the one and only true God, a belief that set them apart from the polytheistic beliefs of surrounding cultures. This central tenet of monotheism emphasized the Hebrews' exclusive devotion to Yahweh and rejection of other deities.
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Monotheism can be the worship of any one god, as long as there is no belief that other gods also exist. In ancient Egypt, Pharaoh Akhenaten introduced the monotheistic worship of the god of the sun disc. Zoroastrians have worshipped Ahura Mazda, probably since before 1700 BCE. The Abrahamic religions (Judaism, Christianity and Islam) worship God, also known as YHWH, Jehovah or Allah.
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Yes, monotheism is a noun. It refers to the belief in the existence of only one God.
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The animisim came first, then the polytheism and then the monotheism
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They were the first group in the middle east to practice monotheism (or at least monolatry, which is an early form of monotheism).
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The word Monotheism applies in contexts that refer to the worship of One God. According to tradition, Western Monotheism was founded by Abraham.
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Monotheism is considered to be the part of speech known as a noun. The adjective would be monotheistic while monotheistically would be the adverb.
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Ethical monotheism is the belief in one god who is just and fair.
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Ethical monotheism is the belief in one god who is just and fair.
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Polytheism is the belief of many gods and monotheism is the belief of one god.
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Henry More first used the word monotheism in a work published in 1660.
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The concept of monotheism was a revolutionary idea that influenced Judaism and Christianity.
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According to my textbook, it says that polytheism is the belief of many gods and monotheism is the belief in only one god the similarity is that the polytheism believed in the god that the monotheism be lived in, and that was god.
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Monotheism. According to tradition, Abraham founded Western Monotheism.
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Polytheism is belief in many Gods and monotheism is beief in only one God
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Monotheism is the belief in only one god
Polytheism is the belief in many gods
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Christianity is monotheistic by definition. If you are a Crhistian, then you also follow Christian monotheism.
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No, but her husband Akenarten did worship one god (the Arten) and this may be the first instance of monotheism.
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I would argue strongly that this is not correct. Monotheism is a philosophy or belief, and does not by itself refer to a specific 'way of life'.
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Monotheism is the belief in one god (Jews, Christians, Muslims). Polytheism is the belief in many gods(ancient Greece). Egypt also had a polytheistic religion.
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Monotheism is not found just in the Bible but it is the belief in ONE God, the Creator of all things seen and unseen.
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Christianity is considered monotheism, because they only believe one God.
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The most important part of Judaism, and what defines it, is the belief in One God (Deuteronomy ch.6). That is monotheism.
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The difference is monotheism is belief in only one God and polytheism is the worship of many gods.
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Prior to monotheism, most religions were based on worshipping many gods.
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No, the concept of monotheism does not allow for the acknowledgment of other gods by the one true god. Monotheism is the belief in the existence of only one supreme deity.
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Nobody knows. In Jewish tradition, it started with Abraham, though he may have started monolatry, which evolved into monotheism.
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