keteleeria-fir, kigelia-sausage tree, kleinhovia-guest tree, koelreuteria-golden rain tree,
3 answers
Korean Pine and Kobus Magnolia are trees. They begin with the letter K.
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The scientific name of the Chinese scholar tree is Koelreuteria paniculata. It belongs to the family Sapindaceae.
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Korean Fir, Korean Pine, Kousa Dogwood, Kobus Magnolia, Kunquat and Kiwi are trees that begin with the letter K.
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Yes, rain tree (Koelreuteria paniculata) is a tree.
Specifically, the common name tends to be Goldenrain tree. Other common names include China tree, Pride of India and varnish tree. But whatever the name, the mature height reaches 56 feet (17 meters), which puts it well beyond the shrub or small tree category that tops at 30 feet (9.144 meters).
1 answer
Flowers that begin with the letter K are:
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A: Aster B: Begonia C: Chrysanthemum D: Daisy E: Eustoma F: Foxglove G: Gladiola H: Hyacinth I: Iris J: Jacob's Ladder K: Kaffir Lily L: Lantana M: Marigold N: Nasturtium O: Orchid P: Peony Q: Queen Anne's Lace R: Rose S: Sunflower T: Tulip U: Ulster Mary V: Violet W: Woodbine X: Xeranthemum Y: Yarrow Z: Zinnia
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Leaves can have various textures, but within the broad categories, they are generally classified as smooth, hairy, rough, or waxy depending on the presence of trichomes (fine outgrowths) or the cuticle thickness. The specific texture of a leaf can also be influenced by factors such as the type of plant, environment, and age of the leaf.
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