James Scott (British actor) is 38 years old. He was born on January 14, 1979.
James Scott, 1st Duke of Monmouth was born on April 9, 1649 and died on July 15, 1685. James Scott would have been 36 years old at the time of death or 364 years old today.
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The Monmouth rebellion refers to the Duke of Monmouth in 1685 trying to overthrow King James II of England, who was a Catholic. The Duke of Monmouth and his "army" of nonconformists, artisans, and farmers was a protestant.
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The Battle of Sedgemoor or The Monmouth Rebellion or The Pitchfork Rebellion (pitchforks weren't used) started in 1685 as a rebellion The Duke of Monmouth agasint King James the 2nd
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Princess Diana was a descendant of Charles II, but she was descendant from his son Henry Fitzroy (whose mother was Barbara Villiers Palmer) and not from James, Duke of Monmoth
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Derrick John Porritt has written:
'Duke of Monmouth'
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The first rebellion against King James II was led by the Duke of Monmouth, who was beheaded after the rebellion was stopped. Another rebellion was led against him by Archibald Campbell, who was also executed by beheading.
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The last battle on English soil is generally considered to be the Battle of Sedgemoor, which took place on 6 July 1685 in Somerset. It was the final battle of the Monmouth Rebellion, where the forces of James Scott, 1st Duke of Monmouth, were defeated by the royal army led by the Earl of Feversham.
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IDK :P probably because of the Americans intercepting the british for their supplie train, because the Americans were poor on supplies and barely any of them had shoes. srry bout the poor info, but i hope this help :D
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No, Duke University was named by James Buchanan Duke in honor of his father, Washington Duke. Doris Duke, however, was James Duke's daughter and was highly affiliated with the university.
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James Deloy Scott's birth name is James Scott II.
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James Scott Hodson's birth name is James Scott Hodgson.
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Actually James Buchanan did not found Duke University. Duke was founded in 1838 by Methodists and Quakers. It moved to Durham in 1892. But James Buchanan established the Duke Endowment, prompting the university to change its name in 1924.
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James, Duke of York, brother of King Charles I and subsequently King James II?
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James Duke has written:
'Anesthesia Secrets'
'How to Be a Working Actor'
'Anesthesia Pearls'
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There was no Duke of York in the year 1690, the last Duke was James Stuart who became King James II & VII in 1685, the next Duke would be Prince Ernest Augustus who was make Duke in 1716
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Edmund of Langley, 1st Duke of York (5 June 1341 - 1 August 1402)
Edward of Norwich, 2nd Duke of York and 1st Duke of Aumale (1373 - 25 October 1415)
Richard Plantagenet, 3rd Duke of York (21 September, 1411 - 30 December, 1460)
Edward Plantagenet, 4th Duke of York(King Edward IV) (28 April 1442 - 9 April 1483)
Richard of Shrewsbury, 1st Duke of York, 1st Duke of Norfolk, 1st Earl of Norfolk(17 August 1473 - 1483?)
Henry Tudor, 1st Duke of York(King Henry VIII) (28 June 1491 - 28 January 1547)
Charles Stuart, 1st Duke of York(King Charles I) (19 November 1600 - 30 January 1649)
James Stuart, 1st Duke of York(King James II) (14 October 1633 - 16 September 1701)
Prince Ernest, Duke of York and Albany(7 September 1674-14 August 1728)
Prince Edward, Duke of York(25 March 1739 - 17 September 1767)
Prince Frederick, Duke of York and Albany(16 August 1763-5 January 1827)
Prince George, Duke of York and Albany(King George V) (3 June 1865 - 20 January 1936)
Prince Albert Duke of York and Albany(King George VI) (14 December 1895 - 6 February 1952)
Prince Andrew, Duke of York (Born 19 February 1960)
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