The duration of Murmur of the Heart is 1.97 hours.
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Usually a simple heart murmur is not inherited so no. The baby MAY have a heart murmur but it is unlikely to be becasue of its fathers heart murmur.
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There are two types of heart murmur. Systolic murmur which occurs during contraction of the heart, and Diastolic murmur which occurs during the relaxation phase of the heart.
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a heart murmur is an abnormal sound that is from your valves in your heart. The most common reason for this is due to leaks ormthe narrowing of your valves. In most cases, a heart murmur corrects on its own.
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A heart murmur can be indicative of an abnormality with one of the heart valves, which can indeed cause fatigue.
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yes because illegal drugs can cause heart defects contributing to a heart murmur.
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Abnormal heart rhythm is a problem in the electrical system of the heart
Heart Murmur- is a heart sound associated with a valve problem
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Heart Murmur.
If you are looking for a crossword answer, it is MURMUR. ;)
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Incomplete closint of any one of the 4 valves may cause a murmur
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A heart murmur can be identified by a trained physician listening to the heart sounds via a stethoscope; a severe murmur can often be detected by untrained individuals as well, although a stethoscope is still needed. Other cardiac imaging, such as a sonogram of the heart, can also detect the aberrant motion of the valves that causes a murmur.
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not always when you have a murmur heart you have anorexia. so if you born with it dont worry about it .
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A simple way for a heart murmur to be detected is by having a doctor listen to your heart using a stethoscope. If they are concerned about it, there are many diagnostic tests that can be used. These include chest X-ray, ECG, CT, MRI or Echocardiogram
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The sounds of a heart murmur are caused by turbulent blood flow through the heart and large vessels. The irregular flow, whether due to regurgitation or rapidly changing pressures, can make characteristic sounds whose pitch, dynamics, and location can help identify the cause of a murmur.
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A murmur is a heart sound caused by turbulent blood flow resulting from an abnormal heart valve that either does not close appropriately or does not open normally.
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Some people have a heart condition called a heart murmur. Heart murmurs are irregular heartbeats. Most people grow out of heart murmurs.
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Yes! Cocaine has a direct affect on the walls of the heart and restriction of blood flow.
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To find out what a heart murmur is check out this site -. This should give you the information about symptoms that you need.
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Barry Manilow does have heart trouble. Reportedly a heart murmur.
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Some murmurs are caused by heart valves that do not close completely.
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What caused the heart murmur? Is it congenital, acquired, mitral, tricuspid, aortic, pulmonary, septal?
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Middle Ages - 1992 Murmur of the Heart 1-5 was released on:
USA: 1 October 1992
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i wont to know the medicine given to heart attack patients ?
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Continuous machine-like murmur.Loudest at the time of 2nd heart sound
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innocent heart murmurs do not affect you
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heart murmur
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full grown dogs? probably not, but my friend's kitten was put down because of an abnormal heart murmur.
It depends upon the cause, there are benign heart murmur that cause no ill effects. There's also heart murmurs caused by a defect that will result i the dog feeling tired and having less energy than he or she would normally have.
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A heart murmur is caused by turbulent blood flow within the heart, which is usually due to a structural abnormality or defect in one of the heart's valves. This defect can result in a whooshing or swishing sound heard during a heartbeat.
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