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Jupiter is the God of the sky. Jupiter is the roman god name for Zeus.

2 answers

The real name of the planet Jupiter is Jupiter. It is named after the king of the Roman gods.

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Elara, one of Jupiter's moons, orbits Jupiter, not the sun. Its distance from Jupiter is about 11.7 million kilometers.

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No. Jupiter does not have nearly enough mass.

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Jupiter is the fastest rotating planet. It is 9.9 hours in a day and 12 earth years on Jupiter.

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Jupiter was named after the chief of the Roman gods, whose name was Jupiter, he was the Roman equivalent of the Greek god Zeus.

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Neither. Jupiter is a gas planet. There is no solid surface.

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Zeus is the Greek counterpart to Roman Jupiter.

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Jupiter is 756.17 million km from the sun

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This means Jupiter takes precisely twelve Earth years to orbit the sun.

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Jupiter is much smaller than the Sun. Jupiter has a diameter of about 86,881 miles, while the Sun's diameter is about 864,340 miles. In fact, Jupiter is about 10 times smaller in diameter than the Sun.

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I will give you some more basic information about Jupiter as well. Jupiter has a day and night rotation of 9 hours 55 minutes and 30 seconds. However, it takes Jupiter 11.86 earth years to orbit the Sun.

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Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune are the outer planets.

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Jupiter is known as the largest planet in the solar system with a diameter of 140 000 km.

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Jupiter has a lower temperature than earth. Earth: 59 degrees F. (15 degrees C.) Jupiter: -234 degrees F. (-148 degrees C.)

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Jupiter has 53 named moons and at least 26 more awaiting official naming, bringing the total to 79 known moons.

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An astronaut on Jupiter would experience much stronger gravitational pull than on Earth, making movement more difficult. The astronaut's weight would be significantly heavier due to Jupiter's higher gravity.

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The planet Jupiter helps to shield earth a little from being struck by wandering objects in space like comets.

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Jupiter is the fastest spinning planet in our solar system rotating on average once in just under 10 hours. Jupiter's equator rotates at a speed of 28,273 miles/hour (about 43,000 kilometers/hour).

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the 5th da

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It is thought that Jupiter's core does have rocky matter, which amounts to approximately 10-15 masses of the Earth.

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The Jupiter orbital period in Earth years is 11.85920. In days that would be 4,331.572. That would be at the orbital speed of 13.07 kilometers per second.

it takes Jupiter 12 earth years to orbit around the sun

7 answers

its strong gravitational pull, causing them to potentially change their orbits over time. This gravitational influence from Jupiter is known as orbital resonance, where the asteroids' orbits are synchronized with Jupiter's orbital period. Jupiter's presence can also help to protect the inner solar system from potential asteroid impacts by redirecting or absorbing their trajectories.

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While Jupiter's size may make it challenging for organisms to live on its surface, it is possible that alien life could exist in its atmosphere or on its moons. Future studies and missions will provide more information on the potential for life on or around Jupiter.

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Some older science textbooks used to state that Jupiter had 16 moons, but several recent space probes have discovered a few dozen more. Jupiter is now known to have 63 moons, and more are almost certain to be discovered.

Earth, on the other hand, has just the one Moon.

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Jupiter's four largest moons (Io, Europa, Ganymede, and Callisto) are known as the Galilean moons and are easily visible due to their size, brightness, and proximity to Jupiter. They reflect sunlight, making them visible through telescopes and even binoculars. These moons were discovered by Galileo Galilei in 1610 and have since been a key feature of Jupiter's observation.

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-257 degrees Fahernheit

1 answer

The planet Jupiter has four large moons and a couple dozen smaller ones (and more are being located all the time, using better and better telescopes).

The four larger moons are Ganymede, Europa, Callisto and Io. The planet Jupiter, being the biggest (and brightest) planet, was named for the chief of the Greek/Roman gods. The major moons are named for lovers of the god Jupiter.

1 answer

Ganymede is the largest moon of Jupiter (5262 km diameter) - its just a bit bigger than Mercury (4880km diameter), while Castillo is the second largest moon of Jupiter (diameter is 4820 km), which is just a bit less than Mercury's diameter- almost the same size.

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153 degrees C.

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True. Jupiter is consisted of mainly hydrogen and helium. 90% hydrogen, 8% helium and 2% other gases

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It takes 11.86 Earth years to go around the sun.

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Jupiter caused the Great Deluge, a flood, because in Greek Myth the Bronze Age (a race of people before humans) were corrupt.

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Jupiter's length of day, as in its rotation period, is about 9.9 hours. This rapid rotation causes Jupiter to have an oblate shape, flattened at the poles and bulging at the equator.

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628 million km (390 million miles)

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Io, Europa, Ganymede and Callisto.

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Mars is the closest planet to Earth among Jupiter, Neptune, and Saturn. The distance between Earth and Mars varies due to their constantly changing positions in their orbits around the sun. Jupiter, Neptune, and Saturn are all much farther away from Earth compared to Mars.

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Jupiter's surface is not solid like Earth's, it's a gas giant made mostly of hydrogen and helium. The visible "surface" is actually just the top layer of clouds in its atmosphere. It has features like colorful bands, swirls, and the Great Red Spot, which is a massive storm larger than Earth.

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Voyager 1&2, Galileo Space Probe.

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0.000082235 light years

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life and death hopes and to know what to expect

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The average distance between Jupiter and Earth is about 484 million miles (778 million kilometers), with the distance varying due to the elliptical orbits of both planets. Jupiter is the fifth planet from the Sun and Earth is the third planet from the Sun.

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your husband will always support you and

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Jupiter does not have a solid surface like Earth; rather, it is made up mostly of hydrogen and helium gases. It also lacks a well-defined solid core, as its interior is composed of layers of gas that gradually transition into a more dense metallic hydrogen region towards the center.

4 answers