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Tommaso Masaccio was born on December 21, 1401.

1 answer

Tommaso Masaccio was born on December 21, 1401.

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Saint Paul - Masaccio - was created in 1426.

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Portrait of a Young Man - Masaccio - was created in 1425.

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Thomas Patch has written:

'The life of Masaccio. = La vita di Masaccio'

1 answer

Masaccio created the bulk of the figures by modeling with a light coming from a specific source outside the picture.

1 answer

Masaccio used paints and canvas for his paintings. He is best known for being one of the first painters to use linear perspective in his work.

1 answer

Yes, the early work of Michelangelo was influenced by the study of the other artists.

8 answers

Massacio's birthplace was san-giovanni-valdarno, italy

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It depends on your file system. Some filesystems are CASE sensitive but typically JPG and jpg are the same thing.

1 answer

he was born in 1401 and died in 1428 i hope that helps.

1 answer

* matches anything. *.jpg would mean any file with a .jpg extension. 1*.jpg would mean any file where the name begins with 1 and ends with a .jpg ? matches any single character. ?.jpg would match a.jpg, 1.jpg, or F.jpg but not a1.jpg. Several ? wildcards can be used so that ??.jpg would match any jpg file with a two letter name.

2 answers

Yes, Tomasso Masaccio was influenced by other humanists of his time, notably Brunelleschi and Donatello. He incorporated humanist ideals such as perspective and proportion into his paintings, helping to establish the Renaissance style.

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A good program to convert jpg to pdf would be the JPG to PDF Converter. You can download it off of, by clicking on the link.

1 answer

In either Florence, Italy or Rome.

Good luck!

1 answer

you should use software coverter jpg to pdf, you can search with keyword jpg to pdf on google

1 answer

Yes, we can get a virus throufh jpg. Ashish srivastava

1 answer

Jerry Grohovsky owns JPG & Associates.

1 answer

.jpg and .jpegs are non-animated pictures/images.

1 answer

JPEG is the same as JPG. However if you really want to rename your .jpeg images into .jpg, you can go to Command Prompt, navigate to the folder of where your pictures are stored, and type in:

ren *.jpeg *.jpg

1 answer

A jpg otherwise known as jpeg is an image file. When you save an image from the internet .jpg or .jpeg is the default save extension.

1 answer

jpg = jpeg

= Joint Photographic Experts Group

= picture on computer

1 answer

Vector files optimize jpg files.

1 answer

a scale diagram is a shape which is drawn to a smaller or bigger size

2 answers

He was the first painter to make use of the linear perspective, discovered by his friends Brunelleschi.

1 answer

he inspired many people including cherol cole and lianol richy

1 answer

jpg extend for joint Photographic Experts Group. jpg is a extension of images file.

when we capture image from Mobile and Digital cemra than Image save with .jpg extension

like jpg one more extension of image .gif is use for graphics picture.

like as word.doc,excel.xls,Powerpoint.ppt.

1 answer

Tiff and Jpg are both image file formats. Tiff stands for: Tag Image File Format and Jpg stands for: Joint Photographic Group. Jpg is also now known as Jpeg, the E stands for Experts.

1 answer

JPG's not too bad but GIF is terribly lossy

1 answer

how i convert jpg urdu file into inpage text

2 answers

Masaccio was famous for his brand new techniques of perspective, being one of the first artists to show realistic foregrounds and backgrounds to emphasize importance of certain figures in his paintings. His very mathematical precision can be seen in his strategic placement of vanishing points, the most obvious being that in The Tribute Money. In fact, in some cases, the concept of perception caused Masaccio to shorten or alter proportions in order to fit into the scene.In addition, Masaccio was the first artist to use the images and ideas of light in his paintings to make them more realistic and potent. Masaccio used this concept to illuminate not only in the sense of illuminating the most important religious figures in his works, but also as a means of contrast, a technique that Michelangelo obviously subscribed to. Clothing in Masaccio's-and Michelangelo's-paintings stands out as more realistic and beautiful than the previous flat portrayals of earlier artists (Vinson 1990). Masaccio also painted majestic figures acting in commonplace ways, connecting religious symbols to relaxed poses and human traits, such as Christ sucking on his fingers as a baby in the Virgin and Child, another technique that is clearly visible in Michelangelo's works, again including the Doni Tondo as well as copies of Masaccio's earlier paintings.Also, Masaccio was the first Italian Renaissance artist to focus on the musculature of the humahn form and depict the body in a more realistic and scientific way, causing Leonardo da Vinci to say that Masaccio took lessons from nature and obtained perfection in his works (Grendier 1999). Especially in the Holy Trinity, where Christ's body is portrayed in a more muscular and robust form than ever before, Masaccio depicts every figure in the painting in an anatomically correct representation. Michelangelo, being famous for the musculature and physical structure of his figures, was very much influenced by Masaccio's works. As well as this, Masaccio also depicted figures in less statuesque positions, some in relaxed poses and others in more twisted stances, another characteristic of Michelangelo's work. In this sense, it is possible that Michelangelo's copies of Masaccio's works had a great impact on his own later pieces

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