"Beowulf" is set in Scandinavia, while "The Odyssey" takes place in the Mediterranean basin.
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The western Mediterranean, to the west of Sicily, which lies at the eastern edge of the wester basin of the Mediterranean.
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The never was/is a Roman peninsula. Rome was/is in the Italian peninsula. Italy has lies in between the western basin and the eastern basin of the Mediterranean. This made it easier for the Romans to expand into both the western and the eastern Mediterranean and to control both basins of the Mediterranean.
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The western basin.
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Some predators found in the Mediterranean basin include wolves, golden jackals, Eurasian lynx, and beech martens. These predators play important roles in maintaining the balance of the ecosystem by controlling prey populations.
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Levantine basin is located in the easternmost part of the Mediterranean Sea. It is bordered by Turkey, Syria, Lebanon, Israel, the Gaza Strip, Egypt, Libya, and the Aegean Sea in the northwest.
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The Mediterranean Basin comprises the lands around and surrounded by the Mediterranean Sea. In biogeography, the Mediterranean Basin refers to the lands around the Mediterranean Sea that have a Mediterranean climate, with mild, rainy winters and hot, dry summers, which supports characteristic Mediterranean forests, woodlands, and scrub vegetation. As a rule of thumb, the Mediterranean Basin is the Old World region where olive trees grow.
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The area the Nile and its tributaries drain. Countries in the drainage basin of the Nile are - Ethiopia, Eritrea, Sudan, Uganda, Tanzania, Kenya, Rwanda, Burundi, Egypt, Democratic Republic of the Congo.
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F. C. A. McBain has written:
'Pictures from Africa and the Mediterranean Basin'
'The new lands'
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The Mediterranean Sea is a sea connected to the Atlantic Ocean surrounded by the Mediterranean Basin and almost completely enclosed by land. Great whites shark are found in the Mediterranean, but they rarely venture close to the shore.
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The Mediterranean Basin refers to the lands around and surrounded by the Mediterranean Sea. The Mediterranean basin covers portions of three continents, Africa, Asia, and Europe. See the related link for more information.
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The Mediterranean forest is temperate, marked by mild, humid winters and hot, dry summers. The Mediterranean biome is situated in five areas of the world, including California, the Mediterranean basin, southwest Australia, central Chile and the Cape Province of South Africa. The growing season in the Mediterranean forest is short, and most trees are cork or conifers. An impressive diversity of flora and fauna exist in the threatened habitat.
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Christianity began to take hold throughout the Mediterranean Basin by the early 300s CE, following the conversion of Roman Emperor Constantine in 312 CE. Constantine's Edict of Milan in 313 CE officially legalized Christianity, leading to its widespread acceptance and promotion throughout the region.
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The navy was instrumental in the Roman conquest of the Mediterranean basin. The navy was also key in defending against barbarian invasions.
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Greece has multiple bodies of water that touch its border. The Aegean Sea, the Ionian Sea, and both parts of the Eastern Mediterranean basin.
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Arabs in the region wanted to gain independence from the Turkish leaders of the Ottoman empire
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Arabs in the region wanted to gain independence from the Turkish leaders of the Ottoman empire
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Lebanon is on the shores of the Mediterranean. The area surrounding the Mediterranean basin is the heartland of cultivated olive production and has been so since the time of the ancient Greeks. Olive oil is the oil of choice for people in Lebanon as it is the oil of choice for culinary purposes for all Mediterranean peoples by reason of ancient tradition. The cultivation of the olive is part of their culture.
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The ancient Chinese road to the Mediterranean is called The Silk Road. It was used to bring silk from China to the Mediterranean, but almost nobody traveled the entire route. Several only did, for example Marco Polo.
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The Mediterranean basin has a better climate for producing olive oil.
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The basin is in the bathroom The basin is white The basin is small The basin is old
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The Mediterranean climate region is typically found along the southern and western coastlines of continents between 30 and 45 degrees latitude. Some regions with Mediterranean climates include parts of California, parts of Australia, the Mediterranean Basin, and coastal areas of South Africa and Chile.
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Major basins of China: the Tarim Basin, the Junggar Basin, the Qaidam Basin, the Sichuan Basin and the Turpan Basin.
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This is a line that separates water that drains into the Atlantic from water that drains into the Mediterranean Sea. It starts in Gibraltar and through the Pyrennes Mountains to the Alps. It travels east to the Caspian drainage basin.
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The base of Camp Darby is located in the pine forest of the Tombolo , in the province of Pisa. It occupies roughly 1000 hectares and is located close to the Mediterranean basin.
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Lower is in the north at the mouth and upper is in the south
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The Mediterranean Sea is bordered by several bodies of water, including the Adriatic Sea, Ionian Sea, Tyrrhenian Sea, Ligurian Sea, and Aegean Sea. It is connected to the Atlantic Ocean through the Strait of Gibraltar and the Sea of Marmara is considered part of its basin.
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In ancient times, groups of adventurous and profit-minded Greeks established colonies throughout the Mediterranean Basin and Black Sea coastal areas for primarily economic purposes. These colonies were mainly established during the Archaic Period of Greece, that is, in the 700s and 600s BC (or, BCE).
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The Appalachian Mountains divide the Atlantic slope basin from the Mississippi basin.
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The basin which is in the south of Qin Ling mountains is called Sichuan Basin. It is also the basin of central China.
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Throughout periods of the history of Bulgaria the Middle Sea has been its natural west and south border. It completely lost its Mediterranean Shores after the Second World War. Bulgaria today has a marvellous east coast on the Black Sea, which is part of The Mediterranean basin. The cultute, cuisine, the climate, and the folk music of Southern Bulgaria are Mediterranean.
But to answer the principle question, No. There are numerous countries that do not border the Mediterranean Sea. Chile, Canada, the USA, Zimbabwe, India, China, and Russia, just to name a few, are countries that do not border the Mediterranean Sea.
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the great basin
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Ancient Egyptians invented many simple mechanisms, such as levers and ramps. The Egyptians had an important role in creating ships and lighthouses. They manufactured papyrus and distributed it throughout the Mediterranean basin.
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~ 5th. century Old High German luba 'loved one'. Latin lubet 'pleases' has some adherents, but Proto Indo European and Scandinavian similarities far outweigh Mediterranean basin.
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A bitter cucumber is another term for the colocynth - a viny plant, Latin name Citrullus colocynthis, which is native to the Mediterranean Basin and Asia, which produces a lemon-sized bitter fruit used as a strong laxative.
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The great basin is also known as the Great Basin Desert.
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I need to know the same thing!
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