unavoidable, certain, compository, fated, impending, ineluctable, ineludible, inescapable, inevasible, inevitable, inexorable, locked up, nessisary, obligatory, open and shut, set, sure, unescapable
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Inevitable, unavoidable, inescapable... take your pick!
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unavoidable, predictable, expected, foreseeable, to be expected, to be anticipated, certain, inescapable, inexorable, preordained...
just search the words synonyms in Google
2 answers
Synonyms for "unavoidable" could be inescapable, inevitable, or inexorable.
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Unavoidable cost ; inescapable cost ; sunk cost. Unavoidable costs will occur whether the decision is made to go ahead or not, because the firm has already spent, or committed to spend, the cash.
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It was ineluctable for me to avoid being the toastmaster for the day.
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Synonyms: alluring, beckoning, charming, enchanting, fascinating, glamorous, imperative, indomitable, ineluctable, inevitable, inexorable, invincible, lovable, overpowering, overwhelming, potent, powerful, ravishing, scrumptious, seductive, stunning, tempting, unavoidable, unconquerable, urgent
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assured, binding, compulsory, decided, destined, determined, doomed, fated, imminent, impending, inescapable, inexorable, inflexible, irresistible, irrevocable, necessary, settled, sure, unalterable, unavoidable, undeniable, unpreventable.
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Yes, "inevitable" is a synonym of "certain" or "unavoidable", suggesting that something is bound to happen.
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In the sense of "known for sure" or "sure of one's knowledge of something": sure, confident, positive, convinced, in no doubt, satisfied, assured, persuaded, indubitable, undeniable, irrefutable, indisputable; obvious, evident, recognized, confirmed, accepted, acknowledged, undisputed, undoubted, unquestioned.
In the sense of "specific but not explicitly named or stated" (as in "There are certain flaws in your plan"): particular, specific, individual, special.
In the sense of certain defeat (as in "The seven old men faced certain death as they headed into battle against the army of 250,000 soldiers."): inevitable, assured, destined, predestined; unavoidable, inescapable, inexorable, ineluctable.
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In the sense of "known for sure" or "sure of one's knowledge of something": sure, confident, positive, convinced, in no doubt, satisfied, assured, persuaded, indubitable, undeniable, irrefutable, indisputable; obvious, evident, recognized, confirmed, accepted, acknowledged, undisputed, undoubted, unquestioned.
In the sense of "specific but not explicitly named or stated" (as in "There are certain flaws in your plan"): particular, specific, individual, special.
In the sense of certain defeat (as in "The seven old men faced certain death as they headed into battle against the army of 250,000 soldiers."): inevitable, assured, destined, predestined; unavoidable, inescapable, inexorable, ineluctable.
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Ineluctable. It means inevitable, not to be avoided, changed or resisted.
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Synonyms: alluring, beckoning, charming, enchanting, fascinating, glamorous, imperative, indomitable, ineluctable, inevitable, inexorable, invincible, lovable, overpowering, overwhelming, potent, powerful, ravishing, scrumptious, seductive, stunning, tempting, unavoidable, unconquerable, urgent
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Denial kept him from believing it the first time around, but when their second baby died in exactly the same mysterious manner as the first, he was forced to the ineluctable conclusion that his wife had murdered their children.
Since they grew up together and were high school sweethearts, it seemed ineluctable that they would get married, have children, and live happily ever after, and perhaps that's what would have happened, had they not gone to separate colleges.
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The cast of Inescapable - 2011 includes: Jon McLaren as Ray
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I hit him with the car because it was unavoidable.
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We have been trying for hours to find a way off this road but it appears to be inescapable.
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Traffic congestion is unavoidable during rush hour in the city.
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The duration of Unavoidable Girl is 2700.0 seconds.
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Once I found out that my husband cheated on me again, a divorce was unavoidable.
Given the malfunctioning traffic light, the accident was unavoidable.
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When we were exiled from Israel, it was unavoidable.
After we were exiled from Israel, it was unavoidable.
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The cast of Inescapable Curse - 2011 includes: Stewart Roberts as William
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Inescapable - 2012 is rated/received certificates of:
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If you have any income at all, filing a tax return is unavoidable.
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The cast of New Inescapable Dream - 2011 includes: Stewart Roberts as Stewart Roberts
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evil is bad and good is not bad. Holmes is evil. Burnham is not.
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the decision about what to include and exclude.
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anon, any minute now, before long, betimes, by and by, coming down the pike, directly, early, ere long, expeditiously, fast, fleetly, forthwith, hastily, in a little while, in a minute, in a second, in a short time, in due time, in short order, instantly, in time, lickety-split*, on time, posthaste, presently, promptly, pronto, quick, quickly, rapidly, short, shortly, speedily
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Normal costs are regular costs incurred in the normal operation of a business. They are unavoidable since they are always anticipated.
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If some thing is Avoidable you can avoid it. It is possible for it not to happen or you not to have to do it.
If something is Unavoidable then it will happen no matter what you try to do to prevent it happening.
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The suffix of the word unavoidable is able. This is because the suffix of a word is the ending of that word.
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A biotruth is something accepted as an inescapable or inherent product of biology.
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Sunk cost is that cost which is incurred in past and it is unavoidable because any past decision or action cannot be reversed.
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The word that means unavoidable consequences is inevitable. It refers to a situation where we cannot escape what happens next due to the present decision.
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