its mouth to mouth when the oral cavity is not obstructed or there isn't blood for eg, but when the oral cavity is obstructed then is mouth to nose
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They are the means to get air (oxygen) into the lungs.
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The mouth part of a river is called a delta. It is the large silty area at the mouth of a river at which the river spills into different slow flowing channels.
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The mouth of the river is the Fremantle ocean which is in South Australia.
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The mouth of Missus Ippi is very ragged, and contains a metric ton of mucus. Besides, her stoma is a much more relaxed entrance.
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teeth,jaw,mouth all of the above
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Yes, one! The 'mouth of the Thames', is east of the city of London, where it flows out to sea. However, the River Thames has many tributaries.
------------------------ All 'rivers' have a "mouth." One (A single) "mouth" - as in the number "1"...
Sort of like mammals...
Except for "Irrawaddy..."
6 answers
Certain medications can cause a severely dried mouth. The tongue feels as if it is covered in glue making it extremely difficult to talk.
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While breast cancer and skin cancer are two of the most well known forms of cancer, there are countless other types that threaten lives each and every day. One form of cancer that isn't talked about nearly enough is mouth cancer.
Oral cancer can affect any part of the mouth, including lips, tongue, throat, cheeks, and the floor of the mouth. Just like any other form of cancer, it can become life threatening if it isn't caught early enough, which is why knowing the symptoms of mouth cancer is extremely important.
Continued rough spots or eroded areas on the lips or inside the mouth could be signs of mouth cancer. Cancer can also take the form of velvety white or red spots that decorate the inside of the mouth. Symptoms may resemble other, less severe conditions but an appointment should be made with a doctor if at anytime an individual suspects something more serious. Sore throats are often times brushed aside as a common condition but sore throats can also indicate mouth cancer. Generally, it will feel as if there is something caught inside. An appointment should be made with a health professional if at any point it becomes difficult to swallow, speak, or move the jaw. It is particularly serious if any of these symptoms are coupled with ear pain.
While anyone can fall victim to oral cancer, men face the highest risk. This is especially true for men over the age of 50. The chance of mouth cancer also increases if an individual chews tobacco or smokes cigarettes on a regular basis. However, individuals who have a family history of mouth cancer or other forms of cancer should be on the look out for any questionable changes in the mouth.
Those who go to the dentist on a regular basis have a better chance of catching mouth cancer before it progresses into a more severe case. Checking for abnormal developments is part of a dentist's routine inspection. Though few people enjoy the trip to see the dentist, it could very well save a person's mouth from more than just a cavity.
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Many people worry at some time in their life that they have a serious condition like cancer, and thankfully more often than not such concerns prove to be unfounded. However, if you have noticed unusual signs of symptoms in your mouth recently or if you have risk factors for oral cancer, you do want to be aware of what some of the mouth cancer signs are.
First, before you explore mouth cancer signs, you should know that some people are at a greater risk for develop this type of cancer. People who are at a higher risk and who should be more vigilant in observing their mouth for mouth cancer signs are those who use tobacco products, those who drink alcohol, those who are exposed to the sun regularly for extended periods of time, and those who have a history of cancers of the head or neck. You do not have to have any of these risk factors to develop mouth cancer, but these factors can contribute to you developing the condition.
Most early mouth cancer signs are visible on the tongue or on the interior of the mouth such as on the gum line or the inside of the cheeks. Signs to look for include patches or spots that are white, red, pink, or a mixture of these colors; loose teeth; gums that bleed regularly; mouth sores that don't heal; an earache; a lump in the neck; and pain or difficulty when swallowing.
You should be aware that while oral cancer most often starts on the surface of the mouth and show visible mouth cancer signs,, it often does quickly spread into the lymp nodes. When cancer spreads into the lymph nodes, it becomes a more serious concern as it can easily spread to other areas of the body like the lungs, brain, blood, and more. Because of the ease and speed with which it may spread throughout your body, you will want to be vigilant for signs of mouth cancer and contact your doctor immediately if you do notice signs. Early detection and early treatment or critical with this type of cancer.
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The Gulf of Mexico - Pilottown, Plaquemines Parish, Louisiana.
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Mouth: The area where your vocal cords are used to talk and where your teeth and tongue are located.
Mutter: Speaking under your breath to where other people can't hear you: Muttering to yourself saying, "I wish I hadn't in the first place."
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Mouth ulcers, also known as canker sores, can be truly uncomfortable to live with. These small, shallow ulcers usually crop up inside your mouth on your inner lip or gum line, and they can be smaller in size or larger, deeper, and more painful. They make eating, drinking, and talking painful. Mouth ulcers are commonly believed to be caused by stress, although they may also be caused by eating a highly acidic diet as well as injuries to your mouth such as when you accidentally bite your inner lip or when braces scratch the inside of the mouth.
Those who are prone to getting cankers will want to take preventive measures. Because stress is considered to be the leading cause of mouth ulcers, taking steps to minimize stress in your life can be beneficial. You can also take steps to reduce the intake of highly acidic foods by cutting out or cutting back on foods like lemons, limes, oranges, tomatoes, strawberries, and other such foods.
While preventive measures may help to limit the frequency and severity of canker sores, you may still experience them from time to time. A common home remedy is to apply a small dab of baking soda to the sore to neutralize the effect, or to otherwise swish with a baking soda and water mixture. There are some over-the-counter topical oral pain relief options designed to offer temporarily pain relief for canker sores, too. If pain is severe, you can discuss the possibility of a prescription-strength pain reliever with your doctor.
If your mouth ulcers are common and severe in nature, consider talking to your doctor about your health issue. Recurring and severe mouth ulcers may be an indication of a more serious underlying issue such as a gastrointestinal disease like Cohn's or Celiac disease, or a deficiency in folic acid, zinc, iron, or vitamin B12. Your doctor may want to do a thorough exam to rule out these possibilities.
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Some people grind their teeth while asleep. This can lead to pain that can wake you up. Maybe this is the cause.
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Mouth ulcers are sores or open lesions in the mouth. (See also mouth sores or canker sores)
Alternative NamesOral ulcer; Stomatitis - ulcerative; Ulcer - mouth
Causes, incidence, and risk factorsMouth ulcers are caused by many disorders. These include:
The skin lesion of histoplasmosis may also appear as a mouth ulcer.
Canker sores are more common in young adults than in children or older adults.
SymptomsThe appearance and exact location of lesions varies with the specific disorder.
Signs and testsA health care provider or dentist usually diagnoses the type of mouth ulcer, based on its appearance and location. Blood tests or a biopsy of the ulcer may be needed to confirm the cause.
TreatmentThe goal of treatment is to relieve symptoms. The cause, if known, should be treated.
Gentle, thorough oral hygiene may relieve some of the symptoms. Topical (rubbed on) antihistamines, antacids, corticosteroids, or other soothing preparations may be recommended for applying directly to the ulcer.
Avoid hot or spicy foods, which often increase the pain of mouth ulcers.
Expectations (prognosis)The outcome varies depending on the cause of the ulcer. Many mouth ulcers are harmless ( benign)and heal without treatment. Sometimes, mouth cancer first appears as an ulcer that won't heal.
ComplicationsCall for an appointment with your health care provider if your mouth ulcers don't go away after 3 weeks. Call for an appointment with your health care provider if mouth ulcers return frequently, or if new symptoms develop.
PreventionGood oral hygiene may help prevent some types of mouth ulcers, as well as some complications from mouth ulcers. Good oral hygiene includes brushing the teeth at least twice per day, flossing at least daily, and getting regular professional dental cleanings and examinations.
ReferencesGonsalves WC, Chi AC, Neville BW. Common oral lesions: Part I. Superficial mucosal lesions. Am Fam Physician. 2007;75(4):501-507.
Gonsalves WC, Chi AC, Neville BW. Common oral lesions: Part II. Masses and neoplasia. Am Fam Physician. 2007;75(4):509-512.
Gonsalves WC, Wrightson AS, Henry RG. Common oral conditions in older persons. Am Fam Physician. 2008;78(7):845-852.
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Not a good defense. Blood alcohol content is what alcohol is in your blood stream, not what's in your mouth. Even if the breathalyser is confused by the mouthwash, they can just do a blood test.
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Aphthous stomatitis
Common CausesMost mouth sores are cold sores (also called fever blisters), canker sores, or other irritation caused by:
Cold sores are caused by herpes simplex virus and are very contagious. Usually, you have tenderness, tingling, or burning before the actual sore appears. Herpes sores usually begin as blisters and then crust over.
The herpes virus can reside in your body for years, appearing as a mouth sore only when something provokes it. Such circumstances may include another illness, especially if there is a fever, stress, hormonal changes (such as menstruation), and sun exposure.
Canker sores are NOT contagious and can appear as a single pale or yellow ulcer with a red outer ring, or as a cluster of such lesions. The cause of canker sores is not entirely clear, but may be related to:
For unknown reasons, women seem to get canker sores more often than men. This may be related to hormonal changes.
Less commonly, mouth sores can be a sign of an underlying illness, tumor, or reaction to a medication. Such potential illnesses can be grouped into several broad categories:
Drugs that may cause mouth sores include chemotherapeutic agents for cancer, aspirin, barbiturates (used for insomnia), gold (used for rheumatoid arthritis), penicillin, phenytoin (used for seizures), streptomycin, or sulfonamides.
Home CareMouth sores generally last 10 to 14 days, even if you don't do anything. They sometimes last up to 6 weeks. The following steps can make you feel better:
For canker sores:
Nonprescription preparations, like Orabase, can protect a sore inside the lip and on the gums. Blistex or Campho-Phenique may provide some relief of canker sores and fever blisters, especially if applied when the sore initially appears.
Additional steps that may help cold sores or fever blisters:
Antiviral medications for herpes lesions of the mouth may be recommended by your doctor. Some experts feel that they shorten the time that the blisters are present, while others claim that these drugs make no difference.
Call your health care provider ifCall your doctor if:
Your doctor will perform a physical examination, focusing on your mouth and tongue. Medical history questions may include the following:
Treatment may depend on the underlying cause of the mouth sore.
A topical anesthetic (applied to a localized area of the skin) such as lidocaine or xylocaine may be used to relieve pain (but should be avoided in children).
An antifungal medication may be prescribed for oral thrush (a yeast infection).
An antiviral medication may be prescribed for herpes lesions (although, some feel that this does not shorten the length of time that the lesions are present)
Anti-inflammatory medications may be prescribed for severe or persistent canker sores.
PreventionYou can reduce your chance of getting common mouth sores by:
You can avoid mechanical irritation by:
If you seem to get canker sores often, talk to your doctor about taking folate and vitamin B12 to prevent outbreaks.
If you get cold sores often, taking L-lysine tablets or increasing lysine in your diet (found in fish, chicken, eggs, and potatoes) may reduce outbreaks. Do NOT use L-lysine if you have high cholesterol, heart disease, or high triglycerides.
To prevent the spread of herpes sores, do not kiss or have oral sex with someone with a cold sore or fever blister. Do not participate in these activities when you have an active cold sore. Do not share razors, lip balm, toothbrushes, or lipsticks.
To prevent cancerous mouth lesions:
Daniels TE. Diseases of the mouth and salivary glands. In: Goldman L, Ausiello D, eds. Cecil Medicine. 23rd ed. Philadelphia, Pa: Saunders Elsevier; 2007:chap 451.
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Butterflies have a proboscis, which is a long, flexible tube-like structure that they use to suck nectar from flowers. This proboscis remains rolled up when not in use and is extended to reach into the depths of flowers to access the nectar.
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Mouthwash overdose occurs when someone accidentally or intentionally takes more than the normal or recommended amount of this substance.
This is for information only and not for use in the treatment or management of an actual poison exposure. If you have an exposure, you should call your local emergency number (such as 911) or the National Poison Control Center at 1-800-222-1222.
Alternative NamesListerine overdose; Antiseptic mouth rinse overdose
Poisonous IngredientMany brands of mouthwash.
SymptomsSeek immediate medical help. Do NOT make a person throw up unless told to do so by Poison Control or a health care professional.
Before Calling EmergencyDetermine the following:
The National Poison Control Center (1-800-222-1222) can be called from anywhere in the United States. This national hotline number will let you talk to experts in poisoning. They will give you further instructions.
This is a free and confidential service. All local poison control centers in the United States use this national number. You should call if you have any questions about poisoning or poison prevention. It does NOT need to be an emergency. You can call for any reason, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
See: Poison control center - emergency number
What to expect at the emergency roomThe health care provider will measure and monitor your vital signs, including temperature, pulse, breathing rate, and blood pressure. Symptoms will be treated as appropriate. You may receive:
You may be admitted to the hospital.
Expectations (prognosis)How well you do depends on the amount of poison swallowed and how quickly treatment is received. The faster you get medical help, the better the chance for recovery. Drinking large amounts of mouthwash may lead to a syndrome similar to alcohol intoxication.
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when did mouth to mouth start
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if it does not look like it's breathing, give it mouth to mouth
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Mouth to Mouth - Levellers album - was created in 1997.
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# largemouth
# liltlemouth # mouth on bottom
# mouth in middle # mouth at top
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becase if you did not give mouth to mouth they would die
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in the mouth is teeth,tongue and other stuff.the mouth helps you talk and eat.
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Mouth to Mouth - 1978 is rated/received certificates of:
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you have to dod mouth to mouth so that if a person is not breathing then you pass air through your mouth to the other person's lungs to keep them ALIVE
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Yes, you can get syphilis in your mouth. Chancres on or in the mouth are not unusual.
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Kissing mouth to mouth. 'Oral' relates to the mouth in any context.
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open your mouth put the food in your mouth close your mouth chew your food and swallow your food idiot
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you sneeze with your nose and your mouth. -mostly mouth, though.
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I do not have a stale mouth. Who said that i have a stale mouth? :D :D
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The mouth is medial to the ears. The ears are lateral to the mouth.
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