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Menarche is the term used to describe a woman's first period.

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Menarche is the first occurrence of menstruation in a person assigned female at birth. It marks the onset of puberty and reproductive maturity. A person usually experiences menarche around the ages of 10-15.

3 answers

False. Menarche is the BEGINNING of normal menstrual functions.

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Onset of menstruation which happens during puberty is termed menarche.

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Menarche refers to the beginning of a woman's reproductive ability and menopause refers to its end.

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menarchede is the answer

Menarche is for females, and spermarche for males. Spermarche meaning the capacity for ejaculation.

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menarche comes from Greek meaning "meno" meaning month. and "arche" meaning beginning.

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Menarche is the first menstrual flow onset of puberty in girls while menopause is the time when ovaries of a woman stop releasing eggs.

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Yes, a girl can get pregnant before she reaches menarche. Menarche is first menstruation, and menstruation only occurs as a result of ovulation if the egg is not fertilised. Although sometimes first bleeding can be a result of hormonal changes, mistaken for menstruation, it still remains that a girl can become pregnant before reaching menarche.

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The age when a woman's mother had her menarche (first period) is indicative of when she will have her menarche, but it is not exact.

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Menarche is a woman's first menstruation. It follows her first ovulation, as the body excretes blood that accumulated in preparation for a pregnancy that did not occur.

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The beginning of menstruation is menarche.

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Ovulation does occur before menarche.

Menarche is the term used to describe a girls first period, menstruation will only occur if the woman ovulates. With that said some people will experience vaginal bleeding as a result of hormonal imbalance which will look like menstruation but without ovulation occurring beforehand, and sometimes we call that menarche - because we've no way of knowing if ovulation had occurred.

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There is no suffix in the word menarche. It is a compound neo-Latin word having two Greek elements: men- for month; and arche for beginning.

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Breast development and menarche aren't directly connected. Both of these things are part of puberty and everyone develops differently so some girls may see breast buds before menarche and some won't see them until after menarche.

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I assume that you mean your period, and the first period which is known as menarche. The average age of menarche is 13 years old, but anything from 10 years old to 16 years old is considered within the normal range. Everyone is different so will reach menarche at a different age, but if you don't reach menarche by 16 years old it's a good idea to talk to your doctor to make sure everything is okay.

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The average age of menarche (first period) for girls in America is around 12.5 years old, although this can vary depending on genetic, environmental, and nutritional factors.

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Once Menarche has begun, then every 28 days approximately. Menarche will happen once you begin Puberty, anywhere from 9 to 15-years-old.

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It may be prevented by being underweight.

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The term for first menstruation is menarche.

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The average age for menarche for girls is under 13 years of age. However, individually speaking that can vary depending on several factors including weight.

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Breast growth has nothing to do with when you'll reach menarche. Everyone develops differently and at different times, all having breasts says is that you're going through puberty. Menarche typically occurs within four years of starting puberty and the average age of menarche is 13 years.

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Yes, it is possible to experience abdominal cramping a months or too before menarche. This is because the body is releasing hormones and beginning to make changes in preparation.

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Its menarche you idiot!

what a noob..

just joking.LOL :)

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Monarch is an example of a word with the suffix "arche."

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The first menstrual period is known as "menarche".

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Maybe u r referring to puberty, or menarche?

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The menarche. The last one is called the menopause.

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Your period will start naturally when it is due to start, there's nothing that you can do to make your period start before it is due. The average age of menarche is 13 so at 14 you're not far off reaching menarche.

1 answer

Maybe u r referring to puberty, or menarche?

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