James Puckle was the inventor of the Puckle defense gun. He was born in Norwich, United Kingdom in 1667 and died in London in 1724.
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An early form of machine gun designed for shipboard defense invented by James Puckle in 1718.
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The person is James Puckle. This was in 1718. He called it "The Puckle Gun," a tripod-mounted- single new invention, The "Puckle Gun" was demonstrated right after he tested it. That's pretty much all there is to it.
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Mr. James Puckle (no, did not make that up) in 1718. It was a cannon with a revolving breech. Do a computer search for "Puckle Gun" and enjoy.
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It was a gun designed by James Puckle, and considered, by some, to be the first machine gun. Try an internet search for the term and you'll find several articles on it.
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The first known ancestor of multi-shot weapons was created by James Puckle (a London lawyer) who patented "The Puckle Gun" on May 15th 1718
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For the same reason that most inventors create things- to make money from the sale of the thing.
The Puckle Gun wasn't actually a machine gun, though.
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James Puckle, from London England, created the "Puckle Gun" in 1718
A tripod-mounted, single-barreled flintlock gun fitted with a multishot revolving cylinder.
hope that helps, lol
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The Puckle Gun had a bore of 1.25 inches, or 32 millimetres.
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James Puckle (1667- 1724) was an English Inventor, Lawyer and Writer. He is remembered for his invention called the Puckle Gun. Often thought of as the first machine gun. It looked like a revolver and was a single barrelled flintlock weapon with a multi shot revolving cylinder mounted on a stand and capable of firing upto 9 shots per min. The barrel was 3ft long and it had a bore of 1.25ins. a pre loaded cylinder holding 11charges and could fire 63 shots in 7mins.
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While Samuel Colt is generally considered the inventor of the present day revolver, there were earlier revolving firearms, such as the "pepperbox" pistols. However, the grandaddy of the revolver was created by a man with the unlikely name of James Puckle in the 1700s. See the link below to a WikiPedia article on the Puckle Gun.
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Bertram Puckle is an author. His two books, Funeral Customs: Their Origins and Development and Funeral Customs are listed on Good Reads.
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Like most inventions, Mr. Puckle hoped to sell his invention. Profit is the driving force behind most inventions.
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Samuel Colt made and marketed one of the first successful revolvers, but many people had made crude revolving guns for years, The first was considered to be the Puckle Gun (No- really!) invented by James Puckle in 1718. It was a cannon with a revolving breech.
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Many people credit Samuel Colt as being the inventor of the revolver in 1832. However, there were earlier revolving guns- Colt made a good one, but not the first one. Perhaps the earliest is actually a small revolving cannon built by James Puckle (no, that really is the name) in 1718. You can find the wikipedia article on the Puckle Gun.
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Samuel Colt made the first percussion cap revolver in 1836- but it was not the first. Elisha Collier made a revolving flintlock pistol in 1818- but it was not the first. James Puckle patented a revolving cannon in 1718.
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In 1718, James Puckle of London, England, showed off his new invention, the "Puckle Gun," a tripod-mounted, single-barreled flintlock gun fitted with a multishot revolving cylinder.
In the 1500's, there was a "Shield Gonne"- a metal shield that had a short barreled gun mounted at the center of the shield, and could be fired from behind the shield. An illustration of the "Shield gonne" is in the book "Firearms Curiosa" by Winant.
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Granger. J.K.Rowling said that it was going to be Puckle but she felt it didn't suit her.
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There were very few actually sold to the military- less than 10- and the records are not to be found. Sorry.
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Think you may be referring to Mr. James Puckle (no, that really was his name) who created the Defense Gun in 1718. This was a flintlock cannon with a revolving breech that permitted (in theory) rapid reloads. Best remembered for it's ability to fire square bullets.
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Granger is her surname. Her full name is Hermione Jean Granger.
J.K. Rowling initially gave her the surname Puckle but changed her mind.
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It has a multishot revolving cylinder that was pre-loaded with 11 charges. It was manually operated on the shipboard. They used squared bullets and convectional round bullets.
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Hermione Jane Puckle instead of Hermione Jean Granger.
J.K. Rowling changed the surname very early on as she felt 'Puckle' didn't suit Hermione. Hermione's middle name was not changed until after the fifth book was published and Rowling realised she has given the middle name 'Jane' to Dolores Umbridge. Not wanting Hermione to have a connection to Umbridge, Rowling changed her middle name to Jean.
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James and I is wrong because when you remove "James and", the sentence should still work, but it doesn't. The correct answer is James and me.
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James Monroe's full name is James Monroe , he does not have a middle name .
James Monroe's full name is James Monroe . James Monroe does not have a middle name.
James Monroe's full name is James Monroe.
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4 kids edquisha James euro James edgerrin James jr. and eyhana James
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James Dean, James Bond, James Stewart, James Brown
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The James Family' talent would be academics and music... I am in the James Family I am a James.
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