How tall was the wall Nehemiah built around Jerusalem?
Per Josephus Wars Book 5 Chapter 4 section 4 (or verse 172 by the newer method), some of the walls were over 52 feet high with towers extending far beyond that. Some of the city had three walls around it, while other parts had only one. The whole of Chapter 4 is given to a very good description of Jerusalem just before the destruction in AD 70.
What is the distance from Jerusalem to Rome?
Biblically speaking this is an interesting question. It just so happens that the distance from Rome to Jerusalem is 12,000 stadia ( approximately 1,500 miles). This is also the measurement of the New Jerusalem in Revelation 21:16.
What allowed Christians to easily defeat their enemy in Jerusalem?
Well, friend, let's not think of it as defeating an enemy, but rather as finding peace and understanding. The Christians in Jerusalem were able to peacefully reclaim the city due to a combination of strategy, faith, and perseverance. By working together and staying true to their beliefs, they were able to achieve their goal with love and compassion.
What states have a city named Bethlehem?
Well honey, there are two states in the good ol' US of A that have a city named Bethlehem - Pennsylvania and Georgia. So if you're looking to visit the birthplace of Jesus or just want to see some Christmas lights, those are the places to go. Just make sure you don't end up in the wrong Bethlehem, unless you're into surprises.
If you are born in Jerusalem what is your nationality?
Well, isn't that a happy little question! If you are born in Jerusalem, your nationality would depend on the laws of the country you are in. Some may consider you to be Israeli, while others may see you as Palestinian. Remember, nationality is just a label, and what truly matters is the love and kindness you share with others.
What US cities have the same latitude as Jerusalem Israel?
The U.S. cities that share the same latitude as Jerusalem, Israel (31.7683° N), include San Diego, California; Phoenix, Arizona; El Paso, Texas; and Atlanta, Georgia. These cities are all located approximately along the 31st parallel north, which is the same latitude as Jerusalem.
Where can you send a letter to Prime Minister Benjamin netanyahu?
Oh, sending a letter to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is a wonderful idea! You can address your letter to the Prime Minister's Office at 3 Kaplan Street, P.O. Box 187, Kiryat Ben-Gurion, Jerusalem 9191901, Israel. Remember to write your thoughts with kindness and respect, just like painting a beautiful landscape with gentle brushstrokes.
Where can get a Massage in Jerusalem doing happy ending?
I'm sorry, but it is illegal and unethical to seek or provide "happy endings" in any professional massage setting. Massage therapy is a legitimate form of healthcare and should be approached with respect and professionalism. If you are looking for a massage in Jerusalem, I recommend seeking out licensed and reputable massage therapists or spas that offer therapeutic and relaxation services in accordance with the law.
Why is Jerusalem important to Muslims?
For Judaism: The holy land for Judaism is Israel (see Deuteronomy 11:11-12), and the holy city is Jerusalem. See also the Related Links.
Jerusalem is the center of Judaism. It is important to Jews because it was chosen by God (Zechariah 3:2). It was the site of the Akeidah (Binding of Isaac, in Genesis ch.22) and was later the seat of the Davidic Kings, when King David, Israel's greatest king, founded the dynasty that ruled Judah for much of its history, making Jerusalem the capital of the United Kingdom of Israel during his reign and that of his son, King Solomon.
Most importantly, it was the location of the First and Second Temples, where offerings were made to God and where His presence dwelt in the Holy of Holies (1 Kings ch.8) and was manifested in a number of miracles (Mishna, Avot ch.5).
Jerusalem is called the holy city by the prophets (Isaiah 52:1). It was where Jews would go three times a year to celebrate the holiest festivals (Deuteronomy ch.16). Even after the destruction of the Temple, the Temple Mount and adjacent Western ("Wailing") Wall, which still stands, is the holiest site in Judaism. It is hoped and prophesied (Ezekiel ch.40-44) that one day a third temple will be rebuilt in Jerusalem and that the Messiah will come to it.
Jerusalem has become representative of the connection with the Divine. Jerusalem is also seen as the source of Divine Law, as demonstrated in many Jewish prayers: "Ki miTziyon tetze Torah udvar Hashem miYerushalayim - From Zion comes the Torah and the Word of God from Jerusalem" (Isaiah 2:3). Jerusalem is also representative of the Redemption of the Jewish people from their physical and spiritual exile, because this exile causes the melancholy that the Jewish people experience by being apart from God's presence. The Redemption, which Jews believe will be brought by the Messiah, will result in the Jewish people returning to Jerusalem.
According to ancient Hebrew tradition, Jerusalem is the site where God took the very earth from which Adam, the first man, was formed (midrash Rabbah 14:8). Read Genesis carefully; Adam was not created in the garden of Eden; he was taken there. Jerusalem, because it is the first place on Earth where the spirit of God dwelt, is considered a direct link to God.
Judaism is the oldest monotheistic religion and Jerusalem has been its only holy site for over 3000 years. King Solomon's Temple in Jerusalem was destroyed by invading Babylonians, and rebuilt at the same site (known as the Temple Mount) about 2500 years ago. It was then destroyed again when the Romans conquered Judea about 2000 years ago, killing a million Jews. All Jews who value their heritage feel ties to Jerusalem and the holy land, where so many of their people struggled for the freedom to practice Judaism. At the same time, Jews believe that all people should be welcome there, regardless of faith.
Jerusalem is the eternal Jewish city, and a symbol of a future time of peace. Jerusalem is also the focal point of prayer of the Jews. When they pray, wherever they are, they face towards Jerusalem (Talmud, Berakhot 30a), with love and longing. The sentiment is aptly expressed in Psalm 137: "By the waters of Babylon, there we sat and wept as we remembered Zion....If I forget you, Jerusalem, let my right hand forget its wisdom." For thousands of years we remembered our exile and prayed for its end. Now at least we can do so from "up close."
Who in the Council of Jerusalem might have agreed with Nagesti who wanted clapping and stomping?
Based on the account in Acts 15, it is likely that James, the brother of Jesus and a prominent figure in the early Christian church, may have agreed with Nagesti's desire for clapping and stomping. James played a key role in the Council of Jerusalem and was known for his adherence to Jewish customs and traditions. Given his leadership position and influence within the council, James may have been more inclined to support incorporating such practices into the worship gatherings of the early Christian community.
How old was Nehemiah when he rebuilt the wall?
Nehemiah was most likely around 40 years old when he led the rebuilding of the wall of Jerusalem. Some scholars suggest he could have been in his 30s or 50s, but who's counting? The important thing is he got the job done, wrinkles and all.
Is Moscow on the same longitude as Jerusalem?
No, Moscow and Jerusalem are not on the same longitude. Moscow is located at approximately 37.6 degrees east longitude, while Jerusalem is situated at around 35.2 degrees east longitude. This means that Moscow is further east of the prime meridian (0 degrees longitude) compared to Jerusalem.
How far from Jerusalem to Gennesaret?
The distance from Jerusalem to Gennesaret is approximately 120 kilometers (75 miles) when measured in a straight line. However, the actual distance traveled by road may be longer due to the terrain and specific route taken. It typically takes around 2-3 hours to drive this distance, depending on traffic and road conditions.
What is Israel's National airport called?
O Aeroporto Nacional de Israel é chamado Aeroporto Internacional Ben Gurion (em hebraico, נמל התעופה בן-גוריון). É frequentemente abreviado como "Aeroporto Ben Gurion" ou "TLV," que é o seu código IATA. O aeroporto está localizado próximo à cidade de Lod, a cerca de 15 km a sudeste de Tel Aviv. É o principal aeroporto internacional de Israel e o mais movimentado do país.
How steep is the Golgotha hill?
Golgotha hill is believed to have been quite steep, as it is described as the place where Jesus Christ was crucified. The exact degree of steepness is not specified in biblical accounts.
What are the latitude and longitude coordinates for Jerusalem?
The latitude and longitude coordinates for Jerusalem are approximately 31.7683° N, 35.2137° E.