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They have a shell they made themselves and they have a soft inside.

1 answer

A Terrestrial Mollusc is a animal FROM THE 1500's .It was an animal that the Dummies Indians hunted

3 answers

An arcid is a member of the Arcidae family, an ark shell - a saltwater clam or marine mollusc.

1 answer

A conch is not a type of fish it is a large mollusc (a sea snail) which lives in a spiral shell.

1 answer

An avalone is an obsolete name for an abalone, an edible mollusc of the genus Haliotis, with a shell lined with mother-of-pearl.

1 answer

Its a soft bodied hard shelled animal, some folk say food in a shell. Slugs are defined as land snails with no shell but I sure wouldn't eat them.

1 answer

The shell of a cockle is formed from calcium carbonate, so is inorganic (non-living). The cockle is a small, edible, marine bivalve mollusc.

2 answers

A conch is a tropical marine mollusc with a spiral external shell. An endoskeleton is an internal skeleton, which a conch doesn't have.

1 answer

The mollusc with an ear-shaped shell is commonly known as an "ear shell" or "abalone". These marine gastropod molluscs have a flattened shell that resembles the shape of a human ear. They are known for their iridescent inner shell.

5 answers

No, a mollusc is a mollusc.

2 answers

Jessie J. Rankin has written:

'A freshwater shell-less mollusc from the Caribbean' -- subject(s): Mollusks

1 answer

Yes, a limpet is a type of mollusc. Specifically, it belongs to the class Gastropoda, which includes snails and slugs. Limpets are characterized by their conical shell and strong muscular foot that allows them to cling to rocks along the shore.

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sand burrowing mollusc

1 answer

The conch shell is actually the shell of a sea-dwelling mollusc known as a conch. There are many varieties of conch, with most living in the Indo-Pacific and Caribbean regions. Many are found in beds of sea grass in warm tropical waters.

2 answers

Clams belong to the animal kingdom, specifically the phylum Mollusca. They are bivalve mollusks, characterized by their two-part shell.

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The land snail is an air breathing, gastropod with a spiral shell. Helix pomatia is the scientific name for the snail.

4 answers

The mollusc (or mollusk) shell is typically a calcareous exoskeleton which encloses, supports and protects the soft parts of an animal in the phylum Molluscae, like snails, clams, tusk shells, and several other classes.

3 answers

A scallop is a bivalve mollusc which lives in a shell. A squid is a free swimming cephalopod.

2 answers

The economic importance of mollusc is that there are a staple food in many countries.

1 answer

Urchins are found in oceans.

Umbrella shell is a mollusc found in oceans.

The unicorn sole is a species of sole found in tropical oceans.

1 answer

Molluscs like pippies, snails, sea snails, periwinkles and slugs move by using a central vascular muscle foot. Octopusses (yes, they are molluscs) move their tentacles around to propel the water.

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there are millions of types of seashells in the world

Some of the common sea shells are

~ Mother of pearl shell

~Ark shell

~Script Shell

~Giant clam (Tridacna Gigas)



Hope this can help.....

2 answers

Of the 100,000 different species of mollusk, a good many of them do, but some don't. Mollusca also includes the squid, the octopus and the slug. The first two have an internal structure that might be called an "internal shell" or the like. It should be noted that they completely decompose leaving only their beak. Slugs don't have shells or "hard" internal structures of any kind. A link can be found below to review the different creatures that are members of this phylum.

6 answers

No, its a Mollusc

1 answer

no, they are invertebrates

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yes it is

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No they are arachnids

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The chambered nautilus uses gas-filled chambers within its shell to control its buoyancy. By adjusting the amount of gas within these chambers, the nautilus can regulate its position in the water column.

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Molluscs are animals which have no backbone (invertebrates) and no exoskeleton. These include snails (they have an outer shell but it isn't an exoskeleton) slugs (no shell, no exoskeleton, no bones) octopuses (they have no bones. They aren't fish because all fish have bones.) Sea snails and periwinkles are just other types of snail.

1 answer

A cephalopod is a type of invertibrate in the Mollusc family. Squid are type of cephalopd, along with octopus and cuttlefish.

4 answers

The conch is a tropical marine mollusc, whose shell is much prized as an ornament.

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The giant clam.

1 answer


No, it is a mollusc.

1 answer