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Companies that operate across national lines or are multinational are called "transnational". Investors from these companies are considered transnational investors.

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transnational strategy

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Companies that operate across national lines or are multinational are called "transnational". Investors from these companies are considered transnational investors.

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is accentue a multinational company if yes then why?

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A transnational, or multinational, corporation has its headquarters in one country and operates in one or more other countries

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foreign, multinational, and transnational

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A Transnational corporation is a corporation that is internationally based that does not have a home base. They are like multinational corporations but they are without specific international identities.

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Telenor is a multinational company. The company operates in 11 countries in the Central and Eastern Asia and Europe and in the Nordic region. Its headquarter is in Oslo, Norway.

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Companies that are located in various countries all over the world. They are sometimes called transnational corporation

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A MNC (Multinational Company) is one that has the ability to control their operations in more than one country, even if it doesn't own the operations directly. A TNC (Transnational Company) on the other hand is one that has outlets/opeations in more than one country.

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Multinational terrorism is relevant and is affecting many countries. It is when people or groups use violence and threats against innocent people to enforce their beliefs or obtain what they want.

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Transnational corporations are companies (such as mcdonalds) that have branches all over the world. They differ from Multinational Corporations as they are in more countries.

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The transnational MNC (Multinational Corporation) structure is a debated topic. Firstly, there is some doubt as to whether any business really have this structure.

Simply put (if that is possible), the transnational structure is a combination of the "Multi-Domestic" and the "Global" MNC. Instead of focusing on centralized production and economies of scale (global integration of operations) as in the "Global" MNC, or on local responsiveness as in the "Multi-Domestic" MNC, the "Transnational" MNC strives to do both.

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international business (involves export and import),

multinational business (adaptive, product suited to local/host market),

global(coordinated product offering)

and transnational business (different functional heads in different countries).

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A multinational company/corporation is a firm that operates in more than one country, although the headquarters may be in one particular country.

Usually their location is welcomed by the governments all around the world.

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Multinational companieshave investment in other countries, but do not have coordinated product offerings in each country. More focused on adapting their products and service to each individual local market.WHERE,

Transnational companiesare much more complex organizations. They have invested in foreign operations, have a central corporate facility but give decision-making, R&D and marketing powers to each individual foreign market.

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Some commonly used terms under the multinational rubric include global, international, transnational, and multinational itself. These terms are often used interchangeably but can have slightly different implications based on context and the specific operations of the organization.

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A multinational corporation (MNC) or transnational corporation (TNC), also called multinational enterprise (MNE)[1], is a corporation or enterprise that manages production or delivers services in more than one country. It can also be referred to as an international corporation.

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TNC stands for transnational corporation, which is a large company that operates in multiple countries. MNC stands for multinational corporation, which is similar to a TNC but typically has a centralized management structure and operates in a few countries.

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Rhys Jenkins has written:

'Internationalization of capital and the semi-industrialized countries'

'Export performance of multinational corporations in Mexican industry'

'TNCS, technology and technology transfer'

'Transnational corporations and labour'

'The new international division of labour'

'Transnational corporations and Third World consumption'

'The rise and fall of the Argentinian motor vehicle industry'

'International oligopoly and dependent industrialization in the Latin American Motor industry'

'Foreign firms, export of manufactures and the Mexican economy'

'Transnational corporations, competition and monopoly'

'Transnational corporations and the state'

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what are the characteristics of transnational

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What are the Attributes of a transnational company?"

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stage 1 domestic company

stage 2 international company :where it adopts international strategies

Stage 3 multinational company

stage 4 global company

stage 5 transnational company

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Transnational Institute was created in 1973.

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stage 1 domestic company

stage 2 international company :where it adopts international strategies

Stage 3 multinational company

stage 4 global company

stage 5 transnational company

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the non-coordination of white collar governmental authority and transnational criminals.

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there are four types of multinational corporations:

  1. decentralized in management nature+ strong home country presence example: metro cash & carry
  2. centralized + economies of scale ; example:nestle
  3. a company which open up in deferential regions with same technology as in parent company.i.e,
  4. transnational alliances: combination of the above three types; example: KFC, Pizza Hut, MacDonald

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If your are from the 8.1 class then here it is - A transnational, or multinational, corporation has its headquarters in one country and operates wholly or partially owned subsidiaries in one or more other countries. The subsidiaries report to the central headquarters. The growth in the number and size of transnational corporations since the 1950s has generated controversy because of their economic and political power and the mobility and complexity of their operations. Some critics argue that transnational corporations exhibit no loyalty to the countries in which they are incorporated but act solely in their own best interests.

Yours Sincerely-


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* International companies are importers and exporters, they have no investment outside of their home country.

* Multinational companies have investment in other countries, but do not have coordinated product offerings in each country. More focused on adapting their products and service to each individual local market.

* Global companies have invested and are present in many countries. They market their products through the use of the same coordinated image/brand in all markets. Generally one corporate office that is responsible for global strategy. Emphasis on volume, cost management and efficiency.

* Transnational companies are much more complex organizations. They have invested in foreign operations, have a central corporate facility but give decision-making, R&D and marketing powers to each individual foreign market

There's an excellent explanation there.....(I was looking for the same thing)...

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Transnational University Limburg was created in 2000.

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Transnational Radical Party was created in 1989.

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There are many examples of multinational corporation ranging from insurance companies such as Arriva, to confectionery companies such as Cadbury - Schwepps. Arguably, two of the most famous are Coca-cola and Apple Inc.

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A Multinational Corporation (MNC) is a corporation with extensive ties in international operations in more than one foreign country. Examples are General Electric, Exxon, WalMart, Mitsubishi, Daimler Chrysler, etc...

A Transnational Corporation is a MNC that operates worldwide without being identified with a national home base. It is said to operate on a border less basis.

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yes, one of the biggest. anything that has globalised to the extent of that would be considered a TNC.

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Center for Transnational Legal Studies was created in 2008.

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Columbia Journal of Transnational Law was created in 1961.

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Transnational organization is a word used in scholarly literature. This is an international organization that transcends the idea of a nation state. Transnational organization is also an international based company.

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Transnational corporations are very important because they bring stability in a given country. Some of the positive effects of transnational corporations is the production of cheap and high quality goods.

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What are Dis advantage of multinational?" What are Dis advantage of multinational?"

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Berlin Graduate School for Transnational Studies was created in 2008.

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CIA transnational human rights actions was created in 1947.

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A huge company that carries out business in a number of different countries is known as a transnational corporation or TNC. Examples of Transnational companies include BP-Amoco, Unilever and Cadbury-Schweppes.

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It is a multinational company. Nokia is the largest multinational corporation in India.

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My father works for a multinational corporation.

McDonald's is a multinational corporation.

Multinational corporations are bad for society.

The features of most multinational corporations include a lack of concern for employees.

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is a big shop of gigilos

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