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The mainframe computer is usually used in a computer center to connect the other computers. The mainframe computer is a high level computer that is designed for demanding and extensive computer tasks.

1 answer

Douglas Engelbart did not invent the mainframe computer.

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The mainframe of computer is counting "0" and "1". The computer just counts these numbers and the user does everything with it.

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the difference is that the mainframe is bigger and more expensive.

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was the mainframe designed for such an upgrade? that will determine yes or no.

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No, an Automated Teller Machine is a client computer connected to a server computer at the bank. The server may or may not be a mainframe computer.

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A mainframe computer is a large computer system that use to be manufactured. The historic demise of the mainframe computer began in the late 1980s when manufactures began making smaller models.

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IBM produced their first mainframe computer in 1952. Between 1952 and the late 1970's the term "mainframe computer" was automatically linked with IBM because they had the largest share of the computer market.

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Mainframe computers have large memory storage. While minicomputers have small or less memory storage than mainframe computer. ... The processing speed of mainframe computer is faster than minicomputer. While the processing speed of minicomputer is slower than mainframe computer.

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They are large in size, processes of power and high level of reliability , amount of storage , mainframe have ability to run multiple operating system. they are designed to handle very high volume input and output and a single mainframe can replace dozens or even hundreds of smaller severs.

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They are fast, but a supercomputer is faster.

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The function of the mainframe is to hold all the components and subsystems that make up a large computer.

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For a mainframe with terminals, data processing takes place on the mainframe computer only as the terminals are 'dumb'. Conversely, in a network of computers, each computer has its own processor.

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More than one user can use the mainframe at once.

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Example sentence - Many computer networks still function on mainframe systems.

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mainframe computer

super computer

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micro computer

mini computer

mainframe computer

super computer

1 answer

There are four types in the classifications of the computer by size are Supercomputer, Mainframe computer, Minicomputer, and Micro Computer.

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the inventor of min frame computer is Charles Babbage

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A mainframe computer is a big computer. You probably wrote your question using a desk top or lap top computer.

A computer larger than that is a mini computer.

There are computers larger than that called mainframes.

Mainframe computers have the power of thousands of desktops. A bank would have one to keep track of customers' accounts, loans, and other business. They would use a second one for backup.

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The characteristics of a mainframe computer include functioning as a virtual computer and running several operating systems at any given time. Mainframe computers are essential in larger workplaces.

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A mainframe computer cost round about 2-3 thousand dollars.

Mainframe computers are built to the specifications and to suit the requirements of the end user.

They may cost anywhere between several thousand and several million dollars.

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A personal computer

is a computer meant for home users and is typically a single CPU with a maximum of a quad core technology whereas a mainframe is a computer which is meant for organizations and is typically comprised of thousands of processors.

3 answers

a main frame computer is a large-scale computers but a super computer are larger than mainframe while a mini computer is smaller in size, have lower processing speed and also have lower cost than mainframe computers.

3 answers

it is used as a thing that has less mermory than a mainframe

1 answer

minicomputers, mainframe computers, and supercomputers

1 answer

it supports up to 1 tb of ram...

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to kantot people in youjizz tang ina nyo

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try to look in google..invention of the mainframe computer,with the word micro computer... by:jameg park

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