The possessive form is 'the sheep's wool'.
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Sheep with wool growing long and blocking their vision are called woolblind.
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Merinos are sheep that have long, silky wool and are bred for their wool production.
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The hair of a sheep is referred to as wool. Fleece is the wool of a lamb.
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we'll wouldn't you normally get it off of a sheep? it is where wool would be found because of the fact that farmers shave their sheep for that purpose... sometimes you get it from a dog you never know....
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Yalk is the perspiration of sheep in raw wool.
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No wool which has sheep? Though goat has not horns still have feet it does
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Your question is unclear. The 'hair' of sheep is wool.
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What you do is have the sheers in your hand then go to a sheep and hold down until you get wool from the sheep you should get about three blocks of wool. I'm pretty sure that the wool will grow back in the sheep
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More properly, the raw material from which wool is spun is called fleece.
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Wool can be derived from many different animals. These include:
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Sheep give us wool - though it would be better to say Sheep produce wool
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Australia's major product that comes from sheep is wool. WOOL
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Sheep provide the raw material for wool, which is fleece. People sheer the sheep, clean and card the fleece, then people spin the fleece into wool.
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Sheep grow wool. When the wool is shorn from a sheep it is called a fleece.
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Sheep grow wool not fur and they are born with it. The wool grows as they get older and farmers shear them once a year for the wool.
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The entire body of a black sheep is covered in wool, just like any other sheep. The wool can vary in color, with black sheep producing black wool.
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Marino wool comes from a breed of sheep -- Marino. You can read more about them, below.
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Some different kinds of sheep include Merino, Dorset, and Suffolk. Merino sheep are known for their fine wool, Dorset sheep are valued for their meat, and Suffolk sheep are popular for their muscle development and growth rate. Each kind of sheep has unique characteristics that make them suitable for various purposes such as wool production or meat production.
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because the yarn in the sweater is cleaned and died and the wool on the sheep is not
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Merino is made of extra long, fine wool that comes form this particular kind of sheep.
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Merino wool comes from the Merino sheep. Merino sheep are most commonly found in the United States and Australia and are prized for their high quality wool.
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Waves or kinks in a sheep's wool are known as crimp. It is a natural feature of the wool fiber that gives it elasticity and helps trap air for insulation. The crimp in wool fibers also contributes to the characteristic softness and warmth of wool products.
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Sheep do not shed, in order for them to get rid of their wool, they need to be shorn. As sheep are adapted for colder weather climates they will not shed their wool.
There are some breeds of sheep that naturally shed their wool eg Dorpers and Damaras
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Sheep grow wool and when it is shorn from the sheep it is called a fleece.
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Fine wool sheep live on farms like all other sheep. The merino sheep breed is responsible for most of the fine wool produced in the world. There are many Fine wool stud farms around the world of which the FAIRWORLD Fine Wool Stud in South Africa is the most prominent.
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The wrangler tied the sheep down to cut it's wool.
His older brother has curly hair like a sheep's wool.
She thought she could pull the wool over my eyes.
The jumper made of sheep's wool was my favourite colour.
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