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The Miniature Pinscher originated from Germany.

1 answer

"Min Pin" is short for Miniature Pinscher, a breed of dog.

3 answers

There are no miniature dobermann, they called miniature pinscher.

1 answer

The correct spelling is "Miniature Pinscher."

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The Dobermann Pinscher is categorised in the Working Group.

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The Miniature Pinscher is a German breed. The Miniature Pinscher was developed from the Dachshund, Italian Greyhound, and the short haired German Pinscher. The breed looks like a mini Doberman, most likely because both the Miniature Pinscher and the the Doberman both were developed from the German Pinscher. The breed was used as a barnyard ratter controlling the rodent population in the stables. The Miniature Pinscher is often called the "King Of The Toys."Some of the Miniature Pinscher's talents are competitive obedience, watchdog, and agility.

2 answers

Rose J. Radel has written:

'The miniature pinscher' -- subject(s): Miniature pinscher

1 answer

Well, the one with Carrie Underwood in it, is a Miniature Pinscher, or a German Shepherd. But I think it's a Miniature Pinscher!

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There is only one species of Dobermann - the Dobermann Pinscher. However, there are two different recognised Pinscher breeds: the Miniature Pinscher and the German Pinscher.

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I have a miniature pinscher mixed with a papillion and she developed shakers syndrome which threw her balance off. Is your dog having any other symptoms?

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The dog breed known as the miniature pinscher, or min pin, originated from the country of Germany. Its ancestry like is derived from the German Pinscher in addition to Italian greyhounds and Dachshunds.

1 answer

Jackie O'Neil has written:

'Guide to Owning an Irish Setter (Re Dog)'

'The guide to owning a Miniature pinscher' -- subject(s): Miniature pinscher

1 answer

· Maltese

· Manchester Terrier

· Mastiff

· Miniature Bull Terrier

· Miniature Pinscher

· Miniature Schnauzer

1 answer

Yes, Dobermann's and Doberman Pinscher's are the same breed. However, there are other types of Pinscher, including the Miniature Pinscher and the German Pinscher. There is only one type of Dobermann.

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A miniature pinscher that is pregnant will show signs of the pregnancy when the teats begin getting bigger. This usually begins around the eighth week of pregnancy.

1 answer

Bobbye Land has written:

'The basset hound' -- subject(s): Basset hound

'The Simple Guide to Ferrets (Simple Guide to...)'

'The miniature pinscher' -- subject(s): Miniature pinscher

1 answer

Lab puppies would not come out of a miniature pinscher unless the dog mated with a lab. If this is so, then the puppies would be a mix and the dogs sizes will suit their mother.

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German Pinschers are a breed of dog. They include several types including the Dobermann Pinscher, Miniature Pinscher, Affenpinscher, and the Standard Schnauzer.

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Like most insects, only a few weeks at the most.

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The cost of Chihuahua Miniature Pinscher mixes can vary depending on factors such as pedigree, breeder reputation, and location. On average, you can expect to pay anywhere from $200 to $800 for a Chihuahua Miniature Pinscher mix puppy. It's essential to research reputable breeders and ensure the well-being of the puppy before making a purchase.

2 answers

All three Schnauzer breeds (Miniature, Standard and Giant) are related to the German Pinscher. The German Pinscher is the ancestor of the Miniature Pinscher and both the Miniature Schnauzer and the Standard Schnauzer are essentially wire-hair versions of the Miniature and German Pinschers. The Doberman came after all the other Pinschers and Schnauzers and while some German Pinscher blood was used to create the breed so were many other breeds such as the Weimaraner, Rottweiler, possibly the Great Dane (which is a German breed) and possibly the Greyhound and other breeds and mutts as well.

The Giant Schnauzer was created by crossing Standard Schnauzers, German Poodles, Bouvier des Flanders, Great Danes and various rough coated sheep dogs and drover dogs.

The German Pinscher and the Standard Schnauzer are the oldest, with artwork as late as the 1400's depicting German dogs that had similar looks to these 2 breeds. Both the German Pinscher and Standard Schnauzer, along with the Miniature Pinscher and Miniature Schnauzer became official breeds in the late 1800's. In developing the Standard Schnauzer (and subsequintly the Miniature Schnauzer) from the German Pincher the German Poodle was probably used too.

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It takes about 10 to 14 days for a miniature to open their eyes. Sometimes it will even take 8 days.

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he has a miniature pinscher called oskar. hes a few months old

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It includes... Miniature Schnauzer, Shiba Inu, Toy Poodle, Miniature Pinscher, Prembroke Welsh Corgi and the Labrador Retriever.

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Nobody really knows. Besides, a Miniature Pinscher is a specific breed and can't be "made" again. Individual dogs were specially hand-picked to contribute their looks, structure, and personalities in attempt to create this dog. Anyway, some of the breeds that were used might be extinct.

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The Miniature Pinscher, or Min Pin, originated in Germany where it was bred to be a small-size hunting dog. Despite its name and resemblance to a smaller Doberman Pinscher, the breed is not directly related to the Doberman and has its own distinct history.

4 answers

Yes, they will. I have a little Miniature Pinscher and our 2 cats attack him together!

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Infact no. The Miniture Pinscher may look like the smaller version of a Doberman but it isn't. The Miniture Pinscher was created 100 years before the Doberman even exited!


*This fact was from the popular tv show Dogs101.

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There are many dog breeds that have originated from Germany. To name a few there are the poodle, German pinscher, miniature pinscher, German Shepard, and affenpinscher. There are many other breeds to add to the list.

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Blue is considered the rarest color for Miniature Pinscher dogs. This color is a dilution of the black coat gene and can sometimes be accompanied by blue eyes. Blue Miniature Pinschers are sought after by some breed enthusiasts for their unique coloration.

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The Miniature Pinscher breed belongs to the Toy Group. The breed was recognized by the AKC in 1925.

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All domesticated dogs are known by the same scientific name: Canis lupus familiaris.

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It shows the breeds you can get on the back of the box.

The dogs you can get are:

Labrador Retriever

Miniature Schnauzer

Toy Poodle

Pembroke Welsh Corgi

Miniature Pinscher

Shiba Inu

1 answer

No. The German Pincher (Standard Pinscher) is one of the foundation breeds that were used to create the Doberman. The Doberman was created in Germany by a tax collector Mr. Louis Dobermann. Many crosses were used to create the Doberman. German Pinschers, Rottweilers, Beauceron Pinschers, Manchester Terriers, and the addition of the Greyhound gave the Doberman its' sleek and racey look. The German Pinscher(Standard Pinscher), besides helping to create the Doberman was one of the foundation breeds of The Minature Pinscher. The Minature Pincher like the Doberman had several breeds crosses to set the type for The Minature Pinscher. German Pinchers, Dachshunds, the small toy Greyhounds called the Italian Greyhound helped create a diminuative version of the German Pincher. The Minature Pincher called Min-Pins, and are mistakenly called Mini-Dobie. They did not decend from the Doberman. But both decended from the mid sized German Pincher. (The Standard Pincher). In actuality this answer is incorrect. Karl Frederich Louis Dobermann the creator of the Doberman pinscher did not use the Manchester Terrier or Greyhound. After his death in 1894 his kennel was purchased and the new kennel breeder introduced the Manchester as well as the Greyhound and in all likelihood the Great Dane as the dogs size grew larger after his death.

The German Pinscher is in fact a smooth coated Standard Schnauzer that first appeared in the mid 1700's. Long after the Miniature Pinscher was in existence. It had nothing to do with the Miniature Pinscher (Zwergpinscher) which is simply a cross of the smooth coated Dachshund with an Italian Greyhound. By 1895 the Pinscher-Schnauzer Klub of Germany recgnized the German Pinscher as a separate breed so long as there was 3 generations of pedigree to substantiate it. It was officially given the name "Deutscherpinscher" which in English translates to German Pinscher. For the record there is no breed "Beauceron pinscher". Nor did the German Pinscher play any role in the creation or as breed stock for the Miniature Pinscher. The only documented study ever on the creation of the Zwergpinscher (miniature Pinscher) was done in the early 1800's and posted in 1836 by Dr. Frederich Reichenbach who after years of study concluded the breed was derived from just 2 separate breeds, Dachshund and Italian Greyhound. The other variations as to the creation of the Miniature Pinscher have no basis in fact and were started years ago with no doumentation to support it. It just keeps getting copied and reprinted by everyone who thinks they know the breed but have failed to take time to actually research beyond the shores of the US. Even in Germany the land of origin this rumor is well known to be just that a rumor. German farmers created the breed and for the purpose it was designed for, a swift ratter.

In all likelihood though the "Deutscherpinscher" though not yet recognized as a separate breed from the Standard Schnauzer, was probably used by Dobermann in the beginning. The German Pinscher though nearly became extinct by WWII. If it had not been for Werner Jung, who escaped Germany with what was purported to be 3 registered German Pinscher bitches. Unfortunately with no males to be found he turned to oversized Miniature Pinscher males he found on farms as breed stock. It took him nearly 15 years but by the end of the 1950's he had resurrected the German Pinscher we see today. So the Miniature Pinscher breed stock can be found in the German Pinscher but not the other way around. One more note, the word "pinscher" does NOT translate or mean Terrier. It is taken from the English word "pincher" and was used to describe the biting action of the breed. In fact, Dobermann's do not have this biting action though the German Pinscher does. The Terrier breeds are the only breeds created by man for the sole purpose of killing other animals. Both the Miniature Pinscher and German Pinscher (once recognized) are ratters with high prey drive.

5 answers

It's possible. But very unlikely. Min Pins usually have more than one pup.

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Miniature pinscher's pregnancy duration is the same as majority of dogs, 63 days. When a dog's teats are elongated it usually indicated they are around 5 weeks or more. Though, like all pregnancies, it is difficult to accurately determine exactly how far along the dog is.

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The Miniature Pinscher in 2010, Bullmastif in 2009, Scottish Terrier (Scottie) in 2008, and the Cairn Terrier in 2007

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Chihuahuas usually have about 4 puppies but it depends on age and size of dog.

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Well, a Min Pin is from Germany and so is a Doberman Pinscher, so people may think there alike, but there really not. There's no blood line connecting the two. A Min Pin (Miniature Pinscher) is much smaller in size than a Doberman Pinscher. They do look alike but there not.

1 answer

Miniature pinschers generally have 3 to 4 puppies or to be politically correct 3.4 is the average puppies per litter.

2 answers

Nintendogs has different games with different types of dogs on them. Such as the Labrador & Friends game, which has Miniature Pinscher, Shiba Inu, and much more.

1 answer

No dog needs its tail to be docked, but the operation is performed for cosmetic reasons on some breeds. Show Miniature Pinschers are almost always docked in countries that allow it, but the operation does not affect the dog's health.

1 answer

it depends which 3D nintendogs you get but on the Golden Retriever nintendogs 3DS you can get

Miniature Dachshund

Miniature Pinscher



Golden Retriever


Great Dane


Cocker Spaniel

And cats

I hope this helps you

1 answer

The German Pinscher was officially recognized in Germany in 1879 and has been protected and promoted since 1894 by the German Pinscher Schnauzer Club. During the years around the turn of the century, both smooth pinscher and coarse-haired schnauzer pups appeared in the same litters. The club initiated a policy requiring proof of three generations of pure smooth coats for registration. This quickly helped set type and made them a distinct breed from the Schnauzer. The German Pinscher played a role in the development of the Doberman and the Miniature Pinscher. The German Pinscher was recognized by the AKC in 2003. They have been used on farms as a vermin destroyer, herding livestock, watchdog, guard dog and family pet.

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For a mating to take place between a Rottweiler and a Miniature Pinscher would be extremely difficult without human assistance. The size difference would mean that it is unlikely that intercourse would occur naturally without one of the Dog's getting hurt. For this mating to take place artificial insemination may be needed. Remember that crossbred puppies are worth considerably less than pedigrees so it may be worth mating two Rottweilers or two Miniature Pinschers.

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A rust (any auburn colors.)

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