Oviraptor lived among several other carnivorous dinosaurs, so they could be called its "enemies". Archaeornithoides, Citipati, Khaan, Mahakala, Mononykus, Saurornithoides, Shuvuuia, Tsaagan, and Velociraptor It is also possible that Oviraptors would attack and kill other Oviraptors.
1 answer
Oviraptor lived among several other carnivorous dinosaurs, so they could be called its "enemies". Archaeornithoides, Citipati, Khaan, Mahakala, Mononykus, Saurornithoides, Shuvuuia, Tsaagan, and Velociraptor It is also possible that Oviraptors would attack and kill other Oviraptors.
1 answer
3 answers
Velociraptor belongs to the Dromaeosaur family which currently has over 20 different species. Achillobator Adasaurus Atrociraptor Austroraptor Bambiraptor Buitreraptor Cryptovolans Deinonychus Dromaeosauroides Dromaeosaurus Graciliraptor Hesperonychus Itemirus Luanchuanraptor Mahakala Microraptor Neuquenraptor Nuthetes Pyroraptor Rahonavis Saurornitholestes Shanag Sinornithosaurus Tsaagan Unenlagia Unquillosaurus Utahraptor Velociraptor
6 answers
Protagonist: Izanagi of The Fool arcana, Izanagi-no-Okami of The World arcana - Max Social Link Persona: Loki
Yosuke Hanamura: Jiraiya and Susano-o of The Magician Arcana - Max Social Link Persona: Mada
Chie Satonaka: Tomoe and Suzuka Gongen of The Chariot Arcana - Max Social Link Persona: Futsunushi
Yukiko Amagi: Konohana Sakuya and Amaterasu of The Priestess Arcana - Max Social Link Persona: Scathach
Kanji Tatsumi: Take-Mikazuchi and Rokuten-Maō of The Emperor Arcana - Max Social Link Persona: Odin
Rise Kujikawa: Himiko and Kanzeon of The Lovers Arcana - Max Social Link Persona: Ishtar
Naoto Shirogane: Sukuna Hikona and Yamato Takeru of The Fortune Arcana - Max Social Link Persona: Norn
Teddie: Kintoki Douji and Kamui of The Star Arcana - Max Social Link Persona: Helel
Ryotaro Dojima: The Hierophant Arcana - Max Social Link Persona: Kohryu
Nanako Dojima: The Justice Arcana - Max Social Link Persona: Sraosha
-Can Only Pick One but they both give the same Max Persona-
Kou Ichijo( Basketball Club): The Strength Arcana - Max Social Link Persona: Zaou-Gongen
Daisuke Nagase(Soccer Club): The Strength Arcana - Max Social Link Persona: Zaou-Gongen
Ai Ebihara: The Moon Arcana - Max Social Link Persona: Sandalphon
Naoki Konishi: The Hanged Man Arcana - Max Social Link Persona: Attis
-Can Only Pick One but they both give the same Max Persona-
Yumi Ozawa(Drama Club): The Sun Arcana - Max Social Link Persona: Asura
Ayane Matsunaga(Music Club): The Sun Arcana - Max Social Link Persona: Asura
Hisano Kuroda: The Death Arcana - Max Social Link Persona: Mahakala
Shu Nakajima: The Tower Arcana - Max Social Link Persona: Shiva
Eri Minami: The Temperance Arcana - Max Social Link Persona: Vishnu
Sayoko Uehara: The Devil Arcana - Max Social Link Persona: Beelzebub
Fox: The Hermit Arcana - Max Social Link Persona: Ongyo-Ki
Margaret: The Empress Arcana - Max Social Link Persona: Isis
In the PSVita remake, Persona 4 Golden;
Marie: The Aeon Arcana - Max Social Link Persona: Kaguya
Tohru Adachi: The Jester/Hunger Arcana - Max Social Link Persona: Magatsu Izanagi.
Also the playable characters' personas will evolve further in January, if you reached S-Link Level 10 with them previously.
Susano-o -> Takehaya Susano-o,
Suzuka Gongen -> Haraedo-no-Okami,
Amaterasu -> Sume-Omikami,
Rokuten Maō -> Take-Jizaiten,
Kamui -> Kamui Moshiri,
Kanzeon -> Kouzeon,
Yamato-Takeru -> Sumera Mikoto.
1 answer
She has at least 108 names. There are followed : sivahamy , kalyani, shanti, abirami, parvati .... NameMeaningDurga The Inaccessible Devi The Diety Tribhuvaneshwari Goddess of The Three Worlds Yashodagarba Sambhoota Emerging From Yashoda's Womb Narayanavarapriya Fond of Narayana's Boons Nandagopakulajata Daughter Of The Nandagopa Race Mangalya Auspicious Kulavardhini Developer Of The Race Kamsavidravanakari Threatened Kamsa Asurakshayamkari Reducer Of The Number Of Demons Shilathata Vinikshibda At Birth,Slammed By Kamsa Akashagamini Flew In The Sky Vasudevabhagini Sister Of Vasudeva Divamalya Vibhooshita Adorned With Beautiful Garlands Divyambaradhara Beautifully Robed Khadgaketaka Dharini Holder Of Sword And Shield Shiva Auspicious Papadharini Bearer Of Others' Sins Varada Granter Of Boons Krishna Sister Of Krishna Kumari Young Girl Brahmacharini Seeker Of Brahman Balarkasadrushakara Like The Rising Sun Purnachandra Nibhanana Beautiful Like The Full Moon Chaturbhuja Four-Armed Chaturvakttra Four-Faced Peenashroni Payodhara Large Bosomed Mayoora Pichhavalaya Wearer Of Peacock-Feathered Bangles Keyurangadadharini Bejewelled With Armlets And Bracelets Krishnachhavisama Like Krishna's Radiance Krishna Dark-Complexioned Sankarshanasamanana Equal To Sankarshana Indradhwaja Samabahudharini With Shoulders Like Indra's Flag Patradharini Vessel-Holder Pankajadharini Lotus-Holder Kanttadhara Holder of Shiva's Neck Pashadharini Holder Of Rope Dhanurdharini Holder Of Bow Mahachakradharini Holder Of Chakra Vividayudhadhara Bearer Of Various Weapons Kundalapurnakarna Vibhooshita Wearer Of Earrings Covering The Ears Chandravispardimukha Beautiful Like The Moon Mukutavirajita Shining With Crown Adorned Shikhipichhadwaja Virajita Having Peacock-Feathered Flag Kaumaravratadhara Observer Of Fasts Like Young Girls Do Tridivabhavayirtri Goddess Of The Three Worlds Tridashapujita The Goddess Of The Celestials Trailokyarakshini Protector Of The Three Worlds Mahishasuranashini Destroyer Of Mahisha Prasanna Cheerful Surashreshtta Supreme Among The Celestials Shiva Shiva's Half Jaya Victorious Vijaya Conqueror Sangramajayaprada Granter Of Victory In The War Varada Bestower Vindhyavasini` Resident Of The Vindhyas Kali Dark-Complexioned Kali Goddess Of Death Mahakali Wife Of Mahakala Seedupriya Fond Of Drinks Mamsapriya Fond Of Flesh Pashupriya Fond Of All Beings Bhootanushruta Well-Wisher Of Bhootaganas Varada Bestower Kamacharini Acting On One's Own Accord Papaharini Destroyer Of Sins Kirti Famed Shree Auspicious Dhruti Valiant Siddhi Successful Hri Holy Chant Of Hymns Vidhya Wisdom Santati Granter Of Issues Mati Wise Sandhya Twilight Ratri Night Prabha Dawn Nitya Eternal Jyotsana Radiant Like Flames Kantha Radiant Khama Embodiment Of Forgiveness Daya Compassionate Bandhananashini Detacher Of Attachments Mohanashini Destroyer Of Desires Putrapamrityunashini Sustainer Of Son's Untimely Death Dhanakshayanashini Controller Of Wealth Decrease Vyadhinashini Vanquisher Of Ailments Mruthyunashini Destroyer Of Death Bhayanashini Remover Of Fear Padmapatrakshi Eyes Like The Lotus Leaf Durga Remover Of Distress Sharanya Granter Of Refuge Bhaktavatsala Lover Of Devotees Saukhyada Bestower Of Well-Being Arogyada Granter Of Good Health Rajyada Bestower Of Kingdom Ayurda Granter Of Longevity Vapurda Granter Of Beautiful Appearance Sutada Granter Of Issues Pravasarakshika Protector Of Travellers Nagararakshika Protector Of Land Sangramarakshika Protector Of Wars Shatrusankata Rakshika Protector From Distress Caused By Foes Ataviduhkhandhara Rakshika Protector From Ignorance And Distress Sagaragirirakshika Protector Of Seas And Hills Sarvakaryasiddhi Pradayika Granter Of Success In All Attempts Durga Deity Durga
3 answers
Lord Rama is known by many different names. This list contains 108 names of Lord Rama with their meanings:
NameMeaningOm Shri Ramaya NamahaThe Giver of happinessOm Ramabhadraya NamahaThe Auspicious OneOm Ramachandraya NamahaMoon like GentleOm Shashvataya NamahaThe ever-lasting oneOm Rajivalochanaya NamahaThe Lotus-eyedOm Shrimate NamahaThe Abode of LakshmiOm Rajendraya NamahaThe King of the KingsOm Raghupungavaya NamahaThe Scion of the Raghu dynastyOm Janaki Vallabhaya NamahaThe Consort of JanakiOm Jaitraya NamahaThe TriumphantOm Jitamitraya NamahaThe Conqueror of His FoesOm Janardhanaya NamahaThe Refuge of the peopleOm Vishvamitra Priyaya NamahaThe Beloved of Sage VishvamitraOm Dantaya NamahaThe UnperturbedOm Sharanatrana Tatparaya NamahaThe One who is Determined To Protect His DevoteesOm Bali Pramathanaya NamahaThe Slayer of BaliOm Vagmine NamahaThe SpokesmanOm Satyavache NamahaThe Speaker Of TruthOm Satyavikramaya NamahaThe One who is Truthfully PowerfulOm Satyavrataya NamahaThe One of truthful vowsOm Vratadharaya NamahaThe One who is Practising PenanceOm Sada Hanumadashritaya NamahaThe One who is always served by HanumanOm Kausaleyaya NamahaThe Son of KausalyaOm Kharadhvamsine NamahaThe Slayer of the demon KharaOm Viradha Vanapanditaya NamahThe Slayer of the demon ViradhaOm Vibhishana Paritratre NamahaThe Protector of VibhishanaOm Kodanda Khandanaya NamahaThe One who broke the mighty bowOm Saptatala Prabhedre NamahaThe One who Broke the Seven Tale TreesOm Dashagriva Shiroharaya NamahaThe Slayer Of Ten-Headed RavanaOm Jamadagnya Mahadarpaya NamahaThe destroyer of Jamadagni's Son's ArroganceOm Tatakantakaya NamahaThe Slayer of TatakaOm Vedanta Saraya NamahaThe Essence of VedantaOm Vedatmane NamahaThe Spirit of the VedasOm Bhavarogasya Bheshajaya NamahaThe Reliever Of Earthly AilmentsOm Dushanatri Shirohantre NamahaThe Slayer Of DooshanatrishiraOm Trigunatmakaya NamahaThe Source of the three gunasOm Trivikramaya NamahaThe Conqueor Of The Three WorldsOm Trilokatmane NamahaThe Lord Of The Three WorldsOm Punyacharitra Kirtanaya NamahThe One whose story is a source of merit to those who sing itOm Triloka Rakshakaya NamahaThe Protector of the three worldsOm Dhanvine NamahaThe wielder of the bowOm Dandakaranya Kartanaya NamahaThe Dweller in the Dandaka forestOm Ahalya Shapashamanaya NamahaThe Reliever of Ahalya's curseOm Pitru Bhaktaya NamahaThe Worshipper of father DasarathaOm Vara Pradaya NamahaThe giver of boonsOm Jitendriyaya NamahaThe Conqueror of the sensesOm Jitakrodhaya NamahaThe Conqueror of angerOm Jitamitraya NamahaThe One who wins over friendsOm Jagad Gurave NamahaThe Guru of the worldOm Riksha Vanara Sanghatine NamahaThe Saviour Of Boars And MonkeysOm Chitrakuta Samashrayaya NamahaThe Lord who took refuge at Chitrakuta HillOm Jayanta Trana Varadaya NamahaThe Lord who blessed JayantaOm Sumitra Putra Sevitaya NamahaThe Lord who is served by Sumitra's son (Lakshmana)Om Sarva Devadhi Devaya NamahaThe Lord of all the godsOm Mritavanara Jivanaya NamahaThe reviver of dead monkeysOm Mayamaricha Hantre NamahaThe Destroyer of the demon MarichaOm Mahadevaya NamahaThe Great LordOm Mahabhujaya NamahaThe Lord of mighty armsOm Sarvadeva Stutaya NamahaThe Lord who is praised by all the godsOm Saumyaya NamahaThe Calm OneOm Brahmanyaya NamahaThe Absolute RealityOm Muni Samstutaya NamahaThe Lord who is praised by sagesOm Mahayogine NamahaThe Great YogiOm Mahadaraya NamahaThe Noble OneOm Sugrivepsita Rajyadaye NamahaThe Lord who returned the kingdom to SugrivaOm Sarva Punyadhi Kaphalaya NamahaThe Giver of fruits of pious work, good karmasOm Smrita Sarvagha Nashanaya NamahaThe Remover of all afflictionsOm Adipurushaya NamahaThe Primal BeingOm Paramapurushaya NamahaThe Supreme BeingOm Mahapurushaya NamahaThe Great BeingOm Punyodayaya NamahaThe Source of all blessingsOm Dayasaraya NamahaThe Embodiment of compassionOm Purana Purushottamaya NamahaThe Most Ancient PersonOm Smita Vaktraya NamahaThe One who smiling speaksOm Mita Bhashine NamahaThe One of moderate speechOm Purva Bhashine NamahaThe One who rarely speaksOm Raghavaya NamahaThe scion of the Raghu dynastyOm Ananta Gunagambhiraya NamahaThe Lord of infinite majestic qualitiesOm Dhirodatta Gunottamaya NamahaThe Lord of Valorous qualitiesOm Maya Manusha Charitraya NamahaThe Lord who incarnated as a man through His mayaOm Mahadevadi Pujitaya NamahaThe Lord who is worshiped by Lord ShivaOm Setukrite NamahaThe builder of the bridgeOm Sarva Tirthamayaya NamahaThe Lord who is the sum of all holy placesOm Haraye NamahaThe DestroyerOm Shyamangaya NamahaThe Dark-complexioned OneOm Sundaraya NamahaThe Beautiful OneOm Shooraya NamahaThe ValiantOm Pitavasase NamahaThe Lord clad in yellow raimentOm Dhanurdharaya NamahaThe Bearer of the bowOm Sarva Yajnadhipaya NamahaThe Lord of sacrificeOm Yajvine NamahaThe SacrificerOm Jaramarana Varjitaya NamahaThe Conqueror of birth and deathOm Vibhishana Pratishthatre NamahaThe Lord who crowned Vibhishana on the throneOm Sarvabharana Varjitaya NamahaThe Lord who relinquished all adornmentOm Paramatmane NamahaThe Supreme SelfOm Parabrahmane NamahaThe Supreme GodheadOm Sachidananda Vigrahaya NamahaThe Form of Eternal BlissOm Parasmai Jyotishe NamahaThe Supreme LightOm Parasmai Dhamne NamahaThe Supreme AbodeOm Parakashaya NamahaThe Supreme SpaceOm Paratparaya NamahaThe Supreme beyond the highestOm Pareshaya NamahaThe Supreme LordOm Parakaya NamahaThe Uplifter Of The PoorOm Paraya NamahaThe Supreme BeingOm Sarva Devatmakaya NamahaThe Lord who is the Source of all godsOm Parasmai NamahaThe Supreme Lord
7 answers
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