In KC135, KC10 etc. K=tanker C=cargo so KC= Tanker/cargo aircraft
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Spade-type and is 1/4 inch wide, vs. the T1, which is 3/16 wide.
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Depends on what type of tanker. A lot of dry bulk tankers will go all the way up to 13'6.
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An array is a list of data items or variables of the same type, like a list of numbers or a list of dates or a list of names.
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There isn't a site for Webkinz names that I know of. But, when I am looking for a name for a specific pet such as a dog or cat I will type in on google ,dogs names or cats names, and it will give you a whole list in alphabetical order. Then you can choose from a whole list of names.
1 answer
list 4 names of Allah swt and expalin them
list 4 names of Allah swt and expalin them
list 4 names of Allah swt and expalin them
list 4 names of Allah swt and expalin them
list 4 names of Allah swt and expalin them
list 4 names of Allah swt and expalin them
list 4 names of Allah swt and expalin them
list 4 names of Allah swt and expalin them
list 4 names of Allah swt and expalin them
list 4 names of Allah swt and expalin them
list 4 names of Allah swt and expalin them
list 4 names of Allah swt and expalin them
list 4 names of Allah swt and expalin them
list 4 names of Allah swt and expalin them
1 answer
Just type in "whitelist add <player>" (remove the ").
1 answer
1 answer
you need a muthafqkinq t2 yearx in colleqee
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C=0 D=1&3 Eb=2&3 E=1&2 F=1 F#=2 G=0 Ab=2&3 A=1&2 Bb=1 B=2 C=0 Db=1&2 D=1 Eb=2&3 E=0 F=1 F#=2 G=0 Ab=T2&3 A=T1&2 Bb=T1 B=T2 C=T Db=T2&3 D=T1&2 Eb=T2&3 E=T2 F=1 That's probably as high as you'll be able to go.
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A type 3 ship is a chemical tanker intended to transport 'chapter 17' products with sufficiently severe environmental and safety hazards which require a moderate degree of containment to increase survival capability in a damaged condition.
Thus, a type 1 ship is a chemical tanker intended for the transportation of products considered to present the greatest overall hazard and type 2 and type 3 for products of progressively lesser hazards.
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Tanker vessel certificates are required as per the Flag state requirements which is as per the statutory certificate list,and complying solas,marpol and loadline,tonnage and class rules.
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The license or training required depends on the company you want to work for and the state of your residence. Most employers list their requirements for operating tanker trucks.
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t1:german tiger 1 t2:german tiger 2
t1:armor 69 t2:armor 89
t1:speed 14 mph t2:speed 20 mph
t1:gun is 98% great t2:gun is 99% good
so german tiger 2 is better
1 answer
Place names can be found in a Gazetteer, famous people's names can be found in a list of Prominent People, first names can be found in a Book of First Names, or in a list of Baby Names. An internet search engine, such as Google, will provide links to name lists. Simply type in 'names', or 'Prominent People', or 'Place Names' etc. and an almost infinite number of 'name' indices and sources will be offered to you.
See Related links below this box for some lists of names.
1 answer
1.J.arockiaraj , alavanthankulam , nellai
1 answer
V1/T1 = V2/T2 Where temperature must be in Kelvins 67C + 273 = 340 K
140/340 = 50/T2 Find T2
340/140(50) = T2
T2 = 121 K or -152C
2 answers
A list of valid functions, names, and text strings that match the letters or trigger that you have begun to type. So if you type the equals sign and then a letter, functions that start with that letter or defined names that begin with it will be listed. As you continue to type more letters, that list will shorten down, maintaining the ones that still match what you have typed so far.
2 answers
To list the subdirectories in the current directory:
find . -maxdepth 1 -type d
To list the subdirectories and all their subdirectories:
find . -type d
1 answer
^E+W=Q.....................1 Q2-Q1/Q2=T2-T1/T2.....................2 W=Q2-Q1 Given W/Q =T2-T1/T2 T2-T1=^T and Q=^W ^w/Q=^T/T Q=T{^W/^T} PUTTING THE VALUE EQI {1} ^E+W=T^W/^T [GIBBS HELMHOLT EQUATION]
3 answers
if your not sure type the question in and look it up on wikipedia it should tell you a list of names .
1 answer
Is this the film? If yes you can type in your question on google and it will give a the list of the main characters.
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When looking to lift a large tanker truck it requires you to have a big enough jack. Since these trucks are incredibly high off the ground.
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Hazmat haulers do. A food grade tanker, dry bulk tanker, water tanker, etc. would not.
1 answer
PRINT: Fibonacci sequence number n, is it prime?
for( i EQUALS 0; WHILE i Less Than n-2; Add 1 to i each loop)
temp = t1 + t2 // t2 is current number, t1 is last number
t1 = t2
t2 = temp
for( i EQUALS 2; WHILE i Less Than (t2 DIVIDED BY 2); Add 1 to i each loop)
if( t2 MOD i == 0)
NOTE: MOD is % in most programming languages, it gives the remainder when the first number is divided by the second.
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Normally a Tanker carries some liquid, mostly Oil, therefore the term "Oil Tanker".
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Italian last names; Searching... Searching... Searching... 1 Result found. Aquino
1 answer
You can get a list of the 100 popular boy names from Bounty's National Survey. Also the Baby Center has a list of popular names. Also, the Social Security Administration has a list of top 100 boy's names available.
1 answer
The Apocalypse Diaries - 2011 T2 Los Angeles Day 7 1-2 was released on:
USA: 4 May 2011
1 answer
Use the product and chain rules:
d/dt te^(-t²) = (d/dt t)e^(-t²) + t(d/dt e^(-t²))
= 1 × e^(-t²) + t × e^(-t²) × d/dt -t²
= e^(-t²) (1 + t × -2t)
= (1 - 2t²)e^(-t²)
2 answers
ROM help/create group in office 2003 hope it helps.
Create a distribution list
Create a distribution list using names in the Address Book
On the File menu, point to New, and then click Distribution List.
In the Name box, type a name.
Click Select Members.
In the Show names from the list, click the address book that contains the e-mail addresses you want in your distribution list.
In the Type name or select from list box, type a name you want to include. In the list below, select the name, and then click Members. Do this for each person you want to add to the distribution list, and then click OK.
If you want to add a longer description of the distribution list, click the Notes tab, and then type the text.
The distribution list is saved in your Contacts folder by the name you give it
1 answer
T2 Tax Software is a corporate tax software program for filing Canadian tax forms. You can learn more about the software program at their website or by calling their customer service at 1-800-452-9970.
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Some popular bike names on the bike names list include Trek, Specialized, Cannondale, Giant, and Bianchi.
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Wikipedia has a very long list of theological demon names. The website also has a page dedicated to a general list of demon names. Another website one can find demon names is Gods and Monsters.
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we would get around 9,000 gallons with 1 delivery
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