R A can cause problems with lung tisue.
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Resources - lung disease
InformationThe following organizations are good resources for information on lung disease:
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Lung cancer is cancer that begins in the lungs, the two organs found in the chest that help you breathe.
The lungs are made up of areas called lobes. The right lung has three lobes; the left lung has two, so there's room for the heart. When you breathe, air goes through your nose, down your windpipe (trachea), and into the lungs where it spreads through tubes called bronchi. Most lung cancer begins in the cells that line these tubes.
There are two main types of lung cancer:
If the lung cancer is made up of both types, it is called mixed small cell/large cell cancer.
If the cancer started somewhere else in the body and spread to the lungs, it is called metastatic cancer to the lung.
Alternative NamesCancer - lung
Causes, incidence, and risk factorsLung cancer is the deadliest type of cancer for both men and women. Each year, more people die of lung cancer than breast, colon, and prostate cancers combined.
Lung cancer is more common in older adults. It is rare in people under age 45.
Cigarette smoking is the leading cause of lung cancer.
The more cigarettes you smoke per day and the earlier you started smoking, the greater your risk of lung cancer. There is no evidence that smoking low-tar cigarettes lowers the risk.
However, lung cancer has occurred in people who have never smoked.
Secondhand smoke (breathing the smoke of others) increases your risk of lung cancer. According to the American Cancer Society, an estimated 3,000 non-smoking adults will die each year from lung cancer related to breathing secondhand smoke.
The following may also increase one's risk of lung cancer:
Early lung cancer may not cause any symptoms. Many times, lung cancer is found when an x-ray is done for another reason.
Symptoms depend on the specific type of cancer you have, but may include:
Additional symptoms that may also occur with lung cancer:
These symptoms can also be due to other, less serious conditions, so it is important to talk to your health care provider.
For more information, see:
Signs and testsThe health care provider will perform a physical exam and ask questions about your medical history. You will be asked if you smoke, and if so, how long you have smoked.
When listening to the chest with a stethoscope, the health care provider can sometimes hear fluid around the lungs, which could (but doesn't always) suggest cancer.
Tests that may be performed include:
In some cases, the health care provider may need to remove a piece of tissue from your lungs for examination under a microscope. This is called a biopsy. There are several ways to do this:
For more information, see:
TreatmentTreatment depends on the specific type of lung cancer. Each type is treated differently. Chemotherapy, radiation, and surgery may be needed.
See the individual articles on the different types of lung cancer:
Expectations (prognosis)How well a patient does depends on the following:
The earlier the cancer is found, the better the chances of survival. Lung cancer is a deadly disease. Nearly 60% of people with lung cancer die within a year. However, some people are cured and go on to live many years.
ComplicationsThe cancer may spread to other parts of the body (metastasis). Cancer treatment can cause significant side effects.
Calling your health care providerCall your health care provider if you develop symptoms of lung cancer (particularly if you smoke).
PreventionIf you smoke, quit. It is never too late to stop smoking. You should also avoid breathing in the smoke from other people's cigarettes, cigars, or pipes.
Eating a diet rich in fruits and vegetables may help prevent some cases of lung cancer.
ReferencesAlberg AJ, Ford JG, Samet JM; American College of Chest Physicians. Epidemiology of lung cancer: ACCP evidence-based clinical practice guidelines (2nd edition). Chest. 2007;132:29S-55S.
Bach PB, Silvestri GA, Hanger M, Jett JR. Screening for lung cancer: ACCP evidence-based clinical practice guidelines (2nd edition). Chest. 2007;132:69S-77S.
National Cancer Institute. Lung Cancer Home Page. Bethesda, MD: U.S. National Institutes of Health. Accessed August 3, 2008
Jett JR, Schild SE, Keith RL, Kesler KA. Treatment of non-small cell lung cancer, stage IIIB: ACCP evidence-based clinical practice guidelines (2nd edition). Chest. 2007;132:266S-276S.
Johnson DH, Blot WJ, Carbone DP, et al. Cancer of the lung_ Non-small cell lung cancer and small cell lung cancer. In: Abeloff MD, Armitage JO, Niederhuber JE, Kastan MB, McKena WG. Clinical Oncology. 4th ed. Philadelphia, Pa: Churchill Livingstone Elsevier; 2008:chap 76.
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The incidence of lung cancer can vary between men and women. Historically, lung cancer has been more commonly associated with men, particularly due to higher rates of smoking among men in past decades. However, the trend has been changing, and the gap between lung cancer rates in men and women has been narrowing.
As to recent statistics, the American Cancer Society provides the following estimates for new lung cancer cases in the United States:
Men: About 59% of new lung cancer cases are diagnosed in men.
Women: Approximately 41% of new lung cancer cases are diagnosed in women.
These numbers reflect a significant decrease in the gender disparity compared to previous years, largely attributed to changes in smoking patterns. While smoking remains a leading risk factor for lung cancer, other factors such as exposure to secondhand smoke, environmental pollutants, and genetic factors also play a role in lung cancer development.
It's important to note that these percentages can vary by region and population demographics, but overall, lung cancer is a significant health concern for both men and women. Early detection through screening programs and adopting healthy lifestyle choices can help reduce the risk of lung cancer and improve outcomes for those affected by the disease.
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Lung cancer will effect the blood gas-exchange system, as damaged lung tissue, may cause difficulty in the exchange of gas from the air into the blood stream, and may cause cyanosis, deeper breathing, and even asphyxia (death, which is caused by insufficient amount of oxygen into the brain cells).
1 answer
Lung cancer can result from several factors, but one of the most significant risk factors is tobacco smoking. Constant and long-term tobacco smoking is strongly associated with an increased risk of developing lung cancer.
Cigarette smoke contains numerous carcinogens (cancer-causing substances) that can damage the cells lining the lungs over time. This damage can lead to the development of cancerous tumors in the lungs. Additionally, exposure to secondhand smoke (inhalation of smoke from others' cigarettes) can also increase the risk of lung cancer, although to a lesser extent than direct smoking.
Other factors that may contribute to the development of lung cancer include exposure to certain environmental and occupational carcinogens such as asbestos, radon gas, arsenic, and certain industrial chemicals.
It's important to note that while smoking is the leading cause of lung cancer, not all lung cancers are attributable to smoking. Some cases of lung cancer occur in individuals who have never smoked, often due to exposure to environmental or occupational carcinogens, genetic factors, or other risk factors that are not yet fully understood. However, smoking remains the most significant preventable cause of lung cancer.
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Lung disease is any disease or disorder that occurs in the lungs or that causes the lungs to not work properly. There are three main types of lung disease:
Most lung diseases actually involve a combination of these categories.
The most common lung diseases include:
Other lung diseases include:
4 answers
yes tar can cause cancer by smoking. you should never do smoking Edit by Engl1sh: Smoking is a filthy habit that can be hard to beat. It was estimated by a British Journalism Company that smoking one cigarette can take away 11 minutes of your life. It's really not worth it to smoke, given all the consequences: Yellow teeth, smelly clothes, black lungs, cancer, loss of accute awareness, bad breath, and the destroying of many of your lung cells through the tar that is entering your lungs. Smoking has consequences that can't be reversed, as well. Plus, it's expensive!
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Approximately 2,700 people will die from smoking.
if 10% of 3000 = 300, Then 90% of 3000 = 2700
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Lung cancer can result from various factors, including tobacco smoking, exposure to secondhand smoke, environmental pollutants, and occupational hazards. Among these, tobacco smoking is the most significant risk factor for developing lung cancer.
Constant use of tobacco products, such as cigarettes, cigars, pipes, and smokeless tobacco, exposes the lungs to carcinogens (cancer-causing substances) and other harmful chemicals present in tobacco smoke. Over time, repeated exposure to these toxins can damage the cells lining the lungs, leading to the development of cancerous growths.
Additionally, exposure to secondhand smoke, which occurs when non-smokers inhale smoke exhaled by smokers or emitted from burning tobacco products, can also increase the risk of lung cancer.
Other factors that may contribute to the development of lung cancer include exposure to radon gas, asbestos, air pollution, and certain occupational hazards such as asbestos, arsenic, chromium, nickel, and diesel exhaust.
It's important to note that while tobacco smoking is the primary cause of lung cancer, non-smokers can also develop the disease due to exposure to secondhand smoke and other environmental or occupational factors. Therefore, adopting a smoke-free lifestyle, avoiding exposure to tobacco smoke and other harmful substances, and maintaining a healthy lifestyle can help reduce the risk of developing lung cancer. Early detection through screening and prompt medical attention for any concerning symptoms are also crucial for improving outcomes for individuals at risk of lung cancer.
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Lung cancer symptoms can vary, but common signs include:
For personalized care and effective management, consult experts in Lung cancer treatment in Hyderabad.
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Lung transplant is surgery to replace one or both diseased lungs with healthy lungs from a human donor.
Alternative NamesSolid organ transplant - lung
DescriptionThe new lung or lungs are usually donated by someone who has been declared brain-dead but remains on life-support. The donor tissue must be matched as closely as possible to your tissue type to reduce the odds that your body will reject the transplanted lung.
Lungs can also be given by living donors. Two or more people are needed. Each donates a section (lobe) of their lung to form an entire lung for the person receiving it.
During lung transplant surgery, you are unconscious and pain-free (under general anesthesia). A surgical cut is made in the chest.
After the cut is made, the major steps during lung transplant surgery include:
Sometimes heart and lung transplants are done at the same time (heart-lung transplant) if the heart is also diseased.
Why the Procedure Is PerformedA lung transplant is usually the last-resort treatment for lung failure. Lung transplants may be recommended for patients with any severe lung disease. Some examples of diseases that may require a lung transplant are:
Lung transplant is not recommended for:
Risks for any anesthesia are:
Risks for any surgery are:
Other risks of transplant include:
Before the procedure is done, your doctor will determine whether you are a good candidate by performing the following tests:
If your transplant team believes that you are a good candidate for lung transplantation, you will be put on a national waiting list. Your place on the waiting list is based on a number of factors. Key factors include:
The amount of time you spend on a waiting list usually does not determine how soon you get a lung, except possibly with children. Waiting time is often at least 2 - 3 years.
While you are waiting for a new lung, follow these guidelines:
Before the procedure, always tell your doctor or nurse:
Do not eat or drink anything after midnight the night before your surgery. Take only the drugs that your doctor told you to take with a small sip of water.
After the ProcedureYou should expect to stay in the hospital for 7 - 21 days after a lung transplant. You will likely spend time in the intensive care unit (ICU) right after surgery.
During your hospital stay, you will:
The recovery period is about 6 months. Often, your transplant team will ask you to stay fairly close to the hospital for the first 3 months. You will need to have regular check-ups with blood tests and x-rays for many years.
Outlook (Prognosis)A lung transplant is a major procedure performed for patients with life-threatening lung disease or damage. Around four out of five people are still alive 1 year after the transplant. Around two out of five transplant recipients are alive at 5 years. Outcomes are similar for single and double lung transplants.
Fighting rejection is an ongoing process. The body's immune system considers the transplanted organ as an invader (much like an infection) and may attack it.
To prevent rejection, organ transplant patients must take anti-rejection (immunosuppression) drugs (such as cyclosporine and corticosteroids). These drugs suppress the body's immune response and reduce the chance of rejection. As a result, however, these drugs also reduce the body's natural ability to fight off infections.
ReferencesSmythe WR, Reznik Si, Putnam JB Jr. Lung (including pulmonary embolism and thoracic outlet syndrome). In: Townsend CM, Beauchamp RD, Evers BM, Mattox KL, eds. Sabiston Textbook of Surgery. 18th ed. Philadelphia, Pa: Saunders Elsevier; 2008: chap 59.
Davis SQ, Garrity ER Jr. Organ allocation in lung transplant. Chest. 2007;132:1646-1651.
Aurora P, Carby M, Sweet S. Selection of cystic fibrosis patients for lung transplantation. Curr Opin Pulm Med. 2008;14:589-594.
Maurer JR, Zamel N. Lung transplantation. In: Mason RJ, Murray JF, Broaddus VC, Nadel JA, eds. Murray & Nadel's Textbook of Respiratory Medicine. 4th ed. Philadelphia, Pa: Saunders Elsevier;2005:chap 89.
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how long are you expected to live once lung cancer has spread to the liver
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it is mucous in nature and is called pleural fluid
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Recognizing signs and symptoms of lung cancer remains essential to detection, treatment, and recovery. You will need to go see a doctor if you experience some of these symptoms in combinations. You can't make snap judgments based on symptoms alone. A formal diagnosis will also help you get the best treatment and increase your chances of recovery. With that said, some of the main symptoms of lung cancer are quite obvious. If you notice these symptoms occurring, make an appointment to see a doctor right away. Persistent Cough A cough that just won't go away can be an early sign of lung cancer. Coughs caused by viruses or bacterial infections will go away after a few weeks at the most. If a cough continues and you can't explain it, it's time to see a doctor. Even if it's not lung cancer, this could point to a serious medical condition. You should also take note of any fluids or even blood that you may be coughing out of your lungs. If anything changes, go see a doctor as soon as possible. Shallow Breathing and Shortness of Breath If your breathing suddenly becomes shallow, you might know something is happening. One of the biggest symptoms of lung cancer is that it blocks your airways after a while. If you get winded during activities that seem routine, this could be a sign that the lung cancer has begun to develop a little bit. Some people also notice it takes longer to catch their breath if they are later diagnosed with lung cancer. Changes in Voice Another one of the most common symptoms of lung cancer is vocal change. Tumors can interfere with the nerves that control the larynx. If your voice gets raspy or hoarse, see how long it lasts. If more than two weeks pass, you will need to go to the doctor to get checked out as soon as you can. This is a serious condition that can also point to other problems even if lung cancer is not suspected.
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Cancer - lung - non-small cell; Non-small cell lung cancer; NSCLC; Adenocarcinoma - lung; Squamous cell carcinoma - lung
DefinitionNon-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) is the most common type of lung cancer. It usually grows and spreads more slowly than small cell lung cancer.
There are three forms of NSCLC:
Smoking causes most cases of lung cancer. The risk depends upon the number of cigarettes smoked every day and for how long someone has smoked. Being around the smoke from others (secondhand smoke) also raises your risk for lung cancer. However, people who do not smoke and have never smoked have become sick with lung cancer.
A review of decades of research has recently shown that smoking marijuana may help cancer cells grow, but there is no direct link between the drug and developing lung cancer.
High levels of air pollution and drinking water containing high levels of arsenic can increase your risk for lung cancer. Radiation therapy to the lungs can also increase the risk.
Working with or near the following cancer-causing chemicals or materials can also increase your risk:
Early lung cancer may not cause any symptoms. Symptoms you should watch for include:
Other symptoms that may be due to NSCLC:
Note: These symptoms can be due to other, less serious conditions. It is important to talk to your health care provider.
Signs and testsThe health care provider will perform a physical exam and ask questions about your medical history. You will be asked if you smoke, and if so, how long you have smoked.
When listening to the chest with a stethoscope, the health care provider can sometimes hear fluid around the lungs, which could (but doesn't always) suggest cancer.
Tests that may be performed to diagnose lung cancer or see if it has spread include:
In some cases, the health care provider may need to remove a piece of tissue from your lungs for examination under a microscope. This is called a biopsy. There are several ways to do this:
If the biopsy reveals you do have lung cancer, more imaging tests will be done to determine the stage of the cancer. Stage means how big the tumor is and how far it's spread. Non-small cell lung cancer is divided into five stages:
There are many different types of treatment for non-small cell lung cancer. Treatment depends upon the stage of the cancer.
Surgery is the often the first line of treatment for patients with non-small cell lung cancer that has not spread beyond nearby lymph nodes. The surgeon may remove:
Some patients need chemotherapy. Chemotherapy uses drugs to kill cancer cells and stop new ones from growing.
Radiation therapy uses powerful x-rays or other forms of radiation to kill cancer cells. Radiation therapy can be used with chemotherapy if surgery is not possible.
The following treatments are mostly used to relieve symptoms caused by NSCLC:
For additional information and resources, see cancer support group.
Expectations (prognosis)The outlook varies widely. Most often, NSCLC develops slowly and causes few or no symptoms until very late stages. However, in some cases, it can be extremely agressive and cause rapid death. The cancer may spread to other parts of the body, including the bone, liver, small intestine, and brain.
Chemotherapy has been shown to prolong the life and improve the quality of life in some patients with stage IV NSCLC.
Cure rates are related to the stage of disease and whether you are able to have surgery.
If you smoke, stop smoking. It's never too early to quit. People who have smoked in the past can be at increased risk for lung cancer more than 20 years after quitting, although the risk drops significantly in the first year after quitting. There are benefits to quitting smoking, even for people who are well into middle age.
Try to avoid secondhand smoke.
Eat a diet rich in fruits and vegetables.
Routine screening for lung cancer is not recommended. Many studies have been done to look at the idea, but scientists have concluded that, at this time, screening does not help improve a person's chance for a cure.
ReferencesAlberg AJ, Ford JG, Samet JM; American College of Chest Physicians. Epidemiology of lung cancer: ACCP evidence-based clinical practice guidelines (2nd edition). Chest. 2007;132:29S-55S.
American Cancer Society. Cancer Facts and Figures 2008.Atlanta, Ga: American Cancer Society; 2008.
Bach PB, Silvestri GA, Hanger M, Jett JR. Screening for lung cancer: ACCP evidence-based clinical practice guidelines (2nd edition). Chest. 2007;132:69S-77S.
National Cancer Institute. Lung Cancer Home Page. Bethesda, MD: U.S. National Institutes of Health. Accessed August 3, 2008
Jett JR, Schild SE, Keith RL, Kesler KA. Treatment of non-small cell lung cancer, stage IIIB: ACCP evidence-based clinical practice guidelines (2nd edition). Chest. 2007;132:266S-276S.
Johnson DH, Blot WJ, Carbone DP, et al. Cancer of the lung_ Non-small cell lung cancer and small cell lung cancer. In: Abeloff MD, Armitage JO, Niederhuber JE, Kastan MB, McKena WG. Clinical Oncology. 4th ed. Philadelphia, Pa: Churchill Livingstone Elsevier; 2008:chap 76.
Fischer B, Lassen U, Mortensen J, Larsen S, Loft A, Bertelsen A, Ravn J, Clementsen P, Hogholm A, Larsen K, Rasmussen T, Keiding S, Dirksen A, Gerke O, Skov B, Steffensen I, Hansen H, Vilmann P, Jacobsen G, Backer V, Maltbaek N, Pedersen J, Madsen H, Nielsen H, Hojgaard L. Preoperative staging of lung cancer with combined PET-CT. N Engl J Med. 2009 Jul 2;361(1):32-9.
Tassinari D, Scarpi E, Sartori S, Tamburini E, Santelmo C, Tombesi P, Lazzari-Agli L. Second-line treatments in non-small cell lung cancer. A systematic review of literature and metaanalysis of randomized clinical trials. Chest. 2009 Jun;135(6):1596-609.
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You listen to both bases for signs of basal pulmonary oedema with the patient sitting up, presenting as crackles or rales.
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A lung needle biopsy is a method to remove a piece of lung tissue for examination.
Alternative NamesTransthoracic needle aspiration; Percutaneous needle aspiration
How the test is performedA chest x-ray or chest CT scan may be used to find the exact spot for the biopsy. If the biopsy is done using a CT scan, you may be lying down during the exam.
A needle biopsy of the lung may also be performed during bronchoscopy or mediastinoscopy.
You sit with your arms resting forward on a table. You should try to keep still and not cough during the biopsy. The doctor will ask you to hold your breath. The skin is scrubbed and a local pain-killing medicine (anesthetic) is injected.
The physician will make a small (about 1/8-inch) cut in the skin, and will insert the biopsy needle into the abnormal tissue, tumor, or lung tissue. A small piece of tissue is removed with the needle and sent to a laboratory for examination.
When the biopsy is done, pressure is placed over the site. Once bleeding has stopped, a bandage is applied.
A chest x-ray is taken immediately after the biopsy.
The procedure usually takes 30 - 60 minutes. Laboratory analysis usually takes a few days.
How to prepare for the testYou should not eat for 6 - 12 hours before the test. Your health care provider may tell you to avoid aspirin, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) such as ibuprofen, or blood thinners such as warfarin for a period of time before the procedure. Always check with your health care provider before changing or stopping any medications.
Before a needle biopsy of the lung, a chest x-ray or chest CT scan may be performed. Sometimes, you will be given a mild sedative before the biopsy to relax you. You must sign a consent form. It is important to remain as still as possible for the biopsy and avoid coughing.
How the test will feelYou will receive an injection of anesthetic before the biopsy. This injection will sting for a moment. You will feel pressure and a brief, sharp pain when the needle touches the lung.
Why the test is performedA needle lung biopsy is performed when there is an abnormal condition near the surface of the lung, in the lung itself, or on the chest wall.
The test is usually done to diagnose large abnormalities seen on chest x-ray or CT scan. Most often, the abnormality cannot be seen by other diagnostic techniques, such as bronchoscopy.
Normal ValuesIn a normal test, the tissues are normal and there is no growth of bacteria, viruses, or fungi if a culture is performed.
What abnormal results meanThe test may also be performed for:
What the risks areIn a very small percentage of needle biopsies, a collapsed lung or pneumothorax occurs. Usually, chest x-rays will be done. However, if the pneumothorax is large, a chest tube may need to be inserted to expand (decompress) the lung.
In rare cases, pneumothorax can be life threatening if air escapes from the lung, gets trapped in the chest, and presses on (compresses) the lungs and heart.
Whenever a biopsy is done, there is a risk of excess bleeding (hemorrhage). Some bleeding is common, and a health care provider will monitor the amount of bleeding. Rarely, major and life-threatening bleeding may occur.
A needle biopsy should NOT be performed if other tests show that you have:
Signs of a collapsed lung include:
If any of these occur, report them to your health care provider immediately.
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Lung and gills help animals take in oxygen from their environment. Lungs are found in terrestrial animals and allow for the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide during respiration, while gills are found in aquatic animals and perform a similar function by extracting oxygen from water.
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Naturally the condition of the coin will be a factor, however these are fairly common so about $1 - $2 US is a good estimate.
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The lungs, which reside in the thorax, or chest cavity, act as a site for oxygen and carbon dioxide exchange for the blood.
IndicationLung transplants may be recommended for patients with severe lung disease such as:
While the patient is deep asleep and pain-free (general anesthesia), an incision is made through the breast bone (sternum). One or two donor lungs are transplanted, depending on the diease process being treated.
ProcedureTubes are used to re-route the blood to a heart-lung bypass machine to keep the blood oxygenated and circulating during the surgery.
The patient's lungs are removed and the donor lungs are stitched into place. Drainage tubes (chest tubes) are inserted to drain air, fluid, and blood out of the chest for several days to allow the lungs to fully re-expand.
AftercareThe patient's lungs are removed and the donor lungs are stitched into place. Drainage tubes (chest tubes) are inserted to drain air, fluid, and blood out of the chest for several days to allow the lungs to fully re-expand.
Patients will require immunosupressive mediccations for the rest of their lives to prevent immune rejection of the transplanted lung. Lung transplantation results vary depending on the disease being treated and the experience of the center performing the surgery.
Reviewed ByReview Date: 05/04/2011
Shabir Bhimji, MD, PhD, Specializing in General Surgery, Cardiothoracic and Vascular Surgery, Midland, TX. Review provided by VeriMed Healthcare Network. Also reviewed by David Zieve, MD, MHA, Medical Director, A.D.A.M., Inc.
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Small cell lung cancer (SCLC) is a fast-growing type of lung cancer. It spreads much more quickly than non-small cell lung cancer.
There are three different types of small cell lung cancer:
Most small cell lung cancers are the oat cell type.
Alternative NamesCancer - lung - small cell; Small cell lung cancer; SCLC
Causes, incidence, and risk factorsAbout 15% of all lung cancer cases are small cell lung cancer. Small cell lung cancer is slightly more common in men than women.
Almost all cases of SCLC are due to cigarette smoking. SCLC is rare in those who have never smoked.
SCLC is the most aggressive form of lung cancer. It usually starts in the breathing tubes (bronchi) in the center of the chest. Although the cancer cells are small, they grow very quickly and create large tumors. These tumors often spread rapidly (metastasize) to other parts of the body, including the brain, liver, and bone.
SymptomsOther symptoms that may occur with this disease:
Signs and testsYour health care provider will perform a physical exam and ask questions about your medical history. You will be asked whether you smoke, and if so, how much and for how long you have smoked.
When listening to your chest with a stethoscope, your health care provider can sometimes hear fluid around the lungs or areas of partial lung collapse. Each of these findings could (but does not always) suggest cancer.
Small cell lung cancer has usually spread to other parts of your body by the time it is diagnosed.
Tests that may be performed include:
In some cases, your health care provider may need to remove a piece of tissue from your lungs for examination under a microscope. This is called a biopsy. There are several ways to do this:
Usually, if a biopsy reveals cancer, more imaging tests are done to find out the stage of the cancer. (Stage means how big the tumor is and how far it has spread.) However, the traditional staging system, which uses numbers to tell how advanced the cancer is, is usually not used for patients with SCLC. Instead, SCLC is classified as either:
The majority of cases are extensive.
TreatmentBecause SCLC spreads quickly throughout the body, treatment must include cancer-killing drugs (chemotherapy) taken by mouth or injected into the body.
Because the disease has usually spread by the time it is diagnosed, very few patients with SCLC are helped by having surgery. Surgery is only considered when there is only one tumor that has not spread. Chemotherapy or radiation will be needed after surgery.
Combination chemotherapy and radiation treatment is given to people with extensive SCLC. However, the treatment only helps relieve symptoms. It does not cure the disease.
Often, SCLC may have already spread to the brain, even when there are no symptoms or other signs of cancer in the brain. As a result, radiation therapy to the brain may be given to some patients with smaller cancers, or to those who had a good response in the first round of chemotherapy. This method is called prophylactic cranial irradiation (PCI).
Support GroupsFor additional information and resources, see cancer support group.
Expectations (prognosis)How well you do depends on how much the lung cancer has spread.
Without treatment, the average survival is 2 -4 months. Treatment can often prolong life to 6 - 12 months in patients with extensive disease. About 10% of patients with limited spread will show no evidence of cancer at 2 years.
This type of cancer is very deadly. Only about 6% of people with this type of cancer are still alive 5 years after diagnosis.
ComplicationsCall your health care provider if you have symptoms of lung cancer (particularly if you smoke).
PreventionIf you smoke, stop smoking. It's never too late to quit. In addition, you should try to avoid secondhand smoke.
Routine screening for lung cancer is not recommended. Many studies have been done to look at this idea, but physicians have concluded that, at this time, screening would not help improve a person's chance for a cure.
ReferencesEttinger DS. Lung cancer and other pulmonary neoplasms. In: Goldman L, Ausiello D, eds. Cecil Medicine. 23rd ed. Philadelphia, Pa: Saunders Elsevier;2007:chap 201.
National Cancer Institute. Small cell lung cancer treatment PDQ. Updated February 13, 2009.
U.S. Preventive Services Task Force. Lung cancer screening. Ann Int Med. 2004;140:738-739.
2 answers
Lung surgery is surgery to repair or remove lung tissue. Several common lung surgeries are:
A thoracotomy is a surgical cut that a surgeon makes to open the chest wall.
See also:
Alternative NamesThoracotomy; Lung tissue removal; Pneumonectomy; Lobectomy; Lung biopsy; Thoracoscopy; Video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery; VATS
DescriptionYou will receive general anesthesia before surgery. You will be asleep and unable to feel pain. Two common ways to do surgery on your lungs are thoracotomy and video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery (VATS).
Lung surgery using a thoracotomy is called open surgery. In this surgery:
Video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery:
Thoracotomy or video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery may be done to:
Video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery can be used to treat many of these conditions. However, sometimes video surgery may not be possible, and the surgeon may have to switch to an open surgery.
RisksRisks for any anesthesia include:
Risks for any surgery include:
Risks of this surgery include:
You will have several visits with your physician and undergo medical tests before you have surgery. Your doctor will:
If you are a smoker, you should stop smoking several weeks before your surgery. Ask your doctor or nurse for help.
Always tell your doctor or nurse:
During the week before your surgery:
On the day of your surgery:
Most people stay in the hospital for 5 to 7 days for open thoracotomy and 1 to 3 days after video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery. You may spend time in the intensive care unit (ICU) after either surgery.
During your hospital stay, you will:
The outcome depends on the type of problem being treated, how much of the lung is removed, and your overall health before surgery.
ReferencesSmythe WR, Reznik SI, Putnam JB Jr. Lung (including pulmonary embolism and thoracic outlet syndrome). In: Townsend CM, Beauchamp RD, Evers BM, Mattox KL, eds. Sabiston Textbook of Surgery. 18th ed. Philadelphia, Pa: Saunders Elsevier; 2008:chap 59.
Wiener-Kronish JP, Shepherd KE, Bapoje SR, Albert RK. Preoperative evaluation. In: Mason RJ, Broaddus C, Martin T, et al, eds. Murray and Nadel's Textbook of Respiratory Medicine. 5th ed. Philadelphia, Pa: Saunders Elsevier;2010:chap 26.
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Lung diffusion testing measures how well the lungs exchange gases. This is an important part of lung testing, because the major function of the lungs is to allow oxygen to "diffuse" or pass into the blood from the lungs, and to allow carbon dioxide to "diffuse" from the blood into the lungs.
Alternative NamesDiffusing capacity; DLCO test
How the test is performedYou breathe in (inhale) air containing a very small amount of a tracer gas, such as carbon monoxide. You hold your breath for 10 seconds, then rapidly blow it out (exhale). The exhaled gas is tested to determine how much of the tracer gas was absorbed during the breath.
How to prepare for the testThe mouthpiece fits tightly around your mouth. Clips are put on the nose.
Why the test is performedThe test is used to diagnose certain lung diseases, and in persons with established lung disease. Repeatedly measuring the diffusing capacity can help determine whether the disease is improving or getting worse.
Normal ValuesNormal test results depend on a person's:
Abnormal results mean that gases do not move normally across the lung tissues into the blood vessels of the lung. This may be due to lung diseases such as:
What the risks areThere are no significant risks.
Special considerationsOther pulmonary function tests may be done together with this test.
ReferencesReynolds HY. Respiratory structure and function: mechanisms and testing. In: Goldman L, Ausiello D, eds. Cecil Medicine. 23rd ed. Philadelphia, Pa: Saunders Elsevier; 2007:chap 85.
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When considering acquiring medical treatments, it is wise to first consult with a doctor. Cancer is a very serious illness that affects millions of people a year. The thought of a loved one contracted such an illness is one people often try to avoid, but it is simply a fact of life that must be taken into consideration. To be sure that cancer hasn't affected you or a loved on, it is recommended to receive, at the very least, and annual checkup.
The topic of lung cancer is under hot debate over recent years. There are many factors that may contribute to lung cancer, which a person must consider. People who smoke cigarettes on a regular basis should consider receiving an annual checkup from a licensed medical doctor at least once a year. Should a person fall ill with lung cancer, there are several treatments available which can reduce or eliminate this spearing ailment altogether.
One commonly utilized treatment for lung cancer is that of Chemotherapy. Chemotherapy is a chemical treatment which acts to slow down spreading cancer that would otherwise be deemed malignant. This is a drug-induced processed, which requires the patient to undergo several months of treatment. While Chemotheraphy is considered quite painful by many patients who have undergone this treatment, it is often thought to be a highly effective measure for prevent spreading cancer. Some of the symptoms that go along with Chemotherapy treatments are loss of hair and general pain throughout the body, however, these symptoms would be considered small in comparison to an illness such as cancer, which is often considered terminal. If a person is considering other forms of treatment for lung cancer, there are quite a few options available due to modern medicine. One example of a treatment alternative would be radiation therapy. Radiation therapy consists of a high-powered beam which targets the specific area that is cancerous and eliminates the malignant cells. Success rates of radiation therapy have been statistically shown at 70%, depending on the area of the body which has taken on the cancer and the overall health of the individual. Before making a choice, it is wise to first consult with a doctor about the cancer treatments which would better suit the individual.
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Vital capacity is the maximum amount of air a person can expel from the lungs after a maximum inspiration. It is equal to the inspiratory reserve volume plus the tidal volume plus the expiratory reserve volume.
A person's vital capacity can be measured by a spirometer which can be a wet or regular Spirometry. In combination with other Physiologicalmeasurements, the vital capacity can help make a diagnosis of underlying lung disease. The unit that is used to determine this vital capacity is millilitres (ml).
A normal adult has a vital capacity between 3 and 5 litres. After the age of 20 the vitalcapacity decreases approximatley 250 cc per ten years.
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Lung plethysmography is a test used to measure how much air you can hold in your lungs.
See also:
Alternative NamesPulmonary plethysmography; Static lung volume determination; Whole-body plethysmography
How the test is performedYou will sit in a small, airtight room known as a body box. You will breathe or pant against a mouthpiece. Clips will be put on your nose to shut off your nostrils. Depending on the information your doctor is looking for, the mouthpiece may be open at first, and then closed.
You will be breathing against the mouthpiece in both the open and closed positions - they give different information to the doctors. As your chest moves while you breathe or pant, it changes the pressure and amount of air in the room and against the mouthpiece. From these changes, the doctor can get an accurate measure of the amount of air in your lungs.
Depending on the purpose of the test, you may be given some medication before the test.
How to prepare for the testLet your doctor know if you are taking any medications, especially ones for breathing problems. You may have to temporarily stop taking certain medications before the test.
Wear loose clothes that allow you to breathe comfortably.
Avoid smoking and heavy exercise for 6 hours before the test.
Avoid heavy meals before the test. They can affect your ability to take deep breaths.
How the test will feelThe test involves rapid and normal breathing, and should not be painful. However, you may feel short of breath or light-headed. You will be monitored at all times by a technician.
The mouthpiece may feel uncomfortable against your mouth.
Why the test is performedThe test is done to see how well your lungs work. It can help your doctor determine if a lung problem is due to damage to the lung structure, or a loss of the lungs' ability to expand (get bigger as air flows in).
Normal ValuesNormal values depend on your age, height, ethnic background, and gender. Normal results are given as a percentage.
What abnormal results meanAbnormal results point to a problem in the lungs. This problem can be due to a breakdown of the lung structure, or an inability of the lungs to expand.
Lung plethysmography will not find the cause of the problem. However, it will help the doctor narrow down the list of possible problems.
What the risks areGold WM. Pulmonary function testing. In: Mason RJ, Murray J, Broaddus VC, Nadel J, eds. Textbook of Respiratory Medicine. 3rd ed. Philadelphia, Pa: Saunders Elsevier; 2005:chap 24.
Wagers SS, Jaffe EF, Irvin CG. Development, structure, and physiology in normal and asthmatic lung. In: Adkinson NF Jr., ed. Middleton's Allergy: Principles and Practice. 6th ed. Philadelphia, Pa: Mosby Elsevier; 2003:chap 44.
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A lung positron emission tomography (PET) scan is an imaging test that uses a radioactive substance (called a tracer) to look for disease in the lungs, especially lung cancer.
Unlike magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and computed tomography (CT) scans, which reveal the structure of the lungs, a PET scan shows how well the lungs and their tissues are working.
See also:
Alternative NamesChest PET scan; Lung nuclear medicine scan; Lung positron emission tomography; PET - chest; PET - lung; PET - tumor imaging
How the test is performedThe health care provider will inject a small amount of a radioactive material into one of your veins, usually on the inside of the elbow. The substance travels through the blood and collects in the tissues of the lungs.
You will be asked to wait nearby as the radioactive substance is absorbed by your body. This usually takes about 1 hour.
Then, you will lie down on a table that slides into a tunnel-shaped hole in the center of the PET scanner.
The PET machine detects energy given off by the radioactive substance and changes it into 3-dimensional pictures. The images are sent to a computer, where they are displayed on a monitor for the health care provider to read.
You must lie still during the PET scan so that the machine can produce clear images of your lungs.
The test takes about 90 minutes.
How to prepare for the testYou must sign a consent form before having this test. You will be told not to eat anything for 4 - 6 hours before the PET scan, although you will be able to drink water.
Tell your doctor if you are pregnant or think you might be pregnant.
Also tell your doctor about any prescription and over-the-counter medicines that you are taking, because they may interfere with the test.
Be sure to mention if you have any allergies, or if you've had any recent imaging studies using injected dye (contrast). Tell the PET center if you have diabetes and are taking insulin.
During the test, you may need to wear a hospital gown. Take off any jewelry, dentures, and other metal objects because they could affect the scan results.
How the test will feelYou will feel a sharp prick when the needle with the radioactive substance is inserted into your vein. You shouldn't feel anything during the actual PET scan.
Why the test is performedYour doctor may order this test:
There are no problems detected in the size, shape, or function of the lungs. There are no areas in which the radiotracer has abnormally collected.
What abnormal results meanAbnormal results may be due to:
The amount of radiation used in a PET scan is low. It is about the same amount of radiation as in most CT scans. Also, the radiation doesn't last for very long in your body.
However, women who are pregnant or are breastfeeding should let their doctor know before having this test. Infants and fetuses are more sensitive to the effects of radiation because their organs are still growing.
It is possible, although very unlikely, to have an allergic reaction to the radioactive tracer. Some people have pain, redness, or swelling at the injection site.
Special considerationsIt is possible to have false results on a PET scan. Blood sugar or insulin levels may affect the test results in people with diabetes.
Most PET scans are now performed along with a CT scan. This combination scan is called a PET/CT.
Other tests that may be done instead of a PET scan include a gallium scan, CT scan, or MRI scan.
ReferencesSilvestri GA, Jett J. Bronchogenic carcinoma. In: Mason RJ, Murray JF, Broaddus VC, Nadel JA. Murray and Nadel's Textbook of Respiratory Medicine. 4th ed. Philadelphia, Pa:Saunders Elsevier; 2005:chap 44.
Gould MK, Fletcher J, Iannettoni MD, Lynch WR, Midthun DE, Naidich DP, Ost DE. Evaluation of patients with pulmonary nodules: When is it lung cancer? ACCP Evidence-Based Clinical Practice Guidelines (2nd Edition). Chest. 2007;132:208S-130S.
Wahl RL. Imaging. In: Abeloff MD, Armitage JO, Niederhuber JE, Kastan MB, McKenna WG, eds. Abeloff's Clinical Oncology. 4th ed. Philadelphia, Pa: Elsevier Churchill Livingston;2008:chap 21.
Kieninger AN, Welsh R, Bendick PJ, Zelenock G, Chmielewski GW. Positron-emission tomography as a prognostic tool for early-stage lung cancer. Am J Surgery. 2006;191:433-436.
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Lung gallium scan is a type of nuclear scan that uses radioactive gallium (Ga) to identify swelling (inflammation) in the lungs.
Alternative NamesGallium 67 lung scan; Lung scan; Gallium scan - lung; Scan - lung
How the test is performedGallium is injected into a vein. The scan will be taken 6 - 24 hours after the gallium is injected. (Test time depends on whether your condition is acute or chronic.)
During the test, you lie on a table that moves underneath a scanner called a gamma camera. The camera detects the rays the gallium releases. Images display on a computer screen.
During the scan, it is important that you keep still to get a clear image. The technician can help make you comfortable before the scan begins. The test will take about 30 - 60 minutes.
How to prepare for the testYou must sign an informed consent form. Several hours to 1 day before the scan, you will get an injection of gallium at the hospital or doctor's office.
Just before the scan, remove jewelry, dentures, or other metal objects that can affect the scan. Take off the clothing on the upper half of your body and put on a hospital gown.
How the test will feelThe injection of gallium will sting, and the puncture site may hurt for several hours or days when touched.
The scan is painless. However, you must stay still. This may cause discomfort for some patients. The wait between the injection and scan can cause some patients to become agitated.
Why the test is performedThis test is most often performed when there is evidence of inflammation in the lungs (sarcoidosis).
Normal ValuesThe lungs should appear of normal size and texture, and should take up very little gallium.
What abnormal results meanOther conditions under which the test may be performed:
What the risks areThere is some risk to children or unborn babies. Because a pregnant or nursing woman may pass on radiation, special precautions will be made.
For women who are not pregnant or nursing and for men, there is very little risk from the radiation in gallium, because the amount is very small. There are increased risks if you are exposed to radiation (such as x-rays, and scans) many times. Discuss any concerns you have about radiation with the health care provider who recommends the test.
Special considerationsUsually the health care provider will recommend this scan based on the results of a chest x-ray. Small defects may not be visible on the scan.
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Volcanic smog (vog) is created when sulfur dioxide and other gases released from a volcano react with oxygen, moisture, dust, and sunlight in the atmosphere.
Volcanic smog can irritate the lungs and worsen existing lung problems.
Alternative NamesVog
InformationVolcanoes release plumes of ash, dust, sulfur dioxide, carbon monoxide, and other harmful gases into the air. These chemicals (the most harmful of which is sulfur dioxide) react with oxygen, moisture, and sunlight in the atmosphere to form a type of air pollution called volcanic smog (vog).
Volcanic smog contains a mixture of gases and highly acidic aerosols (tiny particles and droplets), mainly sulfuric acid and other sulfur-related compounds. These aerosols are small enough to be inhaled deep into the lungs.
When people breathe in vog, it irritates the lungs and mucus membranes, and it can affect lung function. Volcanic smog is also thought to interfere with the normal functioning of the immune system.
The acidic particles in vog can worsen the following lung conditions:
Children and people with circulation problems are also more likely to feel the effects of volcanic smog.
Symptoms of volcanic smog exposure include:
If you have breathing problems, take the following measures to prevent the respiratory effects of volcanic smog:
If your asthma or COPD symptoms suddenly get worse, try using your rescue inhaler. If your symptoms don't improve, call 911 or the emergency number immediately, or have someone take you to the emergency room.
Call your health care provider if you:
Feldman J, Tilling RI. Volcanic eruptions. In: Auerbach PS. Wilderness Medicine. 5th ed. Philadelphia, Pa:Mosby Elsevier;2007:chap 15.
Naumova EN. Emergency room visits for respiratory conditions in children increased after Guagua Pichincha volcanic eruptions in April 2000 in Quito, Ecuador observational study: time series analysis. Environ Health. 2007;6:21.
Volcanic Air Pollution -- A Hazard in Hawai'i. U.S. Geological Survey. Last updated October 2004. U.S. Geological Survey Fact Sheet 169-197.
Reviewed ByReview Date: 06/22/2010
Allen J. Blaivas, DO, Clinical Assistant Professor of Medicine UMDNJ-NJMS, Attending Physician in the Division of Pulmonary, Critical Care, and Sleep Medicine, Department of Veteran Affairs, VA New Jersey Health Care System, East Orange, NJ. Review provided by VeriMed Healthcare Network. Also reviewed by David Zieve, MD, MHA, Medical Director, A.D.A.M., Inc.
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to accommodate the heart
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Do you mean lung ABCESS? If so, it is a localized infection (pocket) in the lung.
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a floating lung is something that is named lung and floats inside YOUR body
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An unhealthy lung, is a lung that is perfect. It has no problems, and if you have an unhealthy lung, then you will live for about 90 minutes. If you have a healthy lung then you will live until 50 years.
Thanks for reading
Daniel Murison
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