Microprocessor is a single chip processor.
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comuter which uses microprocessors for control task that is the microprocessor based computer system........
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as we know that the core of the intelligent robot is its programming and as it is made up of electronics to control it assembly language programming is important so microprocessor is used in robotics.
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The microprocessor is a piece of hardware, not software. Windows 7 doesn't supply a microprocessor.
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How do you interface a clock and microprocessor?
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why microprocessor do not get the effected virus?
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Sorting is not a microprocessor specific thing. Sorting requires a program and, as such, is not dependent on which microprocessor is involved.
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The central processor unit (microprocessor) is placed on the motherboard. The cooler, necessary to refrigerate the microprocessor is placed behind it.
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Some of the chemical components of a microprocessor is sand and silicon. The microprocessor is also made up of phosphorus and boron.
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PART - A 10*3=30
1. Define Micro Processor.
2. What is an accumulator.
3. Why Data Bus id Bidirectional?
4. What is Microcomputer? Explain the difference between a microprocessor and microcomputer
5. List the applications of micro computer.
6. What are the advantages of microprocessor based system?
7. Explain the functions of IO/Min 8085.
8. What is Flag? List the flag of 8085. Show the bit positions of various flags in 8085 flag register?
9. Why Address Bus is unidirectional?
10. What are the Interrupts in 8085?
PART - B 5*6=30
11. What are Data Transfer Instructions, Write any Instruction.
12. Define the following Terms
Compiler, Assembler, Interpreter with example
13. Explain Instructions & Data Format.
14. Explain & Draw a Block Diagram of Computer with the microprocessor as CPU.
15. Explain the Logical Operations.
PART - C 4*10=40
16. Explain the Microprocessor Architecture and its operations
17. Explain the various pins of 8085 Microprocessor
18. List the Registers in the 8085 Microprocessor & explain the functions in detail
19. Write a Assembly language program to add two 8 bit numbers
20. Write a Assembly language program to add 16 bit numbers
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it is a 16 bit microprocessor & it has 40 pin .
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<a href="http://blog.oureducation.in/sample-paper-advanced-microprocessor/">Advanced Microprocessor Model Question<a/>
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Microprocessor processes something on each clock pulse
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8085 is a microprocessor designed by Intel
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Technically, a microprocessor is a kind a CPU.
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Inmos microprocessor factory was created in 1982.
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The 8086 microprocessor has 40 pins.
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to initialise the chip in microprocessor....that is for which purpose we are going to use it......
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The emitter of a transistor was placed a micrometer distance between two, so it was called a microprocessor. Technology advanced, and the distance was improved to nano meter. Still, they call it micro.
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Microprocessor is a programmable logic device which has computing and decision making capability similar to a cpu of a computer..the versions of microprocessor is 8085,8086,8088..
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The Intel 4004 was the world's first microprocessor. It was designed in 1970.
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+5v necessary for microprocessor 8085.
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4004 is the first general purpose microprocessor by Intel
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The microprocessor is also known as a central processing unit, or CPU.
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The first microprocessor is invented by Intel that is 4004(its name.) in around 1970...
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8085 is a 8 bit microprocessor designed by Intel Co.
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Microcontroller = (microprocessor+memory+peripherals) on a single chip
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The clock signal in a microprocessor allows synchronization of several components of the microprocessor. The correctness of the computation of the microprocessor depends upon efficient and balanced distribution of the clock signal. The clock generator generates the clock signal.
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b/c the 8085 microprocessor is the first 8 bit microprocessor which Intel is produces in 1877 and this is the first general purpose 8 bit microprocessor.
there was an 8 bit general purpose register before 8085 named as 8008 but this microprocessor is not functional 8 bit microprocessor
4 answers
The fluctuation in the power surges is an example of the types of interrupts in a microprocessor.
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As far I know...Intel 8085 isz One address microprocessor.
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important features of Intel microprocessor?
important features of Intel microprocessor?
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