Much lower if you don't have unprotected sex. Or even better none at all. Safe sex: telephone sex, cyber sex !!
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because that is were the male puts his thumbs when they have sex
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No, but these problems can make sex painful enough for a guy to avoid it.
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The lowest age you can legally have sex is 16, then, you can only have sex with people up to 3 years older then you. At the age of 18 you can legally have sex with anyone.
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no it is not normal you should see a doctor
Maybe a urinary track infection
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Which part of the lower body?; the legs or the back or the belly? it could be a number of things.
if a person is having sharp pains after sex, that person should immediately go to the emergency room or to the doctor.
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aussie sex party,aussie boob party
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Lotus,reverse cowgirl works for me
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if you have sex more than once a day for a month straight, the girl will get pregnant. the less often the lower the chance. been there
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He could be having problems with impotence, or just has a lower sex drive now. For other reasons, see link below.
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Take up a new hobby, try not to think of sex and sexual thoughts.
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Crocodile embryos do not have sex chromosomes (which determine the sex of a child in humans) and sex is not determined genetically in crocodiles. The sex of a crocodile is determined by temperature -- with males around 31.6 degrees Celsius (89 degrees Fahrenheit) and with females at slightly lower or higher temperature.
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The term bestiality refers to the behaviour or condition of a lower animal. It can also refer to sexual relations between a lower animal and a human being.
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no no no it will lower ur sperm count but other than that i think weed if anything would help ur sex life. hope that helps peace.
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No it dose not. Different parts come in to play in those actions.
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No, it takes 3 days for a sperm to get into a egg and make you pregnant.
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This is a figure that cannot be calculated, but experts say that the divorce rate for same-sex married couples is lower than that for heterosexual married couples.
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Same-sex marriages are marriages in which both parties belong to the same sex. States and countries that have legalized same-sex marriage have not reported any problems relating to them. In fact, early studies show that the divorce rate is lower among same-sex married couples than opposite-sex married couples.
Please check out this helpful link:
Thank you.
1 answer
The divorce rate for same-sex marriages is generally lower than that of opposite-sex marriages. Research suggests that factors such as societal acceptance, legal barriers, and relationship dynamics contribute to this difference. However, divorce rates can vary depending on factors such as location, age, and length of marriage.
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Mr. Putin opposes same-sex marriage, saying that it would lower his country's already shrinking birth rate.
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It depends. If you were a virgin, it may just be the loss of virginity. If you have had sex before and this just started happening, there are any number of reasons for it. See a doctor.
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I have experienced tightness and cramping after sex. later in pregnancy, sex can bring on labor. early in pregnancy, your probably feeling your muscles contracting after orgasm because it affects your uterus as well. like braxton hicks contractions
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to increase purity eat vegetables like tofu, lower rents and have protected sex.
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At least 207 partnerships have been registered in Lower Austria as follows:
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Only if you had UNPROTECTED Sex, then there is a chance.
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I believe it is to keep the sperm at a lower temperature than regular body temperature
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No, not the amount but the quality. That is why couples trying to get pregnant shouldn't do it everyday.
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Cigarettes are horrible. They pretty much affect everything except for how cool you look.
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Washing after sex can help lower the chance of getting an STD infection, but does not eliminate the risk.
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Sex can cause bloating if the intercourse goes too deep or too rough. The cervix as a result becomes sore and swollen. This has been known to give a bloated or sore feeling.
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It sounds like you may be referring to the cervix. The cervix is the lower part of the uterus that connects to the vagina. It can feel sensitive or uncomfortable if it is bumped during sex.
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Unless you had cancer of the testicles, cancer does not lower sperm count directly, but it is possible if you had a type of cancer that produced hormones, but it would be very uncommon for a cancer to produce sex hormones.
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Sexual needs vary from person to person regardless of gender. While some men may have a high libido and desire sex regularly, others may have lower sex drives. It is important for individuals to communicate with their partners about their sexual needs and desires.
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Some medications, including certain types of birth control pills or antidepressants, can potentially lower sex drive as a side effect. It's important to consult with a healthcare provider if you have concerns about changes in sex drive while taking medication.
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Testosterone primarily promotes the development of facial hair, deepening of the voice, and increase in muscle mass in males as secondary sex characteristics.
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A report in the American Journal of Public Health showed that gay men require fewer doctor visits and lower health care costs in states where same-sex marriage is legal than in states where it is not.
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A report in the American Journal of Public Health showed that gay men require fewer doctor visits and lower health care costs in states where same-sex marriage is legal than in states where it is not.
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No. Lower stomach pain isn't normal. It could mean many things. Infection or you just strained a musle. It would be safer to ask a doctor just to be sure.
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HIV is not transmitted 100% of the time when you have sex with someone infected. Condoms can further lower the risk.
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Almost immidiate withdrawls as well as muscle deflation and a lower sex drive. Depression may occur
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