I was to instruct everyone on how to play the song.
I needed to instruct her on the safety at the zoo.
Part of her job was to instruct students on what to do.
2 answers
i need a tutor who can instruct me in the subject of Algebra.
3 answers
Instruct is already a verb. Other verbs depending on the tense are instructs, instructing and instructed.
Some example sentences are:
"I will instruct you".
"He instructs the workers".
"We are instructing them how to use this".
"They were instructed how to use the new photocopier".
3 answers
The opposite of instruct (teach) would be to learn.
The opposite of instruct (order, direct) would be to obey.
1 answer
The infinitive form of 'instruct' is simply 'to instruct'. All infinitives forms are preceded by 'to' in English.
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The suffix in "instruct" is "-ct", which is part of the base word "instruct" and contributes to forming the complete word.
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Please instruct the students to exit the building as quickly as possible.
If the professor is out sick, a graduate student will instruct the class.
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The short vowel sound for "instruct" is the 'u' sound like in "uh."
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Part of my role as Safety Officer was to instruct all new recruits how to be safe in the workplace.
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The official receiver should always instruct solicitors to act on his behalf in the sale of a lease.
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Another word that falls into the same grouping as instruct, entertain, or persuade is convince. A word that means to instruct is teach. There are a few different synonyms for all of these words.
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I would use "instruct" in a sentence like this: "The teacher will instruct the students on how to conduct the experiment."
4 answers
Yes, the arcade game Americas Army does instruct you to memorize the Declaration of Independence.
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The Captain will instruct the Navigator to plan the ship's course, and to instruct the movement of the ship. The Captain has the final say, of course.
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Yes, there are many websites that can help to instruct someone on how to fix their folding chairs. The best site to get this done is called www.servicemagic.com.
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1. Tell him or his gaurdian to buy those kind of shoes that don't need tieing 2. There is no point trying to instruct him.
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You can instruct a lawyer through an affidavit and email in that country to serve papers on your behalf You can instruct a lawyer through an affidavit and email in that country to serve papers on your behalf
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In the Bible, Adam did not specifically instruct Eve not to eat the apple. The serpent tempted Eve, and she ate the fruit, then gave some to Adam, who also ate it.
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