NATO stands for 'North Atlantic Treaty Organization'.NATO promotes the defense of all NATO member countries.
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The original NATO members were:
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NATO, which stands for North Atlantic Treaty Organization, is an intergovernmental military alliance. It was established on April 4, 1949.
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Western Europe
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NATO and the Warsaw Pact were two competing alliances during the Cold War. The members of NATO were: Belgium, Canada,Denmark, France, Iceland, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, the United Kingdom, and the United States. The members of the Warsaw Pact were: People's Republic of Albania, People's Republic of Bulgaria, Czechoslovak Republic, German Democratic Republic, People's Republic of Hungary, People's Republic of Poland, People's Republic of Romania, and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.
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North Atlantic Treaty Organisation; as the name suggests it was originally set up to 'defend' the countries in the North Atlantic; USA, UK, (Northern) Europe (as far as Esat Germany and the Berlin Wall).
It now is recognised as one of the main international peacekeepers and is involved in operations all over the world together with the UN.
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The North Atlantic Treaty Organization, is an intergovernmental military alliance based on the North Atlantic Treaty which was signed on 4 April 1949.
The Warsaw Treaty is the informal name for the mutual defense Treaty of Friendship, Cooperation and Mutual Assistance commonly known as the Warsaw Pact subscribed by eight communist states in Eastern Europe, which was established at the USSR's initiative and realized on 14 May 1955, in Warsaw, Poland.
They are described as different ways of keeping peace.
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The membership of NATO was expanded as new NATO to include new members.
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No, Iraq is not a member country of NATO, but NATO does have a special partnership with Iraq.
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NATO C3 Board (NC3B)
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Canada was part of NATO, and officially, NATO was in control of the troops.
NATO had nothing to do with the Korean War. Canada stayed on as part of the UN force, not NATO.
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the porpose of the nato now and then was to prevent an attack that is my option .
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NATO, is trying to make peace, therefore, Amreica is helping NATO by joing and supporting. NATO, I hope will bring the whole world together.
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The purpose of NATO is to help Western allies to come together for military purposed. NATO is designed to strengthen these allies.
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Turkey and Greece were admitted to NATO in 1952.
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The UK is still a NATO country and is aligned with all the other NATO countries.
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NATO standard refers to the standard round used by all NATO countries troops so if a country is operating with another country and the guy from the other country runs out of ammo he can pick up the other mans ammo.
The NATO standard for Assault Rifles is 5.56X45mm NATO
and for pistols 9X19mm NATO.
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