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The word "melchizedek" is pronounced "mel-KIZ-ed-ick" or "mel-KIZ-ed-eck" with the emphasis on the second syllable (KIZ).

The word "priesthood" is pronounced "PRE-stood".

Within the Mormon Church, most adult men are ordained Elders in the Melchizedek Priesthood. They believe that this is the same priesthood mentioned in the Bible, sometimes spelled "Melchisedec" rather than "Melchizedek".

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2. I cannot find any meaning to the word drunvalo only about Melchizedek. He was a great king and Abraham paid tithes to him. He was so honored that the higher priesthood of God was named after him i.e Melchizedek Priesthood.

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George Washington Reaser has written:


'Melchizedek' -- subject(s): Priesthood

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All of the twelve apostles were ordained by Christ to what is called The Higher Priesthood, sometimes known the Melchizedek Priesthood after the righteous King Melchizedek. He was the same king who Abraham paid tithes to.

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The priesthood was after the order of God, it is referred to the High Priesthood which is the same as God holds. Rather than refer to it as The Priesthood of God, thereby using the name of God in vain, it was called after the order of Melchizeddek who also held the high priesthood.

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No. He was priest and king of Salem, a city identified with Jerusalem. Hebrews 5-7 refers to Jesus' eternal priesthood as being of the "order of Melchizedek" as opposed to Levitical in nature, citing Ps. 110:4.

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The Oath and Covenant of the Priesthood is found in Doctrine and Covenants 84:33-42. It is a set of promises between God and those men who receive the Melchizedek Priesthood in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

As part of the Oath and Covenant, those who receive the Melchizedek Priesthood are obligated to serve God and the Church and to use their priesthood to bless others. Those who obey the Oath and Covenant will receive the strength they need to perform their labor for God and will be welcomed into the Celestial Kingdom to become Priests and Kings and Sons of God. Those who break the covenant will have no forgiveness of sins in this world or in the world to come.

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The three degrees of priesthood in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints are Aaronic Priesthood, Melchizedek Priesthood, and the Patriarchal Priesthood (which is not currently bestowed upon individuals but is believed to be part of future blessings). Each degree grants different responsibilities and authority in the church.

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Malchezedek is first mentioned in Genesis

Gen 14:18 Then Melchizedek king of Salem brought out bread and wine; he was the priest of God Most High.

Then he is mentioned in Psalms and Hebrews. Melchezedec means righteous. Salem means (thought to be short for Jerusalem) means peace. So he was king of righteousness and king of peace. He is a symbol of Christ. The fact that Abram paid tithes to Melchizedek is seen as a picture of the Aaronic priesthood acknowledging the superiority of Melchizedek's priesthood, because the lesser pays tithes to the greater.

There are several theories of who Melchezedec was:

1. Jesus.

2. Shem son of Noah

3. A godly Cannanite chief.

4. An angel

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The bible does not tell us what happened to Melchizedek.

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Melchizedek (a king and priest) lived some 600 years before the Levitical priesthood was instituted. Levitical priests were priests because of their genealogy. Melchizedek (without any genealogy) and Jesus were not Levites. Christ was of the tribe of Judah. The Levites offered animal sacrifices; Jesus offered Himself. In the days of Moses, the tribe of Levi was set apart for priesthood. Later, another family was set apart for kings. The kings ruled the people while the priests offered sacrifices. Christ was both King and Priest; similiar to, but far greater than Melchizedek.

Another View:

The Genesis account of Abram giving tithes to Melchizedek, King David's Psalm 110:1-4, and Paul's 3 chapters in Hebrews (5 thru 7), will eventually point the reader to conclude that the identity of Melchizedek was the pre-existing Word in the Old Testament (Logos), who lowered Himself and was begotten by His Father to become Jesus our Christ some 2,000 years after blessing Abram. See related link for details:

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No Jesus was not a temple priest. After His death, burial, and resurrection He became the High Priest of God for mankind when they believe on Him. Jesus' priesthood is after the order of Melchizedek.

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No Melchizedek did not receive a tithe from David.

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Melchizedek is a mysterious figure in the Bible, mentioned in the book of Genesis and Hebrews. He was a priest and king of Salem who blessed Abraham. Melchizedek's role is often interpreted as a prefiguration of Christ, representing a priesthood that is eternal and superior. This connection is emphasized in the New Testament to illustrate Christ's role as the ultimate high priest.

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Brigham Young was ordained an Apostle on February 14, 1835 under the hands of the Three Witnesses; Oliver Cowdry, David Whitmer, and Martin Harris.

The Three Witnesses were called by revelation to choose the Twelve Apostles and were "blessed by the laying of the the hands of the First Presidency" (Joseph Smith, Jr., Sidney Rigdon, and Frederick G. Williams) to ordain the Twelve Apostles (see Church History Vol 2 page 187)

Joseph Smith, Jr. and Oliver Cowdry received the Melchizedek Priesthood in 1829 under the hands of Peter, James, and John. They were visited by Peter, James, and John who were sent as resurrected beings to restore the Priesthood authority to the earth. (See Doctrine and Covenants 21:12-13)

Peter, James, and John were ordained Apostles by the Lord Jesus Christ. (See John 15:16)

Brigham Young was ordained an Elder on the date of his baptism, April 14, 1832 by Eleazer Miller, however, Priesthood lines of authority are counted from the highest office of priesthood received, so the line of authority extending from Elder Miller is insignificant.

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Melchizedek is not a personal name but a title or role in the Bible, meaning "king of righteousness." There is no modern name associated with Melchizedek as he is a historical and biblical figure.

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Well, Jesus is like the new Moses. Moses is most likely the central figure of Jesus

Answer:Psalm 110:4 refers to one who would be forever a priest in the "order of Melchizedek." Hebrews 5-7 refers to Jesus' eternal priesthood as being of the "order of Melchizedek" as opposed to Levitical in nature, citing Ps. 110:4.

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KJV does not say the Melchizedek wrote the psalm110, Psalm 110. 4 refers to Melchizedek as to being a priest forever. Melchizedek did not write anything in the bible, the bible refers to Melchizedek as a type order of priest that has always existed, meaning he is a theophany of Christ (manifestation)

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For lack of specificity in the question, the answer will also lack specifics. One thing missing from all Christian churches at the time of the restoration was the power of the priesthood. Not only the priesthood held by Levites, the temple priests of Judaism, but also the higher, or Melchizedek priesthood, held by men such as Moses, Melchizedek, Christ, Peter, James, and John and transferred by the laying on of hands to the Prophet Joseph Smith by Peter James and John.

Corrupt doctrine had also found its way into the lifeblood of mainstream christianity. Perversion to true doctrine had become commonplace. Instances of this would be a paid ministry, the trinity as represented by the Nicene Creed, and the idea of "once saved always saved" or universal salvation.

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Melchizedek is not often mentioned in the Bible. All that can be surmised is that he was a priest and the king of Salem.

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There is no mention of Melchizedek weeping in the New Testament. The only reference to Melchizedek in the New Testament is in the book of Hebrews, specifically in Hebrews 5:6, 6:20, and 7:1-17, where Melchizedek is described as a priestly figure.

3 answers

Melchizedek is only briefly named in the Bible, but is understood to be a man of great power and faith as Abraham went to Melchizedek to pay his tithes. Clearly the father of nations held great regard for this man.

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The Catholic Church teaches that Melchizedek was an early representation of the Christ. He was the King of (Jeru)Salem and a righteous priest.

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According to the Bible, Melchizedek's parents are not mentioned. He is described as a priest and the King of Salem who blessed Abraham in the Old Testament.

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In some interpretations, Melchizedek and Michael the Archangel are seen as separate beings. Melchizedek is a mysterious figure in the Bible who is both a priest and a king, while Michael is an archangel often associated with protection and guidance. The idea that Melchizedek resembles Michael the Archangel is not universally accepted in all religious beliefs.

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No, Melchizedek (literally meaning 'righteous king'), lived before the existence of Judaism and the 12 tribes.

Please see the related link.

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Thomas J. Thottumkal has written:

'Priesthood & apostleship' -- subject(s): Priesthood, Priesthood, Universal, Universal Priesthood

1 answer

A Priest is the highest office in the Aaronic Priesthood. (The church has an Aaronic or "preperatory" Priesthood, and the Melchizedek Priesthood, which is only for adult males.) Most all male members of the church are ordained priests at the age of 16, unless they convert after that age, in which case it is often a few weeks to a year after their baptism. Priests have the responisibilities and authority of the lower offices in the Aaronic Priesthood (deacon and teacher) as well as some of their own. All members of the Aaronic Priesthood have the authority pass the sacrament (communion) to the congregation. They also visit members of the congregation and collect fast offerings (donations for the poor collected after a day of fasting), assist the Bishop and other congregation leaders, teach the gospel and assist in missionary work. In addition, Priests have the authority to bless the sacrament (communion), ordain others to the Aaronic Priesthood, and to baptize. If by priest you mean the man who leads a congregation, we use the term Bishop (or Branch President in small congregations). They have different duties, but can perform the duties of a priest if there are none available. The duties of the Priest come from a revelation given to Joseph Smith which is now in section 20 of our Doctrine and Covenants. It can be read at with the pertinent verses highlighted.

3 answers

Phineas Priesthood was created in 1990.

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Yes. Members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (the 'Mormon' church) believe that the deceased can interact with the living, especially if they are sent in errand by God. Mormons believe that this occurred throughout the Bible, because 'angels' are the spiritual embodiments of people who have or will live on earth.

So, Moroni (a Book of Mormon prophet) returned to teach Joseph Smith about the Book of Mormon.

John the Baptist returned to restore the Priesthood of Aaron to Joseph Smith.

Peter, James, and John returned to restore the Melchizedek Priesthood to Joseph Smith.

Moses, Elias, and Elijah returned to bestow various priesthood keys upon Joseph Smith.

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In "The Alchemist" by Paulo Coelho, Melchizedek is a mysterious and wise old man who guides Santiago on his journey to find his Personal Legend. Melchizedek is the King of Salem and acts as a spiritual teacher and mentor to Santiago. He introduces Santiago to the concept of following one's dreams and speaks about the importance of listening to one's heart.

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After the victory, Abraham and Lot travled back to thier homes on their way they met a king named Melchizedek is a priest king who offers sacriface to god and to show love for God and others and which Melchizedek type of christ

Additional Answer:

Paul writes in Hebrew 7 about Melchizedek. Some scholars believe this priest was actually the preincarnate Jesus - 'like the Son of God' in that the Word was not yet born as Jesus, the Son of God.

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The biblical Melchizedek was a priest of El Elyon who was sought out by Abraham (Gen. 14:18-20). That is, Melchizedek was already a believer in El Elyon when Abraham came to him. El Elyon was the God of Abraham.

In the Melchizedek scroll found in Cave 11 at Qumran by the Dead Sea (11QMelchizedek), Melchizedek was viewed as a human who has become one of the gods in the council of El Elyon (Psalm 82). In the author's citation of Isaiah 61:2 the name Melchizedek appears to have been substituted for the name of Yahweh (God). In addition, Melchizedek is seen as atoning for the sins of the righteous and executing judgement upon the wicked, actions which are otherwise uniquely associated with God or the mission of Jesus Christ.

Based on this fringe Jewish belief, Melchizedek could be still alive today because he is one of the gods although, having once been human, he is not as old as Adam and Eve. He can be met in heaven.

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The source of the priesthood is Jesus Christ who is considered as the high priest.

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Priesthood - album - was created on 2001-07-10.

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He was never recorded as dying. The word Melchizedek in Hebrew means King of Righteousness, so this is a title rather than a name. The word is recorded three times in the Bible, so this mysterious man is rather unknown. There are some who think that Jesus was/is Melchizedek, and of course, others do not.

It is interesting to note that Melchizedek is part of an "order". Meaning that he is one of many "kings of righteousness", so with that in mind, it is little wonder that it is not recorded that he ever died.

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The first priest was Melchizedek.

Roman Catholic AnswerUnder the original covenant, the head of every family was a priest. Later, when things went awry with the golden calf at Sinai, another covenant was given and the priesthood was taken away from the family and given to Aaron. This is referred to as the Levitical Priesthood.

The first priest that we meet in the Old Testament is, indeed, Melchizedek, a mysterious figure who offered bread and wine. He was not a Jew.

Under the New Covenant (of Jesus Christ), Jesus is the First, Last, and greatest priest of the new law.

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The priesthood is made up of devout followers of their religion.

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priesthood is an indelible mark on a priest so he is a priest forever

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A priest who lived during Abraham's time

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Jimmy decided to join the priesthood when he was only 17 years old.

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Royal Priesthood Bible College was created in 1990.

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