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Knights Templar Cartel was created in 2011.

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Knights Templar School was created in 1939.

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The Templar primarily fought the Muslims, but were infamous for declaring war on anyone that opposed them.

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No Columbus was an Italian born sailor he had nothing to do with the Knights Templar

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the Templar Knights have never been unmade.

There are still many orders of the Knights Templar, mostly now involved in charity work, not fighting.

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The Knights Templar had squires to serve them. Their squires differed from those of other knights, because they were not in an apprenticeship and did not normally become knights, but were just servants.

Also associated with the Knights Templar were sergeants, who were members of lower social classes who served as light cavalry. They rendered military service.

The Knights Templar had their own clergy as well.

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Yes, I am.

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The Degree of Knights templar is conferred at the 14th Degree of York Rite Masonry.

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You must be a Freemason to be a Knight Templar.

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They never ended, there is still a society now. But very secret.

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No, the knights templar were an organization in the crusades and are real.

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No, the Knights Templar order was disbanded in the early 14th century. There are no current Knights Templar in the Netherlands or anywhere else.

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There is no universally recognized Grand Master of the modern Knights Templar. There are different organizations that claim to be modern-day Knights Templar, each with their own leaders and hierarchy.

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the templar knights

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Yes. The Knights Templar were Germanic, the originated as a Christian religious order of Knights who fought in the Crusades and they were originally from the Western portion of Germany near the Rhine river. Towards the end to after the crusades, a few of the members of the Knights Templar moved into France, and expanded the order to France. The Knights Templar originated from the Teutonic order of Knights, and the Knights Hospitaller who were both famous, yet powerful, Christian groups who were from Germany. The Knights Templar still are around today but are referred to as just "Templars" or "Free Masons."

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No, the Templar Knights were a Catholic military order founded in the Kingdom of Jerusalem in 1119 during the Crusades. They were not specifically from Turkey, but they did have a presence in the region as part of their mission to protect Christian pilgrims traveling to the Holy Land.

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The full name of the Knights Templar is Poor Fellow-Soldiers of Christ and of the Temple of Solomon. It is also known as Order of the Temple.

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There are many definitions of "templar". Templar can mean a knights of a particular religious order, or a lawyer or student that lives in the Temple in London.

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no they were from France and started in the crucades.

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No, they were orthodox Trinitarian Catholics.

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The cast of Trial of the Knights Templar - 2008 includes: Alain Demurger as himself Barbara Frale as herself

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Secret History of Religion Knights Templar - 2006 TV was released on:

USA: 2006

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What their most valuable assests of the Knights Templar were, we will never know. Treasure hunters have been searching for centuries to find the treasure of the Knights Templar. Either it was nothing, it has been found in times gone by, or it is still out there waiting to be found. Anyone got a map?.

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The only relation between the Knights Templar and the Knights of Columbus are that both organizations are/were approved by the Catholic church, members must be Catholic, and they both use the word Knight. There are no organizations that can legitimately claim the heritage through ancestry to the original order. The order was disband by the church. The Order of the Knights of Malta are the closest in relation and other organizations with the titles of the Knights Templar only do so out of honour and respect. You can read more about the Knights of Columbus at

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Grand Master of the Grand Commandery of Knights Templar. A modern day Templar group.

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1. Masonite is a siding material. What you mean is probably Masonry.

2. The Knight's Templar refers to multiple organizations. The one associated with the Freemasonry is the York rite rank of Knight Templar. However the members who hold this rank are not in fact knights in the chivalric sense. They do, however, accomplish fantastic acts of charity.

3. The Knights Templar who are knights in the chivalric sense are members of O.S.M.T.H. There is a link below.

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They are still called sir.

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The Saracens, then eventually, anyone that opposed them.

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A beauseant is the black and white standard of the Knights Templar.

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The Knights Templar were the most powerful military monastic order which took part in the Crusades. The Knights Templar were formed from several groups of knights by Hugh de Payens for the express purpose of protecting Christian pilgrims in the Holy Land.

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um... the knights templar were an order in the medieval ages, and order that ended in 1307, though the freemasons are thought to be what became of the templars.

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The Templar Knights did not have a "headquarters" or main place of residence- much like modern military forces; there are bases that are controlled by the military, but in truth belong to the government.

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Ancient Mysteries - 1994 Knights Templar 5-6 was released on:

USA: 7 September 1997

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Lost Worlds - 2006 Knights Templar 1-1 was released on:

USA: 10 July 2006

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That depends on what Knights you are talking about. Are you talking about the medieval Knights in each Kingdom, the Knights of Malta, the Knights Templar? You are going to have to be a little more specific to get a meaningful answer.

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The Knights Templar were Christians. Their original purpose was to assist travelers to the Holy Land. Legend has it that they hunted for relics of Christianity in the Holy Land. They also developed the first banking systems in Europe. The institution of the Knights Templar was destroyed by one of the Kings of France and the Roman Catholic Pope because they were becoming too powerful. Also, the king of France at the time wanted to claim the riches of the Knights Templar for the French Crown. The monarchy did not have much money at the time of the Templars.

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No. The Knights of Templar, which I think you mean Knights Templar were a European, predominantly French military-religious organization tasked with the protection of pilgrims in the Holy Land during the Crusades.

There are conspiracies upon conspiracies surrounding the organization, its existence, and termination. As such, be careful what you take for truth...especially anything written by Dan Brown.

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no she was not, she was a very poor farmer girl

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In the year 1312 by Pope Clement

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The most wanted treasure is the Knights Templar.

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From 1099 they have been slaying Muslims.

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MAy be Roman Knights during the Crusades.

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