An initial investment is the amount of money a company, business, franchise, partnership, or sole proprietorship starts out with to expand their company or business in the beginning.
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The initial cost would be buying the land that has geothermal capabilities as most land does not, so hundreds of thousands.
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Standard cost is the cost which is basis to measure the actual cost
historical cost is the initial cost
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The average cost of a kitten, including initial vaccinations and spaying/neutering, is typically between 400 to 600.
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To buy or renew your license plate the cost depends on the initial cost of your vehicle. Although the cost for a personalized plate is an added cost of fifteen dollars.
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setting marketing focus structure
initial product development
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high initial cost, it disturbs the local trains system,
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In retail, an established percentage is added to the absolute cost (initial cost, plus handling costs) of of an item to arrive at the selling price.
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The average cost curve fall at the initial stage due to increasing returns on variable factors of production. It then rises due to diminishing returns, which causes costs Êto rise.
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You can certainly save in the cost of gasoline with a hybrid. You have to weigh potential fuel savings against the higher initial cost of the hybrid.
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Renewing your car registration in Delaware costs $40. However, initial registration of a car depends on the initial purchase price of the car.
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W J. Zimmerman has written:
'The relationship of initial cost and maintenance cost of elementary school buildings'
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The starting cost for this line is about $99. The cost goes up or down depending on how much or how little you want to order after the initial start up kit.
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Solar power only requires initial investment. The cost of setting up solar panels is high, but after that, the cost of maintenance is negligible.
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Cost of new asset+cost of installation - after tax proceeds from sale of old asset +/- change in net working capital
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Feed is by far the largest input cost of producing food and fiber of animal origin, exceeding even the initial cost of the animals themselves
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Given similar style (lux for lux or econo for econo) motorcycle is WAY cheaper in initial purchase, fuel cost and total cost of ownership. The down side? Bugs in your teeth.
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To be listed in the Yahoo yellow pages, you have to pay $299 for an initial review. This cost does not guarantee a listing, but rather covers the cost for the review alone. Subsequent years also cost $299.
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Not really. It is much cheaper just to purchase a ledger.
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Every marketing campaign requires an initial investment of time and/or money. Return on investment is a metric that measures whether a campaign earned enough money to be worth the initial cost.
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The average cost of a kitten, including initial expenses like adoption fees, vaccinations, and spaying/neutering, as well as ongoing care like food, litter, and veterinary visits, can range from 500 to 1,000 per year.
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The initial cost of joining Rhapsody Book Club is $16.68 which includes of the cost of 5 books plus shipping and handling. One can join through their official website.
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Feed is by far the largest input cost of producing food and fiber of animal origin, exceeding even the initial cost of the animals themselves.
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Fear. Fear of the unknown is a paralyzing agent.
The initial cost of the solar panels, the cost of installation, and the cost of ongoing maintenance are all unknowns to the average, unquestioning consumer.
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Typically when the cost of repair reaches 80% and for sure at 90% on the initial appraisal.
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To determine the cost of investment, calculate the initial amount invested plus any additional costs such as fees or expenses. Subtract any income or returns earned from the investment to find the net cost.
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10 Dollar initial fee and 10 dollars month to month, love it!
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1. initial cost is low
2. reduce the loss by reducing the resistance
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Cost-benefit Analysis is simply calculating the cost of something versus the benefit to see if the purchase or project is worthwhile. It is an example of unadulterated Economics. For example, let's say you want to purchase a new piece of equipment for your business. You would calculate the initial cost of the purchase and then calculate how long it would take before the equipment paid for itself and you began making money off the purchase. Which is greater, the cost or the benefit, which determines whether or not the initial purchase is worthwhile. Which is greater, your assets or the deficits of what you or your business is contemplating. Which is greater, the benefit or the cost?
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We do not know how much the iPhone 5 will cost. It will probably vary based on the provider and your service plan. Judging by the average price of iPhones at their initial release it may cost 700-800 US dollars for one without a service plan.
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The initial start-up cost is $10. You will receive some samples and booklets to help you get started. You will then earn anywhere from 20-50% of what you sell.
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The first measure can be used to defray expenditure on the second.
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Between the initial ultrasound to determine whether the lump is a tumor or a cyst and the procedure itself, a breast tumor biopsy can cost as much as $3,000 for an uninsured patient.
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There is not enough information about the topic in the question to be able to make a sensible attempt at answering it.
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The two major disadvantages of wind power include initial cost and technology immaturity.
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Depends......time spent ,complexity of case, initial versus subsequent visit etc.
It also depends on where you are.
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Since, in a perfectly competitive market, prices are fought down to Price = Marginal Cost, the only way to make a strict economic profit is to lower marginal cost.
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The cost effectiveness of the heating system depends on the initial cost of the system and the operating costs. These will vary depending on the local utility rates and financing options. The most cost effective based on initial investment is a gas heater. These are less expensive up front. The most cost effective on the operating side is a heat pump. These units are more expensive upfront but cost up to 70% less to run. Over the long term, the heat pump is by far more cost effective but it will cost you more upfront. If you can find a financing option for the heat pump it is your best bet.
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You could order it and get the initial 1st month free. (At least I think they still do that)
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The total cost of the Hubble Space Telescope, including development, construction, and maintenance over its lifetime, is estimated to be around $10 billion. This includes the cost of the initial launch in 1990 and the subsequent servicing missions.
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You do the test again, but there is an additional fee. Although it is not as expensive as the initial cost. You do the test again, but there is an additional fee. Although it is not as expensive as the initial cost. You have 5 years from the date you obtain your G1 to graduate to a G. If you are unable to complete your G in the 5 years you need to restart at G1, G2, G.
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Cost-benefit Analysis is simply calculating the cost of something versus the benefit to see if the purchase or project is worthwhile. It is an example of unadulterated economics. For example, let's say you want to purchase a new piece of equipment for your business. You would calculate the initial cost of the purchase and then calculate how long it would take before the equipment paid for itself and you began making money off the purchase. Which is greater, the cost or the benefit, which determines whether or not the initial purchase is worthwhile. Which is greater, your assets or the deficits of what you or your business is contemplating. Which is greater, the benefit or the cost?
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high flexibility, lower initial cost, indiviual room temperature control, less duct work space, lower energy cost, better control of room temperature
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The initial assement for Oxford Learning Center was approx. $200 - My child attends the center for one hour twice a week at cost of $325/per month
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