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MoneyWeek was created in 2000.

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Money Week offers a weekly review of investing, investment advice and financial news for that particular week. The magazine is edited in London and released every Friday.

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The Guardian's online Money section offers a free guide for share dealing for beginners looking to learn about share dealing online. The website, MoneyWeek, also offers some tips on share dealing online.

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After 5 years of rises, we believe that the 'unstoppable' oil bull run is finally coming to an end. But that doesn't spell the end of the oil investment story. Not at all.

In this special MoneyWeek report we reveal:

  • Why we believe oil could fall to as low as $60-$70 a barrel.
  • How you can continue to make money from oil - even when the oil prices are falling.
  • Why the coming fall in the oil price effectively guarantees high prices in the future.
  • The 11 most promising oil investments on the market right now.
  • Why the smart money is heading for the oil services sector.

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