The total distance from Lisbon, Portugal to Malaga, Spain is 254 nautical miles.
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We cruise our boat between Cozumel and Belize city frequently. The distance is 193.94 nautical miles. It is an easy and beautiful cruise.
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That the first is employed to measure distances traveled through the atmosphere whereas the second is used to total distances traveled through the Earth's water bodies is the difference between air and nautical miles. The distances also may be expressed in kilometers in the metric system, just as standard or terrestrial distances will be indicated in kilometers or miles, depending upon the measurement system in use.
5 answers
The distance is straight path from one place to another place. There might be slight difference between the actual distance and the above mentioned distance because of the route chosen.The distance between the above mentioned places is 2130.0 nautical miles approximately.
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Thanks to, the flight from Los Angeles to Honolulu is 2,223 nautical miles. The flight on a jet will take you aproximately 5 hours and 46 minutes. Have a safe flight! :)
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The distance from Charleston, South Carolina, to Key West, Florida, is 578 air miles. That equals 930 kilometers or 502 nautical miles.
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About 2,051 nm from the Florida state line to Vancouver.
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To go below would be the equivalent of to go down stairs
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a nautical mile is 1.852 km and a mile is (statute)1.609344 km so a mile is bigger than a nautical mile
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For the times of nautical and civil twilight you need to refer to a nautical almanac.
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1000 miles per nautical star.
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A nautical unit of measure equal to one tenth of a nautical mile is known as a cable or nautical cable. In nautical terms, a cable is approximately 608 feet or 185.2 meters long. It is commonly used for measuring distances at sea, especially when referring to the depth of water.
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Honolulu, Hawaii is 2,679 miles [4,312 kilometers; 2,328 nautical miles] from Seattle, Washington. It takes about 5.5 hours to fly from Seattle to Honolulu.
The two cities aren't in the same time zone. Seattle is usually 2 hours ahead of Honolulu. But Hawaii doesn't observe daylight saving time [DST] when most of the United States sets the clock one hour ahead. During DST Seattle is 3 hours ahead of Hawaii.
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Nautical has to do with the sea, or well, sailing, and anything that relates as such. Nautical has to do with the sea, or well, sailing, and anything that relates as such.
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The captain asked me "how many nautical miles are we off the shore?"
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55560 kilometers
1 nautical mile = 1.852 km
30000 nautical mile * 1.852 km/1 nautical mile = 55560 km
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There are 7710 miles in 6700 nautical miles.
1 nautical mile = 1.15 miles
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Nautical has to do with the sea, or well, sailing, and anything that relates as such. Nautical has to do with the sea, or well, sailing, and anything that relates as such.
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1 nautical mile = approximately 1.151 miles.
One mile = 5280 feet
One nautical mile = 6000 feet
So one nautical mile = 1.1363636 miles
6000 ÷ 5280 = 1.1363636
1 nautical mile=1.15077945 miles
The formula is one land mile equals approximately .868 air miles.
Air miles are also called nautical miles.
6 answers