The manta ray is a shy creature, but is respectful and harmless.
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A Manta Ray keeps its young underneath them at a times
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The largest ray in the world is the manta ray, specifically the oceanic manta ray (Manta birostris). These gentle giants can have a wingspan of up to 29 feet (8.8 meters) and can weigh up to 5,300 pounds (2,400 kg).
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The ray with the largest wingspan is the manta ray, which can have a wingspan of up to 29 feet (8.8 meters).
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Giant Oceanic Manta Ray
The giant oceanic manta ray, giant manta ray, or oceanic manta ray, is a species of ray in the family Mobulidae, and the largest type of ray in the world. They are circumglobal and are typically found in tropical and subtropical waters, but can also be found in temperate waters. Until 2017, giant mantas were classified in the genus Manta, along with the smaller reef manta. DNA testing revealed that both species are more closely related to rays of the genus Mobula than previously thought. As a result, giant mantas were renamed Mobula birostris to reflect the new classification.
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Manta Ray is a harmless creatures and they have a very short barb that is not very sharp and it is totally harmless, it contains no posion. Stingray contains posion barb but Manta Ray don't. The reason why manta ray are called devil fish is because The name "devil ray" comes from the manta ray's extended fins, which many people think resemble devil's horns.
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The ocean.
Manta rays can be found in tropical and subtropical seas.
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Nobody does. The manta birostris cares for itself when it is born.
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Manta Rays are classified as Elasmobranchii, which is used to class other rays and sharks. The manta ray is a part of the eagle ray family of Myliobatidae.
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Manta Rays have a series of gill slits where oxygen is pulled from the water.
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yes its stinger, But manta rays being the largest in the ray family do not have a poisonous stinger but are very acrobatic.
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There are no such birds as the Manta Ray Bird. The Manta Ray is a fish with extremely large pectoral fins and can become up to 7 meters wide. The motion of the pectoral fins causes the Manta to look like it's flying when it is swimming since the fins looks like large wings.
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Due to the size of manta rays, their only predators are large sharks.
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Mantine sounds like Manta, and Mantine is a manta-ray shaped Pokemon.
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Go to the mermaid ballroom. A manta Ray should swim out. The manta ray is the "ghost"
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That is a ray. It could be a manta ray or a sting ray.
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