A loop of plasma from the sun's surface is also known as a solar prominence or a solar flare. These loops are caused by the magnetic field of the sun trapping ionized gas, which can erupt into space, creating beautiful and sometimes dangerous space weather events.
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An integrated system for both space and water heating. Heating is accomplished in a condensing heating module having a small hot water storage reservoir to reduce burner cycling during periods of low demand. The space heating system includes a fluid flow loop with a fluid circulating pump for circulating a heat transfer fluid in the loop from the heating module to a remote space heating heat exchanger. The heating module can also supply hot water for service use. The system may be configured either as an open loop system, in which the space heating and water heating subsystem are combined and share common lines, or a closed loop system, in which the space heating subsystem fluid flow loop is isolated from the water heating subsystem.
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The trajectory of a closed loop, circular or elliptical, is an "orbit".
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Then the universe will be destroyed and put in a never ending time loop
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Loop Loop Loop Loop - 2014 was released on:
USA: 15 February 2014
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The simple answer is Loop Quantum Gravity. I don't understand it that well, but it's the leading discretized space-time theory.
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To save the piping from breaking during thermal expansion (day/night, summer/winter). They provide the needed space to expand withought breaking the system.
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A nested loop is a (inner) loop that appears in the loop body of another (outer) loop. The inner or outer loop can be any type: while, do while, or for. For example, the inner loop can be a while loop while an outer loop can be a for loop.
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The magnetic field due to a current through a circular loop is perpendicular to the plane of the loop, and its magnitude depends on the current, the radius of the loop, and the distance from the center of the loop. The magnetic field strength is strongest at the center of the loop and decreases as you move away from the center.
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I believe it is:
Loop condition
Loop actions
And how the loop breaks
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Loop-the-Loop - roller coster - was created in 1901.
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There are 3 type of loop
1 is for loop
2 is loop while
3 is loop untile
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A counted loop is a loop that executes the loop's statement a pre-determined number of times. The count represent the exit condition of the loop. A loop that is not counted is an infinite loop.
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Loop the Loop - 1903 was released on:
USA: January 1903
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loop checking is perform before cable termination..the difference between a close loop and open loop is,tha close loop has a feedback while the open loop has not.
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No, Space Mountain was designed as an indoor dark roller coaster that simulates space travel and does not have any loops. The coaster focuses on sharp turns, drops, and sudden accelerations to provide an exhilarating experience without the need for inversions.
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No- the outer loop has to be longer than the inner loop.
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A loop inside a loop, which is known as a nested loop.
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A Loop is a programming language construct that instructs the processor to repeat a sequence of operations a number of times until a specific condition is reached. There are different types of loops. They are: * for loop * while loop * do while loop
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A crochet magic circle is a way to begin crocheting in the round without using slip stitches. You loop the yarn, and then crochet into the loop space. When you have completed your first row of stitches into the loop, you pull on the tail, and draw the loop closed.
This is really helpful for amagarumi, because you have a much, much smaller "hole" in the middle, than what you would have if you slip stitched a foundation chain.
Attached are videos explaining how to use a magic circle.
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Loop domains are present in a bacterial chromosome as a way of packaging a massive chromosome into a small space. The more transcriptionally active portions of the genome are looped out and can be readily accessed by the genetic machinery.
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The command "for" start the loop and "do" is the end of the loop, this two commands should be used with care especially in a autoexec.bat it can put your PC in a infinity loop and you might not be able start it again. For help on all DOS commands in the command prompt just type the word "help" or "?" a space and then the command IE "C:/>help for" or "C:/>? for" then DOS will list everything you need to know about the command.
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a loop consist of
data initialization;test condition;updation;
example a for loop
for(int a=1;a<5;a++)
the loop will be executed 5 times
four positives result and the last test condition will be failed and the loop will be exited
there are many loops some of them are
while loop,do...while loop,for loop,maybe more......
do while is an exit check loop and while and for are entry check loop.
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The do..while() loop tests the condition at the end of the loop. Therefore the loop body executes at least once.
The while() loop (without do) tests the condition before entering the loop and before each iteration of the loop.
The for() loop conditional expression is optional but, when specified, is tested before entering the loop and before each iteration of the loop.
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An infinite loop.
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I believe it is:
Loop condition
Loop actions
And how the loop breaks
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The cast of Loop-da-Loop and Giuseppe - 2009 includes: Jason Jaworski as Giuseppe Desiree Kaufman Noel Robichaux as Loop Da Loop
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A DO-WHILE loop will always execute at least one iteration of the loop body. This is because the condition that controls the loop comes at the end of the loop, rather than at the beginning as per a WHILE or FOR loop.
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The time complexity of using a while loop inside a for loop is O(nm), where n is the number of iterations of the for loop and m is the number of iterations of the while loop.
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When your tying your shoe you loop the loop or some kind of dance.
To 'loop the loop' in an aeronautical term. It is a maneuver creating a vertical circle in the sky and was first 'invented' by the pilot Lincoln Beachey prior to 1915
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The difference is that pre means before and post means after in Latin so it's tested before or after. :)
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"In endless loop the value of i2 k10 and the loop will terminated when value of you is greater than k and the value of k is assign to 17 after the loop and it is said to endless loop why?"
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loop within in a loop is called for next loop
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The string was in a loop.
In every Contract there is a loop-hole.
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With two nested loops. In the outer loop, a variable - we might call it "n" - would go from 5 down to 1, in the inner loop, the variable (whatever you call it) goes from 5 down to n. Write out each digit in the inner loop; in the outer loop you need to add the extra space.
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We need a for loop because the while and do-while loops do not make use of a control variable. Although you can implement a counter inside a while or do-while loop, the use of a control variable is not as self-evident as it is in a for loop. Aside from the use of a control variable, a for loop is largely the same as a while loop. However, it is quite different to a do-while loop, which always executes at least one iteration of the loop before evaluating the conditional expression. In a for and while loop, the conditional expression is always evaluated before entering the loop, which may result in the loop not executing at all.
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Either you did not set the loop marker in the song editor or you are playing in pattern mode. In either instance, pressing the stop button in the playback panel or tapping the space bar will stop playback. If you place the loop marker at the end of the song editor, FL Studio will see no more patterns to play ahead to and will automatically stop at that point (rather, the song will stop and the cursor/play head will return to the start position). If there are more patterns after the loop marker, FL Studio will return to that position and loop after the last pattern.
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If one loop ends before the next begins then they are not nested at all -- they are completely independent. To be nested, one loop must contain the other loop in its entirety. That is, the inner, nested loop must start and end within the outer, containing loop.
Nested loop example (in C++):
for( int x = 0; x < 10; ++x ) // outer loop
for( int y = 0; y < 10; ++y ) // inner loop (nested loop)
printf( "%d x %d = %d\r\n", x, y, x*y );
} // end of inner loop
} // end of outer loop
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A Do-While loop looks like this:
do {
loop body
} while (condition);
and a While loop looks like this:
while (condition) {
loop body
The main difference is that the loop body is always run once in the Do-While loop, then the condition is checked to see if the loop should keep running. In a While loop, the condition is checked first, and it will not run the loop body at all if the condition is false.
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