Lisp is both compiled and interpreted language.
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Culture can influence how language is interpreted.
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It is an interpreted language, however there are some versions that compile the source code to byte code which can then be interpreted with much greater efficiency than the original source code.
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C++ is a compiled language, not an interpreted language.
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C++ is conventionally regarded as a compiled language, however there's nothing in the language itself that prevents it from being interpreted.
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Yes, Groovy is primarily an interpreted language. It is often run on the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) and is compiled to bytecode at runtime. This makes Groovy a dynamic language with scripting capabilities.
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The way how a language normally raise, but it has to follow some patterns to be understood,or interpreted.
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PHP is in interpreted language, and ships with one, however PHP itself is a program language and not an interpreter.
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Matlab is an interpreted language. The main disadvantage of interpreted languages is execution speed. When a language is compiled, all of the code is analyzed and processed efficiently, before the programmer distributes the application. With an interpreted language, the computer running the program has to analyze and interpret the code (through the interpreter) before it can be executed (each and every time), resulting in slower processing performance.
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Compiled software is in machine code language. Interpreted code, on the other hand, needs to changed (or interpreted) to machine code by the computer every time it is executed.
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Although most languages are either compiled or interpreted, there's actually nothing to prevent you interpreting a language that is normally compiled, or compiling a language that is normally interpreted. BASIC, for instance, is traditionally an interpreted language, however modern implementations use compilation. Moreover, Java is typical of many modern languages that natively use both techniques by default, compiling the high-level source code into an intermediate byte code which is than interpreted to produce the machine code. But, with a suitable compiler implementation, it is possible to produce native machine code programs from Java source code.
When we speak of compiled or interpreted languages we're usually referring to the language's standard, if it has one. C and C++ are standardised and both are compiled, but there's nothing to prevent them from being interpreted. BASIC, on the other hand, is non-standard because it has such a wide-variety of variants, some of which are interpreted, some of which compile to byte code (which is then interpreted) and some of which compile to native machine code. Non-standard languages are generally non-portable therefore you have to look at the specific implementation to determine if it is compiled, interpreted, or both compiled and interpreted.
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Any high level language may be either compiled or interpreted. The difference is in the execution speed. Interpreted programs must re-learn how to do each statement in the program, whereas a compiled program is already in the machine code language of the hardware and runs much faster.
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In the Victorian language of flowers, peony was interpreted as bashfulness or sometimes as shame.
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In the Victorian Language of Flowers a gladiolus was interpreted as "strength of character".
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As far as I know their spoken language is unique. Their written language can be interpreted by other Chinese character based languages such as china and Korea.
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Yes. It means they are ready to find someone to mate with.
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A file whose extension is "*.php" are typically interpreted by the PHP language. (
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Yes, it is a legitimate program, but is that what you were really asking? Are you talking about the language discussed at If you are wondering if the language itself is legitimate, it is. Simply, it is an interpreted language implemented directly in C.
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No. Some languages are interpreted, not compiled.
No. Some languages are interpreted, not compiled.
No. Some languages are interpreted, not compiled.
No. Some languages are interpreted, not compiled.
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No, Ruby is an interpreted language; it is not directly compiled to machine code, but instead is executed inside a virtual environment (the Ruby Runtime Environment).
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The portion of the cerebral cortex where auditory impulses are interpreted
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It is normally interpreted by another computer program. However subsets of the language can be compiled.
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Assembler, COBOL, PL/I, C/C++ are all translated by running the source code through a compiler. This results in very efficient code that can be executed any number of times. The overhead for the translation is incurred just once, when the source is compiled; thereafter, it need only be loaded and executed.
Interpreted languages, in contrast, must be parsed, interpreted, and executed each time the program is run, thereby greatly adding to the cost of running the program. For this reason, interpreted programs are usually less efficient than compiled programs.
Some programming languages, such as REXX™ and Java™, can be either interpreted or compiled.
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Java, while not very different from some languages is different from most languages is that it is interpreted, it is not in a language that the computer can understand, it is run by the jvm. Unlike interpreted languages, however, it also has a compiler which compiles to java bytecode. This is not a real compiler, however, as it's output must still be interpreted. Indeed, the output is even possible to be "decompiled" and turned back into source, only loosing some nonessential things like comments.
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.NET is the underlying framework of the language.
Every language running under .NET is interpreted into ILASM (Intermediate Language Assembly)
Which is then compiled into bytecode, then executed in a managed code environment.
This complicated process is what allows many language to be coded on top of the platform.
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It has no specific meaning, but would be interpreted as being a secret signal or perhaps a sign that there is an unspoken agreement. It could also be interpreted as a Carol Burnett impersonation.
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Charged language refers to words or phrases that are emotionally loaded or carry strong connotations, often used to sway opinions or attitudes. This type of language can evoke strong reactions from readers or listeners and may influence how information is perceived or interpreted.
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Figurative language is language that uses words or expressions with a meaning that is different from the literal interpretation. It is often used to create a specific effect or make a larger point.
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PHP is web based programming language and there in no main() function defined. Considering, PHP as HTML embedded language and server side scripting language,It get interpreted by web server .
?> - End of PHP block
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There is no real difference; a scripting language is a programming language like any other. We use the term script to infer a programming language that does not need to be compiled to a lower-level code before running. Generally speaking, a scripting language is usually a high-level, interpreted programming language.
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Yes, semantics is the branch of linguistics that focuses on the meaning of words, phrases, and sentences in a language. It examines how language conveys meaning through words and structures, and how meaning is interpreted by speakers and listeners.
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The original BASIC would be considered an "interpreted" language; the instructions were never translated to machine code, but rather executed as the interpreter reads them. Visual Basic converts the commands into equivalent C++ programs, and then compiles them.
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There is no such thing as a platform-free programming language. The correct term is platform-independent language. It simply means that the same source code can be compiled or interpreted upon any platform; the code is not machine-dependent.
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in static programming properties, methods and object have to be declared first, while in dynamic programming they can be created at runtime. This is usually due to the fact that the dynamic programming language is an interpreted language.
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-It is a high-level and interpreted programming language.
-Python is a general-purpose language.
-It has a simplified syntax nature.
-It is easy to understand.
-It is easy to read and write.
-Python is much faster than other languages.
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Language is sound-based because humans primarily communicate through spoken words. The vibrations produced by vocal cords create sounds that can be interpreted as language by others. Additionally, the structure and organization of language make it easier to convey complex thoughts and ideas through auditory means.
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All programs must be loaded into memory (e.g., RAM) in order to be executed. Compiled programs can be loaded directly since they consist of native machine instructions, but interpreted programs must be translated by a runtime program. E.g., Java is an interpreted language which compiles to byte code which must be interpreted by the Java Virtual Machine implementation at runtime.
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Interpreters translate code one line at time, executing each line as it is "translated," much the way a foreign language interpreter would translate a book, by translating one line at a time. Interpreters do generate binary code, but that code is never compiled into one program entity. Instead, the binary code is interpreted each and every time the program executes. Some examples of interpreted programs are BASIC, QBASIC, and Visual Basic (version 5 of which has both a compiler and interpreter). Where compiled programs can run on any computer, interpreted programs can only run on computers that also have the interpreter.
The Practical Extraction and Reporting Language, or Perl, is a script-based programming language whose syntaxparallels that of the C language but is an interpreted language; Perl can optionally be compiled prior to execution into either C code or cross-platform bytecode. Perl is easier to learn and faster to code in than the more structured (and compiled) C and C++ languages. When compiled, a Perl program can execute almost as fast as a fully precompiled C language program. JavaScript is another example of an interpreted script-based programming language.
Interpreters offer programmers some advantages that compilers do not. Interpreted languages are easier to learn than compiled languages, which is great for beginning programmers. An interpreter lets the programmer know immediately when and where problems exist in the code; compiled programs make the programmer wait until the program is complete.
There is a third method of generating code, and that's with an assembler, which is used in Assembly language. The assembler translates Assembly language into machine language.
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A scripting language is a type of programming language that is typically interpreted and is used to automate tasks, create scripts, or manipulate data within software applications. Natural language refers to human language as spoken or written, which allows people to communicate with each other effectively. Natural language processing (NLP) is a field of computer science that involves the interaction between computers and human language.
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Machine code is the native language of the machine. The machine does not "understand" any language other than its own native language. As such, all other languages, including low level assembly languages, must be compiled or interpreted in order to produce the required machine code.
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Perl is both compiled and interpreted language.
In the traditional sense, Perl is a pure interpreted language. The reference Perl program is a prototypical two-stage interpreter: when a Perl script is invoked via #!/bin/perl (or similar), the perl interpreter performs a language parsing on the source code, creating an internal (to the perl interpreter) representation of program, which is then translated into binary code for execution. Every invocation of a perl program requires this translation/interpretation to be completed.
There are several projects which can take perl source code and compile it down to a binary executable (that is, bypass the whole repeated translate/interpret phase each time). However, these are NOT complete - even the best can only manage about 95% of the perl code available. That is, these perl compiler are incomplete implementations of the Perl language. They can be very useful, but are not complete substitutes for the Perl interpreter.
The real answer is that Perl was designed to be an interpreted language from the start; attempts to turn Perl into a compiled language are faced with the difficulty of Perl's sprawling syntax and complete lack of design for compilation, and thus, struggle to implement all the languages features in a compiler.
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QBasic is a programming language that was developed by Microsoft in the early 1990s. It is an interpreted language, which means that the code written in QBasic is not compiled into machine language before it is executed. Instead, it is interpreted by a program called a "compiler," which reads the code and executes it on the fly. QBasic is a simple, beginner-friendly language that is well-suited for learning the basics of programming. It is based on the older programming language BASIC (Beginners All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code). It is not actively developed anymore, but still can be used for educational purposes.
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