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A factor that limits the growth of a population.

2 answers

A limiting factor is anything that restricts the number of individuals in a population

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What can be the main limiting factor in the use of RFLP?

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The biggest limiting factor to attending college are high tuitions.

One limiting factor in the high jump is the height of the participant.

Her weight became a limiting factor when the photographer wanted a thin model.

2 answers

A limiting factor is a condition or resource that constrains the growth or development of an organism or a population in an ecosystem.

2 answers

Question:Is a limiting factor in the tundra a yearly flooding?

Answer:Yes it is.

1 answer

Wich type of limiting factor are disease and parasites

1 answer

Density-dependent limiting factor: A limiting factor whose effects depend on the size of the population depend on population density. The less dense the population, the less severe the effect of the limiting factor.

Examples: Predation and disease

Density-independent limiting factor: A limiting factor that has the same effect on a population regardless of its population density.

Examples: Natural disasters and climate

1 answer

Yes it is a limiting factor. Just pay attention in science class and you would of known.

1 answer

limiting factor is like a weather condition and the sun is a type of condition for the tundra

1 answer

The limiting factor is the biggest thing that stands in the way of you solving a problem or accomplishing an objective. Locate the limiting factor as part of your decision-making process to avoid making mistakes. Failure to follow the principle of the limiting factor leads to many poor decisions.

1 answer

Weather is a factor that prevents a population from increasing.

Or the term for it is called Limiting Factor

6 answers

the largest amount of a population that can be supported by an are is its limiting factor

1 answer

The main factor limiting the size of cells is the surface area to volume ratio.

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The flow of an activity is limited by the presence or absence of one or many factors necessary for survival. That factor is called as limiting factor.

1 answer

"In an ecosystem, a limiting nutrient constrains the growth of organisms much like how a limiting factor, such as food availability or predation, constrains the population growth of a species."

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what is the principle of limiting factor in decision making.

The principle of the limiting factor states that by recognising and overcoming those factors that stand critically in the way of a goal, the best alternative course of action can be selected.

1 answer

Limiting factor

Anything that restrict the numder of individual in a population is a limiting factor hope I help

1 answer

it is an environmental factor that causes a population to decrease.

2 answers

A population size decrease is the usual response in the population size of many species to a density-independent limiting factor. Not enough food is an example of a limiting factor.

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If you are out of food you die.

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Size of population

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when space becomescrowed

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A limiting factor for a predator species could be a decrease in prey population, which would reduce the predator's food source. Additionally, competition with other predator species for the same prey can also be a limiting factor. Environmental factors such as habitat loss or degradation could further impact the predator's ability to thrive.

2 answers

A chameleon's limiting factor could be its ability to regulate body temperature, as they are ectothermic and rely on external sources of heat to maintain their internal temperature. Another limiting factor could be their specialized diet requirements, as they primarily feed on insects and need a varied diet to stay healthy. Environmental factors such as habitat destruction and climate change can also be limiting factors for chameleons.

2 answers

Limiting factors are resources or environmental conditions that restrict the growth, abundance, or distribution of a population within an ecosystem. Examples include food availability, water supply, shelter, space, and presence of predators. When a limiting factor is in short supply, it can prevent a population from increasing further.

3 answers

A limiting factor is the factor that stops a process from proceeding as quickly as it could. A limiting factor sets the overall rate of a process. For example, if you are growing crops, increasing the amount of oxygen would increase the yield. The oxygen would be the limiting factor in this case - if there was more of it, the yield of crops will increase, but if there's a lack of it, the yield of crops can't increase, even if you improve other conditions e.g. increase CO2

2 answers

A density dependent factor is a limiting factor that depends on population size. A Density-independent limiting factor affects all populations in similar ways, regardless of the population size. Its in my Biology book.

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