John Smith, who did not let people eat unless they work, was the leader of Jamestown.
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John Smith of Jamestown was born on January 6, 1580.
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The man who is credited with saving the settlement at Jamestown is?
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The settlement of John Smith was Jamestown, Virginia.
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Jamestown was founded by the Virginia Company of London in 1607, when it was known as "James Fort". It was the first English settlement in America to survive.
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Jamestown was colonized by John Smith.
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John Smith was the leader of the Jamestown settlers. Smith was an English explorer who lived from 1580 to 1631.
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The leader of the Jamestown settlement was John Smith. :)
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John Smith is the founder of Jamestown, the first English settlement in North America. He founded Jamestown on May 24, 1607.
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John Smith was the leader of the Jamestown settlers
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John Smith took control of Jamestown in 1608
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John Smith is the leader who saved the Jamestown settlement from failure. By making everyone work in order to eat, he ensured that everyone was willing to pitch in for the common good.
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THEY ARNT MARRIED. Pocahantas is married to John Rolfe , but she helped John smith with jamestown . To grow crops and to built because people in jamestown did not know how to do that. So John smith got help from the indians.
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No, that was John Ralph.
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John Smith settled in Jamestown. The first successful colony in the New World.
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Captain John Smith
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Captain John Smith died when he was 55 years old. When he was goverened in Jamestown he was about 30 something years old..(:
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The first governor of Jamestown was John Smith, he was assigned the "council" (ruler) of Jamestown by england.
John Smith used harsh dicipline to keep the colony alive.
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How did conditions at Jamestown improve under john smiths leadership
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John Smith saved Jamestown the second English colony. (the first colony went missing without a trace.) John Smith saved Jamestown with valuable tobacco crops.
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