You may find some of these negative calorie food chart at these sites. They are and
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There is no such thing as negative calorie foods. Sorry to break it to you.
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There is a diet called the negative calorie. Individuals can get more information on the negative calorie diet at and �ۼ Diet Reviews.
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There is much debate over the existence of negative calorie foods. Most scientists agree that they are not real, however, so oranges would not be negative calorie foods.
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I believe in most cases, the "negative calorie" effect works with raw, or slightly cooked, vegetables.
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A "negative calorie" refers to a food that takes more energy to digest than calories it yields. A common example is celery. Negative calorie foods can be an important part of a weight loss diet since they fill you up without too many calories.
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the best way for a healthy diet is eating negative calorie foods. these consist of fruit and vegetables. negative calorie foods are when a certain food is at low calorie but takes mor calories to digest than what they contain.
exersizing at leat a half an hour along with the negative calorie foods helps you loose weight faster and simpiler
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the best way for a healthy diet is eating negative calorie foods. these consist of fruit and vegetables. negative calorie foods are when a certain food is at low calorie but takes mor calories to digest than what they contain.
exersizing at leat a half an hour along with the negative calorie foods helps you loose weight faster and simpiler
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Sorry but there is no such thing as a 'negative calorie main course' or any other meal for that matter. The closest thing to zero calories is water.
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These types of foods are known as Negative Calorie foods. The idea of Negative Calorie foods is still heavily debated among nutritionists and weightloss experts. The following is a brief list of foods "believed" to be Negative Calorie foods:
· Broccoli
· Cabbage
· Lettuce
· Carrots
· Cauliflower
· Celery
· Spinach
· Tomato
· Cucumber
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Some examples of foods included in a negative calorie food list are celery, cucumber, lettuce, and grapefruit. These foods are believed to require more energy to digest than they provide, potentially resulting in a net calorie loss.
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Negative calories are a good calorie. They are the ones we can eat without gaining weight. Your bodies metabolism has to work harder to digest them, so that speeds up your metabolism which is a natural way to lose weight.
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No, not at all. Onions are one of good sources to negative calorie foods. Regarding to negative calorie foods, amount of calories used in the process of chewing and digesting is greater than the amount of calories contained in the food.
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There are several websites that can provide information on a negative calorie diet. A few of them include:,, and �ۼ Weight Loss Blog �ۼ Diets.
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Loosing weight to become what some girls think is sexy.
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Yes they can do. Negative calories will help your metabolism speed up which is a natural way to lose weight. It also means you do not always have to be hungry, like on most calorie controlled diets. it's down to the type of foods you eat, and if they are negative calories (which is good) or the type commonly found in junk-food or fast foods.
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There are no good 1,000 calorie diets. At a thousand calories you will end up malnourished and permanently hungry. Calorie controlled diets are a billion dollar industry, and they keep to themselves that calorie counting in and of itself does not help anyone lose weight. It is the type of calorie that matters, if a negative calories (which is good) then you are likely to lose weight, and you can eat more so not feel permanently hungry.
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Not enough to cancel out the calories of the orange. There are no "negative calorie" foods, with the exception of celery.
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Negative calorie diets involve eating foods that have little or no caloric content. This type of diet may not be considered safe in the long-term because the body is not getting the nutrients it needs to be healthy even though one may lose a lot of weight on this diet, and rapidly.
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The negative calorie diet is a way of eating that includes certain foods believed to have negative calories due to way we digest them. For example, because celery contains only a few calories per stalk, the energy required to chew and digest it is more than the food itself. However, it is only a supplement to another diet. You can not live on negative calorie foods like celery and carrots alone. Instead, eat them as "free" items when trying to lose weight on a restricted diet. They can help to fill you up without adding any unnecessary calories to your daily intake.
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No there is not. This is just a new buzz word that really has no weight. Whatever goes in one's mouth except water will have some calorie attached to it so don't pay that any mind.
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Having a calorie book might help you track what you eat. However, if you ignore what the book tells you, it will be very useless. You need a determined mind set in order to change your habits.
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However, there is the example of celery, which contains few calories. So few, in fact, that it takes more energy to digest it than your body can extract from it. In this way, celery can be considered a "negative" calorie food.
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There are several to choose from online. For healthy, tasty, easy to prepare recipes check out
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A negative energy balance. This means that you consume less energy than your body consumes during a certain time span.
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A nutritional Calorie is 1000 times a chemical calorie.
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The difference between a calorie and a Calorie is calorie is a smaller unit than Calorie and it takes 1000 calorie's to make a Calorie. The Calorie (kilocalorie, kcal) is 1000 calories - a more useful unit and widely used.
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calories burned- calorie intake positive number = lose fat negative number = gain fat
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The small calorie is equivalent to 4.2 joules. This is the scientific calorie, and it is usually replaced with units in joules. The kilogram calorie is the dietary or nutritional calorie. It is the equivalent of 4.2 kilojoules, 1000 times greater than the small calorie.
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All fruits and vegetables have calories. 'Negative calories' is something of a myth. Some fruits and vegetables, however, contain significantly more calories than others do. For the calorie content of fruit and vegetables, and fruit and vegetable calorie charts, which you may print out and use as daily guides, see the page links, further down this page, listed under Related Questions.
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You can get a calorie tracker here
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Yes, this is a proven fact. There are some foods that your body expends more calories digesting than the food actually contains.
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Nothing has negative calories (as far as I know). One average apple has about 81 calories.
No, an apple, along with all other foods, contain calories. The concept of a "negative calorie" food comes from foods that require more energy to digest than the calories the food provides. One common food that is claimed to have "negative calories" is celery. This is because celery has very few calories, about 8 per stalk, and requires effort to digest. Celery is mostly water, with a cellulose structure. Cellulose cannot be digested by the human body, and is therefore passed through without being digested.
An apple on the other hand has lots of sugars that can be processed by the body. I have no doubt that there are more calories in an apple than the body expends to digest said apple. This does not mean that an apple is bad however. Just not a "negative calorie" food!
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Having a "negative" calorie balance, or a calorie deficit, helps DIRECTLY with weight loss. In general, to lose 1 lb of body fat you need to create a calorie deficit of 3500 Calories. For example, if you intake 2000 calories a day and expend 2500, that's a deficit of 500 calories a day.
At that rate you will lose 1 pound of fat a week (7 days x 500calories/day = 3500 Calories) You need to consider your natural body metabolism and how much you exercise, and compare that to how much you eat.
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Reduce calorie intake below calorie expenditure or increase calorie expenditure above calorie intake. A combination of both.
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The best Fitness food is celery and corn because it has so much fiber and roughage that you will lose weight from passing it out of your body. They are negative calorie foods.
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1.5 gms of protein = 6 calorie 1 gm of fat = 9 calorie 2.5 gm of carbs = 12 Total calorie in one disk = 27 calorie (approx)
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A calorie (lowercase c) is a unit of energy measurement, while a Calorie (uppercase C) is a kilocalorie, which is equal to 1000 calories. In nutrition, Calorie is commonly used to represent the energy content of food.
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Both Calorie and calorie are measurements of energy.
1 Calorie = 1000 calories
Upper-case Calorie is used in nutritional terms and is sometimes also referred to as a kilocalorie to avoid confusing it with the lower-case calorie.
Please see the related link for more details
The Calorie (kilocalorie, kcal) is 1000 calories - a more useful unit and widely used.
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There are always risks with any diet. Visit to read some information but take into consideration that web answers are not always 100% accurate.
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Foods don't break down fats. A negative calorie balance does. Consume fewer calories than you expend by eating right and exercising regularly.
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