A good sentence using the word 'ingenuous' could be 'The student made an ingenuous remark by saying they forgot their homework on the bus'. Another sentence might be 'Sarah's ingenuous behavior made her easy prey for the robbery'.
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naive because ingenuous means innocent and unsuspecting naive is asynonymfor ingenuous.
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The young man was inexperienced, trusting, naive and ingenuous.
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Please review and edit the question; you do not want 'ingenuous', that is an adjective.
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The word "ingenuous" would be used in a sentence like the word primitive. A example would be: "He told the truth because he was ingenuous." It can be also used for the phrase "ingenuous question".
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She was getting tired of the child's constant need to ask ingenuous questions.
The little girl was in fact ingenuous because she told the truth.
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(not to be confused with ingenious, ingenuous means naive, frank, or candid)
"In Billy Budd, Melville creates an innocent and ingenuous character."
"New Orleans Saints fans have always appreciated the ingenuous nature of coach Sean Payton."
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An ingenuous person says what she believes ,without any attempt to tailor the expression to the expected audience.
Although he insisted he was telling the truth, the smirk on his face led me to think that his story was not ingenuous.
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Of honorable extraction; freeborn; noble; as, ingenuous blood of birth., Noble; generous; magnanimous; honorable; upright; high-minded; as, an ingenuous ardor or zeal., Free from reserve, disguise, equivocation, or dissimulation; open; frank; as, an ingenuous man; an ingenuous declaration, confession, etc., Ingenious.
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"Ingenous" means innocent or naive, while "disingenuous" means not candid or sincere, often with an intent to deceive. So, ingenuous refers to being straightforward and honest, whereas disingenuous refers to being deceitful or insincere.
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Here are a few: Harmless, guileless, pure, guilt-free, ignorant, ingenuous.
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if the word's disingenius, then you could say "Listen, genius"
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"Naive" means lacking experience and understanding, innocent (often applied as ingenuous or credulous).
Example : "She's so naive she believes everything she reads."
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I think it is inaccurate and incomplete. Best regards or Best wishes might be acceptable as an informal sign off.
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Some synonyms for the term versatility are able, accomplished, adaptable, adroit, all-around, all-purpose, conversant, functional, gifted, handy, ingenuous.
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childlike, wide-eyed, round-eyed, dewy-eyed, simple, credulous, fleeceable, green, gullible, innocent, ingenuous, simple-minded, unsophisticated, unworldly
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Although he appeared guileless, his actions revealed a cunning and deceitful nature underneath.
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Did you mean INDIGENOUS people of Venezuela? If yes, this link is the best read for all the information you need. check it out here mapsofworld.com/venezuela/people.html, everyculture.com/To-Z/Venezuela.html#b or here Superiorpapers.com.au
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credulous, naive, overtrusting, overtrustful, easilydeceived, easily taken in, exploitable, dupable, impressionable, unsuspecting, unsuspicious, unwary, ingenuous, innocent, inexperienced, unworldly, wet behind the ears, born yesterday
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"Pious" is a literal English equivalent of the Italian word pia. The feminine singular adjective also translates into English as "charitable," "devout," "ingenuous," "naïve," or "selfless" according to context. The pronunciation will be "PEA-a" in Italian.
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artful, beguiling, cagey (also cagy), crafty, cunning, cute, designing, dodgy [chiefly British], foxy, guileful, scheming, shrewd, slick, sly, subtle, tricky, wily
artless, guileless, ingenuous, innocent
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According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 3 words with the pattern I-G---O--. That is, nine letter words with 1st letter I and 3rd letter G and 7th letter O. In alphabetical order, they are:
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According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 4 words with the pattern I----UO--. That is, nine letter words with 1st letter I and 6th letter U and 7th letter O. In alphabetical order, they are:
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According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 3 words with the pattern -N---UO--. That is, nine letter words with 2nd letter N and 6th letter U and 7th letter O. In alphabetical order, they are:
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According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 2 words with the pattern ----NU-U-. That is, nine letter words with 5th letter N and 6th letter U and 8th letter U. In alphabetical order, they are:
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SYNONYM: honest direct, genuine, etch, honorable, honourable, ingenuous, artless, sincere, straight, square, true, trustworthy, trusty
ANTONYM: honest
ambidextrous, deceitful, double-dealing, duplicitous, Janus-faced, two-faced, double-faced, double-tonguedbeguilingdeceitful, fallacious, fraudulentdeceptive, misleading, shoddyfalsepicaresquerascally, roguish, scoundrelly, blackguardlythieving(prenominal), thievish
hope this helped :)
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"Naive" means lacking experience, wisdom, or judgment, leading to a lack of suspicion or skepticism towards others. It typically describes someone who is overly trusting or easily deceived due to their lack of knowledge or understanding of the world.
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False and phony are five letter words that mean ingenuous or fake.
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The Lone Ranger and Tonto. Pretty sure it is the equivalent of stupid. My Native American spouse told me this years ago. Except with the "a" at the end it is apparently being directed at a female.
3 answers
According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 6 words with the pattern --GEN-O--. That is, nine letter words with 3rd letter G and 4th letter E and 5th letter N and 7th letter O. In alphabetical order, they are:
1 answer
According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 15 words with the pattern I----U--S. That is, nine letter words with 1st letter I and 6th letter U and 9th letter S. In alphabetical order, they are:
1 answer
According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 12 words with the pattern IN-----US. That is, nine letter words with 1st letter I and 2nd letter N and 8th letter U and 9th letter S. In alphabetical order, they are:
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Gignere. If you've never heard of that word, that's because it's Latin. The word was originally derived from ingenuous rather than ingenious, though it's come to be associated with the latter rather than the former (which itself originally meant something different than it does today). Both of those came into English more or less entire (with a couple of orthography changes) from Middle French and aren't derived from any simpler English root word.
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Granite sand is commonly used as a base material for laying pavers, creating pathways, and as a component in concrete mixtures. Its durability and ability to compact well make it ideal for various construction and landscaping projects.
4 answers
Igneous rocks can form through cooling and solidification of magma, either underground as intrusive rocks or on the surface as extrusive rocks. They can differ in texture based on the rate of cooling, producing fine-grained or coarse-grained rocks. Compositionally, igneous rocks can vary in mineral content, such as felsic (rich in silica and aluminum) or mafic (rich in magnesium and iron).
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John Gibbons has written:
'American criminal reports' -- subject(s): Cases, Criminal law
'Tenure and toil' -- subject(s): Land tenure, Trusts, Industrial, Property, Labor and laboring classes, Labor, Industrial Trusts
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naïf / naïve : naive, ingenuous, innocent
narquois / narquoise : mocking
naturel / naturelle : natural
navré(e) : heartbroken
nouveau / nouvelle : new, fresh, freshman
niais / niaise : foolish
nonchalant(e) : nonchalant, negligent
normal(e) : normal, standard
nostalgique : homesick, nostalgic
nul / nulle : lousy, crappy, trashy, stinky
noir / noire : black
nuageux / nuageuse : cloudy
nu(e) : naked
nerveux / nerveuse : nervous
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There are many important historical figures throughout the History of Korea. Determining which of them is the MOST important person is up to your personal opinion. Some of the most important Korean historical figures include, Dangun of Gojoseon (legendary founder of Gojoseon, the first Korean kingdom), Gwanggaeto the Great of Goguryeo (credited with making the Korean kingdom Goguryeo into a major Asian power), Wang Geon of Goryeo (credited with the founding of Goryeo as well as the complete unification of the Korean peninsula), King Sejong the Great of Joseon (credited with the creation of Hangul, the Korean alphabet, as well as the conquest of Tsushima and other regions), Admiral Yi Sun-Sin (savior of Joseon during the Imjin War and inventor of the ingenuous turtle ship), and Syngman Rhee and Kim Il-Sung (for dividing the Korean peninsula after 1300 years of unification).
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In “The Challenge”, Gary Soto introduces Jose as a young boy who experiences a change in his personality as he undergoes liminality. Prior to liminality, Jose is a teenager boy who is ingenuous and has a lack of experience of loving a girl. Jose is naïve because he thinks that receiving perfect test scores will make Estela notice him.
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adjective, easily persuaded to believe something
Synonyms: wet behind the ears, born yesterday, credulous, naive, overtrusting, overtrustful, easilydeceived, easily taken in, exploitable, dupable,impressionable, unsuspecting, unsuspicious, unwary,ingenuous, innocent, inexperienced, unworldly,green.
5 answers