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A ballestra is a rapid attack in fencing made by a jump forward and a lunge.

1 answer

The correct spelling of the word is "lunging." It refers to the action of thrusting forward, as in a lunge exercise or a fencing move.

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if you're talking about the move you do (extending your arm and thrusting forward) to hit your opponent and score a point, then it is mainly called a lunge, although the part where you thrust forward could be called a "thrust". <<nooo, reeeally?

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In fencing, the opposite of lunged (attacked) is parried(defended).

There is no opposite for the act to lunge, except that the opposite move might be to retreat or to evade.

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No, the noun lunge is a singular, common noun; a sudden forward thrust of the body; a sudden thrust or pass, as with a sword; an similar movement in an exercise routine.

A collective noun is a word used to group nouns for people or things. An appropriate collective noun for lunge could be a series of lunges.

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The term "lunge" is used in Taekwondo to describe both a type of hand technique, and a particular stance. The "lunge strike" or "lunge punch" is done by turning the body sideways to the direction of the target so that both shoulders line up through the direction of the strike.

A "lunge stance" is usually used in combination with a lunge strike. The typical back stance lines the front foot up with the rear heel or slightly to the outside. The back foot is turned at a 90 degree angle from the target, and the front foot, which points directly at the target is advanced about two foot lengths. Both knees are bent, and the weight is slightly shifted to the back leg (anywhere from 60/40 to 80/20). However, for the lunge stance, the front foot is extended one extra foot length forward (three feet from heel to heel), and the weight distribution is shifted to 50/50 being equal on both legs. The body (center of gravity) is also slightly lower in the lunge stance. This is similar to the lunge in fencing except that in fencing, the rear leg is extended straight, whereas in Taekwondo, both legs remain bent like a back stance.

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In law, an allonge is a slip of paper attached to a negotiable instrument to hold endorsemenets if the document itself is unable to hold any more.

In the sport of fencing, an allonge is a thrust, pass, or lunge.

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Often called a 'circular parry' or 'counter ____' the blank being sixte, quarte etc where the blade is 'taken' and allows neatly for a riposte or disengage

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Usually the blade is made of some kind of bendy metal, so when you lunge or stab your enemy it is clearly visible. The inside of the blade and some of the handle has wire inside to electronically sense the details of the hit (who hit first, where did you hit, etc.) And also, a Fencing weapon is not tecnically a sword.

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Balestra. It is not really a jump in place, for the body should cover some forward distance, even more than the lunge that follows. When the balestra is executed correctly, the body does not hop up in the air(wasted movement) but springs forward in a way that looks like a regular lunge to the opponent. But instead of the trailing leg staying back, it is immediately brought up together with the lead foot. If the opponent has evaded this first attack, he might not be ready for the lunge that immediately follows.

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A thrust is an extension of the arm, an attack. Much of the time, it's simply called a thrust. It would not be used in Sabre, but only in Epee and Foil, as Sabre does not hit with the point.

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It is a lunge ballet technique

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He made a lunge for the table.

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Romilly Lunge's birth name is Ernest Romilly Maundrell Lunge.

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Vincens Lunge died in 1536.

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Vincens Lunge was born in 1486.

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Georg Lunge was born on 1839-09-15.

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Georg Lunge died on 1923-01-03.

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We could see the animal lunge towards the prey.

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To lunge, you must equip a sword that has lunge capability. This can be in the starter pack as part of a place, or it can be a gear item that you have (as long as it's allowed in the place). Hope this helps!

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you can lunge on all monsters it doesn't mater it matters what weapon your using.

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Romilly Lunge was born on October 4, 1904, in London, England, UK.

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A lunge is a first-class lever, where the fulcrum (pivot point) is located between the effort (force exerted during the lunge) and the load (the body weight).

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The plane of motion for a lunge is primarily the sagittal plane, as it involves movement that occurs forward and backward, such as stepping forward into the lunge position and returning to the starting position.

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the area of immediate control ie. in a car if you had a concealed weapon hidden under your seat WITHIN REACH it would be within your lunge area. the concept of lunge area is often involved with possession charges

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Thrust can be a noun or a verb.

As a noun, it means force applied to cause acceleration, specifically in aircraft and rockets.

As a verb, it means to move or push in a given direction (transitive) or to lunge (an attacking move in Fencing).

* In geology, the term refers to a specific reverse fault : older rocks moved over younger ones.

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lunge, sponge

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No they did not have fencing in the ancient Olympis because fencing is a modorn sport or art.

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The weight of fencing varies. It depends on how much there is of the fencing and what material it is made out of.

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The French word for fencing is "l'escrime"

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There are many different ways to 'lunge' on MW3. I think the best way is run, jump then melee

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if you didn't have fencing gear, you would die. ppl have died even IN fencing gear. your using SWORDS to FIGHT WITH.

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Fencing is a major event in the summer Olympics as well as the world fencing championship.

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A rear lunge is primarily in the sagittal plane, as it involves movement backward and forward along the body's midline.

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Fencing is 'pagar' in Malay.

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True. The scissor hop is typically performed starting from the traveling lunge position, where you jump up and switch the position of your legs mid-air before landing back into a lunge position with the opposite leg forward.

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Yes, lull would come before lunge when in alphabetical order. In the alphabet, "L" comes before "N". This is why lull would come before lunge when placed in alphabetical order.

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Heras fencing has been known to supply railings, sports fencing, mesh fencing, and gates. Acquiring Heras fencing may not be possible outside of Doncaster, South Yorkshire, England.

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I have come across a need to have fencing in my backyard. The weather around here is crazy sometimes, and I am not sure what kind of fencing that I should get. Is vinyl fencing more durable than wood fencing?

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yes, there are judges in fencing, but there not only there to judge your game they are also making sure you are following the rules the rules for fencing is created by the International Fencing Federation.

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lunge, grunge,

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