, memory loss, canker sores and fatigue.

2 answers

Wilfred Owen was sent back to England from the front lines during World War I due to suffering from shell shock, a condition now known as post-traumatic stress disorder. He was admitted to the Craiglockhart War Hospital in Edinburgh for treatment and recovery.

6 answers

Jonathan Carroll has written:

'The land of laughs' -- subject(s): Fiction, Biographers, Biography as a literary form, Children's stories, Authorship, Horror tales

'Drewniane morze'

'Voice of our shadow' -- subject(s): Protected DAISY

'Kissing the beehive' -- subject(s): Murder, Fiction

'The panic hand' -- subject(s): American Fantasy fiction

'Outside the dog museum' -- subject(s): Fiction, Museum architecture, Museums, Patients, Divorced men, Dogs, Architects, Sultans, Neurasthenia, Architecture

'Glass soup' -- subject(s): American Fantasy fiction

'White Apples (SIGNED)'

'Schlaf in den Flammen'

'The ghost in love' -- subject(s): Future life, Fiction

'Biale Jablka'

'The Heidelberg cylinder'

'Black cocktail'

'Wenn die Ruhe endet. Roman'

'After silence' -- subject(s): Fiction, Kidnapping, Deception

'Collection d'automne'

'Sleeping in flame' -- subject(s): Fiction, Women artists, Reincarnation, Screenwriters, Shamans

'White apples' -- subject(s): Fiction, Death, Reincarnation, Fatherhood, Pregnant women

'Le Pays du fou rire'

1 answer

It was initially sold as a patent medicine for five cents a glass at soda fountains, which were popular in the United States at the time due to the belief that carbonated water was good for the health. It was claimed that Coca-Cola cured many diseases, including morphine addiction, dyspepsia, neurasthenia, headache, and impotence. It didn't of course.

9 answers

John A. Sanford has written:

'Mystical Christianity' -- subject(s): Bible, Bible. N.T. John, Commentaries, Mysticism

'What men are like' -- subject(s): Men, Psychology

'The man who lost his shadow' -- subject(s): Taxation

'Healing body & soul' -- subject(s): Bible, Biblical teaching, Christianity, Criticism, interpretation, Healing in the Bible, Medicine in the Bible, Psychotherapy, Religious aspects, Religious aspects of Psychotherapy, Spiritual healing

'The kingdom within' -- subject(s): Accessible book, Psychology, Words, Christianity

'The kingdom within' -- subject(s): Words, Teachings, Psychology, Christianity

'Dreams; God's forgotten language' -- subject(s): Addresses, essays, lectures, Christianity, Dreams, Psychology, Religious, Religious Psychology, Religious aspects, Religious aspects of Dreams, Pastoral Care

'Ministry burnout' -- subject(s): Burn out (Psychology), Christianity, Clergy, Episcopal Church, Job stress, Neurasthenia, Pastoral counseling, Religious aspects, Religious aspects of Burn out (Psychology)

'The strange trial of Mr Hyde' -- subject(s): Good and evil, History and criticism, Horror tales, Scottish, Man (Christian theology), Psychoanalysis and religion, Scottish Horror tales

'Evil : the shadow side of reality' -- subject(s): Good and evil

'Between People' -- subject(s): Interpersonal communication, Interpersonal Relations, Communication

'C.G.Jung and the Problem of Evil' -- subject(s): Good and evil, Theological anthropology, Psychoanalysis and religion, Christianity

1 answer

One of the problems with having anything wrong with one's central nervous system is that if it's severe and pervasive enough, it can interfere with the autonomic and peripheral nervous systems as well.

In psychopaths, such maladies as what was once called neurasthenia (a state of unnatural sedation) or epilepsy(seizure disorders) are far more frequent than in the general population.

Many people who are not psychopaths have some of the more than 100 forms of peripheral neuropathy, but some of these may be more common in psychopaths.

The autonomic nervous system, which prepares the body for emergencies (fight-or-flight) is erratic and inefficient in a psychopath, which can, in some situations, lead to fatal accidents; human beings have adrenaline for a reason, and the sympathetic nervous system of a true psychopath is sluggish and cannot sustain arousal for long.

In sharp contrast to Anti-Social Personality Disorder(sociopathy) is another personality disorder, termed Borderline Personality Disorder, in which the problem is the opposite of the problem of the sociopath: the sympathetic nervous system of person with BPD responds too easily, too strongly, and way too often!

Meanwhile, in the true sociopath/psychopath, the fight-or-flight reaction is very brief, extremely difficult to sustain even in an emergency, and does not touch certain organs as it ought to do; sociopaths are chronically "bored" because they are literally half-asleep most of the time. (Even though they tend to look awake and behave in an alert, intense manner.)

As if all that isn't bad enough, a true psychopath has an extremely peculiar brainwave pattern: while awake, their brain waves most resemble a hybrid of normal waking brain waves and alpha-level sleep waves. They seem incapable of producing true beta waves. And they often tend to sleep deeply, although there are also documented cases of severe insomnia in psychopaths.

Emotionally, they are cold, detached, distant, and yet deeply resentful of normal people.

They know they're missing something, and often spend most of their typically short, tragic lives avenging themselves on others for what they cannot ever enjoy.

So they are not truly emotionless, but they do not love, do not ever know true joy, and are hostile and destructive.

This ISN'T the work of the Devil; it's Nature gone horribly awry.


1 answer

Some studies suggest that there may be brain differences in individuals with psychopathic traits, such as differences in areas related to empathy and decision-making. However, it is important to note that not all individuals with psychopathic traits have brain damage, and there are likely complex interactions between genetics, environment, and behavior that contribute to the development of psychopathy.

2 answers

S. Weir Mitchell has written:

'Roland Blake' -- subject(s): Accessible book

'Fat and blood' -- subject(s): Neurasthenia, Rest, Hysteria

'The Guillotine Club, and other stories'

'Francis Drake' -- subject(s): Drama

'Address to the students of Radcliffe College'

'A Madeira party' -- subject(s): Physicians, Madeira wine, Philadelphia (Pa.), Biography, Social life and customs

'A masque'

'Experimental contributions to the toxicology of rattle-snake venom' -- subject(s): Venoms, Toxicology, Venom, Snakes, Rattlesnakes

'The Complete Poems Of S. Weir Mitchell'

'Two lectures on the conduct of the medical life ..' -- subject(s): Ethics, Medical, Medical ethics

'Whan all the woods are green'

'[Works]' -- subject(s): American literature

'John Sherwood'

'Works Of S. Weir Mitchell'

'Researches upon the venom of the rattlesnake' -- subject(s): Rattlesnakes, Venom

'Gunshot wounds, and other injuries of nerves' -- subject(s): Accessible book, Gunshot wounds, Military Surgery, Nervous system, Surgery, Surgical emergencies, Wounds and injuries

'Nurse and patient, and Camp cure' -- subject(s): Nurses, Nursing, Camping, Nurse-Patient Relations

'Far in the forest'

'Little stories' -- subject(s): Social life and customs, Fiction, Physicians as authors


'Some recently discovered letters of William Harvey' -- subject(s): Correspondence

'The evolution of the rest treatment' -- subject(s): Rest

'Prince little boy'

'Historical notes of Dr. Benjamin Rush, 1777'

'Nurse and patient; and, Camp cure' -- subject(s): Nurse and patient, Nursing, Camping

'Hephzibah Guinness; Thee and you'

'The Guillotine Club'

'A comedy of conscience'

'Lectures on diseases of the nervous system' -- subject(s): Diseases, Nervous system, Women, Gynaecology, Early works to 1900, Hysteria, Nervous System Diseases, Women's Health

'A masque and other poems'

'The Hill Of Stones, And Other Poems'

'The Wager And Other Poems'


'Hugh Wynne, Free Quaker V2'

'The violin'

'Wind and sea'

'Clinical lessons on nervous diseases' -- subject(s): Nervous system, Diseases, Nervous System Diseases

'The tendon-jerk and muscle-jerk in disease, and especially in posterior sclerosis' -- subject(s): Tendon reflex, Knee jerk, Diseases, Spinal cord

'Some memoranda in regard to William Harvey, M.D'

'A venture in 1777' -- subject(s): Fiction, History

'The Red city' -- subject(s): Fiction, History, Politics, Fictional Works

1 answer

== == And if you possibly can, find someone trained by Dr. Robert Hare of Canada; he has developed a specialized type of therapy that will help child psychopaths (sociopaths) veer off the destructive path and have the best life the illness allows!

See his BOOK, "Without Conscience," available at online bookshops, and you'll be able to understand much more.

Until a child has been tested and evaluated by a professional, do not place a label on a child. Perhaps he/she is NOT truly a psychopath - He/she may have other things going on. Let a learned, experienced and TRAINED professional decide! TAKE THE CHILD TO SEE A CHILD PSYCHOLOGIST OR CHILD PSYCHIATRIST. It may take several or many visits to properly diagnose a mental problem, disease or disorder. Your observations, comments and experiences with the child will certainly be of great value in the final diagnosis, of course. I have nothing to do with any sort of mental health occupation, but I know parents, teachers, family members and friends are NOT trained PROFESSIONALS, so WE can't decide! SHOP AROUND for someone you feel has enough experience with the age group you are targeting. If YOU feel comfortable talking with the person, and see he/she has the potential to "connect" with the child, then you have found the right person. If you feel at all uneasy, or feel no progress or feedback is happening, MOVE ON. FIND SOMEONE ELSE. Some are better than others. Go with your gut feeling...It will usually be RIGHT! Good luck!


It is now known that it can be diagnosed in childhood, since the underlying brain dysfunction is present at birth.

It was up until very recently believed that children cannot be diagnosed as psychopaths; the newest research, recently published, says that it starts in the womb. The condition is inborn and, so far, incurable. But neuroscience will almost certainly be able to develop some way of compensating for and even partially correcting this terrible condition with the use of computer chips and other artificial implants in the brain, and as well a certain type of specialized inpatient therapy geared to awakening as much as is possible in the person as soon as the condition is diagnosed.

One of the problems with anything wrong with one's central nervous system is that if it's severe and pervasive enough, it can interfere with the autonomic and peripheral nervous systems as well. In psychopaths, such maladies as what was once called neurasthenia (a state of unnatural sedation) or epilepsy (seizure disorders) are far more frequent than in the general population. Many people who are not psychopaths have some of the more than 100 forms of peripheral neuropathy, but some of these may be more common in psychopaths.

The autonomic nervous system, which prepares the body for emergencies (fight-or-flight) is erratic and inefficient in a psychopath, which can, in some situations, lead to fatal accidents; human beings have adrenaline for a reason, and the sympathetic nervous system of a true psychopath is sluggish and cannot sustain arousal for long. (In Borderline Personality Disorder, the problem is the opposite: the sympathetic nervous system responds too easily, too strongly, and way too often!)

Aside from this is the fact that a true psychopath has an extremely peculiar brainwave pattern: while awake, their brain waves most resemble a hybrid of normal waking brain waves and alpha-level sleep waves. And they often tend to sleep deeply.

Emotionally, they are cold, detached, distant, and yet deeply resentful of normal people. They know they're missing something, and often spend most of their typically short, tragic lives avenging themselves on others for what they cannot ever enjoy. So they are not truly emotionless, but they do not love, do not know true joy, and are hostile and destructive.



It also includes some medications; check with your obstetrician before taking anything at all during your pregnancy!

During delivery, using a forceps to grasp the baby's head should be avoided if at all possible. Any touching of the area over the FONTANEL (soft spot on top of the baby's head) must be done with caution until the fontanel has closed.

Any head injury that causes dizziness -- even without loss of consciousness -- should be treated as a medical emergency.


4 answers

Yes. It is now known that it can be diagnosed in childhood, since the underlying brain dysfunction is present at birth.

It was up until very recently believed that children cannot be diagnosed as psychopaths; the newest research, recently published, says that it starts in the womb. The condition is inborn and, so far, incurable. But neuroscience will almost certainly be able to develop some way of compensating for and even partially correcting this terrible condition with the use of computer chips and other artificial implants in the brain, and as well a certain type of specialized inpatient therapy geared to awakening as much as is possible in the person as soon as the condition is diagnosed.

== == And if you possibly can, find someone trained by Dr. Robert Hare of Canada; he has developed a specialized type of therapy that will help child psychopaths (sociopaths) veer off the destructive path and have the best life the illness allows! Arguably, he is the ONLY one who knows how to train therapists to deal with sociopaths, and has a special type of therapy developed for children with this devastating mental illness.

See his BOOK, "Without Conscience," available at online bookshops, and you'll be able to understand much more.

One of the problems with anything wrong with one's central nervous system is that if it's severe and pervasive enough, it can interfere with the autonomic and peripheral nervous systems as well. In psychopaths, such maladies as what was once called neurasthenia (a state of unnatural sedation) or epilepsy (seizure disorders) are far more frequent than in the general population. Many people who are not psychopaths have some of the more than 100 forms of peripheral neuropathy, but some of these may be more common in psychopaths.

The autonomic nervous system, which prepares the body for emergencies (fight-or-flight) is erratic and inefficient in a psychopath, which can, in some situations, lead to fatal accidents; human beings have adrenaline for a reason, and the sympathetic nervous system of a true psychopath is sluggish and cannot sustain arousal for long. (In Borderline Personality Disorder, the problem is the opposite: the sympathetic nervous system responds too easily, too strongly, and way too often!)

Aside from this is the fact that a true psychopath has an extremely peculiar brainwave pattern: while awake, their brain waves most resemble a hybrid of normal waking brain waves and alpha-level sleep waves. And they often tend to sleep deeply.

Emotionally, they are cold, detached, distant, and yet deeply resentful of normal people. They know they're missing something, and often spend most of their typically short, tragic lives avenging themselves on others for what they cannot ever enjoy. So they are not truly emotionless, but they do not love, do not know true joy, and are hostile and destructive.



It also includes some medications; check with your obstetrician before taking anything at all during your pregnancy!

During delivery, using a forceps to grasp the baby's head should be avoided if at all possible. Any touching of the area over the FONTANEL (soft spot on top of the baby's head) must be done with caution until the fontanel has closed.

Any head injury that causes dizziness -- even without loss of consciousness -- should be treated as a medical emergency.


3 answers

SEE AN EXPERIENCED PROFESSIONAL!YES -- it is now solidly known that a three-year-old child CAN be a sociopath, BECAUSE THE CONDITION IS CONGENITAL.

Get help, the faster the better.

And if you possibly can, find someone trained by Dr. Robert Hare of Canada; he has developed a specialized type of therapy that will help child psychopaths (sociopaths) veer off the destructive path and have the best life the illness allows! Arguably, he is the ONLY one who knows how to train therapists to deal with sociopaths, and has a special type of therapy developed for children with this devastating mental illness.

See his BOOK, "Without Conscience," available at online bookshops, and you'll be able to understand much more.

(Previous)Probabaly not, at this age it is normal for a child to feel that he/she is the only one in the world or seem to be indifferent to the consequenses of actions. At this age it may be more of a dicipline issue. You have to TEACH good behavior and virtues such as kindsness, thought for others etc. Those virtues are not born in our children. That isn't to say that all children come here horrible, some are just easier to teach. BUT they are clean slates at this age... this is an opportunity to SHOW them what is acceptable and what isn't. Just remember who is the adult and who is the child. You are the TEACHER he is the student. If something is unacceptable at this age do something about it now. If you wait, he may become that sociopath or psychopath. A child will learn more from his parent between the ages of 1 and 7. You have a window of opportunity now. You can't wait until they are 15 to start asking. Dicipline. There is your answer.

I read that all three-year-olds would be considered psychopaths if assessed by adult standards, and this is developmentally normal because they don't know any better. I remember when I was that age myself, I honestly did not understand that actions had real consequences (apart from the consequences my parents chose to impose for reasons I didn't understand) and I could not wrap my brain around the concept that people had feelings. Kids need to be taught this stuff - and to actually be made to understand it, not just be told. I couldn't tell you how to do that though.

There are theories that some children can have an "attachment disorder" that puts them at risk for future sociopathy. If treated early enough and appropriately, however, the prognosis does not have to be negative.


Can a child be a psychopath?

: It Is Now Known To Be Possible..Yes. It is now known that it can be diagnosed in childhood, since the underlying brain dysfunction is present at birth.

It was up until very recently believed that children cannot be diagnosed as psychopaths; the newest research, recently published, says that it starts in the womb. The condition is inborn and, so far, incurable. But neuroscience will almost certainly be able to develop some way of compensating for and even partially correcting this terrible condition with the use of computer chips and other artificial implants in the brain, and as well a certain type of specialized inpatient therapy geared to awakening as much as is possible in the person as soon as the condition is diagnosed.

One of the problems with anything wrong with one's central nervous system is that if it's severe and pervasive enough, it can interfere with the autonomic and peripheral nervous systems as well. In psychopaths, such maladies as what was once called neurasthenia (a state of unnatural sedation) or epilepsy (seizure disorders) are far more frequent than in the general population. Many people who are not psychopaths have some of the more than 100 forms of peripheral neuropathy, but some of these may be more common in psychopaths.

The autonomic nervous system, which prepares the body for emergencies (fight-or-flight) is erratic and inefficient in a psychopath, which can, in some situations, lead to fatal accidents; human beings have adrenaline for a reason, and the sympathetic nervous system of a true psychopath is sluggish and cannot sustain arousal for long. (In Borderline Personality Disorder, the problem is the opposite: the sympathetic nervous system responds too easily, too strongly, and way too often!)

Aside from this is the fact that a true psychopath has an extremely peculiar brainwave pattern: while awake, their brain waves most resemble a hybrid of normal waking brain waves and alpha-level sleep waves. And they often tend to sleep deeply.

Emotionally, they are cold, detached, distant, and yet deeply resentful of normal people. They know they're missing something, and often spend most of their typically short, tragic lives avenging themselves on others for what they cannot ever enjoy. So they are not truly emotionless, but they do not love, do not know true joy, and are hostile and destructive.



It also includes some medications; check with your obstetrician before taking anything at all during your pregnancy!

During delivery, using a forceps to grasp the baby's head should be avoided if at all possible. Any touching of the area over the FONTANEL (soft spot on top of the baby's head) must be done with caution until the fontanel has closed.

Any head injury that causes dizziness -- even without loss of consciousness -- should be treated as a medical emergency.


3 answers

Sociopaths rarely feel true happiness. If they do, it is usually in the condition that some kind of intervention -- such as one of the small number of medications made for other conditions that may also help somewhat with theirs -- has taken place, and it will be fleeting. For all their frantic racing around, they are really very dead inside, and this is tragic beyond description. Imagine spending your entire life trying to get your brain to wake up! And failing. Thousands of times.

There are stories of people diagnosed as sociopaths who did improve to some degree, with the most ceaseless and diligent help. But since the vast majority of this huge body of people (there are more than three hundred million sociopaths on Earth) cannot get that kind of attention, they turn to abusing those they envy, and often to crime. It is certainly vengeance: "If I can't have any of this, why should you?" This is the real reason sociopaths lash out at strong and kind people. No matter what they say, they know that inside, they are always empty and damaged beyond repair.

Only in neuroscience is there hope for these incomplete people. The key lies in awakening the brain, which is risky because sociopaths are much more prone to seizures than the rest of the population, and that -- an uncontrolled blast of electrical discharge spreading through the brain and causing violent convulsions -- is likely to be the first response from brain pathways that, after years or even decades of silence, are suddenly flooded with impulses.

But if the devices of neurosurgeons can be tweaked to avoid this shock, and all else related to this idea is workable, it's feasible that small electronic devices planted in the brain (these already exist, but are not yet being used for mental illness) could open up a closed connection.

That leaves us with the problem of whether a lifetime of scattered information can ever be set into order.

Probably the best that could be hoped for would be a kind of retraining -- like what is now done with stroke survivors and head injury patients -- that would be both intensive and compensatory.

One of the things that would be necessary would be to try to socialize the person whose congenital birth defect made such a thing completely impossible before.

Whatever intervention is used, be it drugs or computer chips or what have you, it would probably -- I'd say certainly -- be excruciating for the patient at first.

With no standing knowledge of how to cope with the emotions the rest of the world has been dealing with all their lives, the recovering sociopath would be rendered as vulnerable as a baby. Which makes sense, because some of the most basic aspects of the human mind would be developing from the primordial stasis in which they had remained since birth!

A person thus treated would never be fully normal, but the human brain is amazing in the way it adapts and continues to develop all through life.

And given the utterly joyless and meaningless existence a sociopath leads, any improvement is better than none.

The matter of missing neurotransmitters in a sociopath is, of course, another problem. Would "waking up" the cerebral cortex eventually stimulate production of these? Or would they have to be synthesized? Only time will tell.

Just as science understands that epilepsy is not demonic possession, that people with dissociative conditions are not harboring ghosts or devils in their bodies, and that depression is not a "deadly sin," it would and will be able to prove that sociopathy happens for a reason and that it can be dealt with. Sociopaths do very bad things. But branding them all "pure evil" isn't going to help anyone. It's just more hate.

I have commented elsewhere that the human brain is the greatest new frontier in many ways. (Although I certainly have no lack of interest in space.) Sociopaths, along with other "hopeless cases" like people with Alzheimer's disease, Down's syndrome, Asperger's, ADD, ADHD, autism, and the schizophrenias, along with more common disorders such as depression and addiction, and so on, are a mystery, but scientists have a way of hammering away at mysteries until they unravel them, and, be assured, they are well on their way to the core of this one.


It is now known that it can be diagnosed in childhood, since the underlying brain dysfunction is present at birth.

It was up until very recently believed that children cannot be diagnosed as psychopaths; the newest research, recently published, says that it starts in the womb. The condition is inborn and, so far, incurable. But neuroscience will almost certainly be able to develop some way of compensating for and even partially correcting this terrible condition with the use of computer chips and other artificial implants in the brain, and as well a certain type of specialized inpatient therapy geared to awakening as much as is possible in the person as soon as the condition is diagnosed.

One of the problems with anything wrong with one's central nervous system is that if it's severe and pervasive enough, it can interfere with the autonomic and peripheral nervous systems as well. In psychopaths, such maladies as what was once called neurasthenia (a state of unnatural sedation) or epilepsy (seizure disorders) are far more frequent than in the general population. Many people who are not psychopaths have some of the more than 100 forms of peripheral neuropathy, but some of these may be more common in psychopaths.

The autonomic nervous system, which prepares the body for emergencies (fight-or-flight) is erratic and inefficient in a psychopath, which can, in some situations, lead to fatal accidents; human beings have adrenaline for a reason, and the sympathetic nervous system of a true psychopath is sluggish and cannot sustain arousal for long. (In Borderline Personality Disorder, the problem is the opposite: the sympathetic nervous system responds too easily, too strongly, and way too often!)

Aside from this is the fact that a true psychopath has an extremely peculiar brainwave pattern: while awake, their brain waves most resemble a hybrid of normal waking brain waves and alpha-level sleep waves. And they often tend to fall asleep easily and to sleep deeply.

Emotionally, they are cold, detached, distant, and yet deeply resentful of normal people.

They know they're missing something, and often spend most of their typically short, tragic lives avenging themselves on others for what they cannot ever enjoy.

So they are not truly emotionless, but they do not love, do not know true joy, and are hostile and destructive.

1 answer

3-letter words

pia, ria, via

4-letter words

amia, aria, chia, glia, ilia, inia, ixia, obia, ohia, raia

5-letter words

aecia, agria, amnia, atria, ceria, cilia, cobia, coria, curia, dulia, entia, facia, feria, folia, gonia, labia, lamia, logia, mafia, mania, maria, media, milia, noria, nubia, oidia, ossia, ostia, podia, redia, retia, sepia, stria, tafia, telia, tenia, tibia, uncia, urbia, varia, xenia, zamia

6-letter words

abasia, abulia, acacia, acedia, alexia, alodia, amusia, anemia, anopia, anoxia, anuria, ataxia, boccia, cambia, cardia, cassia, clivia, codeia, crania, dahlia, eluvia, exuvia, fascia, funkia, gambia, gloria, hernia, hydria, ischia, kalmia, kerria, latria, lithia, lochia, loggia, maffia, myopia, nutria, obelia, pallia, pennia, pereia, phobia, pyemia, pyuria, qualia, raffia, raphia, realia, salvia, scoria, scotia, stadia, taenia, taffia, tarsia, terbia, thoria, thulia, trivia, urania, uredia, uremia, utopia, yautia, yttria, zinnia, zoaria, zoysia

7-letter words

aboulia, abrosia, acapnia, accidia, acequia, acholia, acrasia, acromia, actinia, aecidia, aerobia, agnosia, albizia, allodia, alluvia, amentia, ammonia, amnesia, anaemia, analgia, anergia, angaria, anopsia, anosmia, aphagia, aphasia, aphelia, aphonia, aplasia, apraxia, apteria, aquaria, arcadia, ascidia, astasia, asteria, atresia, babesia, banksia, basidia, begonia, biennia, bohemia, bolivia, bothria, brachia, breccia, bulimia, buzukia, camelia, camisia, celosia, ciboria, clarkia, comitia, conidia, coremia, cymatia, daphnia, deliria, deutzia, diluvia, dysuria, ectopia, emporia, encomia, entasia, episcia, eugenia, eulogia, exordia, exurbia, filaria, fimbria, freesia, fuchsia, galabia, ganglia, gonidia, gynecia, himatia, hymenia, hypoxia, ignatia, illuvia, imperia, indicia, indusia, inertia, latakia, lixivia, lobelia, logania, macchia, mahonia, malaria, melodia, meropia, militia, minutia, morphia, myalgia, mycelia, oogonia, opuntia, otalgia, patagia, peculia, peloria, peridia, petunia, pogonia, puparia, pyaemia, pygidia, pyrexia, pyxidia, quassia, ratafia, refugia, regalia, rosaria, sangria, scandia, scholia, sedilia, senopia, sequoia, shortia, silesia, sinopia, solaria, solatia, splenia, sthenia, sudaria, syconia, synovia, talaria, tilapia, titania, toxemia, uraemia, valonia, vedalia, velaria, viremia, vivaria, woodsia

8-letter words

abrachia, academia, acidemia, aciduria, adularia, adynamia, agenesia, agraphia, agrypnia, albizzia, alleluia, alopecia, ambrosia, amphibia, anoopsia, anorexia, anoxemia, anthelia, anthemia, anthodia, apimania, apologia, arythmia, asphyxia, asthenia, astigmia, ataraxia, atrophia, aubretia, azotemia, azoturia, bacteria, baptisia, battalia, bauhinia, bedsonia, bignonia, boltonia, branchia, bronchia, buddleia, cachexia, calcaria, caldaria, calvaria, cambogia, camellia, carpalia, cercaria, chalazia, coccidia, collegia, colluvia, collyria, contagia, copremia, coxalgia, criteria, ctenidia, cymbidia, decennia, dementia, dentalia, dichasia, diplegia, diplopia, dyslexia, dystaxia, dystocia, dystonia, dystopia, ecclesia, effluvia, egomania, encaenia, epicedia, epimysia, epopoeia, estancia, esthesia, eupepsia, euphoria, exonumia, fantasia, galleria, gambusia, gammadia, gardenia, gelsemia, gerardia, gesneria, gloxinia, gymnasia, gynaecia, gynoecia, hamartia, haplopia, hatteria, hemiolia, herbaria, hospitia, hyphemia, hyponoia, hysteria, insignia, insomnia, intarsia, ischemia, leucemia, leukemia, lithemia, magnesia, magnolia, malvasia, manubria, marsupia, mazaedia, myotonia, oliguria, palladia, panmixia, paranoia, parhelia, petechia, phelonia, photopia, pignolia, pizzeria, planaria, pollinia, polyuria, presidia, progeria, pterygia, pycnidia, quillaia, rhizobia, sacraria, sapremia, scotopia, sensoria, septaria, sinfonia, stapelia, stokesia, strontia, subtopia, suburbia, sympodia, symposia, syncytia, synergia, terraria, tithonia, toxaemia, trapezia, triennia, triforia, uredinia, urinemia, uropygia, vaccinia, valencia, veratria, vestigia, victoria, weigelia, wistaria, wisteria, ytterbia, zirconia, zoomania

9-letter words

achalasia, alfilaria, amblyopia, ametropia, amyotonia, analgesia, anaplasia, androecia, anhedonia, apothecia, aquilegia, araucaria, artemisia, ascogonia, auditoria, bilharzia, bousoukia, bouzoukia, cafeteria, catamenia, catatonia, causalgia, chlamydia, cineraria, clintonia, colloquia, compendia, consortia, dyscrasia, dyspepsia, dysphagia, dysphasia, dysphonia, dysphoria, dysplasia, echeveria, echolalia, eclampsia, epicardia, epithelia, euphorbia, exodontia, forsythia, frambesia, genitalia, glochidia, haustoria, hematuria, honoraria, hypanthia, hyperemia, hyperopia, hypomania, hypotonia, hypoxemia, ischaemia, juvenilia, lacunaria, laminaria, leukaemia, luminaria, macadamia, militaria, millennia, miracidia, monomania, moratoria, myocardia, natatoria, naumachia, neophilia, neoplasia, nephridia, neuralgia, neuroglia, nostalgia, oceanaria, ommatidia, osmeteria, paramecia, parapodia, paulownia, peperomia, perihelia, perimysia, philistia, phyllodia, plasmodia, pneumonia, porphyria, praesidia, primordia, principia, procambia, prostomia, psalteria, puerperia, pyromania, rafflesia, rauwolfia, rudbeckia, sanatoria, sanitaria, sanitoria, sclerotia, sententia, sestertia, sicklemia, simplicia, souvlakia, spermatia, sporangia, sudatoria, trattoria, triclinia, tularemia, urticaria, vagotonia

10-letter words

acrophobia, adventitia, algolagnia, anesthesia, antependia, antheridia, archegonia, arrhythmia, arthralgia, bacteremia, basophilia, carpogonia, clostridia, columbaria, cornucopia, crematoria, cyclopedia, cystinuria, diphtheria, dipsomania, dysarthria, dyskinesia, enchiridia, endocardia, endometria, endothecia, endothelia, equilibria, erythremia, euthanasia, florilegia, gaillardia, gametangia, glycosuria, hemiplegia, hemophilia, hesperidia, homophobia, hormogonia, hypermania, hypertonia, hypolimnia, hypoplasia, latifundia, leishmania, leprosaria, leukopenia, marginalia, mesothelia, metaplasia, monochasia, multimedia, myasthenia, mythomania, mythopoeia, nyctalopia, ophthalmia, ostensoria, paramnesia, paraplegia, pedophilia, penetralia, penicillia, pericardia, pericrania, perineuria, peripeteia, perithecia, planetaria, poinsettia, polydipsia, polyphagia, presbyopia, prothallia, quadrennia, rickettsia, sarracenia, saturnalia, scriptoria, sensibilia, septicemia, sporogonia, staminodia, stylopodia, termitaria, tillandsia, washateria, washeteria, xenophobia


11-letter words

agoraphobia, albuminuria, anaesthesia, aniseikonia, antimalaria, antonomasia, appressoria, archesporia, azoospermia, bacchanalia, bacteriuria, bibliomania, bradycardia, coprophilia, cryptomeria, cyclopaedia, cyclothymia, definientia, differentia, dysrhythmia, epithalamia, fritillaria, glossolalia, hebephrenia, hydrophobia, hypercapnia, hypermnesia, hyperphagia, hyperplasia, hypokalemia, hypothermia, kinesthesia, kleptomania, leukoplakia, megalomania, melancholia, memorabilia, menorrhagia, metasequoia, necrophilia, negrophobia, nymphomania, orthodontia, paresthesia, paronomasia, passacaglia, perionychia, photophobia, proteinuria, prothalamia, pseudopodia, psychedelia, quinquennia, rhizoctonia, sanguinaria, sansevieria, spermagonia, steatopygia, synesthesia, tachycardia, thalassemia

12-letter words

achlorhydria, armamentaria, balletomania, decalcomania, deuteranopia, encyclopedia, eosinophilia, galactosemia, gynecomastia, hyperkinesia, hyperlipemia, hyperpyrexia, hyperthermia, hypocalcemia, hypochondria, hypoglycemia, metacercaria, metrorrhagia, microfilaria, mitochondria, mycobacteria, neurasthenia, normothermia, onomatopoeia, osteomalacia, pancytopenia, paraesthesia, perichondria, pharmacopeia, phosphaturia, polycythemia, preeclampsia, prosopopoeia, quadriplegia, stichomythia, synaesthesia, technophobia, thalassaemia, tradescantia, zoosporangia

13-letter words

aminoaciduria, anisometropia, chondrocrania, cyanobacteria, dieffenbachia, disequilibria, encyclopaedia, hypercalcemia, hyperesthesia, hyperglycemia, hypermetropia, hyperuricemia, megasporangia, nonequilibria, panleukopenia, paraphernalia, pharmacopoeia, psychasthenia, schizophrenia, spermatogonia, syringomyelia, xerophthalmia

14-letter words

achondroplasia, archaebacteria, claustrophobia, computerphobia, corynebacteria, enterobacteria, hemoglobinuria, hyperaesthesia, hyperlipidemia, hypomagnesemia, intelligentsia, microsporangia, phantasmagoria, telangiectasia

15-letter words

oligodendroglia, phenylketonuria, pleuropneumonia, tachyarrhythmia

16-letter words

bronchopneumonia, thrombocytopenia

17-letter words

antischizophrenia, macroglobulinemia, methemoglobinemia, triskaidekaphobia

18-letter words

agammaglobulinemia, polychromatophilia

20-letter words


802 words found.

1 answer

== == And if you possibly can, find someone trained by Dr. Robert Hare of Canada; he has developed a specialized type of therapy that will help child psychopaths (sociopaths) veer off the destructive path and have the best life the illness allows! Arguably, he is the ONLY one who knows how to train therapists to deal with sociopaths, and has a special type of therapy developed for children with this devastating mental illness.

See his BOOK, "Without Conscience," available at online bookshops, and you'll be able to understand much more.

Answer == == Many social workers believe that there is no known treatment for sociopaths that can offer any real improvement in their behavior.

But Dr. Robert Hare (see above) doesn't agree.


I mention this now: most people have a colorful Aura. But, me? What I have is an EVENT HORIZON! A singularity, you see, is the core center of a Black Hole in space. A near-perfect metaphor for the psychopath.


Sociopaths are the way they are because, from birth onward, the brain of a sociopath stores learning information in a random, chaotic way instead of in the usual designated places in the cerebral cortex. Part of this involves lack of crucial neurotransmitters, but as of yet no one knows whether this lack is caused BY the brain abnormality or is the cause OF it. It's probably the former.

Since their information -- including emotional information -- is scattered all over both brain hemispheres, it takes too long for the brain to retrieve and process information, and the entire process of socialization becomes so ponderous that ultimately it fails. (See the book "Without Conscience" by Robert Hare, PhD.)

Since the entire cerebral cortex of a sociopath is almost never at a normal level of alertness (their waking brain waves resemble the waves of a normal person in a light sleep, alpha waves), this may be the crucial deficiency that cripples the developing child's ability to develop many aspects of the human mind. As the child grows, some of the basic mental and emotional skills the rest of the world takes so for granted never develop, and crucial among these is the thing called conscience. That one never develops at all.

Some people may envy the apparent calm of a sociopath, but their existence is misery. They cannot connect with other human beings, and as babies they are so uncomfortable being held that they fight to wriggle free of all but the most basic necessary contact. Their heartbroken parents often blame themselves or the child, never knowing that what is really wrong with the child is in his or her brain.

Under the almost somnolent calm sociopaths project is a constant sense of restlessness and unfulfillment that is nothing other than the basic need all people have to receive stimulation and support from others. But a sociopath has no way of receiving this even if it's offered. The endless frustration of this, and a discomfort that they are utterly incapable of articulating or even really understanding, is the source of much of their chronic anger and aggression.

Plus, since they grow up in constant conflict with authority, they are most often bitterly angry and sometimes violent adults, brittle and combatative under a thin veneer of charm. Offered friendship, they appear to respond, but quickly discover that they can get nothing from it; they see the obvious pleasure of other people in such contact with each other, and they often seek to "even it up" by stealing what they can -- material goods, or even human lives. They are constantly told how "bad" they are, and by adulthood, most of them believe it. And behave accordingly.

Sociopaths rarely feel true happiness. If they do, it is usually in the condition that some kind of intervention -- such as one of the small number of medications made for other conditions that may also help somewhat with theirs -- has taken place, and it will be fleeting. For all their frantic racing around, they are really very dead inside, and this is tragic beyond description. Imagine spending your entire life trying to get your brain to wake up! And failing. Thousands of times.

There are stories of people diagnosed as sociopaths who did improve to some degree, with the most ceaseless and diligent help. But since the vast majority of this huge body of people (there are more than three hundred million sociopaths on Earth) cannot get that kind of attention, they turn to abusing those they envy, and often to crime. It is certainly vengeance: "If I can't have any of this, why should you?" This is the real reason sociopaths lash out at strong and kind people. No matter what they say, they know that inside, they are always empty and damaged beyond repair.

Only in neuroscience is there hope for these incomplete people. The key lies in awakening the brain, which is risky because sociopaths are much more prone to seizures than the rest of the population, and that -- an uncontrolled blast of electrical discharge spreading through the brain and causing violent convulsions -- is likely to be the first response from brain pathways that, after years or even decades of silence, are suddenly flooded with impulses. But if the devices of neurosurgeons can be tweaked to avoid this shock, and all else related to this idea is workable, it's feasible that small electronic devices planted in the brain (these already exist, but are not yet being used for mental illness) could open up a closed connection.

That leaves us with the problem of whether a lifetime of scattered information can ever be set into order. Probably the best that could be hoped for would be a kind of retraining -- like what is now done with stroke survivors and head injury patients -- that would be both intensive and compensatory.

One of the things that would be necessary would be to try to socialize the person whose congenital birth defect made such a thing completely impossible before. Whatever intervention is used, be it drugs or computer chips or what have you, it would probably -- I'd say certainly -- be excruciating for the patient at first. With no knowledge of how to cope with the emotions the rest of the world has been dealing with all their lives, the recovering sociopath would be rendered as vulnerable as a baby. Which makes sense, because some of the most basic aspects of the human mind would be developing from the primordial stasis in which they had remained since birth!

A person thus treated would never be fully normal, but the human brain is amazing in the way it adapts and continues to develop all through life. And given the utterly joyless and meaningless existence a sociopath leads, any improvement is better than none.

The matter of missing neurotransmitters in a sociopath is, of course, another problem. Would "waking up" the cerebral cortex eventually stimulate production of these? Or would they have to be synthesized? Only time will tell.

Just as science understands that epilepsy is not demonic possession, that people with dissociative conditions are not harboring ghosts or devils in their bodies, and that depression is not a "deadly sin," it would and will be able to prove that sociopathy happens for a reason and that it can be dealt with. Sociopaths do very bad things. But branding them all "pure evil" isn't going to help anyone. It's just more hate.

I have commented elsewhere that the human brain is the greatest new frontier in many ways. (Although I certainly have no lack of interest in space.) Sociopaths, along with other "hopeless cases" like people with Alzheimer's disease, Down's syndrome, Asperger's, ADD, ADHD, autism, and the schizophrenias, along with more common disorders such as depression and addiction, and so on, are a mystery, but scientists have a way of hammering away at mysteries until they unravel them, and, be assured, they are well on their way to the core of this one.


It is now known that it can be diagnosed in childhood, since the underlying brain dysfunction is present at birth.

It was up until very recently believed that children cannot be diagnosed as psychopaths; the newest research, recently published, says that it starts in the womb. The condition is inborn and, so far, incurable. But neuroscience will almost certainly be able to develop some way of compensating for and even partially correcting this terrible condition with the use of computer chips and other artificial implants in the brain, and as well a certain type of specialized inpatient therapy geared to awakening as much as is possible in the person as soon as the condition is diagnosed.

One of the problems with anything wrong with one's central nervous system is that if it's severe and pervasive enough, it can interfere with the autonomic and peripheral nervous systems as well. In psychopaths, such maladies as what was once called neurasthenia (a state of unnatural sedation) or epilepsy (seizure disorders) are far more frequent than in the general population. Many people who are not psychopaths have some of the more than 100 forms of peripheral neuropathy, but some of these may be more common in psychopaths.

The autonomic nervous system, which prepares the body for emergencies (fight-or-flight) is erratic and inefficient in a psychopath, which can, in some situations, lead to fatal accidents; human beings have adrenaline for a reason, and the sympathetic nervous system of a true psychopath is sluggish and cannot sustain arousal for long. (In Borderline Personality Disorder, the problem is the opposite: the sympathetic nervous system responds too easily, too strongly, and way too often!)

Aside from this is the fact that a true psychopath has an extremely peculiar brainwave pattern: while awake, their brain waves most resemble a hybrid of normal waking brain waves and alpha-level sleep waves. And they often tend to sleep deeply.

Emotionally, they are cold, detached, distant, and yet deeply resentful of normal people. They know they're missing something, and often spend most of their typically short, tragic lives avenging themselves on others for what they cannot ever enjoy. So they are not truly emotionless, but they do not love, do not know true joy, and are hostile and destructive.



It also includes some medications; check with your obstetrician before taking anything at all during your pregnancy!

During delivery, using a forceps to grasp the baby's head should be avoided if at all possible. Any touching of the area over the FONTANEL (soft spot on top of the baby's head) must be done with caution until the fontanel has closed.

Any head injury that causes dizziness -- even without loss of consciousness -- should be treated as a medical emergency.

And another thing: NEVER SHAKE YOUR BABY!!! NO MATTER WHAT! Dr hare's book is old, and I tried to contact them once, and they would not even answer my phone call. If he does have some kind of talk therapy, it will not improve the medical problem, and the antisocial person would only be imitating good behavior, akin to pet tricks, so, with due respect, I don't see how his book would do any good, except to give him more ill directed government funding. They have learned so much more since then. I would like to communicate with people who are antisocial, and get answers. I think you could learn a lot from people who are suffering with antisocial disorder. I would buy a book with people with the disorder in it, as long as they were honest. If it was anonymous, I'm sure they would be. I agree with most of the parts under important information and new information. Who wrote the part about important information and new information? I would like to talk to you. Could you message me? I'm beelittle Thnx.

1 answer

Well, if they have been a danger to themselves or the ones around them. Yes, that would be a good idea. If they can be managed with medication and monitored daily then that would be o.k. but that's a lot to ask. Maybe they have an institution that they can get monitored by. Good luck.

Due to extreme financial burdens, inpatient unitstypically do not keep patients long, and actual therapy is notperformed while a person is in an inpatient unit anymore. It's only amatter of getting the patient under control enough to be released andcontinue outpatient therapy.

Only private inpatient units differ on this -- and they can charge as much as $100,000 for a month's intensive treatment!

In any case, sociopaths are the way they are because, from birth onward, the brain of a sociopath stores learning information in a random, chaotic way instead of in the usual designated places in the cerebral cortex. Part of this involves lack of crucial neurotransmitters, but as of yet no one knows whether this lack is caused BY the brain abnormality or is the cause OF it. It's probably the former.

Since their information -- including emotional information -- is scattered all over both brain hemispheres, it takes too long for the brain to retrieve and process information, and the entire process of socialization becomes so ponderous that ultimately it fails. (See the book "Without Conscience" by Robert Hare, PhD.)

Since the entire cerebral cortex of a sociopath is almost never at a normal level of alertness (their waking brain waves resemble the waves of a normal person in a light sleep, alpha waves), this may be the crucial deficiency that cripples the developing child's ability to develop many aspects of the human mind. As the child grows, some of the basic mental and emotional skills the rest of the world takes so for granted never develop, and crucial among these is the thing called conscience. That one never develops at all.

Some people may envy the apparent calm of a sociopath, but their existence is misery. They cannot connect with other human beings, and as babies they are so uncomfortable being held that they fight to wriggle free of all but the most basic necessary contact. Their heartbroken parents often blame themselves or the child, never knowing that what is really wrong with the child is in his or her brain.

Under the almost somnolent calm sociopaths project is a constant sense of restlessness and unfulfillment that is nothing other than the basic need all people have to receive stimulation and support from others. But a sociopath has no way of receiving this even if it's offered. The endless frustration of this, and a discomfort that they are utterly incapable of articulating or even really understanding, is the source of much of their chronic anger and aggression.

Plus, since they grow up in constant conflict with authority, they are most often bitterly angry and sometimes violent adults, brittle and combatative under a thin veneer of charm. Offered friendship, they appear to respond, but quickly discover that they can get nothing from it; they see the obvious pleasure of other people in such contact with each other, and they often seek to "even it up" by stealing what they can -- material goods, or even human lives. They are constantly told how "bad" they are, and by adulthood, most of them believe it. And behave accordingly.

Sociopaths rarely feel true happiness. If they do, it is usually in the condition that some kind of intervention -- such as one of the small number of medications made for other conditions that may also help somewhat with theirs -- has taken place, and it will be fleeting. For all their frantic racing around, they are really very dead inside, and this is tragic beyond description. Imagine spending your entire life trying to get your brain to wake up! And failing. Thousands of times.

There are stories of people diagnosed as sociopaths who did improve to some degree, with the most ceaseless and diligent help. But since the vast majority of this huge body of people (there are more than three hundred million sociopaths on Earth) cannot get that kind of attention, they turn to abusing those they envy, and often to crime. It is certainly vengeance: "If I can't have any of this, why should you?" This is the real reason sociopaths lash out at strong and kind people. No matter what they say, they know that inside, they are always empty and damaged beyond repair.

Only in neuroscience is there hope for these incomplete people. The key lies in awakening the brain, which is risky because sociopaths are much more prone to seizures than the rest of the population, and that -- an uncontrolled blast of electrical discharge spreading through the brain and causing violent convulsions -- is likely to be the first response from brain pathways that, after years or even decades of silence, are suddenly flooded with impulses. But if the devices of neurosurgeons can be tweaked to avoid this shock, and all else related to this idea is workable, it's feasible that small electronic devices planted in the brain (these already exist, but are not yet being used for mental illness) could open up a closed connection.

That leaves us with the problem of whether a lifetime of scattered information can ever be set into order. Probably the best that could be hoped for would be a kind of retraining -- like what is now done with stroke survivors and head injury patients -- that would be both intensive and compensatory.

One of the things that would be necessary would be to try to socialize the person whose congenital birth defect made such a thing completely impossible before. Whatever intervention is used, be it drugs or computer chips or what have you, it would probably -- I'd say certainly -- be excruciating for the patient at first. With no knowledge of how to cope with the emotions the rest of the world has been dealing with all their lives, the recovering sociopath would be rendered as vulnerable as a baby. Which makes sense, because some of the most basic aspects of the human mind would be developing from the primordial stasis in which they had remained since birth!

A person thus treated would never be fully normal, but the human brain is amazing in the way it adapts and continues to develop all through life. And given the utterly joyless and meaningless existence a sociopath leads, any improvement is better than none.

The matter of missing neurotransmitters in a sociopath is, of course, another problem. Would "waking up" the cerebral cortex eventually stimulate production of these? Or would they have to be synthesized? Only time will tell.

Just as science understands that epilepsy is not demonic possession, that people with dissociative conditions are not harboring ghosts or devils in their bodies, and that depression is not a "deadly sin," it would and will be able to prove that sociopathy happens for a reason and that it can be dealt with. Sociopaths do very bad things. But branding them all "pure evil" isn't going to help anyone. It's just more hate.

I have commented elsewhere that the human brain is the greatest new frontier in many ways. (Although I certainly have no lack of interest in space.) Sociopaths, along with other "hopeless cases" like people with Alzheimer's disease, Down's syndrome, Asperger's, ADD, ADHD, autism, and the schizophrenias, along with more common disorders such as depression and addiction, and so on, are a mystery, but scientists have a way of hammering away at mysteries until they unravel them, and, be assured, they are well on their way to the core of this one.


See a Neurologist too.

It is now known that it can be diagnosed in childhood, since the underlying brain dysfunction is present at birth.

It was up until very recently believed that children cannot be diagnosed as psychopaths; the newest research, recently published, says that it starts in the womb. The condition is inborn and, so far, incurable. But neuroscience will almost certainly be able to develop some way of compensating for and even partially correcting this terrible condition with the use of computer chips and other artificial implants in the brain, and as well a certain type of specialized inpatient therapy geared to awakening as much as is possible in the person as soon as the condition is diagnosed.

One of the problems with anything wrong with one's central nervous system is that if it's severe and pervasive enough, it can interfere with the autonomic and peripheral nervous systems as well. In psychopaths, such maladies as what was once called neurasthenia (a state of unnatural sedation) or epilepsy (seizure disorders) are far more frequent than in the general population. Many people who are not psychopaths have some of the more than 100 forms of peripheral neuropathy, but some of these may be more common in psychopaths.

The autonomic nervous system, which prepares the body for emergencies (fight-or-flight) is erratic and inefficient in a psychopath, which can, in some situations, lead to fatal accidents; human beings have adrenaline for a reason, and the sympathetic nervous system of a true psychopath is sluggish and cannot sustain arousal for long. (In Borderline Personality Disorder, the problem is the opposite: the sympathetic nervous system responds too easily, too strongly, and way too often!)

Aside from this is the fact that a true psychopath has an extremely peculiar brainwave pattern: while awake, their brain waves most resemble a hybrid of normal waking brain waves and alpha-level sleep waves. And they often tend to sleep deeply.

Emotionally, they are cold, detached, distant, and yet deeply resentful of normal people. They know they're missing something, and often spend most of their typically short, tragic lives avenging themselves on others for what they cannot ever enjoy. So they are not truly emotionless, but they do not love, do not know true joy, and are hostile and destructive.



It also includes some medications; check with your obstetrician before taking anything at all during your pregnancy!

During delivery, using a forceps to grasp the baby's head should be avoided if at all possible. Any touching of the area over the FONTANEL (soft spot on top of the baby's head) must be done with caution until the fontanel has closed.

Any head injury that causes dizziness -- even without loss of consciousness -- should be treated as a medical emergency.



By the way, due to extreme financial burdens, inpatient unitstypically do not keep patients long, and actual therapy is notperformed while a person is in an inpatient unit anymore. It's only amatter of getting the patient under control enough to be released andcontinue outpatient therapy.

Only private inpatient units differ on this -- and they can charge as much as $100,000 for a month's intensive treatment!


I was diagnosed a a primary psychopath in 1992, by a clinical psychologist.

And, I was committed this Spring for five days and it was horrible.

Iended up with food poisoning and throwing up, and a nasty nurse accusedme of lying about it because of my diagnosis! Also because she probablyfeared I'd launch a lawsuit or something, which I don't do.

I wasattacked by another patient who tried to beat me with her Bible.

On topof it all, the signs of near-bankruptcy common to so many hospitals ofall kinds were rampant; and the place was crowded as a New Yorksubway!! I am NOT going back there again!!

Yes, I have currently suspended most of my social lifeuntil I am in a betterposition to handle it, but I have agreed upon some carefully-chosenvenues such as this one as means of making contact with the world.

Although I am also physically disabled, I am still ambulatoryand enjoy walking and being outdoors as much as possible -- that is,when I'm not on the Internet! All of this is far better than being "put away"!

If the new, more open attitude in the free world today aboutmental and physical disability and illness does not backpedal intosomething more repressive, I think a time will soon come when many ofthese seemingly insurmountable problems that people have will be farless isolating and debilitating.

Lately, I have been surprised to see people here on WikiAnswers responding positivelytoward me. I'm always surprised when people seem to like me. I can beone scary lady!

So, I mention this now: most people have a colorful Aura.

But, me? What I have is an EVENT HORIZON!

A singularity, you see, is the core center of a Black Hole in space.

A near-perfect metaphor for the psychopath.

1 answer

The parent of a psychopath/sociopath child should love the child anyway. Because to turn your back on your child because they are born different is not the way to raise your kids. I speak from experience when I say that. My own parents gave up on me when I was around 12 or so. They realized that my incessant lying, stealing and manipulation of everyone around me was never going to get any better. When they realized that I was actually incapable of loving them, they stopped showing any love or affection towards me. While I don't blame them because now as an adult I understand that they were just trying to protect themselves, I still think it was the wrong thing to do. We all became strangers living in the same house. We never interacted and that isolation combined with the void that I felt inside, left me a very cold person inside. Maybe I would have ended up like this anyway, who knows. But I do know that the way I was raised only helped exacerbate my condition and has virtually made any type of loving and intimate relationship with anyone extremely unlikely. The only thing good I can say about the way I was raised was that being alone all the time gave me much time for reflection on myself. Even though I had no concept of 'psychopath/sociopath' at the time, I knew that something was wrong with me. The lack of feelings and the disconnection from the world around me was a very hard thing to deal with when you are a teenager. I was very lucky that in my younger days I didn't do anything to screw my life up for good. I was able to figure out a way to act so that while I always was viewed as different, people really had no idea how different I actually was. I was able to hide who I was to a degree. I mention this because it is important to do this because when you are a minor, your parents can have you put into a institution against your will. I was very careful to make sure that my parents never felt that their life was threatened by me because I knew that they would lock me up at the slightest hint that I was dangerous to them. I managed to find other ways to indulge myself without endangering my freedom. Even with all the effort I was putting in to being 'normal', I still was a very troubled child with a background of expulsion's, suspensions, arrests and things of that nature. Lying was the way I talked. I used to always wonder why I lied so much and why I enjoyed it so much. The point I am trying to make is that being what I am was hard enough, but when you add the fact that my parents turned their back on their own son, because of something that I had no control over was wrong. I understand that they had to protect themselves and all that, but how they raised me was cowardly. Just because your child may be incapable of deep profound emotion, doesn't mean you throw them out to the cold, harshness of the world. Because as any genuine 'psycho' will tell you, that will only make us worse. I might have never been capable to love for real, but I will never know because instead of taking responsibility for their own actions, my parents decided to quit and pout because I didn't act like they thought a child should act. If you really want to know how to raise your 'psychopath/sociopath' child, my only advice to be brutally honest with them. Never try to B.S. them, because all that does is piss us off, and make us look at you as weak. Always be aware that your child is observing you all the time and assessing your strengths and weaknesses so as to find a better way to attack you. Try to remember that this is just a natural part of the way they think and that it isn't directed at you personally. Although it might be, I don't know your home life. I can only speak from my own life and I can say that for me, nothing is or was ever personal. So that is it, it isn't pretty but it is the truth. Now if you choose to raise your kids like my parents raised me, just be ready for your kids to never talk to you again. I have very infrequent contact with my own parents and I anticipate that it will be no contact in a very short while. While I harbor no ill will toward them, I also feel no need to deal with them anymore. It is like they don't exist, except in my memories.

7 answers

There are too many of them to be listed here.

A group of them is all English words spelled with ph, instead of f.

See: philosophy, photography, catastrophe, telephone, phrase, phase, epiphany

Another category, is all the words ending in -on and having an irregular plural of -a. Example: phenomenon, phenomena

A third category, is all the sciences ending in -y: biology, geography, astronomy, trigonometry. (Notice that algebradoes not fit - it derives from the Arabic.)

7 answers

Sigmund Freud has written:

'Di psikhologye fun di masn' -- subject(s): Accessible book

'Sigmund Freud - Tomo 5'

'Schriften zur Neurosenlehre und zur psychoanalytischen Technik' -- subject(s): Neuroses, Addresses, essays, lectures, Psychoanalysis

'Kleine Schriften zur Sexualtheorie und zur Traumlehre' -- subject(s): Psychoanalysis, Addresses, essays, lectures

'Lettere alla fidanzata' -- subject(s): Correspondence, Psychoanalysts, Relations with women

'Essais de psychanalyse' -- subject(s): Psychoanalysis, Psychanalyse

'Bildende Kunst und Literatur ( Studiensgaube, Band X)'

'Civilisation, war and death' -- subject(s): Death, War, Psychoanalysis, Civilization

'Briefwechsel 1904-1938' -- subject(s): Correspondence, Psychoanalysts

'Civilisation, war and death' -- subject(s): Death, War, Psychoanalysis, Civilization

'Lettere alla fidanzata' -- subject(s): Correspondence, Psychoanalysts, Relations with women

'Jing shen fen xi yin lun xin jiang =' -- subject(s): Psychoanalysis

'Civilisation, war and death' -- subject(s): Death, War, Psychoanalysis, Civilization

'Briefe an Wilhelm Fliess, 1887-1904' -- subject(s): Correspondence, Psychoanalysis, Psychoanalysts

'Oeuvres completes t.15 (1916-1920)'

'Interpretation of Dreams'

'Briefwechsel, 1908-1938' -- subject(s): Correspondence, Psychiatrists, Psychoanalysis and philosophy, Psychoanalysts

'Zur Technik der Psychoanalyse und zur Metapsychologie' -- subject(s): Psychoanalysis, Addresses, essays, lectures

'Basic works of Sigmund Freud' -- subject(s): Psychoanalysis, Biography, Psychoanalysts, Addresses, essays, lectures

'A general selection from the works of Sigmund Freud' -- subject(s): Psychoanalysis

'The complete letters of Sigmund Freud to Wilhelm Fliess, 1887-1904' -- subject(s): Correspondence, Psychoanalysis, Psychoanalysts, Psychanalyse, Psychoanalyse, Histoire, Psychanalystes, Sources, Correspondance, Collected Correspondence

'Obras Completas - Tomo XIII Totem y Tabu y Otras Obras'

'The Sigmund Freud 6 Obras Completas'

'Interpreting Dreams'

'Lettere alla fidanzata' -- subject(s): Correspondence, Psychoanalysts, Relations with women

'Fuluoyide xin li zhe xue' -- subject(s): Dream interpretation, Psychoanalysis

'Civilisation, war and death' -- subject(s): Death, War, Psychoanalysis, Civilization

'Tagebuch 1929-1939' -- subject(s): Diaries, Psychoanalysts, Psychoanalysis

'Sigmund Freud, Oskar Pfister Briefe 1909-1939' -- subject(s): Correspondence, Psychoanalysts

'TOTEM ET TABOU - Interpretation par la Pyschanalyse de la Vie Sociale Des Peuples Primitifs'

'The major works of Sigmund Freud' -- subject(s): Psychoanalysis

'Sammlung kleiner Schriften zur Neurosenlehre aus den Jahren 1893-1906' -- subject(s): Psychoanalysis, Neuroses

'L' interpretazione dei sogni'

'Letters of Sigmund Freud, 1873-1939' -- subject(s): Correspondence, Psychoanalysts

'Sammlung kleiner Schriften zur Neurosenlehre aus den Jahren 1893-1906' -- subject(s): Psychoanalysis, Neuroses

'Tagebuch 1929-1939' -- subject(s): Diaries, Psychoanalysts, Psychoanalysis

'Civilization, war and death [selections from five works] Edited by John Rickman' -- subject(s): Death, Psychoanalysis, War

'Obras Completas - Tomo XXII Nuevas Conferencias de Introduccion Al Psicoanalisis'

'Gesammelte Werke, chronologisch geordnet' -- subject(s): Psychoanalysis

'Fuluoyide xin li zhe xue' -- subject(s): Dream interpretation, Psychoanalysis

'Het ik en de psychologie der massa' -- subject(s): Social psychology, Psychoanalysis

'Basic works of Sigmund Freud' -- subject(s): Psychoanalysis, Biography, Psychoanalysts, Addresses, essays, lectures

'Letters of Sigmund Freud, 1873-1939' -- subject(s): Correspondence, Psychoanalysts

'Cuestion del Analisis Profano, La'

'Freud sigmund'

'Obras Completas - Tomo XVI Conferencias de Introduccion Al Psicoanalisis'

'Sexualleben. (Studienausgabe) Bd. 5 von 10 u. Erg.-Bd'

'Interpreting Dreams'

'The major works of Sigmund Freud' -- subject(s): Psychoanalysis

'Tres Ensayos Sobre Teoria Sexual'

'The major works of Sigmund Freud' -- subject(s): Psychoanalysis

'Sigmund Freud, Oskar Pfister Briefe 1909-1939' -- subject(s): Correspondence, Psychoanalysts

'Die Zukunft einer Illusion' -- subject(s): Accessible book, Psychology, Religious, Psychotherapy, Religion, Religious Psychology

'Tagebuch 1929-1939' -- subject(s): Diaries, Psychoanalysts, Psychoanalysis

'Ri chang sheng huo de xin li fen xi' -- subject(s): Repression (Psychology), Paragrammatism, Psychoanalysis, Memory

'Jing shen fen xi yin lun xin jiang =' -- subject(s): Psychoanalysis

'Tagebuch 1929-1939' -- subject(s): Diaries, Psychoanalysts, Psychoanalysis

'Sammlung kleiner Schriften zur Neurosenlehre aus den Jahren 1893-1906' -- subject(s): Psychoanalysis, Neuroses

'Zur Technik der Psychoanalyse und zur Metapsychologie' -- subject(s): Psychoanalysis, Addresses, essays, lectures

'Ri chang sheng huo de xin li fen xi' -- subject(s): Repression (Psychology), Paragrammatism, Psychoanalysis, Memory

'Obras Completas - Tomo VIII - El Chiste y Su Relacion Con Lo Inconciente'

'Sigmund Freud II - Obras Completas'

'General pyschological theory' -- subject(s): Pathological Pyschology

'Les mots de Freud' -- subject(s): Psychoanalysis, Quotations, maxims

'Studien zur Psychoanalyse der Neurosen' -- subject(s): Neuroses, Psychoanalysis

'Wolfman and Other Cases' -- subject(s): Case studies, Psychoanalysis, Neuroses

'The problem of anxiety' -- subject(s): Psychoanalysis, Neuroses, Fear, Anxiety

'Kleine Schriften zur Sexualtheorie und zur Traumlehre' -- subject(s): Psychoanalysis, Addresses, essays, lectures

'Basic works of Sigmund Freud' -- subject(s): Psychoanalysis, Biography, Psychoanalysts, Addresses, essays, lectures

'Fuluoyide xin li zhe xue' -- subject(s): Dream interpretation, Psychoanalysis

'Interpreting Dreams'

'Sigmund Freud, Oskar Pfister Briefe 1909-1939' -- subject(s): Correspondence, Psychoanalysts

'Studien zur Psychoanalyse der Neurosen' -- subject(s): Neuroses, Psychoanalysis

'Briefwechsel 1906-1939' -- subject(s): Correspondence, Psychoanalysts

'Sammlung kleiner Schriften zur Neurosenlehre ...' -- subject(s): Neuroses, Psychoanalysis

'The Psychology of Love' -- subject(s): OverDrive, Nonfiction, Psychology

'Sigmund Freud, Minna Bernays' -- subject(s): Correspondence, Family, Psychoanalysts

'Collected Papers (The International Psycho-analytical Library)'

'Correspondance Freud - Abraham, 1907-1926'

'Ri chang sheng huo de xin li fen xi' -- subject(s): Repression (Psychology), Paragrammatism, Psychoanalysis, Memory

'The problem of anxiety' -- subject(s): Psychoanalysis, Neuroses, Fear, Anxiety

'Sammlung kleiner Schriften zur Neurosenlehre aus den Jahren 1893-1906' -- subject(s): Psychoanalysis, Neuroses

'Souvenirs de l'Enfance de Leonardo da Vinci'



'Fuluoyide xin li zhe xue' -- subject(s): Dream interpretation, Psychoanalysis

'Tagebuch 1929-1939' -- subject(s): Diaries, Psychoanalysts, Psychoanalysis

'Gesammelte Werke, 17 Bde., 1 Reg.-Bd. u. 1 Nachtragsbd., Bd.13, Jenseits des Lustprinzips'

'Le\\\Delire et les Reves dans la Gradiva de W. Jenson'

'Interpreting Dreams'

'Sigmund Freud, Oskar Pfister Briefe 1909-1939' -- subject(s): Correspondence, Psychoanalysts

'Mass psychology and other writings' -- subject(s): Social psychology, Psychoanalysis

'Zur Aetiologie der Hysterie' -- subject(s): Psychoanalysis, Hysteria

'De l'art et de la psychanalyse' -- subject(s): Psychoanalysis, Psychoanalysis and art.

'The letters of Sigmund Freud and Arnold Zweig' -- subject(s): Correspondence, Psychoanalysts, German Novelists

'Studien zur Psychoanalyse der Neurosen' -- subject(s): Neuroses, Psychoanalysis

'Briefe an Wilhelm Fliess, 1887-1904' -- subject(s): Correspondence, Psychoanalysis, Psychoanalysts

'Wolfman and Other Cases' -- subject(s): Case studies, Psychoanalysis, Neuroses

'Studien zur Psychoanalyse der Neurosen' -- subject(s): Neuroses, Psychoanalysis

'Briefwechsel 1906-1939' -- subject(s): Correspondence, Psychoanalysts

'A general selection from the works of Sigmund Freud' -- subject(s): Psychoanalysis

'De l'art et de la psychanalyse' -- subject(s): Psychoanalysis and art, Psychoanalysis

'No Royalty A/C an Autobiographical Study - Fr'

'Relatos Clinicos'

'Le mot d'esprit et ses rapports avec l'inconscient' -- subject(s): Wit and humor, Subconsciousness


'Sammlung kleiner Schriften zur Neurosenlehre ..' -- subject(s): Neuroses, Psychoanalysis

'Zwei Fallberichte'

'Fuluoyide xin li zhe xue' -- subject(s): Dream interpretation, Psychoanalysis

'A general selection from the works of Sigmund Freud' -- subject(s): Psychoanalysis

'Letters of Sigmund Freud, 1873-1939' -- subject(s): Correspondence, Psychoanalysts


'On metapsychology' -- subject(s): Psychoanalysis

'Zur Kenntniss der cerebralen Diplegien des Kinderalters' -- subject(s): Cerebral palsy

'Letters of Sigmund Freud, 1873-1939' -- subject(s): Correspondence, Psychoanalysts

'Ri chang sheng huo de xin li fen xi' -- subject(s): Repression (Psychology), Paragrammatism, Psychoanalysis, Memory

'Letters of Sigmund Freud, 1873-1939' -- subject(s): Correspondence, Psychoanalysts

'Fuluoyide xin li zhe xue' -- subject(s): Dream interpretation, Psychoanalysis

'Fuluoyide xin li zhe xue' -- subject(s): Dream interpretation, Psychoanalysis

'Tagebuch 1929-1939' -- subject(s): Diaries, Psychoanalysts, Psychoanalysis

'3 Essays in Sexuality'

'Kleine Schriften zur Sexualtheorie und zur Traumlehre' -- subject(s): Psychoanalysis, Addresses, essays, lectures

'Briefwechsel, 1908-1938' -- subject(s): Correspondence, Psychiatrists, Psychoanalysis and philosophy, Psychoanalysts

'The letters of Sigmund Freud and Otto Rank' -- subject(s): Correspondence, Collected Correspondence, History, 19th Century, Psychoanalysts, History, 20th Century, Psychoanalysis, Psychoanalytic Theory, History

'El Malestar En La Cultura/the Discomfort of the Culture'

'Kleine Schriften zur Sexualtheorie und zur Traumlehre' -- subject(s): Psychoanalysis, Addresses, essays, lectures

'Sammlung kleiner Schriften zur Neurosenlehre ..' -- subject(s): Neuroses, Psychoanalysis

'Briefwechsel 1906-1939' -- subject(s): Correspondence, Psychoanalysts

'Interpreting Dreams'

'Studien zur Psychoanalyse der Neurosen' -- subject(s): Neuroses, Psychoanalysis

'Das Unbehagen in der Kultur. Und andere kulturtheoretische Schriften'

'Freudian Slips'

'Los Origenes Del Psicoanalisis'

'The Wisdom Of Sigmund Freud (Wisdom Library)'

'Briefe an Wilhelm Fliess, 1887-1904' -- subject(s): Correspondence, Psychoanalysis, Psychoanalysts

'L' interpretazione dei sogni'

'Sammlung kleiner Schriften zur Neurosenlehre aus den Jahren 1893-1906' -- subject(s): Psychoanalysis, Neuroses

'Proyecto De Una Psicologia Para Neurologos Y Otros Escritos / Project of a Psychology for Neurologists and Other Writings (Humanidades / Humanities)'

'Civilisation, war and death' -- subject(s): Death, War, Psychoanalysis, Civilization

'Interpreting Dreams'

'A general selection from the works of Sigmund Freud' -- subject(s): Psychoanalysis

'De l'art et de la psychanalyse' -- subject(s): Psychoanalysis and art, Psychoanalysis

'Schriften zur Neurosenlehre und zur psychoanalytischen Technik' -- subject(s): Neuroses, Addresses, essays, lectures, Psychoanalysis

'Zur Auffassung der Aphasien. Eine kritische Studie. ( Psychologie)'

'Ri chang sheng huo de xin li fen xi' -- subject(s): Repression (Psychology), Paragrammatism, Psychoanalysis, Memory

'Fuluoyide xin li zhe xue' -- subject(s): Dream interpretation, Psychoanalysis

'Sammlung kleiner Schriften zur Neurosenlehre aus den Jahren 1893-1906' -- subject(s): Psychoanalysis, Neuroses

'Schriften zur Neurosenlehre und zur psychoanalytischen Technik' -- subject(s): Neuroses, Addresses, essays, lectures, Psychoanalysis

'Sigmund Freud, Oskar Pfister Briefe 1909-1939' -- subject(s): Correspondence, Psychoanalysts

'Civilisation, war and death' -- subject(s): Death, War, Psychoanalysis, Civilization

'Basic works of Sigmund Freud' -- subject(s): Psychoanalysis, Biography, Psychoanalysts, Addresses, essays, lectures

'Le\\\President Thomas Woodrow Wilson / Portrait Psychologique'

'Totem et tabou'

'Basic works of Sigmund Freud' -- subject(s): Psychoanalysis, Biography, Psychoanalysts, Addresses, essays, lectures

'Lettere alla fidanzata' -- subject(s): Correspondence, Psychoanalysts, Relations with women

'Kleine Schriften zur Sexualtheorie und zur Traumlehre' -- subject(s): Psychoanalysis, Addresses, essays, lectures

'Briefe an Wilhelm Fliess, 1887-1904' -- subject(s): Correspondence, Psychoanalysis, Psychoanalysts

'Dictionary of psychoanalysis' -- subject(s): Dictionaries, indexes, Dictionaries, Psychoanalysis

'Ri chang sheng huo de xin li fen xi' -- subject(s): Repression (Psychology), Paragrammatism, Psychoanalysis, Memory

'Briefe an Wilhelm Fliess, 1887-1904' -- subject(s): Correspondence, Psychoanalysis, Psychoanalysts

'Two Short Accounts of Psycho Analysis'

'Studies in Parapsychology' -- subject(s): Demoniac possession, Parapsychology, Dreams

'Interpreting Dreams'

'Jing shen fen xi yin lun xin jiang =' -- subject(s): Psychoanalysis

'De l'art et de la psychanalyse' -- subject(s): Psychoanalysis and art, Psychoanalysis

'De lire et re ves dans la \\'

'Obras Completas de Sigmund Freud'

'Psychological writings and letters' -- subject(s): Correspondence, Psychoanalysis, Psychoanalysts

'The Complete Correspondence of Sigmund Freud and Karl Abraham 1907-1925' -- subject(s): Correspondence, Psychoanalysis, Collected Correspondence, Psychoanalysts

'Briefwechsel 1904-1938' -- subject(s): Correspondence, Psychoanalysts

'Briefwechsel, 1908-1938' -- subject(s): Correspondence, Psychiatrists, Psychoanalysis and philosophy, Psychoanalysts

'Zur Technik der Psychoanalyse und zur Metapsychologie' -- subject(s): Psychoanalysis, Addresses, essays, lectures

'Interpreting Dreams'

'Lettere alla fidanzata' -- subject(s): Correspondence, Psychoanalysts, Relations with women

'Sammlung kleiner Schriften zur Neurosenlehre aus den Jahren 1893-1906' -- subject(s): Psychoanalysis, Neuroses

'Three contributions to the sexual theory' -- subject(s): Sex

'Briefe 1873-1939' -- subject(s): Psychoanalysis

'Briefwechsel, 1908-1938' -- subject(s): Correspondence, Psychiatrists, Psychoanalysis and philosophy, Psychoanalysts

'Sigmund Freud, Oskar Pfister Briefe 1909-1939' -- subject(s): Correspondence, Psychoanalysts

'The standard edition of the complete psychological works' -- subject(s): Psychoanalysis

'La Question De Psychanalyse Profane'

'Fuluoyide xin li zhe xue' -- subject(s): Dream interpretation, Psychoanalysis

'Het ik en de psychologie der massa' -- subject(s): Social psychology, Psychoanalysis

'Briefwechsel 1904-1938' -- subject(s): Correspondence, Psychoanalysts

'Obras Completas - Tomo III Primeras Publicaciones Psicoanaliticas'

'The uncanny' -- subject(s): Psychoanalysis

'Briefwechsel' -- subject(s): Correspondence, Psychoanalysts, Psychoanalysis

'Introduction a la psychanalyse' -- subject(s): Psychoanalysis

'Briefe an Wilhelm Fliess, 1887-1904' -- subject(s): Correspondence, Psychoanalysis, Psychoanalysts

'Dreams in Folklore'

'Essais de psychanalyse' -- subject(s): Psychoanalysis, Psychanalyse

'Essais de psychanalyse' -- subject(s): Psychoanalysis, Psychanalyse

'Letters of Sigmund Freud, 1873-1939' -- subject(s): Correspondence, Psychoanalysts

'Kleine Schriften zur Sexualtheorie und zur Traumlehre' -- subject(s): Psychoanalysis, Addresses, essays, lectures

'Gesammelte Werke' -- subject(s): Psychoanalysis

'Briefwechsel 1904-1938' -- subject(s): Correspondence, Psychoanalysts

'Zur Technik der Psychoanalyse und zur Metapsychologie' -- subject(s): Psychoanalysis, Addresses, essays, lectures

'Schriften zur Neurosenlehre und zur psychoanalytischen Technik' -- subject(s): Neuroses, Addresses, essays, lectures, Psychoanalysis

'Jokes and their relation to the unconscious' -- subject(s): Wit and humor, Subconsciousness, Psychological aspects

'Freud on cocaine' -- subject(s): Therapeutic use, Cocaine, Psychological aspects, Coca, Drug use

'Gesammelte Werke, 17 Bde., 1 Reg.-Bd. u. 1 Nachtragsbd., Bd.7, Werke aus den Jahren 1906-1909'

'La Histeria/ The Hysteria'

'A moment of transition' -- subject(s): Brain, Aphasia

'Sammlung kleiner Schriften zur Neurosenlehre ..' -- subject(s): Neuroses, Psychoanalysis

'The problem of anxiety' -- subject(s): Psychoanalysis, Neuroses, Fear, Anxiety

'Briefwechsel 1906-1939' -- subject(s): Correspondence, Psychoanalysts

'A general selection from the works of Sigmund Freud' -- subject(s): Psychoanalysis

'Briefwechsel 1904-1938' -- subject(s): Correspondence, Psychoanalysts

'Zur Technik der Psychoanalyse und zur Metapsychologie' -- subject(s): Psychoanalysis, Addresses, essays, lectures

'The problem of lay-analyses' -- subject(s): Psychoanalysis, Lay analysis (Psychoanalysis)

'Die Traumdeutung' -- subject(s): Psychoanalysis, Dreams, Dream interpretation, Neurasthenia

'Sammlung kleiner Schriften zur Neurosenlehre aus den Jahren 1893-1906' -- subject(s): Psychoanalysis, Neuroses

'A general selection from the works of Sigmund Freud' -- subject(s): Psychoanalysis

'Basic works of Sigmund Freud' -- subject(s): Psychoanalysis, Biography, Psychoanalysts, Addresses, essays, lectures

'Briefwechsel, 1908-1938' -- subject(s): Correspondence, Psychiatrists, Psychoanalysis and philosophy, Psychoanalysts

'Tagebuch 1929-1939' -- subject(s): Diaries, Psychoanalysts, Psychoanalysis

'Basic works of Sigmund Freud' -- subject(s): Psychoanalysis, Biography, Psychoanalysts, Addresses, essays, lectures

'Aus den Anfangen der Psychoanalyse'

'Leonardo da Vinci: a study in psychosexuality'

'Briefe 1909-1939' -- subject(s): Correspondence, Psychiatrists, Psychoanalysis, Psychoanalysis and philosophy, Psychoanalysts, Relations with women

'Wolfman and Other Cases' -- subject(s): Case studies, Psychoanalysis, Neuroses

'Konkordanz zu den Gesammelten Werken von Sigmund Freud' -- subject(s): Concordances

'The problem of lay-analysis' -- subject(s): Psychoanalysis

'Delusion and dream' -- subject(s): Psychoanalysis, Dreams

'Studien zur Psychoanalyse der Neurosen' -- subject(s): Neuroses, Psychoanalysis

'Essais de psychanalyse' -- subject(s): Psychoanalysis, Psychanalyse

'Briefwechsel, 1908-1938' -- subject(s): Correspondence, Psychiatrists, Psychoanalysis and philosophy, Psychoanalysts

'Sammlung kleiner Schriften zur Neurosenlehre ..' -- subject(s): Neuroses, Psychoanalysis

'The problem of anxiety' -- subject(s): Psychoanalysis, Neuroses, Fear, Anxiety

'On psychopathology' -- subject(s): Psychology, pathological, Psychoanalysis

'Hemmung, Symptom und Angst' -- subject(s): Psychoanalysis, Neuroses, Anxiety, Fear

'Ri chang sheng huo de xin li fen xi' -- subject(s): Repression (Psychology), Paragrammatism, Psychoanalysis, Memory

'Civilisation, war and death' -- subject(s): Death, War, Psychoanalysis, Civilization

'Zur Technik der Psychoanalyse und zur Metapsychologie' -- subject(s): Psychoanalysis, Addresses, essays, lectures

'Briefwechsel 1904-1938' -- subject(s): Correspondence, Psychoanalysts

'The major works of Sigmund Freud' -- subject(s): Psychoanalysis

'Cartas A La Novia'

'Briefwechsel, 1908-1938' -- subject(s): Correspondence, Psychiatrists, Psychoanalysis and philosophy, Psychoanalysts

'A general selection from the works of Sigmund Freud' -- subject(s): Psychoanalysis

'La question de l'analyse profane / Die Frage der Laienanalyse'

'Ma vie et la psychanalyse' -- subject(s): Psychoanalysis

'L' interpretazione dei sogni'

'Briefwechsel 1904-1938' -- subject(s): Correspondence, Psychoanalysts

'Hysterie und Angst'

'Interpretation of Dreams (Classics of World Literature) (Classics of World Literature)'

'Psikanaliz uzerine'

'Five lectures on psycho-analysis' -- subject(s): Psychoanalysis, Addresses, essays, lectures, Psychanalyse

'Tagebuch 1929-1939' -- subject(s): Diaries, Psychoanalysts, Psychoanalysis

'Briefe an Wilhelm Fliess, 1887-1904' -- subject(s): Correspondence, Psychoanalysis, Psychoanalysts

'The major works of Sigmund Freud' -- subject(s): Psychoanalysis

'Civilisation, war and death' -- subject(s): Death, War, Psychoanalysis, Civilization

'On creativity and the unconscious' -- subject(s): Psychoanalysis, Freud, sigmund, Psychanalyse, Psicanalise

'Bildende Kunst und Literatur (Studienausgabe) Bd. 10 von 10 u. Erg.-Bd'

'Zur Technik der Psychoanalyse und zur Metapsychologie' -- subject(s): Psychoanalysis, Addresses, essays, lectures

'Essais de psychanalyse' -- subject(s): Psychoanalysis, Psychanalyse

'Briefe an Wilhelm Fliess, 1887-1904' -- subject(s): Correspondence, Psychoanalysis, Psychoanalysts

'Chiste y Su Relacion Con Lo Inconsciente - Una Teoria Sexual'

'Ri chang sheng huo de xin li ao mi' -- subject(s): Repression (Psychology), Paragrammatism, Psychoanalysis, Memory

'Sammlung kleiner Schriften zur Neurosenlehre ..' -- subject(s): Neuroses, Psychoanalysis

'Beyond the pleasure principle and other writings' -- subject(s): Psychoanalysis

'The Great Books Reading and Discussion Program (First Series, Volume 1)'

'The major works of Sigmund Freud' -- subject(s): Psychoanalysis

'Introduccion Al Psicoanalisis / Introduction To Psychoanalysis'

'The question of lay analysis' -- subject(s): Psychoanalysis, Psychoanalytic Theory

'Studien zur Psychoanalyse der Neurosen' -- subject(s): Neuroses, Psychoanalysis

'Wolfman and Other Cases' -- subject(s): Case studies, Psychoanalysis, Neuroses

'Essais de psychanalyse' -- subject(s): Psychoanalysis, Psychanalyse

'Beginner's Guide to Dream Analysis'

'L' Homme aux rats' -- subject(s): Case studies, Psychoanalysis

'Sur l'histoire du mouvement psychanalytique'

'Schriften zur Neurosenlehre und zur psychoanalytischen Technik' -- subject(s): Neuroses, Addresses, essays, lectures, Psychoanalysis

'Interpreting Dreams'

'Totem and Taboo; Some Points of Agreement Between the Mental Lives of Savages and Neurotics. (Standard Edition of the Complete Psychological Works of Sigmund Freud)'

'Letters of Sigmund Freud, 1873-1939' -- subject(s): Correspondence, Psychoanalysts

'Essais de psychanalyse' -- subject(s): Psychoanalysis, Psychanalyse

'The major works of Sigmund Freud' -- subject(s): Psychoanalysis

'The problem of anxiety' -- subject(s): Psychoanalysis, Neuroses, Fear, Anxiety

'De l'art et de la psychanalyse' -- subject(s): Psychoanalysis and art, Psychoanalysis

'Kleine Schriften zur Sexualtheorie und zur Traumlehre' -- subject(s): Psychoanalysis, Addresses, essays, lectures

'Obras Completas - Tomo VI Psicopatologia de La Vida Cotidiana'

'Sigmund Freud, Jugendbriefe an Eduard Silberstein, 1871-1881' -- subject(s): Correspondence, Psychoanalysts

'Case histories I' -- subject(s): Sex (Psychology), Psychoanalysis

'Gesammelte Werke. Bd. 18 (Gesamtregister)'

'Kleine Schriften zur Sexualtheorie und zur Traumlehre' -- subject(s): Psychoanalysis, Addresses, essays, lectures

'Kleine Schriften zur Sexualtheorie und zur Traumlehre' -- subject(s): Psychoanalysis, Addresses, essays, lectures

'Essais de psychanalyse' -- subject(s): Psychoanalysis, Psychanalyse

'Psychoanalytische Studien an Werken der Dichtung und Kunst' -- subject(s): Literature, Psychoanalysis

'Zur Technik der Psychoanalyse und zur Metapsychologie' -- subject(s): Psychoanalysis, Addresses, essays, lectures

'Wolfman and Other Cases' -- subject(s): Case studies, Psychoanalysis, Neuroses

'A Young Girl's Diary' -- subject(s): OverDrive, Classic Literature, Fiction

'The problem of anxiety' -- subject(s): Psychoanalysis, Neuroses, Fear, Anxiety

'Case histories II' -- subject(s): Case studies, Psychoanalysis

'Bildende Kunst und Literatur' -- subject(s): Psychology, Literature, Art

'Kleine Schriften zur Sexualtheorie und zur Traumlehre' -- subject(s): Psychoanalysis, Addresses, essays, lectures

'The major works of Sigmund Freud' -- subject(s): Psychoanalysis

'A general selection from the works of Sigmund Freud' -- subject(s): Psychoanalysis

'Dream Psychology - Psychoanalysis for Beginners - Freud'

'Obras Completas - 3 Tomos'

'Sigmund Freud - Tomo 4'

'Modern sexual morality and modern nervousness' -- subject(s): Sexual instinct, Neuroses, Sexual ethics

'L' interpretazione dei sogni'

'Wolfman and Other Cases' -- subject(s): Case studies, Psychoanalysis, Neuroses

'Studien zur Psychoanalyse der Neurosen' -- subject(s): Neuroses, Psychoanalysis

'Schriften zur Neurosenlehre und zur psychoanalytischen Technik' -- subject(s): Neuroses, Addresses, essays, lectures, Psychoanalysis

'Unbehagen in der Kultur'

'Oeuvres completes vol.18 1926-1930'

'Selected writings' -- subject(s): Psychoanalysis

'Infantile cerebral paralysis' -- subject(s): Cerebral palsy

'Letters of Sigmund Freud, 1873-1939' -- subject(s): Correspondence, Psychoanalysts

'Sigmund Freud, Oskar Pfister Briefe 1909-1939' -- subject(s): Correspondence, Psychoanalysts

'Ri chang sheng huo de xin li fen xi' -- subject(s): Repression (Psychology), Paragrammatism, Psychoanalysis, Memory

'Thomas Woodrow Wilson'

'Sammlung kleiner Schriften zur Neurosenlehre ..' -- subject(s): Neuroses, Psychoanalysis

'Schriften zur Neurosenlehre und zur psychoanalytischen Technik' -- subject(s): Neuroses, Addresses, essays, lectures, Psychoanalysis

'Die Traumdeutung. (Studienausgabe) Bd. 2 von 10 u. Erg.-Bd'

'Sigmung Freud - Tomo 9'

'Het ik en de psychologie der massa' -- subject(s): Social psychology, Psychoanalysis

'Jing shen fen xi yin lun xin jiang =' -- subject(s): Psychoanalysis

'Essais de psychanalyse' -- subject(s): Psychoanalysis, Psychanalyse

'Het ik en de psychologie der massa' -- subject(s): Social psychology, Psychoanalysis

'The ego and the id' -- subject(s): Psychoanalysis

'Collected Papers: Vol.2'

'Obras Completas - Tomo XXIV Indices y Bibliografias'

'Freud on women' -- subject(s): Sex (Psychology), Women and psychoanalysis, Women, Psychology, Views on women

'Sammlung kleiner Schriften zur Neurosenlehre ..' -- subject(s): Neuroses, Psychoanalysis

'Interpreting Dreams'

'Sur la psychanalyse'

'General psychological theory' -- subject(s): Psychoanalysis, Psychology, Pathological, Pathological Psychology



'Studien zur Psychoanalyse der Neurosen' -- subject(s): Neuroses, Psychoanalysis

'Briefwechsel, 1908-1938' -- subject(s): Correspondence, Psychiatrists, Psychoanalysis and philosophy, Psychoanalysts

'Kleine Schriften zur Sexualtheorie und zur Traumlehre' -- subject(s): Psychoanalysis, Addresses, essays, lectures

'The major works of Sigmund Freud' -- subject(s): Psychoanalysis

'Sigmund Freud, Oskar Pfister Briefe 1909-1939' -- subject(s): Correspondence, Psychoanalysts

'Essais de psychanalyse' -- subject(s): Psychoanalysis, Psychanalyse

'Sammlung kleiner Schriften zur Neurosenlehre ..' -- subject(s): Neuroses, Psychoanalysis


'A general selection from the works of Sigmund Freud' -- subject(s): Psychoanalysis

'The problem of anxiety' -- subject(s): Psychoanalysis, Neuroses, Fear, Anxiety

'Obras Completas - Tomo XI Cinco Conferencias Sobre Psicoanalisis'

'The Sigmund Freud 5 - Obras Completas'

'Das Ich und das Es' -- subject(s): Id (Psychology), Psychoanalysis, Ego (Psychology)

'Sammlung kleiner Schriften zur Neurosenlehre ..' -- subject(s): Neuroses, Psychoanalysis

'The problems of lay-analyses' -- subject(s): Psychoanalysis

'Briefe an Wilhelm Fliess, 1887-1904' -- subject(s): Correspondence, Psychoanalysis, Psychoanalysts

'L' interpretazione dei sogni'

'Basic works of Sigmund Freud' -- subject(s): Psychoanalysis, Biography, Psychoanalysts, Addresses, essays, lectures

'Het ik en de psychologie der massa' -- subject(s): Social psychology, Psychoanalysis

'The Ego and the Id (International Psycho-analytical Library)'

'Schriften zur Neurosenlehre und zur psychoanalytischen Technik' -- subject(s): Neuroses, Addresses, essays, lectures, Psychoanalysis

'Tagebuch 1929-1939' -- subject(s): Diaries, Psychoanalysts, Psychoanalysis

'Briefwechsel, 1908-1938' -- subject(s): Correspondence, Psychiatrists, Psychoanalysis and philosophy, Psychoanalysts

'The problem of anxiety' -- subject(s): Psychoanalysis, Neuroses, Fear, Anxiety

'Ri chang sheng huo de xin li fen xi' -- subject(s): Repression (Psychology), Paragrammatism, Psychoanalysis, Memory

'Malaise dans la civilisation' -- subject(s): Civilisation, Psychanalyse, Psychologie sociale

'Obras Completas - Tomo XIX El Yo y El Ello y Otras Obras'

'Sexualidad Infantil y Neurosis'

'Dream psychology: Psychoanalysis for Beginners'

'Unser Herz zeigt nach dem S uden: Reisebriefe 1895-1923' -- subject(s): OUR Brockhaus selection, Psychologie

'Abraham Psychoanalytic Dialogue'

'The Freud/Jung letters' -- subject(s): Biography, Correspondence, Psychoanalysts

'Sigmund Freud Obras Completas, Volume 4'

'Collected Papers (International Psycho-Analysis Library)'

'Jing shen fen xi yin lun xin jiang =' -- subject(s): Psychoanalysis

'Lettere alla fidanzata' -- subject(s): Correspondence, Psychoanalysts, Relations with women

'Wolfman and Other Cases' -- subject(s): Case studies, Psychoanalysis, Neuroses

'Fuluoyide zi zhuan =' -- subject(s): Psychoanalysis

'Letters of Sigmund Freud' -- subject(s): Correspondence, Psychoanalysts, Letters

'Briefwechsel, 1908-1938' -- subject(s): Correspondence, Psychiatrists, Psychoanalysis and philosophy, Psychoanalysts

'Gesammelte Werke, 17 Bde., 1 Reg.-Bd. u. 1 Nachtragsbd., Bd.12, Werke aus den Jahren 1917-1920'

'La technique psychanalytique' -- subject(s): Psychanalyse

'Art and Literature'

'Sammlung kleiner Schriften zur Neurosenlehre aus den Jahren 1893-1906' -- subject(s): Psychoanalysis, Neuroses

'A general selection from the works of Sigmund Freud' -- subject(s): Psychoanalysis

'De l'art et de la psychanalyse' -- subject(s): Psychoanalysis and art, Psychoanalysis

'Psychanalyse. Textes choisies par Dina Dreyfus' -- subject(s): Psychanalyse

'Sigmund Freud, Oskar Pfister Briefe 1909-1939' -- subject(s): Correspondence, Psychoanalysts

'Lettere alla fidanzata' -- subject(s): Correspondence, Psychoanalysts, Relations with women

'Der Mann Moses and Die Monotheistische Rel'

'Obras Completas - Freud 25 Tomos'

'Psychologie collective et analyse du moi' -- subject(s): Social psychology, Psychoanalysis

'Sigmund Freud - Tomo 2'

'The Unconscious'

'Kleine Schriften zur Sexualtheorie und zur Traumlehre' -- subject(s): Psychoanalysis, Addresses, essays, lectures

'Freud Totem and Taboo'

'Sammlung kleiner Schriften zur Neurosenlehre ..' -- subject(s): Neuroses, Psychoanalysis

'Briefwechsel, 1908-1938' -- subject(s): Correspondence, Psychiatrists, Psychoanalysis and philosophy, Psychoanalysts

'De l'art et de la psychanalyse' -- subject(s): Psychoanalysis and art, Psychoanalysis

'Het ik en de psychologie der massa' -- subject(s): Social psychology, Psychoanalysis

'Fuluoyide xin li zhe xue' -- subject(s): Dream interpretation, Psychoanalysis

'Gesammelte Werke, 17 Bde., 1 Reg.-Bd. u. 1 Nachtragsbd., Bd.16, Werke aus den Jahren 1932-1939'

'Zwei Kinderneurosen' -- subject(s): Child psychiatry, Neuroses, Emotional problems of children

'Briefwechsel Sigmund Freud / Ernest Jones 1908 - 1939. In englischer Sprache'

'Lettere alla fidanzata' -- subject(s): Correspondence, Psychoanalysts, Relations with women

'A general selection from the works of Sigmund Freud' -- subject(s): Psychoanalyse, Psychoanalysis

'Letters of Sigmund Freud, 1873-1939' -- subject(s): Correspondence, Psychoanalysts

'Zur Technik der Psychoanalyse und zur Metapsychologie' -- subject(s): Psychoanalysis, Addresses, essays, lectures

'A general selection from the works of Sigmund Freud' -- subject(s): Psychoanalysis

'Wolfman and Other Cases' -- subject(s): Case studies, Psychoanalysis, Neuroses

'Civilisation, war and death' -- subject(s): Death, War, Psychoanalysis, Civilization

'Sigmund Freud, Oskar Pfister Briefe 1909-1939' -- subject(s): Correspondence, Psychoanalysts

'Mourning and melancholia (1917 [1915])'

'Reflections on war and death' -- subject(s): Death, War

'L' avenir d'une illusion' -- subject(s): Religion, Psychologie religieuse, Psychanalyse

'Essais de psychanalyse' -- subject(s): Psychoanalysis, Psychanalyse

'The problem of anxiety' -- subject(s): Psychoanalysis, Neuroses, Fear, Anxiety

'Interpreting Dreams'

'Ensayos Sobre La Vida Sexual y La Teoria de'

'The Schreber Case' -- subject(s): Mental health, Case studies, Paranoia

'Essais de psychanalyse' -- subject(s): Psychoanalysis, Psychanalyse

'Mass Psychology'

'Personjes psicopaticos en el teatre'

'Freud' -- subject(s): Psychoanalysis, Psychanalyse

'Paranoia y neurosis obsesiva'

'Mann Moses und die monotheistische Religion' -- subject(s): Judaism, Religious Psychology, Monotheism, Relations, Egyptian, Origin, Religion, Moses, Philosophy

'Fuluoyide lun mei wen xuan'

'Zur Technik der Psychoanalyse und zur Metapsychologie' -- subject(s): Psychoanalysis, Addresses, essays, lectures

'De l'art et de la psychanalyse' -- subject(s): Psychoanalysis and art, Psychoanalysis

'Zur Technik der Psychoanalyse und zur Metapsychologie' -- subject(s): Psychoanalysis, Addresses, essays, lectures

'Nouvelles Conferences d'Introduction a la Psychanalyse'

'The Psychopathology of Everyday Life (Zur Psychopathologie des Alltagslebens)'

'Le\\\Reve et Son Interpretation'


'From neurology to psychoanalysis' -- subject(s): Exhibitions, Atlases, Neurology, Psychology, Charts, diagrams

'Sammlung kleiner Schriften zur Neurosenlehre ..' -- subject(s): Neuroses, Psychoanalysis

'Briefwechsel, 1908-1938' -- subject(s): Correspondence, Psychiatrists, Psychoanalysis and philosophy, Psychoanalysts

'Briefwechsel 1904-1938' -- subject(s): Correspondence, Psychoanalysts

'Lettere alla fidanzata' -- subject(s): Correspondence, Psychoanalysts, Relations with women

'Letters of Sigmund Freud, 1873-1939' -- subject(s): Correspondence, Psychoanalysts

'L' interpretazione dei sogni'

'On aphasia; a critical study' -- subject(s): Aphasia

'Briefe an Wilhelm Fliess, 1887-1904' -- subject(s): Correspondence, Psychoanalysis, Psychoanalysts

'Letters of Sigmund Freud, 1873-1939' -- subject(s): Correspondence, Psychoanalysts

'Origins of Psychoanl'

'Moises y La Religion - 517 -'

'On Murder, Mourning and Melancholia' -- subject(s): Mourning, Depression, Melancholia, Melancholy

'Sammlung kleiner Schriften zur Neurosenlehre aus den Jahren 1893-1906' -- subject(s): Psychoanalysis, Neuroses

'Lettere alla fidanzata' -- subject(s): Correspondence, Psychoanalysts, Relations with women

'Letters of Sigmund Freud, 1873-1939' -- subject(s): Correspondence, Psychoanalysts

'Psicoanalisis de Los Sueos - El Sueo del Psicoanalisis'

'Obras Completas'

'Briefwechsel, 1908-1938' -- subject(s): Correspondence, Psychiatrists, Psychoanalysis and philosophy, Psychoanalysts

'Ri chang sheng huo de xin li fen xi' -- subject(s): Repression (Psychology), Paragrammatism, Psychoanalysis, Memory

'Kleine Schriften zur Sexualtheorie und zur Traumlehre' -- subject(s): Psychoanalysis, Addresses, essays, lectures

'L' interpretazione dei sogni'

'Briefwechsel, 1908-1938' -- subject(s): Correspondence, Psychiatrists, Psychoanalysis and philosophy, Psychoanalysts

'Jing shen fen xi yin lun xin jiang =' -- subject(s): Psychoanalysis

'Schriften zur Neurosenlehre und zur psychoanalytischen Technik' -- subject(s): Neuroses, Addresses, essays, lectures, Psychoanalysis

'Zur Technik der Psychoanalyse und zur Metapsychologie' -- subject(s): Psychoanalysis, Addresses, essays, lectures

'Interpreting Dreams'

'Fuluoyide xin li zhe xue' -- subject(s): Dream interpretation, Psychoanalysis

'Esquema del Psicoanalisis'

'Sigmund Freud, Oskar Pfister Briefe 1909-1939' -- subject(s): Correspondence, Psychoanalysts

'Studien zur Psychoanalyse der Neurosen' -- subject(s): Neuroses, Psychoanalysis

'Essais de psychanalyse' -- subject(s): Psychoanalysis, Psychanalyse

'Zur Technik der Psychoanalyse und zur Metapsychologie' -- subject(s): Psychoanalysis, Addresses, essays, lectures

'Freud, Sex, and Dreams'

'The living thoughts of Freud' -- subject(s): Psychoanalysis

'Obras Completas - Tomo XXIII Moises y La Religion Monoteista'

'Early Psychoanalytic Writings' -- subject(s): Psychoanalysis

'Psychoanalysis and faith' -- subject(s): Psychiatry and religion, Psychoanalysis, Psychoanalysis and religion

'Basic works of Sigmund Freud' -- subject(s): Psychoanalysis, Biography, Psychoanalysts, Addresses, essays, lectures

1 answer

you use a syringe and fill it up with carbon dioxide, this can be done by licensed preofessions or done by yourself... to do this you need a plant and the next process is called first in best dress.. well anyways this means you have to suck up or fill up ur syringe before the plants turns the carbon dioxide into oxygen.

now the next step is to insert that "compound" into the coke.

now now now dont thank me yet!

Source: 46years of experienced scientist in scientistry. no no no that's all wrong please child don't listen to that fool..

8 answers

abandonments abbreviating abbreviation abbreviators abecedarians aberrational abjectnesses abolishments abolitionary abolitionism abolitionist abominations aboriginally abortionists abortiveness abracadabras abrasiveness abridgements abruptnesses absenteeisms absentminded absoluteness absolutistic absolutizing absorbancies absorbencies absorptances absorptivity absquatulate abstemiously abstractable abstractedly abstractions abstractness abstruseness abstrusities absurdnesses academically academicians academicisms acatalectics accelerandos accelerating acceleration accelerative accelerators accentuating accentuation acceptations accessioning accessorised accessorises accessorized accessorizes acciaccatura accidentally accipitrines acclamations acclimations acclimatised acclimatises acclimatized acclimatizer acclimatizes accommodated accommodates accommodator accompanists accompanying accomplished accomplisher accomplishes accordionist accouchement accouterment accoutrement accreditable accretionary acculturated acculturates accumulating accumulation accumulative accumulators accurateness accursedness acetaldehyde acetanilides acetonitrile acetylations achievements achlorhydria achlorhydric achromatisms achromatized achromatizes acidimetries acidulations acknowledged acknowledges acoustically acousticians acquaintance acquiescence acquirements acquisitions acquittances acriflavines acrocentrics acromegalics acromegalies acrostically actabilities actinometers actinometric actinomorphy actinomycete actinomycins activenesses acupressures acupunctures adaptability adaptational adaptiveness adaptivities additionally additivities adenoviruses adequateness adhesiveness adjectivally adjournments adjudicating adjudication adjudicative adjudicators adjudicatory adjustmental administered administrant administrate admirability admonishment admonitorily adolescences adolescently adoptability adoptianisms adoptionisms adoptionists adorableness adrenochrome adroitnesses adscititious adulterating adulteration adulterators adulteresses adulterously adumbrations advancements advantageous adventitious adventurisms adventurists adversatives advertencies advertisings advertorials advisability aerenchymata aerodynamics aeroembolism aeromagnetic aeromedicine aeronautical aerosolizing aesthetician aestheticism aestheticize aestivations affabilities affectations affectedness affectionate afficionados affiliations affirmations affirmatives afflictively affricatives aforethought afterburners aftereffects aftermarkets afterthought agapanthuses agglomerated agglomerates agglutinable agglutinated agglutinates agglutinogen aggradations aggrandising aggrandizers aggrandizing aggravations aggregations aggressively aggressivity aggrievement agnosticisms agoraphobias agoraphobics agranulocyte agrarianisms agreeability agribusiness agrichemical agricultural agricultures agrochemical agroforester agroforestry aiguillettes ailurophiles ailurophobes ailurophobia airfreighted airtightness airworthiest albuminurias alchemically alcyonarians aldolization aldosterones alexandrines alexandrites algolagniacs alienability alimentation alkalimeters alkalinities alkalinizing allegorising allegorizers allegorizing allelomorphs allelopathic alleviations alliterating alliteration alliterative alloantibody alloantigens allografting allomorphism allopurinols allosauruses allusiveness almightiness alphabetical alphabetized alphabetizer alphabetizes alphanumeric alterability altercations alternations alternatives altitudinous amalgamating amalgamation amalgamators amateurishly amazonstones ambassadress ambidextrous ambitionless ambivalences ambivalently ambiversions amblygonites ambulatories ambulatorily ameliorating amelioration ameliorative ameliorators amelioratory amentiferous amiabilities amicableness aminopterins aminopyrines amitotically ammoniations amobarbitals amontillados amortization amoxicillins amoxycillins amperometric amphetamines amphibiously amphibolites amphibrachic amphictyonic amphidiploid amphisbaenas amphisbaenic amphitheater amygdaloidal amylopectins anachronisms anacoluthons anacreontics anaerobioses anaerobiosis anaesthesias anaesthetics anagogically anagrammatic analogically analphabetic analytically analyzations anaphylactic anaplasmoses anaplasmosis anarchically anastigmatic anastomosing anathematize anatomically ancestresses anchorpeople anchorperson andouillette androcentric androgeneses androgenesis androgenetic androsterone anecdotalism anecdotalist anelasticity anemometries anemophilous anencephalic anesthetists anesthetized anesthetizes aneuploidies angelologies angelologist angiogeneses angiogenesis angiographic angiotensins anglerfishes angularities anilinctuses animadverted aniseikonias anisotropies anisotropism ankylosaurus annexational annihilating annihilation annihilators annihilatory announcement annunciating annunciation annunciators annunciatory anodizations anorexigenic anorthosites anorthositic antagonistic antagonizing antecedences antecedently antechambers antediluvian antependiums anthelmintic anthocyanins anthological anthologists anthologized anthologizer anthologizes anthophilous anthracnoses anthranilate anthropology antiabortion antiacademic antiaircraft antibacklash antiblackism antiboycotts antiburglary antibusiness anticatalyst anticathodes anticipating anticipation anticipators anticipatory anticlerical anticlimaxes anticlotting anticolonial anticonsumer anticreative anticultural anticyclones anticyclonic antidandruff antidiabetic antidilution antidogmatic antieconomic antielectron antielitisms antielitists antientropic antiepilepsy antiestrogen antifascisms antifascists antifashions antifeminine antifeminism antifeminist antifriction antigambling antigenicity antiglobulin antiheroines antihumanism antihuntings antihysteric antikickback antileukemic antiliberals antiliterate antilynching antimacassar antimagnetic antimalarial antimilitary antimissiles antimitotics antimonopoly antimosquito antinational antinepotism antineutrino antineutrons antinovelist antinucleons antioxidants antiozonants antiparallel antiparticle antipathetic antiperiodic antiphonally antipiracies antipleasure antipoaching antipolitics antipredator antipruritic antipyretics antiquarians antiquations antirachitic antirational antirealisms antirealists antireligion antiromantic antiroyalist antirrhinums antisciences antisocially antispending antistrophes antistrophic antitakeover antithetical antithrombin antitrusters antitussives antiviolence antivitamins antonomasias aoristically aortographic aperiodicity aphrodisiacs apiculturist apocalyptism apocalyptist apochromatic apocryphally apolitically apomorphines apophyllites apostatising apostatizing apostleships apostolicity apostrophise apostrophize apothecaries apothegmatic apotheosized apotheosizes apparatchiki apparatchiks apparentness apparitional appeasements appellations appellatives appendectomy appendicites appendicitis appendicular apperceiving apperception apperceptive appertaining appetizingly applications appoggiatura appointments apportioning appositeness appositional appositively appraisement appraisingly appreciating appreciation appreciative appreciators appreciatory apprehending apprehension apprehensive apprenticing appressorium approachable approbations appropriable appropriated appropriates appropriator approximated approximates appurtenance appurtenants aquacultural aquacultures aquarellists aquatintists aquicultures aquilinities arabinosides arbitrageurs arbitraments arbitrations arborescence arborization archdeaconry archdiocesan archdioceses archdukedoms archegoniate archenterons archeologies archeologist archerfishes archesporial archesporium archetypally archetypical archipelagic archipelagos architecture archosaurian argillaceous aristocratic arithmetical armamentaria aromatherapy aromatically arpeggiating arraignments arrangements arsenopyrite arsphenamine arteriograms artfulnesses arthroscopes arthroscopic arthrospores articulacies articulately articulating articulation articulative articulators articulatory artificially artillerists artilleryman artillerymen artiodactyls artisanships artistically ascendancies ascendencies ascertaining ascomycetous asexualities aspergillums asphyxiating asphyxiation aspirational assassinated assassinates assassinator assaultively assemblagist assentations asseverating asseveration asseverative assignations assimilating assimilation assimilative assimilators assimilatory associations assuagements assumability asteriskless astigmatisms astonishment astoundingly astringently astrobiology astrocytomas astrological astrometries astronautics astronomical astrophysics astutenesses asymmetrical asymptomatic asynchronies asynchronism asynchronous atheoretical atheromatous athletically athleticisms athwartships atmospherics atomizations attenuations attestations attitudinise attitudinize attorneyship attractances attractively attributable attributions attributives audibilities audiological audiologists audiometries audiovisuals augmentation augmentative augustnesses auscultating auscultation auscultatory auspiciously autecologies authenticate authenticity autistically autoantibody autochthones autocratical autodidactic autoeciously autoerotisms autogenously autografting autographies autographing autohypnoses autohypnosis autohypnotic autoimmunity automaticity automatizing automobiling automobilist automobility automorphism autonomously autorotating autorotation autosuggests autotomizing autotrophies autoxidation auxotrophies availability avariciously avascularity aversenesses aversiveness aviculturist avitaminoses avitaminosis avitaminotic avuncularity axiomatizing axisymmetric azathioprine azoospermias azotobacters babesiosises bacchanalian bachelordoms bachelorette bachelorhood backbenchers backbreakers backbreaking backcourtman backcourtmen backcrossing backdropping backgrounded backgrounder backhandedly backlighting backpedaling backpedalled backscatters backslappers backslapping backsplashes backstabbers backstabbing backstitched backstitches backstopping backtracking backwardness backwoodsman backwoodsmen bactericidal bactericides bacteriocins bacteriology bacteriostat bacteriurias bailiffships balderdashes ballcarriers balletomanes balletomania ballhandling ballyragging balneologies banderillero bankruptcies bantamweight baptisteries barbarianism barbarically barbiturates bardolatries barnstormers barnstorming baroreceptor barquentines barrelhouses barrennesses barricadoing basementless baserunnings basidiospore basification bastardising bastardizing bastinadoing bathetically bathymetries bathypelagic bathyscaphes bathyspheres battlefields battlefronts battleground battlemented battlewagons beachcombers beachcombing bearbaitings beardtongues beatifically beautifulest beaverboards becudgelling bedazzlement bedcoverings bedevilments bedizenments bedrivelling befuddlement beggarliness beglamouring begrudgingly beguilements behaviorally behaviorisms behaviorists beleaguering belittlement belletristic belligerence belligerency belligerents bellybuttons benchwarmers benedictions benefactions benefactress beneficences beneficently beneficially beneficiated beneficiates benevolences benevolently benignancies benzaldehyde benzoapyrene benzophenone bereavements beseechingly bespattering bespectacled besprinkling bestialities bestializing betweenbrain betweentimes bewilderedly bewilderment bewitcheries bewitchingly bewitchments bibliography bibliolaters bibliologies bibliomaniac bibliomanias bibliopegies bibliopegist bibliophiles bibliophilic bibliopolist bibliothecae bibliothecal bibliothecas bibulousness bicameralism bicarbonates bicentennial biflagellate bifunctional bifurcations bigheartedly bilateralism bilharziases bilharziasis bilingualism billboarding billingsgate billionaires bimetallisms bimetallists bimillennial bimodalities binocularity bioacoustics bioavailable biochemicals biochemistry biodegrading biodiversity bioenergetic bioengineers bioethicists biofeedbacks biogeography biographical biologically biomaterials biomechanics biomedicines biometrician biomolecular biomolecules biophysicist bioscientist biosyntheses biosynthesis biosynthetic biotechnical biotelemetry biparentally bipartitions bipedalities bipolarities bipolarizing bipropellant biquadratics biracialisms birdwatchers birefringent bitchinesses bitternesses bittersweets bituminizing biuniqueness blabbermouth blackballing blackberries blackbirders blackbirding blackguarded blackguardly blackhanders blackjacking blacklisters blacklisting blackmailers blackmailing blacktopping bladderworts blandishment blastocoeles blastocoelic blastospores blastulation blatherskite bleacherites blearinesses blimpishness blindfolding blissfulness blisteringly blithesomely blockbusters blockbusting bloodinesses bloodletting bloodmobiles bloodstained bloodstreams bloodsuckers bloodsucking bloodthirsty blueprinting bluestocking bluishnesses blunderingly blurrinesses blusteringly boardsailing boardsailors boastfulness boatbuilders boatbuilding bobsleddings boddhisattva bodhisattvas bodybuilders bodybuilding bodychecking bohemianisms boilermakers boilerplates boisterously bolshevizing bombardments bombinations bonefishings bonnyclabber bookbindings bookkeepings booksellings boomeranging boondogglers boondoggling bootlessness bootstrapped boringnesses borohydrides borosilicate botherations bottlenecked bottomlessly boulevardier bourgeoisies bourgeoisify boutonnieres bowdlerising bowdlerizers bowdlerizing boyishnesses brachiations brackishness bradycardias braggadocios braininesses brainstormed brainstormer brainteasers brainwashers brainwashing branchiopods brassinesses brattinesses brawninesses brazennesses breadbaskets breadboarded breadwinners breadwinning breakfasters breakfasting breakthrough breastplates breaststroke breathlessly breathtaking brecciations breechblocks breechcloths breechclouts breechloader breezinesses bricklayings brightnesses brilliancies brilliantine brinkmanship bristletails broadcasters broadcasting brokennesses bromegrasses brominations bromouracils bronchitides bronchitises bronchogenic bronchoscope bronchoscopy bronchospasm broncobuster brontosaurus broodinesses broomballers brotherhoods brushability bryophyllums bubbleheaded buccaneering buccaneerish buffaloberry buffooneries bullbaitings bulldoggings bullfighters bullfighting bullheadedly bullmastiffs bullterriers bullwhipping bullyragging bumbershoots bunchberries bunchgrasses bureaucratic burglarizing burglarproof burgomasters bushrangings bushwhackers bushwhacking businesslike butterfishes butterflyers butterflying butterscotch buttonbushes buttonholers buttonholing buttonhooked cabbageworms cabinetmaker cabinetworks cachinnating cachinnation cacographies cadaverously calamitously calcareously calcinations calculatedly calculations calibrations californiums calisthenics calligrapher calligraphic callownesses calorimeters calorimetric calumniating calumniation calumniators calumniously calypsonians camaraderies cameraperson camouflaging camphorating canalization cancelations cancellation candelabrums candescences candidatures candidnesses candlefishes candleholder candlelights candlepowers candlesticks candyflosses cannabinoids cannibalised cannibalises cannibalisms cannibalized cannibalizes cannonballed canonicities canonization canorousness cantankerous cantharidins cantilevered cantillating cantillation capabilities capacitances capacitating capacitation capacitively caparisoning capercaillie capercailzie capitalising capitalistic capitalizing capitularies capitulating capitulation capriciously caprolactams captainships captiousness captivations caramelising caramelizing caravanserai carbohydrase carbohydrate carbonaceous carbonadoing carbonations carboxylases carboxylated carboxylates carburetions carburetters carburetting carburettors carcinogenic cardinalates cardinalship cardiographs cardiography cardiologies cardiologist cardiotonics cardsharpers carelessness caricaturing caricaturist carillonneur carillonning carminatives carpentering carpetbagger carrageenans carrageenins carriageways carrottopped carryforward cartographer cartographic cartoonishly cartwheelers cartwheeling cassiterites castigations casualnesses catabolizing catachrestic catadioptric cataphoreses cataphoresis cataphoretic catastrophes catastrophic catchphrases catechetical categorising categorizing caterpillars caterwauling catheterized catheterizes cathodically catholically catholicates catholicized catholicizes catholicoses cationically caudillismos cauliflowers causticities cautiousness cavalierisms celebrations cellulitides cellulitises cellulolytic cementations cementitious censoriously centenarians centennially centerboards centeredness centerpieces centimorgans centralising centralistic centralities centralizers centralizing centricities centrifugals centrifuging cephalically cephalometry cephalothins ceratopsians cerebrations cerebrosides ceremonially certificated certificates cervicitides cervicitises chaetognaths chairmanning chairmanship chairpersons chalcedonies chalcogenide chalcopyrite chamaephytes chamberlains chambermaids championship chancinesses chandeliered changelessly channelizing chansonniers chanterelles chanticleers chaperonages chaplaincies characterful characteries charactering characterize charbroilers charbroiling charcuteries charismatics charlatanism chartularies chastenesses chastisement chatoyancies chatterboxes chattinesses chauffeuring chaulmoogras chauvinistic checkerberry checkerboard checkmarking cheekinesses cheerfullest cheerfulness cheerinesses cheerleaders cheerleading cheeseburger cheesecloths cheeseparing cheesinesses chemiosmotic chemisorbing chemosurgery chemotherapy chemotropism cherrystones cherubically chesterfield chiaroscuros chickenpoxes childbearing childishness childproofed chillinesses chimerically chimichangas chimneypiece chinaberries chinoiseries chirographer chirographic chiromancers chiromancies chiropodists chiropractic chiropractor chiropterans chitchatting chitterlings chivalrously chlorenchyma chlorinating chlorination chlorinators chlorinities chloroformed chlorohydrin chlorophylls chloropicrin chloroplasts chloroprenes chloroquines chocolatiers choicenesses choirmasters chokeberries cholerically cholesterols chondriosome chondroitins choppinesses choreographs choreography chorographer chorographic chowderheads chrestomathy chrismations christenings christianias chromaticism chromaticity chromatogram chrominances chromocenter chromonemata chromophores chromophoric chromoplasts chromosphere chronicities chronographs chronography chronologers chronologies chronologist chronometers chronometric chrysarobins chrysoberyls chrysomelids chrysophytes chrysoprases chubbinesses chuckawallas chuckleheads chugalugging chumminesses churchgoings churchianity churchliness churchwarden churlishness chylomicrons chymotrypsin chymotryptic cinematheque cinematizing cinquecentos circuitously circularised circularises circularized circularizes circularness circulatable circulations circumcenter circumcircle circumcisers circumcising circumcision circumflexes circumfluent circumfluous circumfusing circumfusion circumjacent circumscribe circumstance circumvented cirrocumulus cirrostratus citification citizenesses citizenships citriculture citronellals citronellols civilianized civilianizes civilisation civilization cladogeneses cladogenesis cladogenetic cladophyllum clairaudient clairvoyance clairvoyants clamminesses clangorously clannishness clapboarding clapperclaws clarinetists clarinettist classicality classicistic classicizing classifiable classinesses clatteringly claudication clavieristic cleanability clearstories cleistogamic clerestories clericalisms clericalists clevernesses cliffhangers climacterics climatically cliquishness clitorectomy cloddishness cloistresses closemouthed clotheshorse clotheslined clotheslines clothespress cloudberries cloudinesses cloverleaves clownishness cloxacillins clubbinesses clumsinesses coacervation coadaptation coadjutrices coagulations coalescences coalitionist coarctations coarsenesses coauthorship cobblestoned cobblestones cocaptaining cocarcinogen cochairwoman cochairwomen cockeyedness cockfighting cockleshells cockneyfying cocksureness cocounseling cocounselled cocultivated cocultivates cocurricular codefendants codependence codependency codependents codevelopers codeveloping codicologies codification codirections codiscovered codiscoverer coeducations coefficients coelenterate coequalities coerciveness coercivities coevolutions coexistences coffeehouses coffeemakers cogeneration cogenerators cohabitation cohesionless cohesiveness cohomologies cohostessing coincidences coincidental coincidently coinsurances coleopterans coleopterist coleopterous collaborated collaborates collaborator collagenases collaterally collectables collectibles collectively collectivise collectivism collectivist collectivity collectivize collegiality collegiately collembolans collembolous collenchymas colligations collimations collinearity collocations colloquially collywobbles cologarithms colonialisms colonialists colonialized colonializes colonialness colonisation colonization colorfulness colorimeters colorimetric colorization columniation comanagement combinations combustibles comelinesses comeuppances comfortingly comicalities commandeered commanderies commandingly commandments commemorated commemorates commemorator commencement commendation commendatory commensalism commensurate commentaries commentating commentators commercially comminations comminutions commiserated commiserates commissarial commissariat commissaries commissioned commissioner committeeman committeemen commodifying commodiously commonalties commonnesses commonplaces commonwealth communalisms communalists communalized communalizes communicable communicably communicants communicated communicatee communicates communicator commutations companionate companioning companionway comparatists comparatives compartments compatriotic compellation compellingly compensating compensation compensative compensators compensatory competencies competitions compilations complacences complacently complainants complaisance complemental complemented completeness complexation complexified complexifies complexional complexioned complexities compliancies complicacies complicating complication complicities complicitous complimented componential comportments composedness compositions compoundable comprehended compressedly compressible compressions compromisers compromising comptrollers compulsively compulsivity compulsorily compunctions compunctious compurgation compurgators computations computerdoms computereses computerised computerises computerists computerized computerizes computerless computerlike computerniks comradeships concanavalin concatenated concatenates concealingly concealments concelebrant concelebrate concentering concentrated concentrates concentrator conceptacles conceptional conceptually concernments concertgoers concertgoing concertizing concessional concessioner concessively conchoidally conchologies conchologist conciliating conciliation conciliative conciliators conciliatory concinnities conclusively concomitance concomitants concordances concordantly concrescence concreteness concretizing concubinages concupiscent concurrences concurrently condemnation condemnatory condensation condescended conditionals conditioners conditioning condominiums condonations conductances conductivity conductorial conduplicate confabulated confabulates confabulator confectioner confederated confederates conferencing conferential conferrences confessional confidential confinements confirmation confirmatory confiscating confiscation confiscators confiscatory conflictions conformances conformation conformities confoundedly confusedness confutations congealments congelations congeniality congenitally conglobating conglobation conglomerate conglutinate congratulate congregating congregation congregators congruencies conidiophore conjecturers conjecturing conjugations conjunctions conjunctivae conjunctival conjunctivas conjunctives conjunctures conjurations connaturally connectional connectively connectivity connoisseurs connotations connubialism connubiality conquistador conscionable conscripting conscription consecrating consecration consecrative consecrators consecratory consecutions consensually consentingly consequences consequently conservation conservatism conservative conservatize conservators conservatory considerable considerably consignation consignments consistences consistently consistorial consistories consociating consociation consolations consolidated consolidates consolidator consonancies conspecifics conspectuses conspiracies conspiration conspirators constabulary constellated constellates consternated consternates constipating constipation constituency constituents constituting constitution constitutive constraining constricting constriction constrictive constrictors constringent constringing constructing construction constructive constructors consultation consultative consumerisms consumerists consumership consummately consummating consummation consummative consummators consummatory consumptions consumptives contagiously containerise containerize containments contaminants contaminated contaminates contaminator contemplated contemplates contemplator contemporary contemporize contemptible contemptibly contemptuous contentments conterminous contestation contextually contiguities contiguously continentals contingences contingently continuances continuation continuative continuators continuingly continuities continuously contrabasses contractible contractions contractures contradicted contradictor contraoctave contraptions contrapuntal contrariness contrariwise contrastable contraveners contravening contredanses contributing contribution contributive contributors contributory contriteness contrivances controllable controlments controverted controverter contumacious contumelious conurbations convalescent convalescing convectional conveniences conveniently conventicler conventicles conventional conventually convergences conversances conversation conversional convertibles conveyancers conveyancing conveyorised conveyorises conveyorized conveyorizes convincingly conviviality convocations convolutions convulsively cooperations cooperatives coordinately coordinating coordination coordinative coordinators copartnering copingstones copolymerize copperplates coppersmiths copresenting copresidents coprincipals coprocessing coprocessors coproduction coprophagies coprophagous coprophiliac coprophilias coprophilous coproprietor coprosperity copublishers copublishing copyrighting coquettishly coralberries cordialities corecipients corepressors corequisites coresearcher corespondent corkscrewing cornerstones cornhuskings cornstarches coronagraphs coronographs corporations corporatisms corporeality corporeities corpulencies correctional correctitude correctively correlatable correlations correlatives corresponded corroborated corroborates corroborator corrugations corruptively coruscations cosmetically cosmeticians cosmeticized cosmeticizes cosmochemist cosmogonical cosmogonists cosmographer cosmographic cosmological cosmologists cosmopolises cosmopolitan cosmopolites cosponsoring costermonger costlinesses cosurfactant cotoneasters cotransduced cotransduces cotransports cottonmouths cotyledonary coulometries councilmanic councilwoman councilwomen counsellings countability countenanced countenancer countenances counteracted counteragent counterargue counterblast counterblows countercheck counterclaim countercoups countercries counterfeits counterfired counterfires counterflows counterfoils counterforce counterimage countermands countermarch countermemos countermined countermines countermoved countermoves countermyths counteroffer counterorder counterpanes counterparts counterplans counterplays counterpleas counterplots counterploys counterpoint counterpoise counterposed counterposes counterpower counterpunch counterraids counterrally countershots countersigns countersinks counterspell counterspies counterstain counterstate countersteps counterstyle countersuing countersuits countertenor countertrade countertrend countervails counterviews counterworld countryseats countrysides countrywoman countrywomen courageously covariations covertnesses covetousness cowardliness crackbrained crackerjacks cracklewares craftinesses craftspeople craftsperson cragginesses craniofacial craniologies craniosacral craniotomies crankinesses crapshooters cravennesses creakinesses creaminesses creationisms creationists creativeness creativities creaturehood credentialed creditworthy creepinesses crematoriums crenelations crenellation crenulations creolization crepitations crescendoing criminalized criminalizes criminations crispinesses crisscrossed crisscrosses criticalness criticasters criticizable crocidolites crocodilians croquignoles crossability crossbanding crossbarring crossbearers crosscurrent crosscutting crosshatched crosshatches crosspatches crossruffing crucifixions crumminesses crustinesses cryopreserve cryosurgeons cryosurgical cryptanalyst cryptarithms cryptococcal cryptococcus cryptogamous cryptographs cryptography cryptologies cryptologist cryptomerias cryptorchids cryptorchism crystalizing crystallised crystallises crystallites crystallized crystallizer crystallizes crystalloids ctenophorans cuckooflower culminations culpableness cultivatable cultivations cumbersomely cumbrousness cumulatively cumulonimbus cunnilinctus cupellations cupronickels curabilities curarization curatorships curettements curmudgeonly currycombing cursednesses curtailments curveballing cuspidations cussednesses customhouses customshouse cutabilities cuttlefishes cyanogeneses cyanogenesis cyanogenetic cyanohydrins cybernations cybernetical cycadophytes cyclazocines cyclizations cyclodextrin cyclogeneses cyclogenesis cyclohexanes cyclonically cycloolefins cyclopaedias cyclopropane cycloserines cyclosporine cyclostyling cyclothymias cypripediums cyproterones cysticercoid cystoscopies cytochalasin cytochemical cytogenetics cytomembrane cytoskeletal cytoskeleton cytotaxonomy cytotoxicity czarevitches daintinesses damnableness damselfishes dappernesses daredeviltry daringnesses daughterless daunorubicin daydreamlike daylightings deacidifying deactivating deactivation deactivators deadlinesses deaminations deathwatches debarkations debaucheries debilitating debilitation debonairness debouchments debridements decaffeinate decalcifying decalcomania decantations decapitating decapitation decapitators decarbonated decarbonates decarbonized decarbonizer decarbonizes decarburized decarburizes decasyllabic decasyllable decelerating deceleration decelerators decemvirates decentralize decerebrated decerebrates decertifying dechlorinate decidability decimalizing decipherable decipherment decisiveness declamations declarations declassified declassifies declensional declinations decollations decolletages decolonizing decolorizers decolorizing decommission decompensate decomposable decompressed decompresses deconditions decongestant decongesting decongestion decongestive deconsecrate deconstructs decontrolled decoratively decorousness decorticated decorticates decorticator decreasingly decrementing decrepitated decrepitates decrepitudes decrescendos decussations deerstalkers deescalating deescalation defalcations defeminizing defenestrate defibrillate defibrinated defibrinates deficiencies definiteness definitional definitively definitizing deflagrating deflagration deflationary deflorations defoliations deforcements deformalized deformalizes deformations degeneracies degenerately degenerating degeneration degenerative deglaciation deglamorized deglamorizes deglutitions degradations degressively degringolade degustations dehumanizing dehumidified dehumidifier dehumidifies dehydrations deifications deionization dejectedness delaminating delamination delectations deliberately deliberating deliberation deliberative delicatessen delightfully delimitation delineations delinquently deliquescent deliquescing deliverances delocalizing delusiveness demagnetized demagnetizer demagnetizes demarcations dementedness demilitarize demimondaine demineralize demobilizing democratized democratizer democratizes demodulating demodulation demodulators demographers demographics demographies demolishment demonetizing demoniacally demonization demonologies demonologist demonstrable demonstrably demonstrated demonstrates demonstrator demoralizers demoralizing demurenesses demystifying denaturalize denaturation dendrologies dendrologist denervations denigrations denitrifiers denitrifying denominating denomination denominative denominators denouncement densitometer densitometry denticulated denuclearize denunciation denunciative denunciatory deontologies deontologist deoxidations deoxygenated deoxygenates deoxyriboses departmental dependencies depilatories depolarizers depolarizing depoliticize depolymerize depopulating depopulation deportations depositaries depositional depositories depravations depravedness depravements deprecations depreciating depreciation depreciative depreciators depreciatory depredations depressingly depressively depressurize deprivations deprograming deprogrammed deprogrammer deputization deracinating deracination derangements deregulating deregulation derelictions derepressing derepression derisiveness derivational derivatively derivatizing dermabrasion dermatitides dermatitises dermatologic dermatophyte derogatively derogatorily desacralized desacralizes desalinating desalination desalinators desalinizing descriptions desecrations desegregated desegregates desensitized desensitizer desensitizes deservedness desexualized desexualizes desiccations desiderating desideration desiderative designations desipramines desirability desirousness desolateness desolatingly despairingly desperations despisements despitefully despiteously despoilments despoliation despondences despondently despotically desquamating desquamation dessertspoon destabilized destabilizes destinations destitutions destructible destructions desulfurized desulfurizes detachedness detailedness detasselling detergencies deteriorated deteriorates determinable determinably determinants determinator determinedly determinisms determinists detestations dethronement detonability detoxicating detoxication detractively detrainments detribalized detribalizes detrimentals detumescence deuteranopes deuteranopia deuteranopic deuterations deuterostome devaluations devastations developments deverbatives deviationism deviationist devilishness devitalizing devitrifying devocalizing devotionally devoutnesses dextrorotary diabetogenic diabolically diageotropic diagnoseable diagnostical diagonalized diagonalizes diagrammable diagrammatic dialectician dialectology dialogically diamagnetism diamondbacks diaphanously diaphoretics diapositives diastereomer diastrophism diatessarons diatomaceous diatonically dibenzofuran dicarboxylic dichlorvoses dichotically dichotomists dichotomized dichotomizes dichromatism dichroscopes dicotyledons dictatorship dictionaries dictyosteles didactically didacticisms diencephalic diencephalon dietetically differencing differentiae differential difficulties diffractions diffusionism diffusionist difunctional digitalizing digitization diglycerides digressional digressively dilapidating dilapidation dilatability dilatational dilatometers dilatometric dilatoriness dilettantish dilettantism dillydallied dillydallies dilutenesses dimensioning dimercaprols dimerization diminishable diminishment diminutively dinucleotide dipeptidases diphosphates diphtheritic diphtheroids diphthongize diploblastic diplodocuses diplomatists dipsomaniacs dipterocarps directedness directnesses directorates directorship directresses disabilities disablements disaccharide disaccording disaccustoms disadvantage disaffecting disaffection disaffiliate disaffirming disaggregate disagreeable disagreeably disagreement disallowance disambiguate disannulling disappearing disappointed disapprovals disapprovers disapproving disarmaments disarranging disassembled disassembles disassociate disastrously disbandments disbelievers disbelieving disbowelling disburdening disbursement discerningly discernments discipleship disciplinary discipliners disciplining disclamation discographer discographic discomfiting discomfiture discomforted discommended discommoding discomposing discomposure disconcerted disconfirmed disconnected disconsolate discontented discontinued discontinues discordances discordantly discotheques discountable discouragers discouraging discourteous discoverable discrediting discreetness discrepantly discreteness discriminant discriminate discursively disdainfully diseconomies disembarking disembarrass disembodying disemboguing disemboweled disenchanted disenchanter disencumbers disendowment disentailing disentangled disentangles disenthralls disentitling disestablish disesteeming disfranchise disfunctions disfurnished disfurnishes disgruntling disguisement disgustfully disgustingly disharmonies disharmonize disheartened dishevelling dishonesties dishonorable dishonorably disillusions disincentive disinclining disinfectant disinfecting disinfection disinfestant disinfesting disinflation disingenuous disinherited disinhibited disintegrate disinterests disinterment disinterring disinvesting disjointedly disjunctions disjunctives disjunctures dislocations dislodgement dislodgments disloyalties dismalnesses dismembering dismissively disobedience disorderedly disorganized disorganizes disorientate disorienting dispensaries dispensation dispensatory dispersively dispiritedly displaceable displacement displeasures disportments dispositions dispossessed dispossesses dispossessor disputations disputatious disqualified disqualifies disquietudes disquisition disregardful disregarding disrelations disrelishing disremembers disreputable disreputably disrespected disruptively dissatisfied dissatisfies disseminated disseminates disseminator disseminules dissentients dissepiments dissertating dissertation dissertators disseverance disseverment dissimilarly dissimilated dissimilates dissimulated dissimulates dissimulator dissipatedly dissipations dissociating dissociation dissociative dissolutions dissuasively dissyllables dissymmetric distemperate distempering distillation distilleries distinctions distinctness distortional distractable distractedly distractible distractions distrainable distraughtly distributary distributees distributing distribution distributive distributors disturbances disturbingly disunionists disutilities ditchdiggers ditransitive diuretically divaricating divarication divergencies diversifiers diversifying diversionary diversionist diverticular diverticulum divertimenti divertimento divestitures dividendless divisibility divisionisms divisionists divisiveness divorcements doctrinaires documentable dodecahedral dodecahedron dodecaphonic doggednesses dogmatically dolomitizing dolorousness domestically domesticated domesticates domiciliated domiciliates dominatrices dominatrixes dopaminergic doppelganger dorsiventral dorsolateral dorsoventral doubleheader doublenesses doublespeaks doublethinks doubtfulness doughnutlike douroucoulis dovishnesses downloadable downshifting downwardness doxorubicins doxycyclines draftinesses draftsperson dramatically dramatizable dramaturgies drapeability dreadfulness dreadnoughts dreamfulness dreaminesses drearinesses dressinesses dressmakings drillability drillmasters drinkability driveability drivennesses droughtiness drowsinesses drumbeatings drysalteries dumbfounders dumbfounding dumortierite dunderheaded duodecillion duplications durabilities dwarfishness dyeabilities dynamometers dynamometric dynastically dysfunctions dysmenorrhea dysphemistic dysrhythmias earsplitting earthenwares earthinesses earthmovings earthshakers earthshaking earwitnesses eavesdropped eavesdropper ebulliencies eccentricity ecclesiastic ecclesiology echinococcus echolocation eclectically eclecticisms ecologically econometrics econometrist economically ecstatically ectoparasite ecumenically ecumenicisms ecumenicists ediblenesses edifications editorialist editorialize educatedness educationese educationist edulcorating edutainments effectuality effectuating effectuation effeminacies effeminately effervescent effervescing effetenesses efficacities efficiencies efflorescent efflorescing effortlessly effronteries effusiveness egalitarians egocentrisms egoistically eigenvectors einsteiniums eisteddfodau eisteddfodic ejaculations elaborations elasmobranch elasticities elatednesses elderberries electability electioneers electiveness electrically electricians electrifying electrocuted electrocutes electroforms electrogenic electrograms electrolyses electrolysis electrolytes electrolytic electrolyzed electrolyzes electrometer electrophile electrophori electroplate electroscope electroshock electrotonic electrotonus electrotyped electrotyper electrotypes eleemosynary elementarily elicitations eliminations elliptically elocutionary elocutionist elucidations elucubrating elucubration elutriations emancipating emancipation emancipators emargination emasculating emasculation emasculators embarcaderos embarkations embarrassing embattlement embellishers embellishing embezzlement embitterment emblazonment emblazonries emblematical emblematized emblematizes embolization embracements embrocations embroiderers embroideries embroidering embroilments embryogenies embryologies embryologist embryophytes emissivities emmenagogues emotionalism emotionalist emotionality emotionalize empathically emperorships emphatically emplacements empoisonment empowerments empressement emulsifiable enamorations enantiomeric enantiomorph encapsulated encapsulates encephalitic encephalitis enchainments enchantingly enchantments enchiridions encipherment encirclement encompassing encountering encrimsoning encroachment encrustation encumbrancer encumbrances encyclopedia encyclopedic endangerment endeavouring endemicities endocarditis endochondral endodermises endodontists endogenously endometrites endometritis endomorphies endomorphism endonuclease endoparasite endoperoxide endorsements endoskeletal endoskeleton endosymbiont endothelioma endothermies endotracheal enduringness energization enfeeblement enfeoffments enforcements enframements enfranchised enfranchises engarlanding engineerings engorgements engraftments engrossingly engrossments enhancements enjambements enlargements enlightening ennoblements enormousness enregistered ensanguining enshrinement enslavements ensorcelling entablatures entanglement enterobiases enterobiasis enterococcal enterococcus enterocoeles enterocoelic enterokinase enterostomal enterotoxins enterprisers enterprising entertainers entertaining enthrallment enthronement enthusiastic entirenesses entitlements entomofaunae entomofaunas entomologies entomologist entrainments entrancement entranceways entreatingly entreatments entrenchment entrepreneur entropically entrustments enucleations enumerations enunciations envelopments enviableness environments enzymologies enzymologist eosinophilia eosinophilic epeirogenies epexegetical ephemerality epicureanism epicuticular epicycloidal epidemically epidemiology epidiascopes epididymides epididymites epididymitis epiglottides epiglottises epigrammatic epigraphical epigraphists epileptiform epinephrines epiphenomena epiphytology epiphytotics episcopacies episiotomies episodically epistemology epistolaries epithalamion epithalamium epitheliomas epithelizing epoxidations equabilities equalitarian equalization equanimities equationally equestrienne equilibrants equilibrated equilibrates equilibrator equilibrists equilibriums equinoctials equipollence equipollents equiprobable equitability equivalences equivalently equivocality equivocating equivocation equivocators eradications erectilities ergastoplasm ergodicities erotizations erysipelases erythematous erythorbates erythroblast erythrocytes erythrocytic erythromycin erythrosines escapologies escapologist esoterically esotericisms espiegleries essentialism essentialist essentiality essentialize establishers establishing estheticians estheticisms estrangement eternalizing eternization ethanolamine etherealized etherealizes etherealness etherization ethicalities ethionamides ethnocentric ethnographer ethnographic ethnohistory ethnological ethnologists ethnoscience ethylbenzene etymological etymologised etymologises etymologists etymologized etymologizes eucalyptoles eucalyptuses euchromatins eudaemonisms eudaemonists eudaimonisms euhemeristic euphonically euphoniously euphorically eurythermous euthanatized euthanatizes evaginations evanescences evangelistic evangelizing evaporations evenhandedly eventfulness everblooming everlastings everydayness evidentially eviscerating evisceration evolutionary evolutionism evolutionist exacerbating exacerbation exactingness exaggerating exaggeration exaggerative exaggerators exaggeratory examinations exanthematic exasperating exasperation excavational excellencies exchangeable excitability exclamations exclusionary exclusionist exclusivisms exclusivists excogitating excogitation excogitative excoriations excrescences excrescently excruciating excruciation exculpations excursionist executioners executorship exemplifying exenterating exenteration exercitation exfoliations exhaustively exhaustivity exhibitioner exhilarating exhilaration exhilarative exhortations exiguousness exobiologies exobiologist exonerations exonucleases exopeptidase exophthalmic exophthalmos exophthalmus exorbitances exorbitantly exorcistical exoskeletons exoterically exothermally exoticnesses expansionary expansionism expansionist expatiations expatriating expatriation expatriatism expectancies expectations expectedness expectorants expectorated expectorates expediencies expediential expenditures experiencing experiential experimental experimented experimenter expertnesses explanations explantation explications explicitness exploitation exploitative explorations exponentials exportations expositional expostulated expostulates expressional expressively expressivity expropriated expropriates expropriator expurgations exsanguinate exsiccations extemporally extemporised extemporises extemporized extemporizer extemporizes extendedness extensometer extenuations exteriorised exteriorises exteriorized exteriorizes exterminated exterminates exterminator externalised externalises externalisms externalized externalizes exteroceptor extinguished extinguisher extinguishes extirpations extortionary extortionate extortioners extortionist extracranial extractively extraditable extraditions extrahepatic extralegally extralimital extralogical extramarital extramundane extramurally extramusical extraneously extranuclear extrapolated extrapolates extrapolator extrasensory extrasystole extratextual extrauterine extravagance extravagancy extravaganza extravagated extravagates extravasated extravasates extraversion extrications extroversion eyewitnesses fabrications fabulousness facelessness facilenesses facilitating facilitation facilitative facilitators facilitatory factionalism factiousness factitiously factualities fainthearted faintishness faithfulness fallaciously fallownesses familiarised familiarises familiarized familiarizes familiarness famousnesses fanaticizing fancifulness fanfaronades fantasticate fantasticoes fantasylands farsightedly farthingales fascicularly fasciculated fascinations fascioliases fascioliasis fashionables fastidiously fatherliness fathomlessly fatigability faultfinders faultfinding faultinesses fearlessness fearsomeness featherbrain featheredged featheredges featherheads featherlight fecklessness fecundations federalizing federatively feebleminded feeblenesses feistinesses felicitating felicitation felicitators felicitously fellmongered fellowshiped femalenesses feminineness femininities feminization femtoseconds fenestration fermentation fermentative ferricyanide ferrimagnets ferrocyanide ferromagnets ferrosilicon fertilizable fervidnesses festivalgoer festooneries fetoproteins feverishness fianchettoed fiberglassed fiberglasses fiberization fibreglasses fibrillating fibrillation fibrinolyses fibrinolysin fibrinolysis fibrinolytic fibroblastic fibronectins fibrosarcoma fibrositides fibrositises ficklenesses fictionalise fictionality fictionalize fictionizing fictitiously fiddlesticks fiendishness fiercenesses figuratively filibustered filibusterer filmsettings filthinesses fimbriations finalization fingerboards fingerpicked fingerprints finitenesses firecrackers firefighters fireproofing fissionables fitfulnesses flabbergasts flabbinesses flabelliform flaccidities flagellating flagellation flagitiously flamboyances flamboyantly flameproofed flameproofer flamethrower flammability flannelettes flashinesses flatteringly flatulencies flavoprotein flawlessness fleetingness fleshinesses flexographic flickeringly flimflammers flimflammery flimflamming flimsinesses flintinesses flocculating flocculation flocculators floodlighted floorwalkers floppinesses florescences floriculture floridnesses flowcharting fluctuations fluegelhorns fluffinesses fluidextract fluidization fluoresceins fluorescence fluorescents fluoridating fluoridation fluorimeters fluorimetric fluorinating fluorination fluorocarbon fluorochrome fluorography fluorometers fluorometric fluoroscoped fluoroscopes fluoroscopic fluorouracil fluphenazine flutterboard focalization folkloristic folksinesses folksingings folliculites folliculitis followership fomentations foodlessness foolhardiest footdraggers footfaulting footlamberts footlessness footsloggers footslogging footsoreness foraminifera foraminifers forbearances forbiddances forbiddingly forcefulness forcibleness forebodingly forecastable forecheckers forechecking foreclosures foregathered foregrounded forehandedly foremanships forensically foreordained forequarters forereaching foreshadowed foreshadower foreshortens foresightful forespeaking forestallers forestalling forestations forestaysail foreswearing forethoughts foretokening forgathering forgeability formaldehyde formalizable formalnesses formlessness formularized formularizer formularizes formulations fornications forthrightly fortresslike fortuitously foundational fountainhead fourdriniers fractionally fractionated fractionates fractionator fragmentally fragmentated fragmentates fragmentized fragmentizes frangibility frankfurters frankincense franklinites frankpledges fraternalism fraternities fraternizers fraternizing fraudulences fraudulently freakinesses freakishness freehandedly freestanding freethinkers freethinking freewheelers freewheeling freewritings frenchifying frenetically freneticisms frequentness friabilities fricasseeing frictionally frictionless friendliness frigidnesses friskinesses fritillarias fritillaries frizzinesses frontalities frontiersman frontiersmen frontispiece frontrunners frostbitings frostinesses frothinesses frozennesses fruitfullest fruitfulness fruitinesses frustrations fucoxanthins fugitiveness fulfillments fulgurations fuliginously fulminations funambulisms funambulists functionally functionless fundamentals fundraisings fungicidally furazolidone furtherances furunculoses furunculosis fusibilities fustigations futilenesses futilitarian futurologies futurologist gadzookeries galactorrhea galactosemia galactosemic galactosides gallbladders gallerygoers galligaskins gallinaceous gallinippers gallivanting galvanically galvanometer galvanoscope gamesmanship gamesomeness gametogenous gametophores gametophytes gametophytic gamopetalous ganglionated gangliosides gangsterdoms gangsterisms garishnesses garnisheeing garnishments gasification gastightness gastrocnemii gastronomies gastronomist gastroscopes gastroscopic gastrotrichs gastrulating gastrulation gauchenesses geanticlines gegenscheins gelatinizing gelatinously gemeinschaft gemmologists gendarmeries genealogical genealogists generalising generalities generalizers generalizing generalships generational generatrices generosities generousness gentlenesses gentleperson genuflecting genuflection geobotanical geobotanists geochemistry geographical geohydrology geologically geomagnetism geometrician geometrising geometrizing geophysicist geopolitical geopressured geoscientist geostrategic geosynclinal geosynclines geotechnical geothermally geriatrician germinations gerontocracy gerontocrats gerontologic gerrymanders gesellschaft gesticulated gesticulates gesticulator ghostwriters ghostwriting ghostwritten ghoulishness gibberellins giftednesses gigantically gillyflowers gingerbreads gingerbready gingerliness gingivectomy gingivitides gingivitises glaciologies glaciologist gladiatorial gladsomeness glamourizing glassblowers glassblowing glassinesses glassmakings glasspapered glassworkers glaucousness glioblastoma glitteringly globeflowers glockenspiel gloominesses gloriousness glossinesses glossolalias glossolalist glucokinases glucosamines glucosidases glucuronides glutaminases glutathiones glutethimide gluttonously glycerinated glycerinates glycogeneses glycogenesis glycopeptide glycoprotein glycosidases glycosylated glycosylates gnatcatchers goaltendings gobbledegook gobbledygook goddaughters godfathering goldbricking goldennesses gonadotropic gonadotropin goniometries googolplexes gooseberries goosefleshes goosegrasses gorgeousness gormandising gormandizers gormandizing gossipmonger gourmandises gourmandisms gourmandized gourmandizes governmental governorates governorship gracefullest gracefulness graciousness gradiometers graininesses granddaddies grandfathers grandiflorae grandifloras grandmasters grandmothers grandnephews grandparents grandstanded grandstander granitewares granodiorite granulations granulocytes granulocytic graphitizing graphologies graphologist graspingness grasshoppers gratefullest gratefulness gratifyingly gratuitously gratulations gravimetries gravitations greasepaints greaseproofs greasinesses greathearted grecianizing greedinesses greenbackers greenbackism greenfinches greengrocers greengrocery greenishness greenkeepers greenmailers greenmailing greenockites greenskeeper gregariously griddlecakes grievousness griseofulvin grislinesses grittinesses grogginesses grossularite grotesquerie groundbursts groundfishes groundlessly groundmasses groundsheets groundswells groundwaters groupuscules growlinesses grubbinesses gruesomeness grumpinesses guanethidine guaranteeing guardianship guesstimated guesstimates guilefulness guillotining guiltinesses guitarfishes gunslingings gunsmithings guttersnipes gutturalisms gymnosophist gynecocratic gynecologies gynecologist gynecomastia gyromagnetic haberdashers haberdashery habilitating habilitation habitability habitualness habituations hagiographer hagiographic hagiological hairbreadths haircuttings hairdressers hairdressing hairlessness hairsbreadth hairsplitter hairstylings hairstylists hallucinated hallucinates hallucinator hallucinogen hallucinoses hallucinosis halogenating halogenation haloperidols halterbreaks halterbroken hamantaschen hamstringing handbreadths handcrafting handednesses handfastings handholdings handicappers handicapping handicrafter handkerchief handrailings handsbreadth handsomeness handwringers handwringing handwritings handypersons happenchance happenstance haptoglobins harbingering harbormaster hardheadedly hardinggrass hardscrabble hardstanding harlequinade harmlessness harmonically harmonicists harmoniously harpsichords harquebusier harvesttimes hasenpfeffer hatchability headforemost headlessness headmistress headquarters headshrinker heartbreaker heartburning hearteningly hearthstones heartinesses heartrending heartstrings heartwarming heathenishly heathenizing heavenliness heavyhearted heavyweights hebdomadally hebephrenias hebephrenics hebetudinous hebraization hectographed hedgehoppers hedgehopping heedlessness heldentenors helicoptered heliocentric heliographed heliographic heliolatries heliolatrous heliotropism hellaciously hellgrammite helmsmanship helplessness hemangiomata hematogenous hematologies hematologist hematoxylins hemerocallis hemerythrins hemichordate hemihydrated hemihydrates hemimorphism hemodialyses hemodialysis hemodilution hemodynamics hemophiliacs hemoproteins hemorrhaging hemorrhoidal hemosiderins hemstitchers hemstitching henceforward henotheistic hepatomegaly heraldically herbicidally hereditament hereditarian hereditarily hereinbefore heritability hermeneutics hermetically hermeticisms heroicomical herringboned herringbones hesitatingly heteroauxins heterocercal heteroclites heterocycles heterocyclic heterodoxies heteroduplex heterodyning heteroecious heteroecisms heterogamete heterogamety heterogamies heterogamous heterogenies heterogenous heterogonies heterografts heterokaryon heterologous heteronomies heteronomous heterophylly heteroploids heteroploidy heterosexual heterotrophs heterotrophy heterozygote heterozygous hexadecimals hexahydrates hexaploidies hexobarbital hibernaculum hibernations hiddennesses hierarchical hierarchized hierarchizes hieratically hieroglyphic hierophantic highbrowisms highhandedly highlighters highlighting hindquarters hippienesses hippopotamus histaminases histogeneses histogenesis histogenetic histological histologists historically historicisms historicists historicized historicizes hoarsenesses hobblebushes hobbledehoys holidaymaker holistically hollandaises hollownesses holographers holographies holographing holophrastic holothurians homelessness homelinesses homeomorphic homeopathies homeothermic homeschooled homeschooler homesickness homesteaders homesteading hominization homogenising homogenizers homogenizing homoiotherms homoiousians homologating homologation homologizers homologizing homomorphism homonymously homopolymers homosexually homothallism homozygosity homozygously honeybunches honeycombing honeycreeper honeymooners honeymooning honeysuckles honorability hoodednesses hooliganisms hootenannies hopelessness hopscotching horizontally hornednesses hornlessness hornswoggled hornswoggles horrendously horribleness horridnesses horrifically horrifyingly horsefleshes horsemanship horseplayers horseshoeing horsewhipped horsewhipper horticulture hospitalised hospitalises hospitalized hospitalizes hotchpotches houseboaters housebreaker housecleaned housedresses housefathers householders househusband housekeepers housekeeping housemasters housemothers housepainter houseparents housepersons housesitting housewarming hucksterisms humanenesses humanitarian humanization humblenesses humbuggeries humification humiliations hummingbirds humorousness hungrinesses hydralazines hydrobiology hydrocarbons hydrocephaly hydrocolloid hydrocracked hydrocracker hydrodynamic hydrogenases hydrogenated hydrogenates hydrographer hydrographic hydrokinetic hydrological hydrologists hydrolysates hydrolyzable hydrolyzates hydromancies hydromedusae hydrometeors hydromorphic hydronically hydropathies hydrophobias hydroplaning hydroquinone hydrospheres hydrospheric hydrostatics hydrotherapy hydrothermal hydrotropism hydroxylases hydroxylated hydroxylates hydroxyureas hydroxyzines hygienically hygrophilous hymenopteran hymenopteron hyoscyamines hypabyssally hyperacidity hyperactives hyperarousal hyperbolical hyperbolists hyperbolized hyperbolizes hyperboloids hyperboreans hypercapnias hypercharged hypercharges hypercomplex hypercorrect hypercritics hyperendemic hyperexcited hyperextends hyperintense hyperkineses hyperkinesia hyperkinesis hyperkinetic hyperlipemia hyperlipemic hypermarkets hypermnesias hypermutable hyperostoses hyperostosis hyperostotic hyperphagias hyperplasias hyperplastic hyperpyrexia hyperreactor hyperrealism hyperrealist hypersthenes hypersthenic hypersurface hypertension hypertensive hyperthermia hyperthermic hyperthyroid hypertrophic hypertypical hyphenations hypnotherapy hypnotically hypnotizable hypocalcemia hypocalcemic hypochlorite hypochondria hypocoristic hypocritical hypocycloids hypodermises hypodiploidy hypoglossals hypoglycemia hypoglycemic hypokalemias hypolimnions hypostatized hypostatizes hypotensions hypotensives hypothalamic hypothalamus hypothecated hypothecates hypothecator hypothenuses hypothermias hypothesized hypothesizes hypothetical hypotonicity hypoxanthine hysterectomy hysterically ichthyofauna ichthyosaurs iconoclastic iconographer iconographic iconolatries iconological icosahedrons idealization ideationally identifiable identifiably ideographies ideologizing idiosyncrasy idolatrously idolizations ignitability ignobilities ignorantness illegalities illegalizing illegibility illegitimacy illegitimate illiberalism illiberality illiteracies illiterately illogicality illuminances illuminating illumination illuminative illuminators illusionisms illusionists illusiveness illusoriness illustrating illustration illustrative illustrators illuviations imaginations imbecilities imbibitional imbrications immaculacies immaculately immanentisms immanentists immaturities immeasurable immeasurably immemorially immensurable immethodical immigrations immobilities immobilizers immobilizing immoderacies immoderately immoderation immoralities immortalised immortalises immortalized immortalizer immortalizes immovability immunization immunoassays immunologies immunologist immutability imparadising impartations impartiality impassioning impeachments impenetrable impenetrably impenitences impenitently imperatively imperatorial imperceptive impercipient imperfection imperfective imperialisms imperialists imperilments imperishable imperishably impermanence impermanency impersonally impersonated impersonates impersonator impertinence impertinency imperviously impetiginous impetrations impingements impishnesses implantation implementers implementing implementors implications implicitness impoliteness imponderable imponderably importancies importations impoundments impoverished impoverisher impoverishes imprecations imprecisions impregnating impregnation impregnators impressively impressments imprisonment improperness improvements improvidence improvisator impudicities impuissances impurenesses imputability imputatively inaccessible inaccessibly inaccuracies inaccurately inactivating inactivation inactivities inadequacies inadequately inadmissible inadmissibly inadvertence inadvertency inapparently inappeasable inappetences inapplicable inapplicably inappositely inarticulacy inarticulate inattentions inaudibility inaugurating inauguration inaugurators inauspicious incalculable incalculably incalescence incandescent incandescing incantations incapability incapacitate incapacities incarcerated incarcerates incarnadined incarnadines incarnations incautiously incendiaries incendiarism incertitudes incessancies incestuously inchoateness inchoatively incidentally incinerating incineration incinerators incipiencies incisiveness incivilities inclemencies inclinations inclinometer incognizance incoherences incoherently incommodious incommutable incommutably incomparable incomparably incompatible incompatibly incompetence incompetency incompetents incompletely incomputable incomputably inconcinnity inconclusive inconformity incongruence inconsequent inconsistent inconsolable inconsolably inconsonance inconstantly inconsumable inconsumably incontinence incontinency inconvenient incorporable incorporated incorporates incorporator incorporeity incorrigible incorrigibly incorruption increasingly incrementing incriminated incriminates incrustation inculcations inculpations incumbencies incurvations incurvatures indebtedness indecisively indeclinable indecorously indefeasible indefeasibly indefectible indefectibly indefensible indefensibly indefinables indefinitely indehiscence indelibility indelicacies indelicately indemnifiers indemnifying indentations independence independency independents indicational indicatively indifference indifferency indigenizing indigenously indigestible indigestions indignations indirections indirectness indiscipline indiscreetly indiscretion indisputable indisputably indissoluble indissolubly indistinctly individually individuated individuates indivisibles indocilities indoctrinate indomethacin indorsements inducibility industrially inebriations ineffability ineffaceable ineffaceably inefficacies inefficiency inefficients inelasticity ineloquently inequalities inequivalved ineradicable ineradicably inessentials inexactitude inexistences inexpedience inexpediency inexperience inexpertness inexplicable inexplicably inexpressive inexpugnable inexpugnably inexpungible inextricable inextricably infanticidal infanticides infantilisms infantilized infantilizes infatuations infectiously infelicities infelicitous infestations infibulating infibulation infidelities infiltrating infiltration infiltrative infiltrators infiniteness infinitively inflammables inflammation inflammatory inflationary inflationism inflationist inflectional influentials infomercials informations infotainment infrequences infrequently infringement infundibular infundibulum infuriations infusibility ingatherings ingloriously ingratiating ingratiation ingratiatory ingratitudes ingurgitated ingurgitates inhabitation inhalational inharmonious inheritances inheritrices inheritrixes inhospitable inhospitably inhumanities iniquitously initializing innatenesses innervations innovational innovatively innumeracies inobservance inoculations inoperculate inordinately inosculating inosculation inquisitions insalubrious insanenesses insanitation inscriptions insecticidal insecticides insectivores insecureness insecurities inseminating insemination inseminators insentiences inseparables insightfully insinuations insipidities insistencies insobrieties insolubility insolubilize insolvencies insouciances insouciantly inspectorate inspirations inspissating inspissation inspissators installation installments instantiated instantiates instauration instigations instillation instillments institutions instructions instructress instrumental instrumented insufferable insufferably insufficient insufflating insufflation insufflators insularities insurability insurgencies insurrection intactnesses integrations intellection intellective intellectual intelligence intelligible intelligibly intemperance intenerating inteneration intensifiers intensifying intentnesses interactants interactions interallelic interbedding interborough intercalated intercalates intercepters intercepting interception interceptors intercession intercessors intercessory interchained interchanged interchanger interchanges interchannel intercluster intercoastal intercompany intercompare interconnect interconvert intercoolers intercostals intercountry intercourses intercropped intercrossed intercrosses interculture intercurrent intercutting interdealers interdepends interdicting interdiction interdictive interdictors interdictory interdiffuse interestedly interfacings interfaculty interference interfertile interfluvial interfolding interfusions intergeneric interglacial intergrading intergrafted intergrowths interinvolve interiorised interiorises interiorized interiorizes interjecting interjection interjectors interjectory interknitted interlaminar interlapping interlarding interlayered interleaving interlending interleukins interlibrary interlinears interlinings interlinking interlobular interlocking interlocutor intermarried intermarries intermeddled intermeddler intermeddles intermediacy intermediary intermediate intermeshing interminable interminably intermingled intermingles intermission intermitotic intermittent intermitters intermitting intermixture intermontane internalised internalises internalized internalizes interneurons internuclear internucleon internuncial internuncios interoceanic interoceptor interorbital interpellate interplanted interplaying interpleaded interpleader interpluvial interpolated interpolates interpolator interpreters interpreting interpretive interpsychic interregnums interrelated interrelates interrobangs interrogated interrogatee interrogates interrogator interrupters interrupting interruption interruptive interruptors interschools intersecting intersection intersegment intersensory interservice intersession intersociety interspacing interspecies interspersed intersperses interstadial interstation interstellar intersterile interstimuli interstitial interstrains interstrands intertidally intertillage intertilling intertwining intertwisted intervalleys intervention interviewees interviewers interviewing intervillage intervisible intervocalic interweaving interworking interwrought intestinally intimateness intimidating intimidation intimidators intimidatory intolerances intolerantly intonational intoxicating intoxication intracardiac intracardial intracompany intracranial intramurally intranasally intransigent intransitive intrapreneur intrapsychic intraspecies intrauterine intravitally intrepidness intriguingly introduction introductory introjecting introjection intromission intromittent intromitters intromitting introspected introversion introversive introverting intuitionism intuitionist intumescence intussuscept invaginating invagination invalidating invalidation invalidators invalidities invasiveness inveiglement inventorying inventresses invertebrate investigated investigates investigator investitures inveteracies inveterately invigilating invigilation invigilators invigorating invigoration invigorators invisibility invitational invitatories invocational involutional involvements invulnerable invulnerably inwardnesses ipecacuanhas irascibility iridescences iridescently iridologists ironicalness irradiations irrationally irredeemable irredeemably irredentisms irredentists irreformable irrefragable irrefragably irregardless irregularity irrelatively irrelevances irrelevantly irremediable irremediably irrepealable irresistible irresistibly irresolutely irresolution irresolvable irrespective irresponsive irreverences irreverently irreversible irreversibly irritability irritatingly irrotational isoantigenic isobutylenes isochronally isochronisms isodiametric isoenzymatic isolationism isolationist isomorphisms isoprenaline isothermally isotonically isotopically italianating italianising italianizing itemizations itinerancies itinerations jackanapeses jackasseries jackhammered jactitations jaggednesses japonaiserie jauntinesses jejunenesses jeopardising jeopardizing jesuitically jettisonable jitterbugged jocosenesses jocularities johnsongrass journalistic journalizers journalizing journeyworks joyfulnesses joyousnesses judgmentally judicatories jurisconsult jurisdiction jurisprudent juristically juvenescence juvenilities kaleidoscope karyokineses karyokinesis karyokinetic karyological katzenjammer keratinizing keratoplasty keratotomies ketosteroids keyboardists kilocalories kindergarten kindlinesses kinesthesias kinetochores kinetoplasts kinetoscopes kinglinesses kinnikinnick kitchenettes kitchenwares kleptomaniac kleptomanias klutzinesses kneecappings knightliness knottinesses knuckleballs knucklebones knuckleheads kremlinology kwashiorkors kymographies labanotation labiodentals laboratories labradorites labyrinthian labyrinthine lachrymators lachrymosely lachrymosity laciniations lacquerwares lacquerworks lacrimations lactalbumins lactobacilli laicizations lallygagging lamellicorns lamentations lammergeiers lammergeyers lamplighters lampooneries landholdings landlessness landlordisms landlubberly landscapists langbeinites langoustines languishment languorously laparoscopes laparoscopic laparotomies largehearted laryngectomy laryngitides laryngitises laryngoscope laryngoscopy lasciviously latchstrings lateralizing laterization latinization latticeworks laudableness launderettes laureateship lavishnesses lawbreakings lawfulnesses leachability leadennesses leapfrogging leaseholders leatherbacks leatherettes leathernecks leatherwoods lecithinases lectionaries lectureships legalization legerdemains legibilities legionnaires legislations legislatives legislatures legitimacies legitimately legitimating legitimation legitimatize legitimators legitimising legitimizers legitimizing lemongrasses lentiviruses leopardesses lepidopteran leprosariums leptocephali letterboxing letterspaces leukemogenic leukocytoses leukocytosis leukoplakias leukopoieses leukopoiesis leukopoietic leukotrienes levitational levorotatory lexicalities lexicalizing lexicography lexicologies lexicologist liberalising liberalistic liberalities liberalizers liberalizing libertarians libertinages libertinisms libidinously licentiously lickspittles lifeguarding lifelessness lifelikeness lifemanships lighthearted lightweights likabilities lilliputians limbernesses limelighting limitational limnological limnologists limpidnesses linebackings linebreeding linecastings linguistical lionizations lipoproteins liposuctions liquefaction liquidambars liquidations liquidnesses listenership listlessness literalistic literalities literalizing literariness literateness lithographed lithographer lithographic lithological lithospheres lithospheric lithotripter lithotriptor litterateurs littlenesses liturgically liturgiology livabilities livelinesses liverishness livetrapping livingnesses lixiviations lobotomising lobotomizing localization locationally locksmithing lockstitched lockstitches loganberries logicalities logistically logisticians lognormality lollapalooza lollygagging lonelinesses lonesomeness longitudinal longshoreman longshoremen longshorings longsomeness loosestrifes lopsidedness loquaciously lordlinesses loudspeakers lovabilities lovelessness lovelinesses lovelornness lovesickness lovingnesses lubberliness lubrications lubriciously lucubrations luftmenschen lugubriously lukewarmness luminescence luminiferous luminosities luminousness lumpectomies luncheonette lusciousness lustrousness luteotrophic luteotrophin luteotropins lycanthropes lycanthropic lymphoblasts lymphography lymphomatous lyophilising lyophilizers lyophilizing lysogenicity lysogenising lysogenizing lysolecithin macadamizing machicolated machinations mackintoshes macrocytoses macrocytosis macrofossils macrogametes macronuclear macronucleus macropterous mademoiselle madreporians madreporites madrigalists magisteriums magistracies magistrature magnetically magnetizable magnetograph magnetometer magnetometry magnetopause magnifically magnificence magniloquent maidenliness maidservants mainstreamed maintainable maintenances majestically majoritarian malacologies malacologist maladjustive malapertness malapropisms malapropists malcontented maledictions malefactions maleficences malevolences malevolently malfeasances malformation malfunctions malignancies malleability malnourished malnutrition malocclusion malodorously malpositions malpractices maltreatment malversation mammalogists mammographic managemental manageresses managerially managerships mandarinates mandarinisms mandolinists maneuverable manfulnesses manifestants manifestoing manifoldness manipulating manipulation manipulative manipulators manipulatory mannerliness manorialisms manslaughter mantelpieces manufactured manufacturer manufactures manumissions maquiladoras marathonings marginalized marginalizes marginations margraviates maricultures markednesses marketplaces marksmanship marlinespike marlinspikes marquessates marqueteries marquisettes marriageable marshalships marshinesses marshmallows marshmallowy masculinised masculinises masculinized masculinizes masqueraders masquerading mastectomies masterliness masterminded masterpieces mastersinger masterstroke mastications masturbating masturbation masturbators masturbatory matchmakings materialised materialises materialisms materialists materialized materializer materializes materialness maternalisms mathematical mathematized mathematizes matriarchate matriarchies matriculants matriculated matriculates maturational maximization meadowsweets meagernesses mealymouthed meaningfully measurements meatpackings mecamylamine mechanically mechanicians mechanizable medievalisms medievalists mediocrities meditatively meetinghouse megaloblasts megalomaniac megalomanias megaprojects megatonnages megavitamins melancholiac melancholias melancholics melancholies melanization melanoblasts melanophores meliorations mellownesses melodramatic membranously memorability memorialised memorialises memorialists memorialized memorializes memorization mendaciously mendeleviums mendicancies meningiomata meningitides meningococci menorrhagias menstruating menstruation mensurations meprobamates mercantilism mercantilist merchandised merchandiser merchandises merchandized merchandizes merchantable mercifulness mercurations meretricious meridionally meristematic meristically meritocratic merrymakings merrythought mesalliances mesencephala meshuggeners mesmerically mesocyclones mesomorphies mesophyllous mesothelioma mesothoraces mesothoracic mesothoraxes messeigneurs messiahships metabolizing metacentrics metacercaria metafictions metagalactic metagalaxies metalanguage metallically metallophone metallurgies metallurgist metalworkers metalworking metamorphism metamorphose metaphorical metaphysical metasequoias metasomatism metastasized metastasizes metathetical metathoraces metathoracic metathoraxes metencephala meteorically meteoritical meteorologic methacrylate methanations methaqualone methenamines methicillins methodically methotrexate methoxychlor methylamines methylations methysergide meticulosity meticulously metrications metrological metrologists metronomical metropolises metropolitan metrorrhagia microamperes microanalyst microanatomy microbalance microbiology microbrewers microbrewery microbrewing microcapsule microcephaly microcircuit microclimate microcrystal microculture microelement microfibrils microfilaria microfilmers microfilming microfossils microgametes micrographed micrographic microgravity microgrooves microhabitat microinjects micromanaged micromanager micromanages micromethods micronucleus microphonics microphysics micropipette microprogram microreaders microscopies microscopist microseconds microseismic microspheres microsporous microsurgery microtechnic microtonally microtubular microtubules microvillous microwavable micturitions middleweight midlatitudes mightinesses militantness militarising militaristic militarizing millenarians millesimally milliamperes millidegrees millihenries millilambert millimicrons millionaires milliradians milliseconds milquetoasts mimeographed mindednesses mindlessness mineralising mineralizers mineralizing mineralogies mineralogist minesweepers minesweeping miniaturists miniaturized miniaturizes minicomputer minimization ministration minnesingers minstrelsies minutenesses miraculously mirthfulness misaddressed misaddresses misadjusting misadventure misalignment misalliances misallocated misallocates misanthropes misanthropic misappraisal misapprehend misassembled misassembles misattribute misbalancing misbeginning misbehaviors misbelievers misbelieving misbuttoning miscalculate miscaptioned miscarriages miscataloged miscellanies miscellanist mischanneled miscitations miscomputing misconceived misconceiver misconceives misconducted misconnected misconstrued misconstrues miscreations misdemeanant misdemeanors misdescribed misdescribes misdeveloped misdiagnosed misdiagnoses misdiagnosis misdirecting misdirection misdivisions miseducating miseducation misemphasize misemploying misenrolling misericordes misesteeming misestimated misestimates misevaluated misevaluates misfeasances misfocussing misfunctions misgoverning misguidances misinferring misinforming misinterpret misinterring misjudgments misknowledge mislabelling misleadingly mislocations mismarriages misogynistic misorienting mispackaging misperceived misperceives misplacement mispositions misprogramed mispronounce misquotation misreckoning misrecording misreference misreferring misregisters misremembers misrendering misreporting misrepresent missiologies missionaries missionizers missionizing misspellings misstatement mistranslate mistreatment mitochondria mitogenicity mnemonically mobilization mockingbirds moderateness modernnesses modification modishnesses modulability modularities moisturising moisturizers moisturizing molestations molluscicide mollycoddled mollycoddler mollycoddles molybdenites monadelphous monastically monasticisms monetization moneylenders moneymakings mongrelizing monitorships monkeyshines monochromats monochromist monocrystals monocultural monocultures monodisperse monodramatic monofilament monogamously monogrammers monogramming monographing monolinguals monologuists monomaniacal monometallic monomorphism mononuclears mononucleate monophthongs monophyletic monopodially monopolising monopolistic monopolizers monopolizing monorchidism monospecific monosyllabic monosyllable monosynaptic monoterpenes monotheistic monotonicity monotonously monsignorial monumentally moonlighters moonlighting moralization morbidnesses morosenesses morphallaxes morphallaxis morphologies morphologist morphometric mortarboards motherboards motherhouses motherliness mothproofers mothproofing motionlessly motivational motivelessly motoneuronal motorboaters motorboating motorcycling motorcyclist motorization mountaineers mountainside mountaintops mountebanked mournfullest mournfulness mousetrapped mouthbreeder movabilities movelessness moviemakings mucilaginous mucopeptides mucoproteins muddleheaded mudslingings muliebrities mulishnesses mulligatawny multibillion multichannel multicolored multicourses multielement multiengines multifaceted multifarious multiformity multilateral multilayered multileveled multilingual multimegaton multimillion multinomials multinuclear multipartite multipicture multiplexers multiplexing multiplexors multiplicand multiplicity multiproblem multiproduct multipronged multipurpose multisensory multiservice multiskilled multispecies multistemmed multistoried multitasking multitowered multitracked multivalence multivalents multivariate multiversity multivitamin multivoltine multiwarhead municipality municipalize munificences munificently musculatures museological museologists musicalising musicalities musicalizing musicianship musicologies musicologist mutabilities mutagenicity mutationally mutinousness muttonfishes mycetomatous mycobacteria mycophagists mycoplasmata myeloblastic myelopathies myofibrillar myofilaments myoinositols myrmecophile mysteriously mystifyingly mythographer mythological mythologists mythologized mythologizer mythologizes mythomaniacs myxedematous namelessness naphthalenes naprapathies narcissistic narcolepsies narcoleptics narcotically narrownesses nasalization nationalised nationalises nationalisms nationalists nationalized nationalizer nationalizes nativenesses natriuretics naturalising naturalistic naturalizing naturopathic nauseatingly nauseousness navigability navigational nazification nebulization nebulosities nebulousness necessitated necessitates neckerchiefs necrological necrologists necromancers necromancies necrophagous necrophiliac necrophilias necrophilism necropolises needlefishes needlepoints needlessness needleworker negativeness negativistic negativities neglectfully negotiations negrophobias neighborhood neighbouring nematologies nematologist neoclassical neoorthodoxy neorealistic neostigmines nephelinites nephelinitic nephelometer nephelometry nephrologies nephrologist nephropathic nephrostomes netherworlds neurasthenia neurasthenic neuroanatomy neurobiology neurochemist neurofibrils neurofibroma neurohormone neurohumoral neuroleptics neurological neurologists neuropathies neuropeptide neuropterans neuropterous neuroscience neurosensory neurosurgeon neurosurgery neurotically neuroticisms neurulations neutralising neutralistic neutralities neutralizers neutralizing neutrinoless neutrophilic nevertheless newsmagazine newspapering newspaperman newspapermen newsweeklies newswritings niacinamides nickelodeons nicotinamide nidification nightclothes nightclubbed nightclubber nightdresses nightingales nightwalkers nimblenesses nimbostratus ninnyhammers nitrobenzene nitrogenases nitromethane nitrosamines noctambulist noisemakings nomenclators nomenclature nominalistic nomographies nonabsorbent nonacademics nonactivated nonaddictive nonadiabatic nonadmission nonaesthetic nonagenarian nonalcoholic nonalignment nonambiguous nonantigenic nonarbitrary nonarchitect nonarguments nonassertive nonattenders nonautomated nonautomatic nonbacterial nonbelievers nonbiologist nonbotanists nonbreakable nonbreathing nonbreedings nonbroadcast nonbuildings noncancerous noncandidacy noncandidate noncelebrity noncertified nonchalances nonchalantly noncharacter nonchemicals nonclassical nonclassroom nonclericals noncognitive noncollector noncollinear noncolorfast noncombatant noncombative noncommittal noncommitted noncommunist noncommunity noncompliant noncomplying noncomposers noncompounds nonconcurred nonconductor nonconformed nonconformer noncongruent nonconscious nonconstants nonconsumers nonconsuming noncorporate noncorroding noncorrosive noncountries noncoverages noncriminals noncrossover noncrushable noncustodial noncustomers nondeceptive nondecisions nondeductive nondeforming nondelegates nondemanding nondependent nondepleting nondepressed nondescripts nondiabetics nondirective nondisableds nondomestics nondominants noneconomist noneditorial noneducation noneffective nonelections nonelectives nonelectrics nonemergency nonemotional nonempirical nonemployees nonenzymatic nonessential nonevidences nonexclusive nonexecutive nonexistence nonexplosive nonfattening nonfeasances nonfederated nonfeminists nonfictional nonfinancial nonflammable nonflowering nonfluencies nonfrivolous nonglamorous nongraduates nonhappening nonhazardous nonhemolytic nonhospitals nonidentical nonimitative nonimmigrant noninclusion nonincumbent noninductive noninfective noninfluence noninitiates noninsurance noninterests nonintrusive nonintuitive nonirrigated nonlandowner nonlanguages nonlibrarian nonlibraries nonlinearity nonliterates nonmalignant nonmalleable nonmercurial nonmetameric nonmicrobial nonmigratory nonmilitants nonmolecular nonmotorized nonmunicipal nonmusicians nonnarrative nonnationals nonnecessity nonnegligent nonnormative nonnucleated nonnumerical nonnutritive nonobjective nonobservant nonoperating nonoperative nonoxidizing nonparallels nonparasitic nonpartisans nonpasserine nonperformer nonpetroleum nonphosphate nonphysician nonpoisonous nonpolitical nonpolluting nonpractical nonproducing nonpsychotic nonpurposive nonrealistic nonrecurrent nonrecurring nonredundant nonregulated nonrelatives nonreligious nonrenewable nonrepayable nonresidence nonresidency nonresidents nonresistant nonresponder nonresponses nonreusables nonruminants nonscheduled nonscientist nonsecretors nonsecretory nonsectarian nonselective nonsensitive nonsentences nonsocialist nonsolutions nonspherical nonsteroidal nonstrategic nonsuccesses nonsymmetric nontechnical nontemporals nonthinkings nontreatment nonturbulent nonunanimous nonunionized nonuniversal nonutilities nonvanishing nonviolences nonviolently nonvoluntary nonyellowing noradrenalin normalizable normotensive normothermia normothermic northeastern northeasters northernmost northwestern northwesters notabilities notarization noteworthily notification nourishments novelization nucleocapsid nucleophiles nucleophilic nucleoplasms nucleotidase numerologies numerologist numerousness numinousness numismatists nuptialities nutritionist nutritiously nympholeptic nymphomaniac nymphomanias oafishnesses oarsmanships obdurateness obfuscations objectifying objectivisms objectivists objurgations oblanceolate oblatenesses obligatorily obligingness obliterating obliteration obliterative obliterators obnubilating obnubilation obscurantism obscurantist obscurations obsequiously observations obsolescence obsoleteness obstetrician obstreperous obstructions obstructives obtusenesses occasionally occidentally occultations occupational oceanography oceanologies oceanologist ochlocracies octahedrally octapeptides octogenarian octosyllabic octosyllable odiousnesses odontoblasts officeholder officialdoms officialeses officialisms officiations offishnesses offscourings oleaginously oleandomycin oleoresinous olfactometer oligarchical oligochaetes oligophagies oligophagous oligopsonies oligotrophic omnipotences omnipotently omnipresence omnisciences omnisciently omnivorously oncogenicity oncornavirus onomastician onomatopoeia onomatopoeic onychophoran oophorectomy opalescences opalescently opaquenesses openhandedly operatically operationism operationist operatorless opinionative opportunisms opportunists opposability oppositeness oppositional oppressively optimalities optimisation optimization optometrists oratorically orchestrally orchestrated orchestrater orchestrates orchestrator orchidaceous ordinariness organicities organisation organization organoleptic organologies orientalisms orientalists orientalized orientalizes orientations orienteering originations orismologies ornamentally ornatenesses ornerinesses ornithologic ornithopters orographical oropharynges oropharynxes orotundities orthocenters orthodontias orthodontics orthodontist orthogeneses orthogenesis orthogenetic orthogonally orthographic orthopaedics orthopedists orthopterans orthopterist orthopteroid orthorhombic orthotropous oscillations oscillograms oscillograph oscilloscope osmolalities osmolarities ossification ostentations ostentatious osteoblastic osteoclastic osteogeneses osteogenesis osteological osteologists osteomalacia osteopathies osteoplastic osteoporoses osteoporosis osteoporotic osteosarcoma ostracoderms otherworldly otiosenesses otoscleroses otosclerosis outachieving outbalancing outbargained outbreedings outbuildings outcavilling outcompeting outcroppings outdatedness outdelivered outdesigning outdistanced outdistances outgeneraled outglittered outgoingness outintrigued outintrigues outlandishly outmaneuvers outnumbering outorganized outorganizes outperformed outplacement outpoliticks outpopulated outpopulates outpreaching outproducing outpromising outrageously outrebounded outreproduce outrivalling outsiderness outsourcings outsparkling outspreading outsprinting outstretched outstretches outstripping outthrobbing outthrusting outwrestling ovariotomies overabstract overabundant overachieved overachiever overachieves overactivity overanalyses overanalysis overanalyzed overanalyzes overarousals overarranged overarranges overasserted overbalanced overbalances overbleached overbleaches overborrowed overbrowsing overbuilding overburdened overcapacity overcastings overcautions overcautious overcharging overchilling overclaiming overclassify overcleaning overclearing overclouding overcoaching overcompress overconcerns overconsumed overconsumes overcontrols overcorrects overcounting overcramming overcritical overcropping overcrowding overdecorate overdesigned overdevelops overdirected overdiscount overdocument overdominant overdramatic overdressing overdrinking overeducated overeducates overemphases overemphasis overemphatic overenamored overengineer overenrolled overequipped overestimate overexciting overexercise overexerting overexertion overexpanded overexplains overexplicit overexploits overexposing overexposure overextended overfamiliar overfatigued overfatigues overfavoring overfocusing overfocussed overfocusses overfulfills overgarments overgenerous overgoverned overhandling overharvests overhuntings overidealize overidentify overindulged overindulges overinflated overinflates overinformed overinsuring overissuance overlaboring overlearning overlengthen overlighting overliterary overlordship overmanaging overmannered overmastered overmatching overmaturity overmedicate overmodestly overnighters overnighting overoperated overoperates overoptimism overoptimist overorganize overornament overpackaged overpackages overpayments overpedaling overpedalled overpeopling overpersuade overplanning overplanting overplotting overpopulate overpowering overpraising overpressure overprinting overproduced overproduces overprograms overpromised overpromises overpromoted overpromotes overprotects overreachers overreaching overreacting overreaction overregulate overreliance overreported overresponds oversanguine oversaturate overserviced overservices overshadowed overshooting oversimplify overslaughed oversleeping overslipping overspenders overspending overstaffing overstepping overstirring overstocking overstrained overstressed overstresses overstrewing overstridden overstriding overstriking overstuffing oversupplied oversupplies oversweetens overswinging overtaxation overthinking overthrowing overtightens overtraining overtreating overtrimming overtrumping overutilized overutilizes overvoltages overwatering overweighing overweighted overwhelming overwintered overwithheld overwithhold ovipositions owlishnesses oxalacetates oxaloacetate oxyacetylene oxygenations ozonizations ozonospheres pachysandras pacification pacificators packinghouse paddleboards paddlefishes paedogeneses paedogenesis paedogenetic paedomorphic painlessness painstakings paintbrushes palatability palatalizing palatialness paleobiology paleobotanic paleoecology paleographer paleographic paleontology paleozoology palindromist palingeneses palingenesis palingenetic palliatively pallidnesses palpitations paltrinesses palynologies palynologist pamphleteers panchromatic pancreatitis pancreozymin pancytopenia pandemoniums pansexuality pantechnicon pantisocracy pantographic pantomimists pantothenate paperhangers paperhanging paperinesses papermakings paperweights papyrologies papyrologist paraboloidal parachutists paradigmatic paradisaical paradisiacal paradropping paraesthesia paragraphers paragraphing paralanguage paraldehydes parallelisms parallelling paralyzation paralyzingly paramagnetic paramedicals parameterize parametrized parametrizes paramilitary paranoically paranormally paraphrasers paraphrasing paraphrastic parasailings parasiticide parasitising parasitizing parasitology paratactical parathormone parathyroids paratroopers paratyphoids parenchymata parenterally parenthesize paresthesias parfocalized parfocalizes parishioners parkinsonian parkinsonism parochialism paronomasias paronomastic parsimonious partialities participants participated participates participator particularly particulates partisanship partitioners partitioning partitionist partnerships parturitions parvoviruses pasqueflower pasquinading passacaglias passageworks passionately passivations pasteurising pasteurizers pasteurizing pastoralisms pastoralists pastoralness pasturelands patchinesses paternalisms paternalists paternosters pathbreaking pathetically pathfindings pathlessness pathobiology pathogeneses pathogenesis pathogenetic pathological pathologists patriarchate patriarchies pawnbrokings peacefullest peacefulness peacekeepers peacekeeping peacemakings peakednesses pearlescence peccadilloes pectinaceous pectinations pedantically pedestalling pediatrician pedunculated pejoratively pelargoniums penalization penetrations penetrometer penitentiary pennycresses pennyweights pennywhistle pensionaries pentagonally pentahedrons pentamidines pentapeptide pentathletes pentazocines pentlandites peradventure perambulated perambulates perambulator perceptional perceptively perceptivity perceptually perchlorates percipiences percipiently percolations percussively percutaneous peregrinated peregrinates peremptorily perennations perestroikas perfectively perfectivity perfidiously perforations performances performative performatory perfusionist pericarditis perichondral perichondria perilousness periodically periodontics periodontist perionychium peripatetics peripherally periphrastic peritoneally peritrichous perjuriously permanencies permanganate permeability permissively permittivity permutations perniciously perorational perpetrating perpetration perpetrators perpetuating perpetuation perpetuators perpetuities perphenazine perplexities persecutions perseverance perseverated perseverates persistences persistently personalised personalises personalisms personalists personalized personalizes personalties personations personifiers personifying perspectival perspectives perspicacity perspiration perspiratory persuasively pertinacious pertinencies perturbation perverseness perversities perviousness pestilential petitenesses petrifaction petrodollars petrogeneses petrogenesis petrogenetic petrographer petrographic petrological petrologists pettifoggers pettifoggery pettifogging phagocytized phagocytizes phagocytosed phagocytoses phagocytosis phagocytotic phanerophyte pharmacology pharmacopeia phenanthrene pheneticists phenocrystic phenological phenomenally phenotypical phentolamine philadelphus philanderers philandering philanthropy philatelists philharmonic philhellenes philhellenic philistinism phillumenist philodendron philological philologists philosophers philosophies philosophise philosophize phlebography phlebologies phlebotomies phlebotomist phonemically phonemicists phonetically phoneticians phonogrammic phonographer phonographic phonological phonologists phonotactics phosphatases phosphatides phosphatidic phosphatidyl phosphatized phosphatizes phosphaturia phospholipid phosphoniums phosphoresce phosphorites phosphoritic phosphoruses photobiology photocathode photochemist photochromic photocompose photocopiers photocopying photocurrent photodynamic photoengrave photoexcited photoflashes photogeology photographed photographer photographic photogravure photoinduced photoionized photoionizes photokineses photokinesis photokinetic photolyzable photomapping photometries photomontage photomosaics photonuclear photooxidize photoperiods photophobias photopolymer photoproduct photoreduced photoreduces photoresists photosetters photosetting photospheres photospheric photostating photostatted photosystems phototropism photovoltaic phragmoplast phrasemakers phrasemaking phrasemonger phreatophyte phrenologies phrenologist phycocyanins phycological phycologists phycomycetes phylacteries phyletically phylloclades phyllotactic phyllotaxies phylogenetic physiatrists physicalisms physicalists physicalness physiocratic physiognomic physiography physiologies physiologist phytoalexins phytochemist phytochromes phytohormone phytophagous phytosterols pickabacking pickaninnies pickerelweed picornavirus pictographic pictorialism pictorialist pictorialize picturephone pieceworkers pigeonholers pigeonholing piggybacking pigmentation pilgrimaging pilocarpines pinealectomy piroplasmata pisciculture pitchblendes pitchforking pitiableness pitilessness pittosporums placeholders placekickers placekicking placentation placidnesses plagiarising plagiaristic plagiarizers plagiarizing plagioclases plagiotropic plainclothes planetariums planetesimal planispheres planispheric planlessness planographic plantigrades plasmalemmas plasminogens plasmodesmas plasmogamies plasmolyzing plasterboard plasterworks plasticities plasticizers plasticizing plastocyanin platemakings platitudinal platonically platyrrhines plausibility playwritings pleasantness pleasantries pleasingness pleasureless plebeianisms plebiscitary plecopterans pleinairisms pleinairists pleiotropies pleochroisms pleomorphism plerocercoid pliabilities pliantnesses plotlessness pluckinesses plushinesses plutocracies pneumaticity pneumatology pneumococcal pneumococcus pneumographs pneumothorax pocketknives podophyllins podophyllums poeticalness pogonophoran poikilotherm pointillisms pointillists pointtillist polarimeters polarimetric polariscopes polariscopic polarization polarography polemicizing policyholder polioviruses politenesses politicalize politicising politicizing pollenosises pollinations pollinosises poltergeists polyalcohols polyanthuses polycentrism polychromies polychroming polycrystals polycythemia polycythemic polydisperse polyembryony polyethylene polygamizing polyglotisms polyglottism polygraphers polygraphist polyhedroses polyhedrosis polyhistoric polymerising polymerizing polymorphism polymorphous polyneuritis polypeptides polypeptidic polypetalous polyphenolic polyphyletic polyploidies polyrhythmic polyribosome polysorbates polystichous polystyrenes polysulfides polysyllabic polysyllable polysynaptic polysyndeton polytechnics polytheistic polytonality polyurethane polyvalences pomegranates pontifically pontificated pontificates pontificator popularising popularities popularizers popularizing populational populousness porcelainize porcelaneous pornographer pornographic porousnesses porphyropsin portcullises portentously porterhouses portlinesses portmanteaus portmanteaux portraitists portraitures positionally positiveness positivistic positivities positroniums possessional possessively postabortion postaccident postbiblical postcardlike postcolleges postcolonial postconquest postcoronary postdeadline postdelivery postdiluvian postdoctoral posteditings postelection posteriority posteruptive postexercise postexposure postfeminist postfracture postgraduate posthospital posthumously posthypnotic postimperial postischemic postliterate postmedieval postmidnight postmistress postneonatal postorgasmic postponement postposition postpositive postprandial postromantic poststimulus postsurgical postsynaptic posttensions postulancies postulations postvaccinal postvagotomy postworkshop potabilities potentiality potentiating potentiation potentiators powerbrokers practicality practitioner praetorships pragmaticism pragmaticist pragmatistic praiseworthy pralltriller prankishness praseodymium praxeologies preachifying preadmission preadmitting preallotting preamplifier preannounced preannounces preapproving prearranging preassembled preassigning prebendaries prebreakfast precanceling precancelled precancerous precariously precautioned precedencies precensoring precentorial preceptorial preceptories precertified precertifies precessional preciosities preciousness precipitable precipitance precipitancy precipitants precipitated precipitates precipitator precisionist preclearance preclusively precociously precognition precognitive precomputers precomputing preconceived preconceives preconcerted precondition preconscious predeceasing predecessors predeparture predesignate predestinate predestining predetermine prediabetics predicaments predications predictively predigesting predigestion predilection predischarge prediscovery predisposing prednisolone predominance predominancy predominated predominates preeclampsia preeclamptic preelections preemergence preeminences preeminently preemptively preestablish preexistence prefabricate preferential prefinancing prefocussing preformation preformatted preformulate pregnability pregnenolone prehensility prehistorian prehistories preignitions preinaugural preinduction preinterview prejudgments prelapsarian prelibations preliterates premalignant premaritally premarketing premarriages premaxillary premeasuring premeditated premeditates premeditator premenstrual premierships premigration premodifying premoistened premonishing premonitions premunitions prenominated prenominates prenotifying prenumbering preoccupancy preoccupying preoperative preordaining preovulatory prepackaging preparations preparatives preparedness preponderant preponderate preportioned prepositions prepossessed prepossesses preposterous prepotencies preppinesses preprocessed preprocesses preprocessor preprogramed prepuberties prepubescent prepurchased prepurchases prequalified prequalifies prerecession prerecording preregisters prerehearsal prerequiring prerequisite prerogatived prerogatives presbyterate presbyterial presbyterian presbyteries prescheduled preschedules preschoolers prescreening prescription prescriptive preselecting preselection presentation presentative presentenced presentences presentiment presentments preservation preservative preshrinking presidencies presidential presignified presignifies preslaughter prespecified prespecifies pressureless pressurising pressurizers pressurizing presterilize prestressing prestructure presumptions presumptuous presupposing presweetened pretensioned pretermitted pretreatment prettinesses prevaricated prevaricates prevaricator preveniently preventative preventively previousness previsionary previsioning pridefulness priestliness priggishness primateships primitivisms primitivists primogenitor primordially princeliness principality printability printmakings prioritizing prissinesses privatdocent privatdozent privateering prizefighter prizewinners prizewinning probabilisms probabilists probationary probationers problematics proboscidean proboscidian procarbazine procathedral procedurally processional processioned proclamation proclivities proconsulate procreations proctodaeums proctologies proctologist proctorships procurations procurements prodigiously productional productively productivity profanations professional professorate professorial professoriat proficiently profiteering profiteroles profligacies profligately profoundness profundities progesterone progestogens proglottides prognathisms programmable programmatic programmings progressions progressives prohibitions projectional projectively prolegomenon proletarians proletariats proliferated proliferates prolifically prolificness prologuizing prolongation promontories promptitudes promptnesses promulgating promulgation promulgators pronephroses pronominally pronouncedly pronucleuses proofreaders proofreading propaedeutic propagandist propagandize propagations propensities propernesses propertyless prophetesses prophethoods prophylactic propitiating propitiation propitiators propitiatory propitiously proportional proportioned propositions propoxyphene propranolols proprietress prorogations prosauropods proscription proscriptive prosecutable prosecutions proselytised proselytises proselytisms proselytized proselytizer proselytizes prosobranchs prosodically prosopopoeia prospectuses prosperities prosperously prostacyclin prosthetists prostituting prostitution prostitutors prostrations protactinium protagonists protectively protectorate protectories proteinurias protensively proteoglycan protestation prothalamion prothalamium prothalluses prothonotary prothrombins protocolling protohistory protomartyrs protonations protonematal protophloems protoplanets protoplasmic prototrophic prototypical protozoology protractions protrusively protuberance proudhearted provableness proveniences proverbially providential provincially provisionals provisionary provisioners provisioning provocateurs provocations provocatives prudentially prussianised prussianises prussianized prussianizes psephologies psephologist pseudoallele pseudocyeses pseudocyesis pseudomonads pseudomorphs pseudonymity pseudonymous pseudopodial pseudopodium pseudorandom psychedelias psychedelics psychiatries psychiatrist psychoactive psychobabble psychodramas psychographs psychologies psychologise psychologism psychologist psychologize psychometric psychopathic psychosexual psychosocial psychotropic psychrometer psychrometry pteridophyte pteridosperm pterodactyls publications publicnesses pugnaciously pulchritudes pullulations pulverizable pumpernickel pumpkinseeds punchinellos punctuations punitiveness purblindness purification purificators purificatory puristically purplehearts purposefully pussyfooters pussyfooting pustulations putrefaction putrefactive putrescences puzzleheaded pyrargyrites pyridoxamine pyrocatechol pyroelectric pyrogenicity pyromaniacal pyromorphite pyrophyllite pyrotechnics pyrotechnist quacksalvers quadrangular quadraphonic quadrennials quadrenniums quadricepses quadrillions quadriphonic quadriplegia quadriplegic quadrivalent quadrumanous quaintnesses qualmishness quantifiable quantitating quantitation quantitative quantization quarantining quarterbacks quarterdecks quarterfinal quartersawed quarterstaff quaternaries quaternities quattrocento queasinesses questionable questionably questionless quicksilvers quinquennial quinquennium quintessence quintillions quirkinesses quislingisms quitclaiming quixotically quizzicality rabbinically racemization racetrackers racewalkings racketeering racquetballs radicalising radicalizing radiobiology radiocarbons radiochemist radioecology radioelement radiographed radiographic radioisotope radiolabeled radiolarians radiological radiologists radiolucency radiometries radiomimetic radionuclide radiotherapy radiothorium radiotracers raggednesses railroadings rakishnesses rambouillets rambunctious ramification rampageously rancidnesses randomnesses ranunculuses rapscallions rarefactions rataplanning ratatouilles rathskellers ratification ratiocinated ratiocinates ratiocinator rationalised rationalises rationalisms rationalists rationalized rationalizer rationalizes rationalness rattlebrains rattlesnakes ravenousness razzmatazzes reaccelerate reaccessions reaccredited reacquainted reactivating reactivation reactiveness reactivities readableness readdressing readjustable readjustment readmissions reafforested reaggregated reaggregates realignments realizations reallocating reallocation realpolitiks reanimations reannexation reappearance reappointing reapportions reappraisals reappraising rearticulate reasonlessly reassemblage reassemblies reassembling reassertions reassessment reassignment reassumption reassurances reassuringly reattachment reattempting reattributed reattributes reauthorized reauthorizes rebelliously rebroadcasts recalcitrant recalculated recalculates recalibrated recalibrates recanalizing recantations recapitalize recapitulate receivership recentnesses recentrifuge receptionist recertifying recessionals recessionary rechallenged rechallenges rechanneling rechannelled rechargeable rechartering rechristened recidivistic reciprocally reciprocated reciprocates reciprocator recirculated recirculates recklessness reclamations reclassified reclassifies recognitions recognizable recognizably recognizance recollecting recollection recolonizing recombinants recommencing recommending recommission recommitment recommittals recommitting recompensing reconceiving reconception reconcilable recondensing reconditions reconfigured reconfigures reconfirming reconnecting reconnection reconnoiters reconnoitred reconnoitres reconquering reconsecrate reconsidered reconstitute reconstructs recontacting recontouring reconversion reconverting reconveyance reconvicting reconviction reconvincing recordations recreational recriminated recriminates recrudescent recrudescing recruitments recultivated recultivates recumbencies recuperating recuperation recuperative redecorating redecoration redecorators rededicating rededication redefinition redeliveries redelivering redemptioner redeployment redepositing redescribing redetermined redetermines redevelopers redeveloping redigestions redintegrate redirections rediscounted rediscovered rediscussing redisplaying redissolving redistilling redistribute redistricted reducibility reductionism reductionist redundancies reduplicated reduplicates reeducations reembroiders reemergences reemphasized reemphasizes reemployment reenactments reencounters reenergizing reengagement reengineered reenlistment reenthroning reequipments reescalating reescalation reestimating reevaluating reevaluation reexperience reexpressing refashioning reflationary reflectances reflectional reflectively reflectivity reflectorize reformations reformatting reformulated reformulates refortifying refoundation refractively refractivity refractories refractorily refrainments refreshening refreshingly refreshments refrigerants refrigerated refrigerates refrigerator refurbishers refurbishing refurnishing regardlessly regeneracies regenerately regenerating regeneration regenerative regenerators regionalisms regionalists regionalized regionalizes registerable registration regressively regressivity regularities regularizing regurgitated regurgitates rehabilitant rehabilitate rehumanizing rehydratable rehydrations rehypnotized rehypnotizes reidentified reidentifies reifications reimbursable reimplanting reimposition reimpression reincarnated reincarnates reindictment reinfections reinflations reinhabiting reinitiating reinjections reinnervated reinnervates reinoculated reinoculates reinsertions reinspecting reinspection reinstalling reinstituted reinstitutes reinsurances reintegrated reintegrates reinterprets reinterviews reintroduced reintroduces reinventions reinvestment reinvigorate reiterations rejuvenating rejuvenation rejuvenators rekeyboarded relacquering relandscaped relandscapes relationally relationship relativistic relativities relativizing relentlessly reliableness relicensures religionists religionless relinquished relinquishes reliquefying relubricated relubricates reluctancies reluctations remaindering remediations rememberable remembrancer remembrances remigrations remilitarize reminiscence remissnesses remobilizing remoistening remonetizing remonstrance remonstrants remonstrated remonstrates remonstrator remorsefully remortgaging remotenesses remotivating remotivation removability remunerating remuneration remunerative remunerators remuneratory renaissances renaturation rencountered rendezvoused rendezvouses renegotiable renegotiated renegotiates renewability renographies renominating renomination renormalized renormalizes renouncement renovascular renunciation renunciative renunciatory reoccupation reoccurrence reoperations reorganizers reorganizing reorientated reorientates reoutfitting reoxidations repartitions repatriating repatriation repatterning repellencies repercussion repercussive repetitional repetitively rephotograph replacements replantation replastering replenishers replenishing replications repolarizing repopularize repopulating repopulation repositioned repositories repossessing repossession repossessors reprehending reprehension reprehensive representers representing repressively repressurize reprimanding repristinate reprivatized reprivatizes reproachable reprobations reprocessing reproducible reproducibly reproduction reproductive reprograming reprogrammed reprographer reprographic reprovisions republishers republishing repudiations repugnancies repurchasing reputability reputational requalifying requirements requisitions reradiations reregistered reregulating reregulation rescheduling rescindments researchable researchists resegregated resegregates resemblances resensitized resensitizes resentencing reservations reservedness resettlement resignations resignedness resiliencies resistlessly resocialized resocializes resolidified resolidifies resoluteness resoundingly respectables respectfully respectively respirations respirometer respirometry resplendence resplendency responsively responsories ressentiment restabilized restabilizes restatements restaurateur restimulated restimulates restitutions restlessness restorations restoratives restrainable restrainedly restrengthen restrictedly restrictions restrictives restructured restructures resubmission resubmitting resurrecting resurrection resuscitated resuscitates resuscitator resynthesize retaliations retardations reticulately reticulating reticulation reticulocyte retightening retinotectal retiringness retractility retransforms retranslated retranslates retrenchment retributions retroactions retrocession retrodicting retrodiction retrodictive retrofitting retroflexion retrogradely retrograding retrogressed retrogresses retrospected retroversion retroviruses reunionistic reupholsters revaccinated revaccinates revalidating revalidation revalorizing revaluations revegetating revegetation revengefully reverberated reverberates reversionary reversioners revictualing revictualled revisionisms revisionists revitalising revitalizing revivalistic reviviscence rhabdocoeles rhabdomancer rhapsodizing rhetorically rhetoricians rheumatology rhinoceroses rhinoscopies rhinoviruses rhizoctonias rhizospheres rhododendron rhodomontade rhombohedral rhombohedron rhythmically ribbonfishes ribonuclease ricochetting ridiculously rightfulness rigorousness risibilities risorgimento roadblocking roadholdings robotization robustiously robustnesses rockabillies rockhounding rodenticides rodomontades roisterously romanization romantically romanticised romanticises romanticisms romanticists romanticized romanticizes rootednesses rootlessness ropedancings rotogravures rottennesses rottenstones rotundnesses roughcasting roughhousing rowanberries rubbernecked rubbernecker rubefacients rubrications ruefulnesses ruggednesses ruminatively rumormongers rustications rustproofing ruthlessness sabermetrics saccharified saccharifies saccharinity saccharoidal sacculations sacerdotally sacramentals sacrednesses sacrilegious saddlecloths sadistically safecrackers safecracking safeguarding safekeepings sailboarding sailboatings salabilities salamandrine salesmanship salespersons salinization salinometers sallownesses salpiglosses salpiglossis saltimboccas salubriously salutariness salutational salutatorian salutatories salutiferous salvationism salvationist sanctimonies sanctionable sandblasters sandblasting sandpainting sandpapering sanguinarias sanguinarily sanguineness sanguinities sanitization sansculottes sansculottic sansevierias saponifiable saprophagous sarcomatoses sarcomatosis sarcoplasmic sardonically sardonicisms sarsaparilla satisfaction satisfactory satisfyingly sauerbratens saurischians savagenesses savorinesses saxophonists scabrousness scaffoldings scandalising scandalizing scandalously scantinesses scapegoating scapegoatism scarabaeuses scaramouches scarcenesses scaremongers scarifyingly scatological scatteration scatterbrain scattergoods scattergrams scatteringly sceneshifter scenographer scenographic schematizing schismatical schismatized schismatizes schistosomal schistosomes schizogonies schizogonous schizophrene schmaltziest schnorkeling scholarships schoolboyish schoolfellow schoolhouses schoolmaster schottisches schussboomer schwarmereis scintigraphy scintillated scintillates scintillator scissortails sclerenchyma sclerodermas sclerometers scolopendras scopolamines scorekeepers scornfulness scoutmasters scratchboard scratchiness screenwriter screwdrivers screwinesses scrimshander scrimshawing scripturally scriptwriter scrupulosity scrupulously scrutinising scrutinizers scrutinizing sculptresses sculpturally scuppernongs scurrilities scurrilously scurvinesses scuttlebutts scyphistomae scyphistomas seamlessness seamstresses searchlights secessionism secessionist secludedness secobarbital secretagogue secretariats secretionary sectarianism sectarianize sectionalism secularising secularistic secularities secularizers secularizing securenesses securitizing sedatenesses sedimentable seductresses sedulousness seemlinesses segmentation segregations seigniorages seismicities seismographs seismography seismologies seismologist seismometers seismometric selaginellas selectionist selectnesses seleniferous selenologies selenologist selflessness selfsameness semantically semanticists semeiologies semiabstract semiannually semiarboreal semicircular semiclassics semicolonial semicolonies semidarkness semideifying semidetached semidiameter semidominant semifinalist semifinished semiflexible semiliterate semilustrous semimetallic semimonastic semimystical seminiferous seminudities semiofficial semiological semiologists semioticians semioticists semipalmated semiparasite semiprecious semitrailers semitropical semiweeklies sempervivums sempiternity sempstresses senatorships senectitudes sensibleness sensitometer sensitometry sensorimotor sensualistic sensualities sensualizing sensuosities sensuousness sentinelling separability separateness separatistic septennially septentrions sepulchering sepulchrally sequaciously sequentially sequestering sequestrated sequestrates seraphically serenenesses sericultural sericultures serigraphers serigraphies seronegative seropositive seropurulent serotonergic serpentinely servanthoods serviceberry servicewoman servicewomen seventeenths severability severenesses sewabilities sexagenarian sexagesimals sexdecillion sextodecimos sextuplicate shabbinesses shacklebones shadowboxing shadowgraphs shadowgraphy shagginesses shamefacedly shamefulness shareability sharecropped sharecropper shareholders sharpshooter shatteringly shatterproof sheepberries sheepherders sheepherding sheepishness sheepshearer shellackings shellcracker shellfishery shellshocked shelterbelts shergottites shiftinesses shinplasters shipbuilders shipbuilding shipwrecking shirtdresses shirtsleeved shirtsleeves shittimwoods shoddinesses shortchanged shortchanger shortchanges shortcomings shortcutting shortsighted showmanships showstoppers showstopping shrewdnesses shrewishness shrievalties shrillnesses shuffleboard shuttlecocks sicklinesses sideslipping sidesteppers sidestepping sidetracking significance significancy silentnesses silhouetting silhouettist sillimanites silverfishes silverpoints silversmiths silviculture similarities simoniacally simpleminded simplenesses simplicially simplicities simulcasting simultaneity simultaneous sinfoniettas sinfulnesses singlenesses singlesticks singularized singularizes sinisterness sinusoidally siphonophore siphonostele skateboarder skeletonised skeletonises skeletonized skeletonizer skeletonizes skillessness skillfulness skimpinesses skinninesses skittishness skullduggery skyrocketing slanderously slanginesses slaphappiest slaughterers slaughtering slaughterous slaveholders slaveholding slavocracies sleazinesses sledgehammer sleepinesses sleepwalkers sleepwalking slenderizing sleuthhounds slickensides slightnesses slinkinesses slipperiness slipstreamed sloganeering sloppinesses slothfulness slovenliness sluggardness sluggishness slumgullions slumpflation slushinesses sluttishness smallclothes smallholders smallholding smarminesses smithsonites smoothnesses smorgasbords smudginesses smuttinesses snaggleteeth snaggletooth snappinesses snappishness snapshooters snapshotting sneakinesses snickersnees sniffinesses sniffishness sniperscopes snobbishness snollygoster snootinesses snottinesses snowboarders snowboarding snowmobilers snowmobiling snowmobilist snubbinesses sociableness sociobiology sociologeses sociological sociologists sociometries sockdolagers sockdologers soddennesses softheadedly solarization soldierships solemnifying solemnnesses solicitation solicitously solidaristic solidarities solifluction soliloquised soliloquises soliloquists soliloquized soliloquizer soliloquizes solitariness solmizations solubilising solubilities solubilizing somatologies somatomedins somatopleure somatostatin somatotropin sombernesses somersaulted somersetting somnambulant somnambulate somnambulism somnambulist somnifacient songstresses songwritings sonneteering sonographers sonographies sonorousness soothingness soothsayings sophisticate soporiferous sordidnesses soullessness soundproofed southeastern southeasters southernmost southernness southernwood southwestern southwesters spaceflights spacewalkers spacewalking spaciousness spaghettinis spanakopitas spanokopitas sparkplugged sparsenesses spasmolytics spasticities spatialities spatterdocks speakerphone speakerships spearfishing spearheading specialising specialistic specialities specializing speciational specifically speciosities speciousness spectaculars spectatorial spectrograms spectrograph spectrometer spectrometry spectroscope spectroscopy speculations speechifying speechlessly speechwriter speedballing speedboating speedinesses speedometers speleologies speleologist spellbinders spellbinding spendthrifts spermagonium spermathecae spermathecas spermatocyte spermatozoal spermatozoan spermatozoid spermatozoon spermophiles spessartines spessartites sphericities spheroidally spherometers spheroplasts sphingosines sphygmograph spiculations spiegeleisen spiffinesses spinnerettes spinsterhood spiritedness spiritlessly spiritualism spiritualist spirituality spiritualize spirochaetes spirometries spitefullest spitefulness splashboards splendidness splenomegaly spokespeople spokesperson sponginesses sponsorships spookinesses sporadically sporogeneses sporogenesis sportfishing sportfulness sportinesses sportiveness sportscaster sportswriter sporulations spotlessness spotlighting spottinesses sprachgefuhl spreadsheets sprightfully sprightliest springboards springhouses springwaters sprucenesses spunkinesses spuriousness squarenesses squarishness squirarchies squirrelling stablenesses stablishment stadtholders stagecoaches stagflations staggeringly stainability stakeholders stallholders stalwartness standardbred standardised standardises standardized standardizes standardless standpatters standpattism stapedectomy staphylinids starboarding startlements stationeries statistician statuesquely steadinesses stealthiness steamfitters steaminesses steamrollers steamrolling steatopygias steatopygous steatorrheas steelinesses steelmakings steelworkers steeplechase steeplejacks steerageways stenographer stenographic stenothermal stenotypists stepbrothers stepchildren stepdaughter stepfamilies stereographs stereography stereoisomer stereologies stereophonic stereopsides stereopticon stereoscopes stereoscopic stereotactic stereotypers stereotypies stereotyping sterlingness sternocostal sternutation sternutators stertorously stethoscopes stethoscopic stewardesses stewardships stichomythia stichomythic stickhandled stickhandler stickhandles stickinesses sticklebacks stigmasterol stigmatizing stilbestrols stimulations stinginesses stipulations stockbreeder stockbrokers stockbroking stockholders stockinesses stockinettes stockjobbers stockjobbing stockkeepers stocktakings stodginesses stomachaches stomatitides stomatitises stonecutters stonecutting stonemasonry stonewallers stonewalling stonyhearted storekeepers storminesses storyboarded storytellers storytelling stouthearted strabismuses straightaway straightbred straightedge straightened straightener straightness straitjacket straitnesses strandedness stranglehold strangulated strangulates straphangers straphanging strategizing stratigraphy stratocumuli stratosphere strawberries strawflowers streamliners streamlining streetlights streetscapes streetwalker strengthened strengthener streptococci streptolysin streptomyces streptomycin strictnesses stridulating stridulation stridulatory stridulously stringcourse stringencies stringhalted stringpieces stringybarks stripteasers strobilation stroboscopes stroboscopic stromatolite strontianite strophanthin structurally stubbornness studentships studiousness stuffinesses stupefaction stupefyingly stupendously stupidnesses sturdinesses stylizations subantarctic subarachnoid subauditions subbasements subcentrally subcommittee subcommunity subcomponent subconscious subcontinent subcontracts subculturing subcuratives subcutaneous subdebutante subdecisions subdirectors subdistricts subdividable subdivisions subdominants subeconomies subeditorial subepidermal suberization subglacially subinfeudate subintervals subirrigated subirrigates subjacencies subjectively subjectivise subjectivism subjectivist subjectivity subjectivize subjugations subjunctions subjunctives sublanguages sublibrarian sublicensing sublimations subliminally sublittorals subluxations submaxillary submergences submersibles submicrogram subminiature subministers submissively submultiples submunitions subnormality suboptimized suboptimizes suborbicular subordinated subordinates subordinator subornations subparagraph subpotencies subprincipal subprocesses subrogations subsatellite subsaturated subscription subsecretary subsentences subsequences subsequently subservience subserviency subsidiaries subsidiarily subsidiarity subsistences subsocieties subsonically subspecialty substantials substantiate substantival substantives substituents substituting substitution substitutive substructure subsumptions subtemperate subtenancies subterranean subthreshold subtlenesses subtotalling subtractions subumbrellas suburbanised suburbanises suburbanites suburbanized suburbanizes subvarieties subversively subvocalized subvocalizes succedaneous succedaneums successfully successional successively succinctness suddennesses sudoriferous sufficiently suffixations suffocations suffragettes sugarberries sugarcoating suggestively suitableness sulfadiazine sulfonamides sulfonations sulfonylurea sulfuretting sullennesses sulphurising sultrinesses summarizable summerhouses summersaults sunscreening superabounds superalterns superannuate superathlete superbitches superbnesses superbombers supercabinet supercargoes supercarrier supercenters supercharged supercharger supercharges superciliary supercilious superclasses supercluster supercoiling superconduct supercooling supercurrent superegoists superelevate supereminent superexpress supergravity supergrowths superhardens superheaters superheating superhelical superhelices superhelixes superheroine superhighway superhumanly superimposed superimposes superinduced superinduces superinfects superintends superlatives superlawyers supermarkets supermassive supernatants supernations supernatural supernatures superorganic superorgasms superovulate superpatriot superpersons superplastic superplayers superposable superpowered superpremium superprofits superquality superrealism superschools superscribed superscribes superscripts supersecrecy supersecrets supersedures supersellers supersensory supersession supersingers supersleuths superspecial superstardom superstation superstition superstratum superstrikes superstrings supersurgeon supersystems supertankers supervenient supervention supervisions superweapons supinenesses supplemental supplemented supplementer supplenesses supplicating supplication supplicatory suppositions suppositious suppressants suppressible suppressions suppurations supraliminal supraorbital supravitally supremacists suprematisms suprematists surefootedly surfboarders surfboarding surmountable surpassingly surprisingly surrealistic surrebutters surrejoinder surrendering surroundings surveillance surveillants survivalists survivorship susceptivity suspenseless suspensively suspensories suspicioning suspiciously suspirations sustentation sustentative susurrations suzerainties sveltenesses swaggeringly swainishness swallowtails swampinesses swankinesses swashbuckled swashbuckler swashbuckles sweaterdress sweatinesses sweepingness swelteringly swingletrees switchbacked switchblades switchboards swordplayers sycophancies sycophantish sycophantism syllabically syllabicated syllabicates syllabifying sylviculture symbolically symmetallism symmetrizing sympathetics sympathising sympathizers sympathizing symposiarchs synaestheses synaesthesia synaesthesis synaptically synaptosomal synaptosomes synarthroses synarthrosis synchroneity synchronical synchronised synchronises synchronisms synchronized synchronizer synchronizes synchroscope synchrotrons syncopations syncretising syncretistic syncretizing syndactylies syndactylism syndetically syndicalisms syndicalists syndications synecologies synergically synesthesias synonymities synonymizing synonymously synoptically synthesizers synthesizing systematised systematises systematisms systematists systematized systematizer systematizes systemically tabernacling tabernacular tachycardias tactlessness tagliatelles talebearings tangentially tangibleness taphonomists tarradiddles taskmistress tastefulness tautological tautomerisms tawdrinesses taxidermists teaspoonfuls teaspoonsful technetronic technicality technicalize technobabble technocratic technologies technologist technologize technophiles technophobes technophobia technophobic tectonically teenyboppers teeterboards teetotalisms teetotalists teetotallers teetotalling telecommuted telecommuter telecommutes telegramming telegraphers telegraphese telegraphies telegraphing telegraphist telemarketer telemetering telencephala teleological teleologists telephonists teleprinters teleutospore tellurometer telocentrics temperaments temperatures temporalized temporalizes tenabilities tendernesses tenderometer tendinitides tendinitises tendonitides tendonitises tenebrionids tensiometers tensiometric teratologies teratologist tercentenary tergiversate terminations terraforming terrestrials terribleness terrifically terrifyingly territorials tessellating tessellation testamentary testcrossing testimonials testosterone tetanization tetchinesses tetracycline tetradrachms tetragonally tetrahedrite tetrahedrons tetrahymenas tetrapyrrole tetrazoliums tetrodotoxin thalassaemia thalassemias thalassemics thalassocrat thalidomides thallophytes thallophytic thankfullest thankfulness thanksgiving thaumaturges thaumaturgic theatergoers theatergoing theatrically theistically thematically theobromines theocentrism theocratical theologising theologizers theologizing theophylline theoretician theorization theosophical theosophists therapeutics thereinafter thermalizing thermoclines thermocouple thermoformed thermographs thermography thermohaline thermolabile thermometers thermometric thermophiles thermophilic thermoscopes thermosphere thermostable thermostated thermostatic thermotactic thermotropic thievishness thimbleberry thimbleweeds thingamabobs thingamajigs thingumajigs thinkingness thiocyanates thioridazine thiosulfates thistledowns thitherwards thixotropies thoracically thorninesses thoroughbass thoroughbred thoroughfare thoroughness thoroughpins thoroughwort thoughtfully thousandfold thriftlessly thrombocytes thrombocytic thrombolytic thromboxanes throttleable throttlehold throughither throughother thumbtacking thunderbirds thunderbolts thunderclaps thundercloud thunderheads thunderingly thunderously thunderstone thunderstorm thymectomies thymectomize thyrotrophic thyrotrophin thyrotropins tibiofibulae tibiofibulas ticklishness ticktacktoes tigerishness timberdoodle timekeepings timelessness timelinesses timepleasers timeservings timocratical timorousness tinctorially tinsmithings tirelessness tiresomeness titaniferous titillations titleholders toastmasters tobacconists tobogganings tobogganists toddlerhoods togetherness toilsomeness tolbutamides tolerability tomfooleries tomographies tonelessness toothbrushes topdressings topicalities toploftiness topographers topographies topstitching torchbearers torrentially torridnesses tortuosities tortuousness totalisators totalitarian totalizators touchinesses tourbillions towardliness toxicologies toxicologist toxigenicity toxophilites traceability tracheitides tracheitises tracheophyte tracheostomy tracklayings trackwalkers tractability trademarking tradescantia tradespeople traditionary traducements tragediennes tragicomical trailblazers trailblazing trailbreaker trainability trainbearers traineeships traitoresses traitorously trajectories trampoliners trampolining trampolinist tranquilized tranquilizer tranquilizes tranquillest tranquillity tranquillize tranquilness transactions transaminase transceivers transcendent transcending transcribers transcribing transductant transduction transections transfecting transfection transferable transferases transference transferrers transferring transferrins transfigured transfigures transfixions transformers transforming transfusable transfusible transfusions transgressed transgresses transgressor transhipping transhumance transhumants transiencies transitional transitively transitivity transitorily translatable translations translocated translocates translucence translucency transmigrate transmission transmissive transmittals transmitters transmitting transmogrify transmontane transmutable transnatural transoceanic transpacific transparence transparency transpicuous transpierced transpierces transplanted transplanter transponders transpontine transportees transporters transporting transposable transsexuals transshaping transshipped transudation transuranics transuranium transvaluate transvaluing transversals transversely transvestism transvestite trapezohedra trapshooters trapshooting trashinesses traumatising traumatizing treatability tredecillion trellisworks tremendously trenchancies trendinesses trendsetters trendsetting trepanations trephination trepidations trestleworks triangularly triangulated triangulates tribespeople tribological tribologists tribulations tribuneships trichinizing trichlorfons trichlorphon trichologies trichologist trichomonads trichopteran trichotomies trichotomous trichromatic trickinesses trickishness trierarchies trifluralins trifoliolate trifurcating trifurcation triglyceride triglyphical trigonometry trilingually trimethoprim trimetrogons triphosphate triphthongal tripinnately triplicating triplication triplicities tristfulness trisyllables triturations triumphalism triumphalist triumphantly triumvirates trivialising trivialities trivializing trochanteral trochanteric trochophores trolleybuses trophallaxes trophallaxis trophoblasts trophozoites tropicalized tropicalizes tropological tropomyosins tropospheres tropospheric trothplights troublemaker troubleshoot truckmasters truculencies truncheoning trustability trustbusters trusteeships trustfulness trustinesses trustingness truthfulness trypanosomes trypsinogens tryptophanes tuberculated tuberculoses tuberculosis tuberosities tubocurarine tumefactions tumultuously tunabilities turbellarian turbidimeter turbidimetry turbidnesses turbocharged turbocharger turbulencies turgescences turgidnesses turpentining turtlenecked tweedinesses twelvemonths tympaniteses typefounders typefounding typesettings typewritings typicalities typification typographers typographies typographing tyrannically tyrannicides tyrannosaurs tyrothricins ubiquitously uglification ultimateness ultracareful ultracompact ultradistant ultraheating ultraleftism ultraleftist ultraliberal ultramarines ultramontane ultraprecise ultraradical ultrarealism ultrarealist ultrarefined ultraserious ultravacuums ultraviolent ultraviolets umbilication umbrageously unacceptable unacceptably unacclimated unaccredited unaccustomed unacquainted unadvertised unaffectedly unaffiliated unaffordable unaggressive unalleviated unambivalent unanalyzable unanswerable unanswerably unapologetic unappealable unappeasable unappeasably unappetizing unassailable unassailably unassociated unattainable unattenuated unattractive unattributed unauthorized unavailingly unbarricaded unbecomingly unbelievable unbelievably unbiasedness unblinkingly unblushingly unbreachable unbreathable unbridgeable uncalculated uncalibrated uncapturable uncelebrated uncensorious unchallenged unchangeable unchangeably unchangingly unchaperoned uncharitable uncharitably unchasteness unchastities unchivalrous unchristened unchronicled uncinariases uncinariasis uncirculated unclassified uncluttering uncoalescing uncoercively uncommercial uncommonness uncompelling uncomplacent uncompounded unconformity unconfounded unconjugated unconsidered unconstraint uncontracted uncontrolled unconvincing uncorrelated uncourageous uncovenanted uncritically unctuousness uncultivable uncultivated undecillions undeciphered undecomposed undefoliated undemocratic undependable underachieve underbellies underbidders underbidding underbrushes underbudding undercharged undercharges underclasses underclothes undercoating undercooling undercounted undercurrent undercutting underdrawers underexposed underexposes underfeeding underfunding undergarment undergirding undergrounds undergrowths underinsured underlapping underlayment underletting underlyingly underpayment underpinning underplaying underpowered underpricing underreacted underreports underrunning underscoring underselling undersheriff undershirted understaffed understating understeered understories understudied understudies undersurface undertakings undertenants underthrusts underutilize undervaluing underweights underwhelmed underwriters underwriting underwritten undesignated undesirables undetectable undetermined undigestible undiminished undiplomatic undischarged undiscovered undisputable undistracted undocumented undramatized unduplicated uneasinesses unecological uneconomical unembittered unemployable unemployment unencumbered unevennesses uneventfully unexpectedly unexpressive unexpurgated unfairnesses unfaithfully unfamiliarly unfastidious unfathomable unfertilized unflaggingly unflamboyant unflattering unforgivable unformulated unfortunates unfrequented unfriendlier unfruitfully ungainliness ungenerosity ungenerously ungentrified ungerminated unglamorized ungovernable ungracefully ungraciously ungratefully unhandsomely unharnessing unhealthiest unhesitating unhistorical unholinesses unhydrolyzed unhyphenated unhysterical unicamerally unidentified unifications unifoliolate uniformities unilaterally unillusioned unimaginable unimaginably unimportance unimpressive uninfluenced uninoculated uninstructed unintegrated uninterested unionisation unionization uniquenesses unironically unirradiated unisexuality unitarianism unitizations universalism universalist universality universalize universities unjustnesses unkennelling unkindliness unkindnesses unlawfulness unlikelihood unlikeliness unlikenesses unlistenable unloveliness unmanageable unmanageably unmanneredly unmarketable unmeasurable unmechanized unmercifully unmistakable unmistakably unmodernized unmoralities unmyelinated unnegotiable unnewsworthy unnilhexiums unnilpentium unnilquadium unnoticeable unnourishing unobservable unobstructed unobtainable unofficially unornamented unorthodoxly unoxygenated unparalleled unpardonable unpatentable unperceptive unpersuasive unpleasantly unpopularity unprejudiced unpretending unprincipled unprivileged unproductive unprofitable unprofitably unprogrammed unpronounced unpropitious unprosperous unpublicized unpunctuated unquenchable unquestioned unrealizable unreasonable unreasonably unrecognized unreconciled unrecyclable unredeemable unreflective unregenerate unregistered unreinforced unrelievedly unremarkable unremarkably unremembered unremorseful unrepeatable unreservedly unresolvable unresponsive unrestrained unrestraints unrestricted unreturnable unreviewable unrhetorical unripenesses unrulinesses unsanctioned unsatisfying unscientific unscramblers unscrambling unscriptural unscrupulous unsearchable unsearchably unseasonable unseasonably unseemliness unsegregated unsensitized unsettlement unsettlingly unsightliest unskillfully unsocialized unstableness unsteadiness unsterilized unstintingly unstoppering unstratified unstructured unsubsidized unsuccessful unsupervised unsurprising unsuspecting unsuspicious unsystematic untenability unthinkingly untidinesses untimeliness untouchables untowardness untranslated untruthfully unvaccinated unvanquished unventilated unverbalized unverifiable unwarinesses unwashedness unwaveringly unwieldiness unwontedness unworthiness unyieldingly upholsterers upholsteries upholstering uppercutting uppishnesses uppitinesses uppitynesses uproariously uprootedness upwardnesses urbanisation urbanization urbanologies urbanologist urediospores urethritides urethritises urethroscope uricotelisms urinogenital urochordates urolithiases urolithiasis usablenesses usefulnesses usufructuary usuriousness utilitarians utilizations uxoriousness vacantnesses vacationists vacationland vaccinations vacillations vacuolations vagabondages vagabondisms vaginismuses vainglorious valedictions valetudinary valorization valpolicella valuableness valvulitides valvulitises vanguardisms vanguardists vanquishable vaporishness vaporization vaporousness variableness varicosities variegations vasculatures vasculitides vasectomized vasectomizes vasoactivity vasodilation vasodilators vasopressins vasopressors vaticinating vaticination vaticinators vaudevillian vegetational vegetatively velarization velocimeters venerability venesections vengefulness venialnesses venipuncture venographies venomousness ventilations ventromedial veratridines veridicality verification vermiculated vermiculites vernacularly verticalness verticillate vesicularity vesiculating vesiculation vespertilian vesuvianites veterinarian veterinaries vexillologic vibraharpist vibraphonist viceroyships vichyssoises vicissitudes victoriously videographer vigilantisms vigintillion vigorousness vilification villainesses villainously vinaigrettes vinblastines vincristines vindications vindictively vinedressers vineyardists vinicultures vinification violableness violoncellos virginalists virtualities virtuosities virtuousness viruliferous viscoelastic viscometries viscosimeter viscountcies visibilities visitatorial vitalization viticultural viticultures vitrectomies vituperating vituperation vituperative vituperators vituperatory vivification viviparities viviparously vivisections vocabularies vocalization vocationally vociferating vociferation vociferators vociferously voicefulness voidableness volatileness volatilising volatilities volatilizing volcanically volcanologic volubilities voluminosity voluminously voluntarisms voluntarists voluntaryism voluntaryist volunteering volunteerism voluptuaries voluptuously votivenesses vulcanisates vulcanizates wainscotings wainscotting walkingstick wallpapering wallydraigle wantonnesses warehouseman warehousemen warmongering wastebaskets wastefulness watchdogging watchfulness watchmakings watercoolers watercourses watercresses waterflooded waterfowlers waterfowling waterinesses waterishness waterlogging watermanship watermarking waterproofed waterproofer waterskiings weaklinesses wearifulness weatherboard weathercasts weathercocks weatherglass weatherizing weatherproof weightlessly weightlifter weisenheimer welterweight westernising westernizing wharfmasters wheelbarrows wheelwrights wheezinesses whencesoever wherethrough wherewithals whiffletrees whigmaleerie whimsicality whippletrees whippoorwill whipstitched whipstitches whisperingly whitethroats whitewashers whitewashing wholehearted whoremasters whoremongers whortleberry wickednesses widowerhoods wienerwursts wifelinesses wildernesses wildfowlings windbreakers windjammings windlestraws windsurfings winglessness wintergreens wintrinesses wisecrackers wisecracking wisenheimers witchgrasses witenagemote witenagemots withdrawable withoutdoors withstanding wobblinesses woefulnesses wollastonite womanishness wondrousness wontednesses woodcarvings woodchoppers woodcuttings woodenheaded woodennesses woodshedding woodworkings woolgatherer woollinesses wordlessness wordsmithery workableness workaholisms workingwoman workingwomen worklessness workmanships workstations worshipfully worthinesses wrathfulness wretchedness wristwatches wrongfulness wunderkinder xanthophylls xerographies xerophytisms xiphisternum xylographers xylographies xylophonists yeastinesses yellowhammer yellowthroat yesternights youngberries youthfulness zillionaires zoantharians zoogeography zoologically zooplankters zooplanktons zoosporangia zootechnical zooxanthella zwitterionic zygapophyses zygapophysis zygomorphies

1 answer