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Murray Gell-Mann was born on September 15, 1929.

1 answer

Murray Gell-Mann was born on September 15, 1929.

1 answer

Murray Gell-Mann is 81 years old (birthdate: September 15, 1929).

1 answer

As of October 7, 2012, Murray Gell-Mann is

alive and well at 83 years of age.

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Murray Gell-Mann

1 answer

What do you mean with "did"? As of 2013, he still lives.

1 answer

Murray Gell-Mann----

"for his contributions and discoveries concerning the classification of elementary particles and their interactions"

2 answers

The Nobel Prize in Physics 1969 was awarded to Murray Gell-Mann for his contributions and discoveries concerning the classification of elementary particles and their interactions.

1 answer

he didn't die. He's still alive.

1 answer

Murray Gell-Mann is best known for his work in theoretical physics, especially in the development of the quark model to describe the structure of hadrons. He was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1969 for his contributions to the theory of elementary particles.

2 answers

Murray Gell-Mann and George Zweig independently introduced the concept of quarks in the 1960s as part of the quark model to explain the structure of protons and neutrons. Gell-Mann coined the term "quark," inspired by a line from James Joyce's "Finnegans Wake."

2 answers

Both Murray Gell-Mann and George Zweig (working independently) proposed quarks in 1964.

1 answer

Both Murray Gell-Mann and George Zweig (working independently) suggested the existence of quarks in 1964.

1 answer

Murray Gell-Mann researched the theory of elementary particles and their interactions. He was instrumental in the development of the quark model, which describes protons, neutrons, and other particles as being composed of smaller fundamental particles called quarks. Gell-Mann's work contributed significantly to our understanding of subatomic particles and the forces that govern them.

2 answers

  • democrius
  • murry gell mann

1 answer

It is pronounced as "gel man."

1 answer

The term "quark" comes from the book "Finnegans Wake" by James Joyce. Physicist Murray Gell-Mann chose this whimsical term to name the elementary particles he proposed as building blocks of protons and neutrons.

3 answers


1 answer

Thomas Mann won The Nobel Prize in Literature in 1929.

4 answers

The concept of baryons as a group of subatomic particles was developed by Murray Gell-Mann and Kazuhiko Nishijima in the 1950s. They observed and classified various particles based on their properties such as charge, strangeness, and isospin.

1 answer

Murry Gell-Mann proposed the concept of quarks in 1964 as a way to explain the behavior of particles in high-energy collisions. This idea eventually led to the development of the theory of quantum chromodynamics (QCD) and the classification of quarks as fundamental particles.

3 answers

Murray Gell-Mann, an American physicist, is credited with coining the term "quark" to describe the hypothetical elementary particles that make up protons and neutrons. The term comes from a line in James Joyce's novel "Finnegans Wake."

3 answers

Gell-Mann and Zweig used the concept of strangeness to classify particles, which eventually led to the development of the quark model. The idea of quarks emerged as a theoretical explanation to provide a deeper understanding of the classification of subatomic particles.

1 answer

Nobody 'developed' quarks, they have always existed (well, ever since the Big Bang, anyway).

However, the current mathematical model we use to describe quarks was developed by Murray Gell-Mann and George Zweig in 1964.

1 answer

Quarks were theorized in 1964 and experiementally verified in 1968. To say "invented" would be a misnomer.

This next part is a direct quote from the Wikipedia article titled "Quark" [ ]:

The quark model was independently proposed by physicists Murray Gell-Mann and George Zweigin 1964. There was little evidence for this model until 1968, when electron-proton scattering experiments indicated that the electrons were scattering off three point-like constituents inside the proton. All six flavors of quark have been observed, following the discovery of the top quark at Fermilab in 1995.

4 answers

Murray Gell-Mann and Geroge Zweig, working independently, first propossed the quark theory in 1964. George Zwieg later won the Nobel Prize for advancement in physics with his discovery of the quark.

4 answers

Murray is a great name!

-- The Murray River (Australia) is one of the major river systems in one of the driest continents of Earth, as a result the Murray has significant cultural relevance to Indigenous Australians.

-- Clan Murray is a Highland Scottish clan., They have played a major role throughout Scottish history.

-- Commodore Alexander Murray was a naval hero of the American Revolutionary War. His grandson Rear Admiral Alexander Murray was a Union Navy officer during the American Civil War.

-- Bill Murray, comedian, actor and all-around awesome guy.

-- Murray Gell-Mann, received the 1969 Nobel Prize in physics.

-- Eddie Murray is regarded as one of the best switch hitters ever to play professional baseball.

1 answer

Frank Gell died in 2008.

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Frederick Gell was born in 1820.

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Frederick Gell died in 1902.

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Alfred Gell was born in 1945.

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Alfred Gell died in 1997.

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William Gell died in 1836.

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William Gell was born in 1777.

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Rob Gell was born in 1952.

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with a hard g in gell

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David Gell was born on August 23, 1929, in Canada.

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Philip George Houthem Gell was born in 1914.

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Philip George Houthem Gell died in 2001.

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R. Gell has written:

'Sheffield general and commercial directory ..'

1 answer

Henry Chandos Pole Gell was born in 1829.

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Henry Chandos Pole Gell died in 1902.

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Luke Gell was born on January 20, 1987, in Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, England, UK.

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William Gell - RAF officer - died on 1969-05-16.

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William Gell - RAF officer - was born on 1888-07-10.

1 answer

Some areas of physics and physicists involved in them include quantum mechanics (Niels Bohr, Werner Heisenberg), general relativity (Albert Einstein), condensed matter physics (Richard Feynman, Philip Anderson), and particle physics (Murray Gell-Mann, Peter Higgs). Each area explores different aspects of the physical world, from the behavior of subatomic particles to the study of the properties of materials at the nanoscale.

1 answer

Quarks were proposed as fundamental particles in 1964 by physicists Murray Gell-Mann and George Zweig as a way to explain the structure of hadrons, such as protons and neutrons. They were not "invented" in the traditional sense, but rather theorized as building blocks of matter.

7 answers