I consider the Battle of Austerlitz to be Napoleon's greatest victory.
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austerlitz austerlitz
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He did not personally bloody his sword or discharge a musket at Austerlitz, but credit for fighting there is still given out to the Commander.
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At Austerlitz in the present day Czech Republic.
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Napoleon fought Austria and Russia at the Battle of Austerlitz.
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Austerlitz, Jena, Marengo, Borodino. NB not Waterloo.
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The Arch de Triumph.
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the battle of whoshelline fought in the realm of dark and evil won by napoleons arch nemisis chatly moshlo clops everyone knows that
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The Arch de Triumph.
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The Battle of Austerlitz on 2 December 1805 in Moravia a part of the Czech Republic.
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It was fought on 2 December, 1805, between Ausrtia and Russia against France. The Austrians' tactics were very bad: they attacked before the reinforcements arrived. Napoleon split their army into halves and defeated each half. The Russian army withdrew from Austria, and Austria signed the Treaty of Pressborg (in it, Napoleon was recognised as King of Italy).
Austerlitz is/was in Moravia (now the Czech Republic).
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Because of this victory Napoleon forced Austria to sue for peace abandoning the Third Coalition.
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The address of the Austerlitz Historical Society is: Po Box 144, Austerlitz, NY 12017-0144
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The Battle of Austerlitz was a site where Napoleon Bonaparte and his Grand Armee crushes the forces of Russia and Austria
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Mayer Austerlitz has written:
'Des Gedenken gereicht zum Segen' -- subject(s): German Jewish sermons, Jewish sermons, German
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Napoleon's greatest military success was against the Austrian Russian Alliance at the battle of Austerlitz in 1805.
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The phone number of the Austerlitz Historical Society is: 518-392-0062.
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Waterloo is in Belgium, near Brussels. Austerlitz is in Moravia
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Napoleon was not defeated by any general in the year of 1805, I believe you are trying to refer to the Battle of Waterloowhich took place in 1815. Napoleon was decisively defeated at Waterloo by the Anglo-Allied forces commanded by Arthur Wellesley, the 1st Duke of Wellington and the Prussian forces commanded by Gebhard Leberecht von Blücher.
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The rights that Napoleon guarantees are the limited freedom of speech. During that time women have no rights but Napoleon gave them a good economy.
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Napoleon tried to censor and control the newspapers, and free speech was not slowed in France or the French Empire.
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Hmmm... Tricky. In 1805, Napoleon moved the Grand Armee created to invade Britain to Austria to fight the armies of the Third Coalition, where in one of his greatest victories he shattered the combined Austrian-Russian Armies at Austerlitz. Is this what you mean? Otherwise, Napoleon was always shifting around regiments from here to there.
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Battle of Trafalgar, Battle of Ulm, Battle of Austerlitz, Battle of Friedland, Peninsular War, Battle of Borodino, Battle of the Pyramids, Battle of the Nile and, Battle of Waterloo
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No, Napoleon didn't support free speech.
1. He limited the press to a few newspapers for propaganda to make Napoleon look favorable.
2. Napoleon creates a police state in France.
Creates a spy system in France in which Fouche, chief of police, ruthlessly eliminated anyone to be found rebellious.
This clearly was a indicator that Napoleon didn't favor Free speech.
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The Battle of Austerlitz was held near Austerlitz, Austria, a town that is now part of the Czech Republic and known as Slavkov u Brna.
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Northern Italy initially: Austria, Prussia and then attacks Russia. But in the meantime he dominates, Britain apart, Europe. Austerlitz & Jena/Auerstadt are the high points 1805 1806 respectively.
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A new monarch was crowned. The Holy Roman Empire was large during the middle ages! Which was dissolved in 1804 during the War of the Third Coalition by Napoleon in the Battle of Austerlitz.
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A new monarch was crowned. The Holy Roman Empire was large during the middle ages! Which was dissolved in 1804 during the War of the Third Coalition by Napoleon in the Battle of Austerlitz.
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A new monarch was crowned. The Holy Roman Empire was large during the middle ages! Which was dissolved in 1804 during the War of the Third Coalition by Napoleon in the Battle of Austerlitz.
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A new monarch was crowned. The Holy Roman Empire was large during the middle ages! Which was dissolved in 1804 during the War of the Third Coalition by Napoleon in the Battle of Austerlitz.
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The Battle of Austerlitz (1805) showed that Napoleon, along with his marshals and generals, were capable of defeating larger forces by creative use of combined arms and deception by maneuver. The combined Austro-Russian army that was beaten by the French lost because Napoleon applied heavy pressure on the enemy lines. In that age of warfare, victory was often achieved if the enemy lines could be broken. Also note that the arrival of Davout helped to turn the battle even more favourably to the French. Napoleon considered Austerlitz his finest battle despite immense casualties on both sides. He directed his forces with the utmost skill, moving troops and divisions at key moments to put the enemy in disarray. It is his failure to do this that is often blamed for Napoleon's final defeat at Waterloo. Napoleon was doubtless one of the most successful generals in history, winning far more battles than he lost, the British Navy was largely responsible for impeding his efforts. Despite his skill in land warfare, his inability to dominate the sea was the ultimate cause of his downfall.
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Napoleon tried to censor and control the newspapers, and free speech was not slowed in France or the French Empire.
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The battle which Napoleon is most famous for is Waterloo where he was defeated by a coalition of Europeans. His most famous victory was the Battle of Austerlitz where he defeated a combined Austrian and Russian force through brilliant tactical planning.
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Marshal Kutaisov is defeated by Napoleon at Austerlitz. The same applies, despite fighting well against Lannes on the Santon in the same battle, to Prince Bagration. Bagration is killed in 1812 at Borodino & Kutaisov retires after the bloodbath. The answer is not Barcly de Tolly because he, although in Russian service, is a German. Gosh ! Go on, tell me....
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The address of the Edna St. Vincent Millay Society is: , Austerlitz, NY 12017
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He won great victories at Ulm, Jena and Austerlitz, but lost the combined French and Spanish Fleets at Trafalgar.
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