no. water put on water makes more water. its the same as land on land. put land on land, makes more land not dyer land.
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An island is land in the middle of water, while a lake is generally water in the middle of land.
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What does land near the water mean? It means the land ends and the water starts. Like beaches and coasts. What does green on a map mean water or land? ...
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In water or on land? On land, they are not fast but in water they can be fast.
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it lived on both land and water it walked on land and swam in water
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Water and land can affect the temperature
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water arrives on the land as either surface water runoff or as groundwater:)
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land because there are more activities on land and it is more likely to be on land than in water
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amphibians can live in both water and land because their body can survive in both water and land. E.G- penguins
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They can form on either on water or on land, but it is more common for them to form on land. A tornado on water is called a waterspout.
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Ducks can land anywhere. They prefer to take off and land in water, because they are water birds. Water makes a softer landing than land, too! If they have to land on the ground, they have to flap their wings harder to hover in the air, but if they land on water they can just splash down.
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No, land does not completely surround water. Water can be surrounded by land (e.g. lakes, ponds), flow continuously through land (e.g. rivers), or border land on one or more sides (e.g. oceans, seas).
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Irrigation is the method of supplying land with water.
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they are reptiles, reptiles can survive both water and land.
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Water, because water covers more of the earth than land.
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amphibians need both land and water to survive most of them spend some part of their lives in water and some on land.
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Sea breezes and land breezes are both caused by temperature differences between land and water. During the day, the land heats up faster than the water, creating a sea breeze that blows from the cooler water towards the warmer land. At night, the land cools down faster than the water, generating a land breeze that moves from the cooler land towards the warmer water.
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Yes, a coastline is the place where the land and water meet. It is the boundary between the land and the ocean or sea.
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The land cools down quicker than water also it takes more time for warming water in a water body than land.
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water does cool more quickly than land cos water freezes sometimes and the land doesn't xxx
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