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The SA (Sturmabteilung, 'Brownshirts') was the paramilitary wing of the Nazi party (NSDAP).

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The Nazis were a racist supremacist German paramilitary political party who sought world domination: "Today Europe, tomorrow the World."

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The term "SS" stands for Schutzstaffel, which translates to "Protection Squadron" in English. It was a paramilitary organization within the Nazi Party responsible for carrying out security and military duties, as well as implementing Nazi ideology and enforcing loyalty to the party.

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Nazi storm troopers were often called brown shirts, for the color of their uniforms. The official name of the storm troopers, the paramilitary wing of the Nazi party, was the Sturmabteilung. The were also called the SA for short.

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Nazi uniforms were typically made from wool or cotton materials, with the color ranging from gray to black. The uniforms featured a signature design with specific insignia and emblems to distinguish ranks and divisions within the Nazi military and paramilitary organizations.

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The SA (Sturmabteilung) - 'stormtroopers' - were the Nazis' paramilitary wing.

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== == Historically, SA stood for "Sturmabteilung" which referred to the stormtroopers or brownshirts, the Nazi Party's paramilitary wing, which in 1931-1933 (and again later) beat up opponents of the Nazis in the streets. Originally, the SS was a section of the SA but became fully autonomous in 1934. Since 1945 the abbreviation has been avoided in Germany in non-historical contexts.

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The Nazi party was the name but it is to my belief that the party already existed before Hitler joined it and moved up the ranks.

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Paramilitary groups are groups of people that dress, arm themselves, and have military titles and ranks, but are NOT in the military.

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The Schutzstaffel is German and being translated means Protection Squadron or defense corps, and was abbreviated as SS.

The SS was a major paramilitary organization under Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party.

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Hitler was the leader of the Nazi Party from 1921-1945.

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Brownshirts is another word for the Sturmabteilung, the original paramilitary wing of the Nazi Party. It played a key role in Adolf Hitler's rise to power in the 1920s and 1930s.

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Nazi Party was created in 1920.

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He was the leader of the Nazi party.

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Ordinary Nazi Party members were told that the policies of Nazism were too complex for common party members to understand. This was one way, not all the ways, that party membership was kept under control and any individual ideas concerning political activity were held in check.

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No. If he had been Jewish, he would have been sent to the death camps, he would not have risen very high in nazi party ranks of leadership.

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yes the australian nazi party

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Hitler was not the founder of the Nazi Party.

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He was the leader of the Nazi party.

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The Nazi Party - National Socialist German Workers' Party.

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The predecessor of the Nazi Party was the German Workers Party.

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Hitlers political party was the National Socialist German Workers Party, or Nazi party.

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Yes. Hitler lead the Nazi party.

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the nazi party was centred in Germany but it has been gone for years

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Canadian Nazi Party ended in 1978.

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Canadian Nazi Party was created in 1965.

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Largest nazi party??

Nazi party was Adolf Hitler's Political party in GERMANY!

Please see what you're asking, probably you're trying to ask that "when Nazi party became the largest party in Germany?"

The answer is in 1932 elections, nazi became the largest party in Germany, although they did not gained majority.


For your information, there is still a nazi party today, and it is all over the world. There are many anti-nazi organazations in the U.S. Infact there was a holocoust museum opening in Chicago, and there were many pro-nazi rioters with nazi flags and chants protesting against the opening of the museum. (sry i don't know which country has the largest nazi party today :(.....)

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He was the leader of the Nazi Party (National Socialist German Workers' Party) .

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The SS were the "Schutzstaffel", Hitler's elite paramilitary force during World-War II era Germany. They were the military arm of the Nazi Party. Essentially, they served as the personal army of Hitler and the Nazi Party; under Heinrich Himmler, the SS led many of the atrocities committed by the Nazis. Specifically, the SS were responsible for organizing and executing most of the logistics of the Holocaust

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The only army/paramilitary force that swore fealty to Hitler was the SS or Schutzstaffel. This was formed as the SA, or Sturmabteilung (also known as the stormtroopers) swore fealty to the NSDAP (Nazi Party), and the Wehrmacht (the German Military) was not a Nazi organization and swore loyalty to Germany -- Hitler knew that the Wehrmacht would overthrow him otherwise.

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Heinrich Himmler joined the Nazi party in 1925.

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Sturmabteilung or 'storm department' (SA), the paramilitary brown-shirt thugs of the Nazi Party in Germany prior to WWII. The Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei (NSDAP) or 'National Socialist German Workers Party' (Nazi), was a Fascist para-military organization that used intimidation, violence & propaganda. The 'brown-shirts' were the people most often associated with the violence used by the Nazi's & Adolf Hitler to gain power in Germany.

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Before Hitler joined the Nazi Party, it was know as "the German Workers Party", When Hitler becomes leader of the Germans Workers Party, he renamed it National Socialist German Workers' Party or Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei. It was sometimes was called NSDAP because of how it's spelt and pronounced in German but the official nickname of the party was "NAZI" hence why it's called Nazi Party.

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The Nazi Party promised to protect Germans from Communism.

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The goal of the nazi party was to take over all of the world.

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It was defeated in 1945, when Germany lost the war, the Nazi party was outlawed.

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the nazi party.

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He was the highest ranking officer in the Schutzstaffel("protection staff"), or SS for short. As commander of the SS, Himmler was one of the most powerful men in Nazi Germany.

The SS was originally Hitler's personal bodyguard (hence the name), but after the Sturmabteilung ("assault section", basically the Nazi Party's own private army) was disbanded in 1934, the SS then served as the main paramilitary arm of the Nazi Party. The SS became one of the largest parts of the Nazi government- in addition to acting as Hitler's bodyguard, it also commanded most of Germany's police, ran the concentration camps and conducted the Holocaust, and even had special military units that fought in the war.

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Hail Victory was a slogan used by the Nazi party in Germany during World War II, particularly by the paramilitary organization known as the Sturmabteilung (SA) or Storm Detachment. It was used to rally supporters and promote victory for the Nazi regime.

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Adolf Hitler joined the German Workers' Party(DAP) on September 12, 1919. In 1921, it changed its name to the Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei(National Socialist German Workers Party or NSDAP), but more commonly referred to as the Nazi party.

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If you were a member of the Nazi party or fought in the Nazi German army at the time. Actually the Nazis were just a powerful party at the time.

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Nazi Party was a political party in Germany active between 1920 and 1945. The Nazi party was most active during WWII.

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Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei(National Socialist German Workers Party)

Usually referred to as the "Nazi Party"

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Not technically

the Nazi party is known as National Socialist German workers party but before, it was just called German workers party. Hitler formed the Nazi party by developing previouse party name

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Yes. The Nazi Party (NSDAP) and its forerunner, the German Workers' Party were rabidly antisemitic from the start.

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leaders of nazi party killed over 1 milloin innocent jews

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