Because the soldiers manning the out posts of the Roman Empire spoke/wrote in Latin as it was the official language of the Roman Empire... ergo if you wanted any association with the Roman Empire you had to know basic latin. Latin really caught on as being the one, uniform language of the whole Roman Empire
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The official language in the western Roman Empire was Latin. Latin was also the official language of the eastern part of the Roman Empire, together with Greek. This was because it was the language of the Romans.
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The name of the Empire ruler is Emperor from the latin Imperator
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The latin American people that had an empire in Peru were the Incas. Their official language was Quechua and the name of their empire was Tahuantinsuyo which can be translated as The Four United Regions.
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The Romans spoke Latin. Latin spread through the empire because it was the language of the rulers. The spread of Latin was also helped by the establishment of colonies (settlements) of Romans and Latins around the empire.
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False. Both Latin and Greek were used in the early years of the empire, but Greek later became the dominant and main language of the Byzantine Empire.
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Briefly, vulgar (common) Latin was used throughout the Roman Empire.
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From Latin. Spain was part of the Roman empire. Spanish is very close to Latin.
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The Romans spoke Latin and spread their language throughout the empire. In Europe, five of the languages are "spin offs" of Latin as they have a related Latin base. These languages are Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Romanian and French.
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Yes, Romania is considered a Latin country due to its historical and cultural connections to the Roman Empire.
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no. Latin is the lenguage that was used in the roman empire. Spanish as well as italian, french, etc. are lenguages that comes from Latin
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The Latin language was spread across Western Europe during the Roman Empire. Latin was the main language spoken in the provinces of the Roman Empire and it was used for most official documents and religious ceremonies. Although Latin was the main language there were still regional dialects in use throughout the empire such as Celtic in Gaul and Iberian in Hispania.
Latin also had an influence on the development of languages later used in Western Europe. The Romance languages such as Spanish French Italian and Portuguese all evolved from Latin. Additionally many of the Germanic languages such as German and English were also heavily influenced by Latin.
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Latin is an older language than Spanish. Latin was the language of the Roman Empire and eventually evolved into several Romance languages, including Spanish.
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Europeans began using the Latin language during the Roman Empire, which lasted from around 27 BC to 476 AD. Latin was the official language of the empire and became widely used across Europe in areas under Roman control. After the fall of the Roman Empire, Latin continued to be used as the language of scholarship, religion, and administration in medieval Europe.
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Vehicle comes from the Latin vehiculum.
Latin was the language of the Roman Empire and Rome is in Italy.
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Yes, Portuguese is a Latin language. It belongs to the Romance language family, which evolved from Latin, the language of the Roman Empire.
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William King Gillies has written:
'Latin of the Empire' -- subject(s): Latin language, Latin literature, Collections, Readers
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No, Latin was used in all parts of the Empire because it was imposed on conquered populations whether they liked it or not, often by military force. They had no choice but to learn to speak Latin.
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The Roman Empire did not fall it lives on in us.
The remnants are in English which is an amalgum of Old Low German and Latin.
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greek replaced latin as the official imperial language
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Yes, French is a Romance language that developed from Latin, specifically Vulgar Latin spoken during the Roman Empire in the region that is now France. Over time, French evolved from Latin through various influences and changes, resulting in the distinct language we know today.
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Yes, Latin was the official language of ancient Rome and was widely spoken throughout the Roman Empire. However, as the Empire declined, Latin evolved into the Romance languages such as Italian, French, Spanish, Portuguese, and Romanian.
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princeps (this literally means emperor - there were no princes in the roman empire!)
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From the time of the Roman Empire through the Middle Ages.
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Latin was the official language.
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Latin was the primary language in the Roman Empire, as it became widespread with the expansion of Rome's rule, the stationing of Roman troops and the increase of Roman settlements around the empire. Some areas of the empire saw the development of forms of Vulgar Latin, a mixture of Latin and the languages of the local natives - some of these have survived. Greek was an important language in the eastern part of the empire because the local elites were Greek-speaking. Many writings, particularly those of intellectuals the early Christians in this area were in Greek. Official documents in this area were either in Latin or Greek. The Roman elite's education was both in Latin and Greek and they spoke Greek fluently and often used this language.
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Yes, Portuguese is a Latin-based language. It evolved from Latin due to the influence of the Roman Empire in the Iberian Peninsula. Today, it is one of the Romance languages, which are derived from Latin.
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Latin Christendom expanded in the Baltic region and Prussia during early Mongol expansion. The Mongol Empire is known as the largest contiguous land empire ever.
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how was the social structure of th aztec empire similar to the social structure of latin america under european colonialism
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The Roman Republic was brought into the Latin league by force but became a major power in it using its safety from outsiders to build itself up and eventually conquered all of them.
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I doubt if there is a Latin word for sugar, as sugar hadn't yet been discovered during the reign of the Roman Empire.
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Miranda is latin. It means Extraordinary or the excellent/extraordinary one. Latin is a dead language, but was the language of the Roman Empire.
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Alfred Gudeman has written:
'Latin literature of the empire' -- subject(s): Collected works, Latin literature
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The people of Herculaneum spoke a form of Latin known as Vulgar Latin, which was the common spoken language of the Roman Empire.
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Well the real question is "What WERE NOT the three annexations of Latin America to the US that helped to create an American Empire. From eliminating those answers, you'll get in the ballpark
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