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I think it is Latin.

Most names in Taxonomy and many other scientific names are Latin.

There are quite a few exceptions such as the names of elements and laws/equipment that were named after the people who discovered or invented them.

1 answer

Scientific laws.

Scientific laws.

Scientific laws.

Scientific laws.

2 answers

They are named after the people who discovered them and by their appearence.

1 answer

Both scientific laws and scientific theorys can be changed if something new comes up in the scientific world.

1 answer

Still have questions?
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Please specify what you mean by list of laws.

1 answer

No, scientific Laws and scientific theories are not same.

Scientific Laws have proofs, they are acceptable by all like Newton's Laws of motion are accepted by all

where as scientific theories demands proofs, these are not acceptable by all Like Theory by Charles Darwin is not acceptable by all

1 answer

Societal regulations and laws may be developed or changed in response to scientific findings. Which type of scientific research has resulted in the passing of many laws?

2 answers

Theories are observations held to be true based on their application to observation and proven scientific laws.

1 answer

Laws passed by a state legislature are rules and regulations created by people to govern society, enforce order, and protect rights. Scientific laws, on the other hand, are descriptions of phenomena in the natural world that have been observed to be consistent and predictable based on empirical evidence and scientific research. State laws are subject to human interpretation and amendment, while scientific laws are based on empirical evidence and are universal in their application.

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how are scientific laws formed

1 answer

We don't have the list, so your answer depends on the list. The president doesn't make laws.

1 answer

Scientific laws cannot normally tell you the answer to the questions that start with "WHY?". For example, "Why are we here?".

1 answer

Scientific rules and laws concerning thermodynamics.

1 answer

To many laws to list

1 answer

Yes, see link for list of famous people named Trent.

1 answer

Are you kidding? To list even the scientific research of the last month would take more time than I have. Do you realise how many people are researching at any one time?

1 answer

Three laws of Gravity


Law of Elasticity

1 answer

Scientific laws are absolutes, they are unchanged by the nature of the observer.

Societal laws are a product of the community - generally a consensus in a particular community, but a different community may have a quite different set of community laws.

1 answer

Scientific laws are descriptions of patterns observed in nature that hold true under specific conditions. These laws are derived from repeated observations and experiments. Observations help scientists identify patterns and formulate scientific laws, which can then be used to predict and explain natural phenomena.

3 answers

That is hardly the type of thing anyone would make a list of.

1 answer

Scientific laws describe observable patterns in nature and are based on empirical evidence. While new evidence or observations can lead to revisions or refinements in scientific laws, they do not change arbitrarily. Changes in scientific understanding are based on rigorous testing and verification, ensuring that any updates to laws reflect a more accurate representation of how the natural world works.

2 answers

Dumb laws dot com is a site where people can look up dumb and crazy laws in the state they reside in. Some of the laws are not enforced anymore, but it's very fun and interesting.

1 answer

Laws are consistent observations and always happen

Theories are attempts to explain why certain laws are true.

1 answer

There are countless scientific laws. Maybe you mean Newtons famous three laws of motion.

1 answer

No, they can't. A scientific law is the description of an observed phenomenon. It doesn't explain why the phenomenon exists or what causes it. These are not like the laws that society impose on people.

2 answers

A person can find a list of Brooklyn laws at the nearest Town or City Hall that has a list or book of laws for that city, the city of Brooklyn. Just go there and search.

1 answer

Economics is a science. Like other sciences, it has its own laws. but the word 'law' is sometimes misleading. it is used in many different meanings. there are

1- State Laws.

2- Moral Laws.

3- Laws of conduct for games, debates etc.

4- Scientific Laws.

Economic laws are a kind of scientific laws.

An Economic law is a generalisation relating to the economic behaviour of the people, which shows relationship between some cause, and its effects.

1 answer

It has no scientific name. It was named Pluto and that was that.

3 answers

Nature is about change. It has no memory and is constantly creating the new. To learn in detail exactly how nature works in specific ways, people have studied and developed and expanded upon the physical sciences (biology, chemistry, and physics)

3 answers

Since most scientists and people believe Bigfoot to be a mythical creature and there is no scientific evidence to support the existence of the animal there are no real laws concerning the hunting of it. If it were proven to be real then the Department of Natural Resources would decide on what kind of laws pertain to the hunting of the animal. It would most likely be added to the Endangered Species list and could not be killed without major legal consequences.

1 answer

Scientific laws and scientific theories are both established principles in science that explain natural phenomena. Laws describe empirical observations and relationships, while theories provide explanations for why and how those observations occur. Both are fundamental to our understanding of the natural world and are supported by empirical evidence.

2 answers

A scientific theory become a law when it is widely recognized and accepted by the scientific community in the epoch.

1 answer

There are no laws preventing a child to be named Terra.

1 answer

You can find a list of laws by going on one of those Bible translation sites and find the commandments.

1 answer

There is replicatable data that runs counter to the laws/theories.

1 answer

10 example of scientific asttitude

1 answer

Laws are consistent observations and always happen

Theories are attempts to explain why certain laws are true.

4 answers

A scientific theory describes how some particular phenomenon happens or works, and a scientific law is a mathematical, or other very concise summary of the consequences of a theory. Laws and theories, in science, do not form a hierarchy of belief (as some uninformed people believe) in which a theory, when sufficiently confirmed, advances to the status of a law. Rather, laws are part of theories.

1 answer

No. The so-called Laws of Robotics are not based on any actual scientific document. They are a product of a work of fiction.

1 answer

Go to Type in "List of Inventors". The site will give you a list of inventors in alphabetical order, List of Scientists, list of inventions named after people, time-line of invention, inventor and Category: Inventors.


1 answer

The scientific name for Ivar is "Seven"

  • The people named Ivar usually like bears are interested in war history, are very special, nice and honest.
  • The name Ivar comes from Noruega.
  • There is one person named Ivar and he is famous he is a sport guy.

1 answer

Scientific laws are concise descriptions of a wide variety of observations based on empirical evidence. Observations are the data and information collected through experiments and studies that form the basis for scientific laws. Together, scientific laws and observations help to explain and predict natural phenomena in a systematic and replicable way.

1 answer

No, scientific laws are based on empirical evidence and are not subject to change through a vote. They represent established principles that accurately describe natural phenomena and are universally accepted within the scientific community. Changes to scientific laws are made through rigorous research and experimentation, not by popular vote.

3 answers

Scientific theories usually come before scientific laws. Theories are comprehensive explanations of a wide range of observations and data, while laws are concise statements describing specific relationships or patterns within a system. Theories often precede the formulation of laws as they help to understand and predict natural phenomena before they can be distilled into succinct laws.

1 answer