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Because there's an inequitable distribution of the goodies in life, mostly manipulated by the top 1%. Period.

1 answer

Some synonyms for the adjective unfair are dishonest, illegal, inequitable, iniquitous, unjust, wrongful, or wrong.

1 answer

Hitler was popular in his opposition to what Germans saw as inequitable terms of the Versailles Treaty. He also appealed to German nationalism. He blamed many of Germany's problems on the "lesser races" such as the Jews.

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The Federalist Constitution of 1824 failed to address the inequitable distribution of land or the status of the Indian population of Mexico.

1 answer

As with all manufacturing industries, challenges to the steel industry in the mid-to-late 2000s were expected to come from inequitable foreign market competition.

1 answer

Inquitable is not a word. So I think you meant

Inequitable conduct 1. Intentional withholding or misrepresentation

Normally this applies to patent law

Inequitable conduct, which can be asserted by a defendant in a patent infringement suit as an affirmative defense or by a plaintiff in a declaratory judgment action, results in the patent being unenforceable. As is true of patent invalidity, inequitable conduct must be proven by clear and convincing evidence. In M.Eagles Tool Warehouse, Inc. v. Fisher Tooling Company, Inc., 439 F.3d 1335 (Fed. Cir. February 27, 2006), the Federal Circuit held that intent could not be inferred solely from the patent applicant's failure to disclose a prior art referenc

1 answer

Some synonyms for the word unjust include: below the belt, biased, fixed, inequitable, influenced, low-down, one-sided, partial, prejudiced, shabby, and underhand.

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Many groups in American society have faced discrimination including: African-Americans (slavery, segregation) women (lack of vote, inequitable pay)

1 answer

Hitler was popular in his opposition to what Germans saw as inequitable terms of the Versailles Treaty. He also appealed to German nationalism. He blamed many of Germany's problems on the "lesser races" such as the Jews.

1 answer

You could first try filing an appeal through normal channels. If not successful, you can try filing a petition/motion against the agency in state court for unfair or inequitable treatment.

1 answer

Non-participatory observations are 1) non-transparent to whomever is being "observed", 2) inequitable regarding the presence of the observed in the observation act 3) exclusive, regarding direct participation in all aspects of observation including the outcomes of observation.

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One solution is for the Nigerian government to allow low-income residents a stipend to cultivate designated land as well as to build their own self-sufficient communities. This will allow residents to become more efficient when resources are unavailable to them.

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While a market economy has many advantages, such as fostering innovation, variety, and individual choice, it also has disadvantages, such as a tendency for an inequitable distribution of wealth, poorer work conditions, and environmental degradation

2 answers

Hitler was popular in his opposition to what Germans saw as inequitable terms of the Versailles Treaty. He also appealed to German nationalism. He blamed many of Germany's problems on the "lesser races" such as the Jews.

3 answers

Some of the answers are the following:

1. Lack of money, technology and human capital. - specifically talking about poverty. Productivity in this areas remains low and the standard of living is usually at the subsistence level.

2. Lack of literate and skilled labor - laborers are deprived of educational opportunities.

3. Overpopulation.

4. Greed and misappropriation.

1 answer

Some of the answers are the following:
1. Lack of money, technology and human capital. - specifically talking about poverty. Productivity in this areas remains low and the standard of living is usually at the subsistence level.

2. Lack of literate and skilled labor - laborers are deprived of educational opportunities.

3. Overpopulation.

4. Greed and misappropriation.

1 answer

Answer 1

No, not at all. Not to be biased but they have been know to treat their citizens unruly and unjustly through unfair imprisonment and inequitable charges.

Answer 2

Yes. Israel is a typical example of a Western-style nation-state where the rule of law is applied evenly to all citizens. Problematic governance does exist, though, in the Palestinian Territories under Israeli Occupation

1 answer

to meet and refute such a challenge one should prove the ways and means by which the challenge is actually inequitable or indeed injust. One would compile a list on which are named the inequalities and injustices and the reasons you determine them to so be. Next you would negate each item on your list by which the challenge would be met and defeated.

1 answer

What sense of the word honest are you planning on using? An honest lawyer could be crooked, an honest weight could be fraudulent, honest reporting could be disingenuous, honest wages could be unfair or inequitable, honest folk could be pretentious, an honest critique could be insincere, an honest answer could be deceptive

2 answers

Some challenges and threats to water supply include pollution from industrial and agricultural activities, urban development leading to increased demand and strain on water resources, climate change affecting water availability and quality, and inadequate infrastructure for water treatment and distribution. These issues can lead to shortages, contamination, and inequitable access to clean water.

1 answer

The main problem with land tenure systems is inequitable distribution of land ownership, with some individuals or groups holding large amounts of land while others have limited access. This can lead to social inequalities, conflict over land rights, and hinder economic development. Additionally, insecure land tenure can discourage investment in land improvements, agriculture, and infrastructure.

1 answer

Water conflicts are likely to continue due to factors like population growth, increasing demand for water resources, climate change affecting water availability, inequitable distribution of water, and competing interests in water usage. These issues can lead to tensions over access to water for agriculture, industry, urbanization, and ecosystems, increasing the likelihood of conflicts in the future.

1 answer

Based on what Humanism stands for and that is respect for others, equality, tolerance, freedom and progress among others values, that bestow an individual with as many rights as possible then humanism should be the guiding philosophy for African political thought. Humanism may check tribalism, inequitable distribution of wealth, intolerance to opposing political views poor living conditions and insensitivity to the future generation.

1 answer

Society must carefully consider the use of biotechnology due to ethical, environmental, and social implications. There are concerns about the potential manipulation of living organisms, impact on biodiversity, and inequitable distribution of benefits. It is important to address these issues through thoughtful regulation and public dialogue to ensure responsible and sustainable use of biotechnology.

2 answers

== == Utah is an 'equitable distribution of property' state. The courts can consider property that is generally considered separate property included into distribution to the non owning spouse. Southern Utah courts are the worst, doing as they please. Rulings not following civil procedure rules are common and often inequitable. Good luck!

Nope, in the United States there are ten community property states: Alaska, Arizona, California, Idaho, Louisiana, Nevada, New Mexico, Texas, Washington and Wisconsin.

1 answer

  1. a wrong considered as grounds for complaint, or something believed to cause distress: Inequitable taxation is the chief grievance.
  2. a complaint or resentment, as against an unjust or unfair act: to have a grievance against someone.

affliction, ax to grind, beef, bellyache, big stink, blast, case, cross*, damage, distress, flack, grief, grouse, hardship, holler*, hoo-ha, howl*, injury, injustice, jeremiad, kick, knock*, objection, outrage, pain, pain in the neck, rap, resentment, rigor, roar, rumble, sorrow, squawk, stink*, trial, tribulation, trouble, unhappiness, violence, wrong, yell

1 answer

If you are in the US, I cannot comment. However in the UK this would be unlikely if the crime was committed more than 6 years ago. Although the law has recently changed on limitations, if you have always known the identity of the perpetrator it would generally be classed as inequitable to pursue them now, despite PTSD being latent in nature Furthermore, regardless of jurisdiction PTSD is not a simple area of PI and you should consider the ability of the perpetrator to pay you any damages even if you did win. Unless the crime was committed by a wealthy individual with tangible assets/property you're unlikely to see any cash.

1 answer

Both because the Romans faced multiple outside invaders such as the Huns and Germanians, and they also had multiple government problem due to some corrupt emperors and the lack of Christian persecution which eventually led to the downfall of the Roman Empire.

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Land reform typically involves the redistribution of land ownership to address issues of inequitable land distribution or landlessness. Agrarian reform, on the other hand, encompasses a broader set of policies and programs aimed at improving the overall agricultural sector including land redistribution, agricultural productivity, farmers' rights, and rural development. Agrarian reform seeks to address not only land ownership but also broader issues affecting the agricultural system.

2 answers

Common law is a body of legal precedent compiled by past court decisions. These decisions become the rules that common law judges use to decide legal disputes. Courts of equity provide a remedy when common law courts decide a case constitutes an inequitable situation. The common law court determines things are legally unbalanced between two parties; the court of equity provides equalizing relief.

Equity to common law tends to reduce any injustice caused by the strict application of the common law and mitigates

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Despite rumors of a $300,000 payout for donating a testicle, no you cannot. The National Organ Transplant Act of 1984 (Public Law 98-507) prohibits the sale of all human organs and tissues, including testicles. Furthermore, there has never been a successful testicular transplant.

Needless to say there is also an illegal market in human tissue that is thriving throughout the world. However, there has never been a successful testicular transplant recorded.

Among the reasons for this law is the concern of Congress that buying and selling of organs might lead to inequitable access to donor organs with the wealthy having an unfair advantage.

3 answers

A grievance is a formal complaint or concern, typically related to an injustice or wrongdoing. It is often raised by an individual or group to address issues in the workplace, community, or other areas.

2 answers

Water is considered a shared resource that is essential for all living beings. It is often regulated by governments to ensure fair distribution and access for everyone. While it technically belongs to everyone, legal frameworks and regulations govern its use to prevent overexploitation and inequitable access.

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Criminology courses may shift to keep pace with emerging trends in crime, new research findings, changes in the legal system, and societal shifts that impact criminal behavior. This ensures that students are equipped with the most current and relevant knowledge in the field.

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In the 18th Century (1701-1800), Europe dominated the world through a colonial system. England controled much of North America, India and parts of Africa. Spain controlled much of South America and North Africa. Portugal controled Brazil. France controled parts of North America, the Caribbean and Africa. Belgium controlled parts of the Caribbean.

Colonization was very hard on the colonies. European explited resourced from the colonies, levied taxes and created injustice. During the 18th century, nearly EVERY colony revolted against colonization.

Today globalization has created some of the same inequitable relationships between nations, and it could very possibly lead to some of the same type of revolutions.

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Inequitable access to resources, such as quality teachers and school facilities, can hinder students' preparation for college. Additionally, disparities in funding among schools can limit educational opportunities for some students. Lack of support for non-academic needs, such as mental health and socio-emotional development, can also impact students' readiness for college.

2 answers

Promissory estoppel is enforcement of a promise even where there is no binding contract. What you must prove for promissory estoppel vairous from state ot state, but usually includes (1) A clear and unambiguous promise; (2) Reasonable reliance upon the promise; and (3) Detriment to the promisee, caused by his or her reliance on the promise, and (4) it would be inequitable, i.e., unfair, not to enforce the promise. Fraud requires the additional proof that the promisor never intended to perform when s/he made the promise.

Since fraud requires the same elements PLUS this adiditonal element, it would seem that a fraud claim to enforce a promise would never succeed if a promissory estoppel does not. However, you can use fraud to get damages for a misprepresented fact that is not a promise. A fact might mean a statement that certian facts exist. This type of fraud requires you to prove that a defendant made a false statement of fact, intending you to rely on it - or ought to have expected that you would rely on it - and you reasonably relied ot your detriment. (F

1 answer

This depends on the state in which the decedent died, so those laws must be checked. In New Jersey, the law allows "reasonable" counsel fees to be paid out of an estate. This means that counsel fees for two lawyers duplicating efforts will not both be paid. Beneficiaries who hire lawyers to protect their own personal interests pay their own counsel fees, unless that beneficiary incurs legal fees for taking some action that benefits either the estate as a whole or all other beneficiaries as well. When one beneficiary pays a lawyer to do something that helps everyone else, the law considers it inequitable to saddle the one beneficiary with all those costs. The court will allow a reasonable amount of counsel fees to the second lawyer in that case. Where there are two executors and they cannot agree on one lawyer, so each hires his/her own, a court will most likely order each executor to pay half of their own lawyer's bills.

1 answer

As of 2012, there were 46. 5 million people in the United States living in poverty. Of those, about 20. 4 million people were living 50 percent below the poverty line, which is considered deep poverty.

5 answers

This question makes an incorrect implicit assumption, that the trade engaged in by Islamic Empires helped lead to conquest. The trade and conquest operated separately and in parallel, but had minimal crossover.

This question confuses the fact that Islam as a religion spread through both conquest (which created an apartheid power-dynamic incentivizing conversion) and through trade (which allowed Non-Muslims to meet Muslims and be awe-inspired by their religion), with Islam in its political dimension. The conquests were purely a component of Islam in politics.

The only way that trade could help in conquest is that trade resulted in better military equipment, either through trade in military equipment or through financial gains from trade being spent on local military equipment. However, the Islamic Imperial Economic System relied much more on booty (stolen wealth from conquered or savaged nations) and high taxes on Non-Muslims (jizya and inequitable kharaj taxes). Muslim armies only really began to import weapons from the west long after they were in decline, such as Morocco in the 16th century or the Ottoman Empire in the 18th century, so the huge empire is not really in play here.

1 answer

you have to fill out form DD293. Additionally, you must prove through documentation your separation, characterization of service or narrative reason was/were either inequitable or improper. Few upgrades are given by the Navy Discharge Review Board (NDRB) for Navy and Marines. The Army DRB is much the same. The Air Force DRB tends to view passage of time a bit more favorably than the other services where passage of time is irrellevant. Well documented Post-service conduct usually helps an applicant's case if they can show their in service misconduct was an aberration, and not indicative of their overall character. An applicant is entitled to a document review and a personal appearance hearing before the DRB within 15 years of the discharge date. If the personal appearance is elected first, the document review is waved. Applicants should always have representation, and should always elect the document review first in order to allow for adjustments etc if they are unsuccessful. Then, they may re-attack in a personal appearance hearing.

2 answers

Global contest is the military afforded by challenging companies that hand round intercontinental customers. Believe on the subject of how you preserve have a pie-eating challenge or a contest. Global competition has tolerated companies to put on the market and pay money for their services worldwide which unfastens the entrance to greater than before profits and squashes the in performance grassland in industry. The challenge connecting developed-world and emerging-market companies is not a completely spotless struggle. Western groups criticize of inequitable opposition, in the share of government agreements

Facing the challenges of globalized market and rivalry from international companies, the production circle has comprehended that household enterprises must review their expansion strategies from the standpoint of worldwide opposition; gain knowledge of the methods and determines of supply allocation worldwide; become accustomed to the new-fangled surroundings and rules immediately probable by completely using the provisional arranged; increase speed the modernization of scheme, classification, equipment and administration to improve the center antagonism capability; complete inside industry amalgamation and resources restructuring in keeping with the obligation of manufacturing association and balance economy with the intention of arrangement multinational by means of competitiveness; each and every one of the beyond has turn out to be the communal sympathetic of manufacturing ring. The consequence of productively challenging in a international marketplace has its advantages, excluding it's not devoid of its challenges. Companies are considering that what mechanism nationally doesn't automatically effort internationally.

1 answer

Yes, in 2010, the Fair Sentencing Act reduced the sentencing disparity between offenses involving crack cocaine and powder cocaine. This aimed to address the racial disparities and harsh penalties associated with crack cocaine offenses.

2 answers

In its simplest terms, globalization is a very advanced form of free trade. Formerly independent national economies are becoming more and more interdependent and integrated. Take the European Union, for example, in which a very varied group of countries integrated their economies, even so far as to implementing a common currency, the Euro.

The thing about globalization and free trade is that they are based on the free market economic system. In free market economies, the market is thought to be self-regulating through the law of supply and demand. The free market system is extremely efficient as it forces producers to be more competitive and innovative, while allowing consumers to enjoy a wider variety of goods at relatively low prices.

The problem is that, despite its efficiency, the free market system (and thus, globalization as a whole) is highly inequitable. In other words, globalization generates more production and wealth, but these benefits are not distributed equally among the world population.

So, how can we make globalization more equitable? Well, there are efforts being made from NGOs (non-governmental organizations) who often advocate for humanitarian efforts and environmental standards. There are also international treaties and accords that aim to promote more equitable policies. Also, there are new products being sold on the market (like Fair Trade goods) that support worldwide equity.

Some might argue, however, that making globalization fairer is not a matter of trying to adjust the free market system, but rather, to overthrow it all together. If you get rid of the free-market system, you can replace it with a new system of production and distribution of goods that promotes equality rather than inequality. One example of such a solution is Fresco's Venus Project.

In all, making globalization fairer can be done from within the system (through small actions) or from the outside (through major revolution). Which option is better? Depends on who you ask. The bottom line is that globalization IS unfair, but there is hope - and there is always something we can do about it.

1 answer

The IRS has a major initiative, called the offer in compromise , to do just such a thing. Unfortunately, while it is getting a lot of fanfare, the results may not be as great as everyone hoped for. Nonethless, it establishes the format and paramters to get an agreement...and with someplace like the IRS, you'll likely find that once there is a process, you'll have problems having anyone do it any other way. If taxpayers are unable to pay a tax debt in full and an installment agreement is not an option, they may be able to take advantage of an offer in compromise (OIC). Generally, an OIC should be viewed as a last resort after taxpayers have explored all other available payment options. The IRS resolves less than one percent of all balance due accounts through the OIC program. But, that might not be as bad as it sounds when you consider the huge number of balance due accounts they handle, only a very small number ever even try to get an OIC! What is an Offer in Compromise? An offer in compromise is an agreement between a taxpayer and the IRS that resolves the taxpayer's tax debt. The IRS has the authority to settle, or "compromise," federal tax liabilities by accepting less than full payment under certain circumstances. A tax debt can be legally compromised for one of the following reasons: * Doubt as to liability - Doubt exists that the assessed tax is correct. * Doubt as to collectibility - Doubt exists that the taxpayer could ever pay the full amount of tax owed. * Effective Tax Administration - There is no doubt the tax is correct and could be collected but an exceptional circumstance exists that allows the IRS to consider a taxpayer's OIC. To be eligible for a compromise on this basis, the taxpayer must demonstrate that collection of the tax would create an economic hardship or would be unfair and inequitable. Make sure you make your case/story qualify as one of the above, or they won't be authorized to make a compromise. I'll provide a link on how to self file one. Good luck!

1 answer

Yes, the Book of Amos contains themes that are still relevant today, such as social justice, the consequences of greed and corruption, and the importance of caring for the marginalized in society. It serves as a reminder that God's call for justice and righteousness is timeless and applicable to all generations.

2 answers

Well, honey, Lenin promised peace, bread, and land in his April Theses because he knew how to appeal to the masses. People were tired of World War I, hungry from food shortages, and fed up with the lack of land reform. So, Lenin dangled these promises like a carrot on a stick to rally support for the Bolshevik cause. It was all about gaining power and overthrowing the Provisional Government, plain and simple.

4 answers

This is truly a misogynistic question. Consider the verses in Genesis that tell the story of the creation of Eve, the first woman. Was the bone taken from Adam's foot? No, so he was not placed over her. Was the bone taken from his head? No, so she was not placed over him. The bone was taken from his rib:

The man said,

'This is now bone of my bones

and flesh of my flesh;

she shall be called "woman,"

for she was taken out of man.'

That is why a man leaves his father and mother and is united to his wife, and they become one flesh. (Genesis 2:23 & 24)

"One flesh," not two individuals, one being subservient to or lower than the other. That comes from the Torah (call it Tawrat, or Genesis of the Old Testament, it matters little--same book, the first book of Moses).

People do not get to pick and choose what they will and will not accept from scripture. Well, perhaps they do, but what they choose not to accept, they keep their opinions to themselves. No one else need be poisoned by it.

If it is a holy book, then the whole book is a holy book.

Editorial Addendum:

I'm sorry, but other more calm personalities may be able to maintain a patient demeanor in the face of questions such as this, but "there is a time for anger." While we all need to pick our battles, I suspect that if more battles were picked, and more people stood up to make some noise over injustices, then there would be far fewer injustices, essentially because there would be far fewer left around to commit injustices. The time to address inequitable ideas is when the seed is cast.

Like this one. the question might seem innocent enough, but the intent that underlies it seems relatively clear; be it from the one who asked the question, or someone who has put it upon the question asker. Call it anti-woman, misogyny, shariah law, the misinterpreted teachings of Paul, or what have you. The reason doesn't really matter. What I know is that I have a wife, two daughters, and two granddaughters whom I hold in the highest esteem. Anyone who would dare even attempt to impune or deny any of them their God given rights would find themselves immediately, or as immediately as I could make possible, facing an intransigently rageful me. One might prefer walking through a pit of flaming tigers to that. Just the imagining of it sets me off!

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