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The best electric guitar strings for bending are typically lighter gauge strings, such as 9-42 or 10-46, as they are easier to bend and provide more flexibility. Coated strings can also help with smoother bending and longer durability.

1 answer

For bending, lighter gauge strings like 9-42 or 10-46 are often preferred as they are easier to bend and provide more flexibility. Coated strings can also help with smoother bending and longer durability.

1 answer

The best strings for bending on a guitar are typically lighter gauge strings, such as 9-42 or 10-46. Lighter gauge strings are easier to bend and require less effort to achieve the desired pitch change.

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Common reasons for broken guitar strings include excessive bending, improper tuning, old or worn strings, and aggressive playing. To prevent broken strings, make sure to tune your guitar properly, avoid excessive bending, replace old strings regularly, and play with a lighter touch.

1 answer

To improve your technique for bending guitar strings effectively, focus on using your fingertips to push the string up or down smoothly and evenly. Practice bending with control and accuracy, gradually increasing the distance and pitch of the bend. Additionally, strengthen your fingers and wrist muscles to make bending easier and more precise.

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Yes, if you bend them constantly or too much

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The opposite gender for "la mujer" is "el hombre."

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To maintain the longevity of guitar strings, regularly clean them after playing, wash your hands before playing, store the guitar in a case when not in use, and avoid excessive bending or stretching of the strings.

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The guage of guitar strings that work best for sound will depend on the type of guitar that is being played. A person should consider guitar strings that are under a 10 guage to avoid bending.

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To prolong the lifespan of guitar strings, regularly clean them after playing, wash your hands before playing to reduce oil buildup, store your guitar in a case or bag when not in use, and avoid excessive bending or stretching of the strings while playing.

1 answer

To bend a string on a guitar without hitting other strings, you need to focus on your finger placement and technique. Make sure your bending finger is directly under the string you want to bend, and use your other fingers to mute the adjacent strings. Practice slowly and gradually increase the bend to avoid hitting other strings.

1 answer

by notes, not chords

when i enumerate the positions, that is the instruction on how to place your finger

lower do = 2nd set of strings, 1st fret

" re = 2nd set of strings, 3rd fret

" mi = 3rd set of strings (open) or 2nd set of strings, 5th fret

" fa = 3rd set of strings, 1st fret

" so = 3rd set of strings, 3rd fret

" la = 4th set of strings (open) or 3rd set of strings, 5th fret

" ti = 4th set of strings, 2nd fret

do = 4th set of strings, 3rd fret

re = 5th set of strings (open) or 4th set of strings, 5th fret

mi = 5th set of strings, 2nd fret

fa = 5th set of strings, 3rd fret

so = 6th set of strings (open) or 5th set of strings, 5th fret

la = 6th set of strings, 2nd fret

ti = 6th set of strings, 4th fret

higher do = 6th set of strings, 5th fret

" re = 6th set of strings, 7th fret

" mi = 6th set of strings, 9th fret

" fa = 6th set of strings, 10th fret

" so = 6th set of strings, 12th fret

" la = 6th set of strings, 14th fret

" ti = 6th set of strings, 16th fret

" do = 6th set of strings, 17th fret

if a note is in # or sharp, move 1 fret to the right, if in b or flat, to the left

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Guitar strings can break due to factors like old age, improper tuning, sharp edges on the guitar, or excessive bending and strumming. Regular maintenance and proper handling can help prevent string breakage.

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lo/la, depending on gender of word 'it' stands for

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To maintain the longevity and quality of folk nylon guitar strings, it is best to regularly clean them with a soft cloth, avoid touching them with dirty hands, and store the guitar in a case when not in use to protect the strings from dust and moisture. Additionally, tuning the guitar properly and avoiding excessive bending of the strings can help preserve their quality.

1 answer

To maintain and prolong the lifespan of guitar strings, it is important to regularly clean them after playing, wash your hands before playing to reduce oil buildup, store the guitar in a case when not in use, and avoid excessive bending or stretching of the strings. Additionally, wiping down the strings with a clean cloth after playing can help remove dirt and sweat that can cause corrosion.

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The different ways to play electric guitar notes include picking, strumming, tapping, sliding, and bending strings.

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The verb Tocar is the verb that is used to mean play an instrument. While it literally translate to "to touch", it is used with instruments to mean 'play'.

Be careful though with the verb Jugar, which means to play, but as in a sport. They are NOT interchangeable.

7 answers

Jimi Hendrix revolutionized the music industry by using a technique called bending, where he would physically push or pull the guitar strings to create unique sounds and expressive melodies. This technique allowed him to create new and innovative sounds that had never been heard before, influencing generations of musicians to experiment with their own playing styles.

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If you meant what gender is she then she's a definatly a girl.

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where is the...

"où est le ..." [+ masc. gender noun]
"où est la ..." [+ fem. gender noun]

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There are many types of benders. The most widely use are pipe benders, which are used as a bending tool. You can also get string benders which are an addon for guitars, to bend strings.

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Madre (Mother) is a feminine word. La Madre.

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Academie changes gender of Monde !

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It means, "...with the..." the 'the' being something feminine in gender.

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Bobby Darling is as famous for her acting as she is for her gender-bending roles. Although her exact birthday isn't known, it is estimated to be in the early 1980s.

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Normally you want to bend with the ring finger of the fretting hand, allowing the strength of the two fingers behind to enhance the power from that one finger.

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In English, all nouns are neutral. In German, it's neuter (das Haus). In languages which do not have a neuter gender, the word for house seems to typically be feminine (eg: la casa, la maison).

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You say, "Tú lo/la* tienes todavía."

*The choice of either 'lo' or 'la' depends on the gender of whatever 'it' is.

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Female.The word "gender" only applies to the term, though. People don't really have a gender, they have a sex. Gender is more applicable to French, or Spanish, where every noun is either masculine or feminine- le mur, la ciel, etc. That is the proper use of gender.

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El and la means the in spanish. Because every word has to have a gender, el or la determines whether it's masculine or feminine; el as masculine and la as feminine. Hope this helps.

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It's "lo peor" or "la peor" depending on the gender.

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The is 'le', 'la', or 'les' in French. 'le' is to be followed by a singular masculine noun, 'la' by a singular feminine, 'les' by a plural of any gender.

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Adjectives must agree in number and gender with their antecedents. "Cleanest" is le or la pluspropre in the singular depending on gender, and les plus propres in the plural.

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The guitar produces sound through the vibration of its strings when they are plucked or strummed. These vibrations are amplified by the body of the guitar and projected outwards. The mechanisms involved in creating music through the guitar include fretting the strings to change the pitch, strumming or picking the strings to produce different tones, and using techniques like bending or sliding to add expression to the music.

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Life is the English equivalent of 'la vita'. In the word by word translation, the definite article 'la' means 'the' before a feminine gender noun. The noun 'vita' means 'life'.

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The hand is an English equivalent of 'la main'. The words in French are pronounced 'lah mehn'. The feminine definite article 'la' means 'the'. The feminine gender noun 'main'means 'hand'.

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Masculine: le garçon (the boy), le chien (the dog), le livre (the book), le téléphone (the phone), le jardin (the garden)

Feminine: la fille (the girl), la chaise (the chair), la voiture (the car), la maison (the house), la fenêtre (the window)

2 answers

If you find a heavy gauge string is bending the neck, then you are probably either tightening it too much or the string was not designed for the guitar. It is generally best to buy strings designed for a stratocaster and Fender make strings designed for certain guitars.

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usually there are two different ways to say the word you want, for example:
The teacher el profesor or la profesora
The Friend el amigo or la amiga
la is for feminine and el is for masculine:)

4 answers

Feminine is the gender of the French word la.

Specifically, the French word may be either a singular definite article or a singular pronoun. As an article, it means "the." As a pronoun, it means either "her" or "it" as a feminine concept, object or thing.

Either way, the pronunciation always will be "lah" in French.

2 answers

Why are you bending that straw?

How should I be bending the paper.

1 answer

Like almost all nouns in English, dictionary is neuter, neither male nor female. It has no gender.

In Spanish, it's male: "el diccionario", not "la diccionaria."

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le (+ singular masculine noun) ; la (+ singular feminine noun) ; l' (+ noun of any gender, but beginning by a vovwel sound) ; les (+ plural nouns of any gender)

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le (+ singular masculine noun) ; la (+ singular feminine noun) ; l' (+ noun of any gender, but beginning by a vovwel sound) ; les (+ plural nouns of any gender)

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